• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Restructuring of the Civ 5 C&C forum

I don't know what happened, but I no longer see the icon denoting that I've subscribed to a thread. It used to be an envelope on the right side of the title box (to the left of the paperclip denoting the thread has attachments).

This seems to be related to the various other database issues the site has been experiencing lately, the admins are working on it.
This seems to be related to the various other database issues the site has been experiencing lately, the admins are working on it.

Interesting - I never would have thought the 2 were connected. Oh well, now that I know why, I'll just sit and be patient. Thanks for the response :)
Is this officially DOA, On-Hold, or still being considered but no final decisions made?

The thread hasn't been active for quite a while (JFD was the last to post on Nov4 of last year.) I poked around a little bit on the BE Forum, and it appears that the more-or-less concensus idea(s) that were discussed here were implimented for that forum. To me anyway it seems much clearer where one should go (in terms of modding sub-fora) for what purposes for BE than it is for CIV5.

How successful has the BE:General Modding Discussion sub-forum been in accomplishing its purpose(s) ?
  • being a place where aspects of modding BE not related to "Help Me!" can be discussed, anything apparently from stories of modded games to general ideas about mods or modding
I've been noticing that a lot of threads are moved from CIV5 General Discussion to CIV5 Creation & Customization.
  • Not complaining about or challenging any such actions. That's all "by the book" of the current system.
  • As it stands at the moment, CIV5:C&C is much more a "Help Me Fix My Mod!" kind of forum than it is a "How Do I Best Strategize Using Mod-X in MY Games" kind of a forum.
  • It doesn't seem to me that the main CIV5:C&C forum gets much traffic from non-mod-authors.
The result it seems to me is that CIV5:C&C is the place where threads that got started in CIV5:General Discussion go to wither and quickly die.

So, is there any plan to go forth with a re-draft of the CIV5 modding forum? Especially as I think it is important to try to do something to encourage discussion of CIV5 mod-usage somewhere on the larger CivFanatics Website when such discussion(s) are not "wrenches-and-bolts" how-to-create and how-to-fix-your-code discussions.
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