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is this age difference too much?

Can I put myself into the shoes of the 40-something guy? Not being gay, no. Does the other guy being really old make it even less so? Kinda yeah. It feels kind of "icky" as Joakim put it
But... so what? Is it relevant that I find the idea to have a romantic relationship to someone - fore purely aesthetic reasons! - uncomfortable in judging its general quality? Really? So when to we start to sham people who are not ugly but hook up with ugly people? Clearly they don't behave natural.

Lord Gay said that this was about people having to judge how other people live. I disagree. I think we should judge how other people live. Just that we should do so on sensible criteria. Like people being dicks (as in this thread). Not people sucking dicks.
Barney could be a transvestite or even transgender.
Hmmm. That isn't kinky enough to offend my sensibilities. Perhaps you could look at what monks wrote about the Cathars. Now that was kinky.
There is a difference between liking the same gender and being interested in people that are old enough to be your (grand)father/mother.
Precisely. If it were just homosexuality, then I really wouldn't care. But when it's a representative interested in someone that old, regardless of who it is, that's not someone I would want representing my area.

I think we should judge how other people live.
If someone is supposed to be representing me, I sure as heck would judge him. When someone is representing me, he's supposed to be modeled after what I believe in. The majority may feel differently than me, but it's still my right to judge that person. If he does not meet my requirements, then my disagreement will be directed to the voting booth.
You think a person's LIFE should be modeled on your beliefs?!? WOW, you have some high standards for a job Nick. :eek:
You think a person's LIFE should be modeled on your beliefs?!? WOW, you have some high standards for a job Nick. :eek:
Hey, if he lives a life of corruption (whether it be extortion, links to the mafia that haven't been proved in court, etc.) would you like the way he lives his life?

What about those "corporate fatcats" that always steal from the poor? Do you mean to say you don't judge the way they live? What about the other 1%ers?
Not even remotely icky. I don't understand why this is news.
It does violate Age/2+7, but I don't really know or care to know enough about them to engage in any informed judgmental bastardary.
Ehh. It's too much IMO, but I ain't gonna stop 'em. Their decision.

Spoiler :
inb4 claim that I'm not a true Christian because of this
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