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NOTW XLV: The DOOM Project

All of those things are very true, but I'm not sure about Spaceman. Visor isn't always right.
I was making sure dcmort93 is clean and that we don't have scum leading us.
Move: Catalog Room

So, are you a cop and is DaveShack a tracker, mate? Interesting.
I'm not convinced Spaceman is scum either. IIRC he helped us out, and I don't believe he would have done that if he were trying to block our mission.
vote: Takhisis. you deserve it.
Vote: SouthernKing
Vote: Takhisis. He was acting scummy some time back.

I was terribly wrong about NC.:blush: He is probably town since any reason to think he was scum can be explained away by Classical_Hero.
Nice attempt at saving yourself, Dr. Leo spaceman98.
End of Day 06

"Yo, man, you sure you got the code?" one of the mercenaries asked from the back of the formation. "I don't want to spend a Night in this hallway."

"Sure I do," SouthernKing answered. His fingers darted around the control panel as he struggled to press the tiny buttons. Frustrated, he called back without looking, "Hey, mind if you hold this?" as he extended his weapon from his left hand.

One of the operatives stepped forward and grasped the firearm with his free hand.

"Thanks." SouthernKing used his now-free hand to pull his glove off his right hand. Slowly, he punched the keycode in, one digit at a time.

The door clicked with approval as it slowly opened.

"Excellent," SouthernKing smiled as he turned towards the room. "Now, lets --"

"Holy shít!" one of the mercenaries cried out as a warning, but it was too late.

The shadow inside the Room pounced towards SouthernKing, throwing its massive body like a freight train towards him. Instinctively, SouthernKing reached to ready his weapon, but found his hand empty.

There was a brief moment of desperate agony as he remembered his previous action. Flexing his arms into a defensive posture, he braced for the inevitable impact.

The Monster hit him with an unimaginable force, bellowing an otherworldy roar in the process. The two operatives behind SouthernKing were thrown backwards from the impact, hitting the opposite wall on the other side of the hall.

One of the mercenaries readied his weapon and took aim. He hesitated, afraid to hit the mauled SouthernKing, still stuck under the Beast; instead, the operative swung his firearm like a golf club, striking the massive creature in the gut.

The Monster recoils from the strike. Turning its massive body, it swiped one of its paw at the soldier like a bear, knocking the mercenary off his feet.

This opened the line of fire for two other operatives to shoot; the bullets ripped into the Monster, but it still didn't slow down. It charged down the hall, causing the two mercenaries to dive out of it's path.

"Get down!" one of the soldiers screamed. Readying his weapon, he opened fire with his automatic firearm, sending bullets careening down the hallway. Through the hail of bullets, the Monster still trudged towards the shooter, the green energy from his firearm illuminating the hall.

Bullet by bullet, the Beast slowed its pace. Finally, when it stood but a few feet from the shooter, it collapsed and moved no more.

The mercenary lowered his weapon. Extending his leg, he lightly kicked the Beast to check if it was dead.

The carcass turned to ash.

* * *

Lynch Vote:

spaceman98 (2) -- johnhughthom, Mat93
SouthernKing (2) -- CivCube, DaveShack
Takhisis (1) -- Jarrema

Not Voting: the rest

Night ends in 24 hours.
Necessary PMs being constructed; please allow a little time for them to arrive.
Please PM me Night orders, if applicable.
Chapter ??

You lean your head against the wall as you nod off to sleep. Your eyes are closed just a few seconds before you feel someone lightly kick you in the foot.

You open one eye and see Zack towering over you.

"Shh..." he whispers silently. "Come with me."

You follow him out of the Room, stepping quietly around the other sleeping individuals. He leads you to one of the site's Chambers -- it is unoccupied for the Night. Zack scans the Room and, finding no one inside, beckons you behind one of the Room's columns.

"The contract terms have changed," Zack muttered, and handed you a piece of paper.

You read over the terms quickly. Wait a minute -- this can't serious.

"Wait," you ask, "how is this possible? Don't we need to honor the original contract?"

Zack answers bluntly, "I said the terms of the contract have changed. Not the contractor."

You reread the document. Why would the contractor want us to do this? Why, after we have worked with them thus far?

Zack notices your hesitation. "This won't be a problem, will it?"

You stare into Zack's eyes: they are stern, unsympathetic. In all your days of being a mercenary, you've never had to deal with this before. You've killed many people, certainly; but you've never encountered this sort of twist in a contract. What have they done to deserve this?

For a brief moment, a moral debate rages inside your mind. You're a killer -- it's part of the business -- but you've never considered yourself a murderer. Still, you see the look in Zack's eyes: there is no other option here.

You sigh. "No, it won't be."

Zack nods. "Perfect. Now, I'm going to wake up the others. We need to plan..."
Night 06

After the dreadful attack of the last afternoon, the operatives pushed forward into the Catalog Room and hunkered down for the Night.

Gunfire could be heard during the Night; the angry noise could be heard for several seconds before it ended.

All mercenaries reported to roll-call the following Day.

Day 07 begins now, lasting 48 hours. I will no longer extend Days and Nights due to lack of Orders/Votes.
Necessary Private Messages shall be sent shortly; these shall include item update PMs.
Please allow a few moments for thread information to be updated.

Vote for a lynch target in Bold.
Vote for someone to hold the Flashlight in Brown.
Provide a move order in Green.

* * *
Vote: spaceman98 Mates, we need to have a 4 person lead if we don't want a no lynch. We need to work together here. I propose that everyone votes for Spaceman today. Unless something comes up tomorrow, we can kill SouthernKing then, mate. What do ya think of that?

We found Zack's body in the Catalogue Room. He wasn't a traitor, but the other members of the group thought he was, so they killed him. We found a video documenting the process. Also, one of the people on the video said that they were hiding the final relic within a safe in "into a spot no one will ever be able to find it". For some reason, I think he means the lake, mate.

So, I propose that I should get the flashlight and that we all go to the Move: Underground Lake.

Also, on the Datapad was some message to a guy named "Amsterdam". Keilman informed him that they were abandoning the operation in disregard to his orders. Maybe this was why the group was killed? This Amsterdam fella sounds important, anyway. Does anyone know if he is the leader of OPFOR or BLUFOR, mate?
Whether spaceman is guilty or not, SouthernKing is innocent.

We were attacked by a cat last night, Takhisis wasn't in the list of people in the room...
Yeah, I got info that I was able to fight off this feline creature

I'm almost out of ammo now :(

vote: Takhisis
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