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The King of the World Throne Room

Hey Neal. I was just wondering what mod you use for the Earth 34 maps

There is a 40 civ mod available which he uses, a link should be on page one of the current game. Otherwise I don't know where I got it from.
Unfortunately I think that this series has died, Neal has been posting with such large intervals now nothing for a while.
I am sure Neal will finish this before CIV V but I expect this is the last KOW.

China is one of the most powerful nations on the Earth-18 map thus Neal probably thought it not too exciting.
He could do China on Deity like what he did with Rome if he thinks that playing as China would be too "cheap".
However the Mongol game pretty much sufficed as a "fair" China-substitute such that playing as China would feel like a repeat.
I take it that the average end time is between 1750-1850 and that a deviation from that means that the civ is inherently easier or harder to play?
*Bump, sorry about that*

I just spent 2 weeks of my life reading the KotW series.. Awesome.. Have learned alot through reading this. I have, since I started playing CIV II many, many years ago, always been a Chieftain/Settler kinda player. Thanks to Neal and this series I have transformed myself into a Prince player. And even that I do not find very difficult anymore. I am thinking on going Monarch next game.

It's a real shame Neal has been absent for such a long time.. I just hope he is well and maybe, someday, return to the KotW series to give us more awesome reading material. Just love it.

so....Are u planning to play as russia anytime...i mean not russia in england...but russia in russia....??
Wow. Thread necro.

Sorry, rsadiwala95, but Neal has effectively been MIA for almost 9 months now. Thinking he just moved on, though some of us have apparently kept their thread subscriptions (*cough cough*) just in case he returns.
Any chance anyone will take over the series? I would really love seeing some more Earth games.
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