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Unique Unit Elimination Thread

lol. I just can't bring myself to downvote any of them. Sams are great and FLs let me stand up to mech infantry when I'm underteched.

Sorry to make you stay up later, prof.
you are not alone. Also nerd, who waits, that someone finally kills the samurai. C'mon it's 2:42 AM
Please, choose one! Either, I don't care, but do it! FINISH HIM!
Please! Pretty please! With sugar on top! I want to sleep!:cry:
Foreign Legion 0 (-2)
Samurai 2
Janissary 34 (+1)

Big fan of janissary. Played a few games specifically designed to get early musket and pump them out. Never really used Legion in any of my France games.
Finally it's over. Sadly samurai made #2 and as wrotten many times, I'm no supporter of the samurai
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