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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

Given the subject bar and the tenor of many of the posts, I think this thread should be moved to the Tavern.
Really? I haven't seen any particular correlation between emotional versus logical processes, nor the ability to stay on topic or make personal attacks, with either side of the political spectrum.

All you have to do is search for the terms "racism" "homophobe" "bigot" "Nazi" etc. to get an instant flood of left wing poster being down right nasty. Every once and a while a right winger might call somone communist or socialist or whatever, but that hardly has the same effect.

A notable right wing attack is "murderer" in abortion threads, but that has changed recently as with the last one where we let a notable left winger declare himself as such before actually calling him that. All of that was totally lost in the usual lefty chant of "misogynist" and some very colorful derivatives...
I have seen the above, and remain confused as to what response you intended.

I mean I hope a response as poor as the one you gave is a joke.

The right wingers on this board have a pretty good reputation, engage in serious discussion for the most part, generally don't go personnel.This is surprising because as has already been said it is despite a constant sea of personal insults ranging anywhere from being racist all the way to fascists. The lefties here tend to go into group think dog pile mode a lot, self congratulating each other to drown out dissension.

The most rabid posters here are pretty much universally lefty, though I would say they are that way because they are young rather than lefty (with some notable exceptions).

I'm glad you posted this, as this is why I started this thread. Any time someone on this forum displays a right-wing attitude they are ganged up on and called all the names under the sun. It's almost childish in some instances; maybe because the vast majority of lefties on this forum are little more than children age wise.
Well, oddly, many of the OTers who participate in the politics discussions, and get banned a lot, are righttwingers. So I wouldn't congratulate them as a group of being well behaved.
The one thing I do tend to notice amongst some right-wingers is a martyr complex (far from most right-wingers, the fellers I'm talking about are the neon lettered exception to the norm). Take the thread title. It begs to be called "scum" just to go: "see how mean them lefties are?", or another example from this thread "Those lefties are so mean, sure some righties can be mean, but that's different."

My take: some people are just pillocks. The pillockness of a certain person is not affected by his or her political affiliation towards the right or left. I am disregarding the pillockrich huntinggrounds that come with national socialist or fascist territory, I'm limiting myself from severe right to the severe left-wing.

And to act as the portrayed typical leftie for a moment: anyone who thinks different is a pillock as well.
Well, oddly, many of the OTers who participate in the politics discussions, and get banned a lot, are righttwingers. So I wouldn't congratulate them as a group of being well behaved.

Not really true at all, care to support?
Damnit, now I miss VRWC :(
I will note, however, that whenever Obama does something particularly hated by conservatives, there does seem to be a flood of conservatives from other parts of the forum who do not frequent OT, posting their angry and apocalyptic threads in what I can only describe as a mental short-circuit freak-out. I have not observed similar behavior from "leftists," of either the American type (i.e. liberals) or actual political leftists.
I have during the Bush Administration. I didn't like Bush one bit, but it got pretty snooker loopy at many times. So much valid criticism to throw his way and people resorted to the more extreme, easy-refutable kind.
I mean I hope a response as poor as the one you gave is a joke.

It is not.

I speak from personal experience. Once the communism comes up, it's all accusations of Big Brother, you want to execute everyone who stands against you, and send the rest to re-education or labor camps. I personally have been told that I am the scum of humanity, and not even really human, by a rather prominent poster. So I care little about comparatively petty accusations of misogyny and homophobia, whether they be accurate or not.
That is because it is largely a myth. While younger people are generally a bit more liberal than the elderly, the demographics in colleges reflect the same as those who are educated and intelligent enough to attend. It just seems "liberal" to most ultraconservatives who represent a fairly large portion of the population in the US.

A major reason why this forum hasn't become yet another predominately right-wing one like most others in the US is due to the number of non-Americans who frequently post here.

Studies actually show that individuals tend to grow increasingly more socially liberal as they age, but move back to the right whenever thy have children, grandchildren, etc. The elderly that never had children are a very left leaning demographic, and those who have children early are very right leaning. Those who delay having children to focus on school naturally tend a bit more towards social liberalism (whether left liberalism or right libertarianism).
Studies actually show that individuals tend to grow increasingly more socially liberal as they age, but move back to the right whenever thy have children, grandchildren, etc. The elderly that never had children are a very left leaning demographic, and those who have children early are very right leaning. Those who delay having children to focus on school naturally tend a bit more towards social liberalism (whether left liberalism or right libertarianism).
Even more unsourced "studies"?

All that completely ignores the fact that almost all free and open societies tend to become less provincial and reactionary with time. That overt racism was still common in the South 50 years ago. That even today, homosexuals are slowly being granted the same basic human rights that blacks were finally given in 1964. That the US is rather unique in becoming even more right-wing with time since Reagan took office in 1980. But I am certain this is just a minor speed bump in the path of expanding liberalism in the modern world. That older people are generally more conservative because they grew up when antisemitism and even anti-Catholicism was still rampant.

But getting back to the OP and some of the other posts, this thread epitomizes the Orwellian use of rhetoric which has become so predominate with the far-right in the US. Those who point out racism are the racists. Those who point out bigotry are the bigots. Those who are opposed to irrational hatred and incessant fearmongering, especially in the currently popular forms of homophobia and Islamophobia, are the ones who are actually irrational and using propaganda to accomplish their goals.
Not to derail the thread, but the Russian Federation today is the same -if anything, worse- at protecting human rights/democracy/free speach/independant judiciary/social welfare, and so on than the USSR under Gorby.
Even more unsourced "studies"?

All that completely ignores the fact that almost all free and open societies tend to become less provincial and reactionary with time.

Its pretty clear that you don't know what either of those terms mean, especially the first one.

I would love for you to explain why you selected those two, and why you feel they belong together in that sentence.

That overt racism was still common in the South 50 years ago.

And is still common in the North to this very day. Wait, what was your point?

But getting back to the OP and some of the other posts, this thread epitomizes the Orwellian use of rhetoric which has become so predominate with the far-right in the US. Those who point out racism are the racists. Those who point out bigotry are the bigots. Those who are opposed to irrational hatred and incessant fearmongering, especially in the currently popular forms of homophobia and Islamophobia, are the ones who are actually irrational and using propaganda to accomplish their goals.

Damn Forma. DAMN. I rest my case.
I consider myself centre left, usually vote labour, put I prefer the centre right to extrme leftists, and I see a few of them on this forum.
Your the man who feels the fall of the Soviet Union was a bad thing right?

I believe the words I used were " the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the greatest humanitarian disaster of the 20th Century." I have also expressed optimism at the USSR's dissolution, so make of that what you will.
The right wingers on this board have a pretty good reputation, engage in serious discussion for the most part, generally don't go personnel.This is surprising because as has already been said it is despite a constant sea of personal insults ranging anywhere from being racist all the way to fascists. The lefties here tend to go into group think dog pile mode a lot, self congratulating each other to drown out dissension.
And they're good at irony, apparently.
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