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[MoM] Servants of Justice

[to_xp]Gekko;11385375 said:
and Auric next :D

OMG did we just kill Stephanos THAT easily? O.O

That is exactly my thought when I saw the screenshot. :lol:

Really, next game we should try Xtended MoM :mischief:

[to_xp]Gekko;11385375 said:
barbarian world in its current implementation is really a godsend for the Bannor, it gave us some easy early crusaders :D

I won't be able to play for some 26 hours, so esvath you should go next :)

I can't play until next 24 hours too. So whoever come here first, will play, ok?

Or, if you are willing, Aline, I think it's okay for you to play again. You did a great job by killing Stephanos and Rantine :lol:
Well since you insist i suppose i might as well... guess if you whant heathens killed youll have to do it yourself.

Klimorph blessed us with knowledge of iron.
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The war against the orcs goes on, their citys fall quickly.
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The Elohim where blessed with the holy city of the order, their faith is truely worth of praise.
toldya -.-
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Jet another city falls, nothing can stop the army of righteousness.
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Junil, the most powerfull god stands above all else, if he commands even the elements obey.
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Now some one else go play. ^^
you sure showed those smelly orcs :D

sorry for the delay, I'll see if I can play a set later today, I should have some free time :)

esvath wanna go before me?
And the orcs are crushed!!!

We have conquered much land, but now we've got to consolidate our economy.

We research fanaticism, for our hero Donal Lugh and start our crusade....

And Junil helps us with sacred knowledge:

A Great Prophet is born, he starts a golden age to help us maintain our new cities while we get our infrastructure up.

We capture an elephant, he'll become a mighty war elephant and a welcome addition to our forces.

We trade horses for ale, and the kind Elohim gift us some bison to improve our diet :D

We use some stone to quickly build a granary in Shazak so that it can grow.

We research Drama so that we can harvest our newly conquered dyes to fuel our noble districts' happiness

And my gift to the next player, a great merchant that I think you should use to bring some food to those cities ;)



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After immersed in battles for so long, We believe that it is proper for Bannor soldiers to have some entertainment. Thus, We decide to research Drama. We will establish theaters, and the actors will replay our glorious stories for the younger generations.

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A group of cultist were trying to destabilize our empire. They summoned a Balor! We have to deal with this threat as soon as possible.

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Our southern division managed to kill all Specters guarding the Necropolis. We found many useful tools for rebuilding Ahroog.

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Our faith in Junil pleased Him. He bestowed upon Us a Sacred Knowledge.

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Our spies monitored a suspicious movement in our northern border. We have to be wary of the Illians.

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Our Hero, Donal Lugh, is ready for battle!

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We set our goal to conquer Barbarian city of Panopya. The city is rich in resources, and we really need the Iron for our metal stock.

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Our explorer found a demonic tome. Of course we will burn this unholy artifact!

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Donal Lugh led many brave Crusaders to capture Panopya. Unfortunately, the corruption around Panopya is greater than we thought! Our scouts proclaimed that the source of corruption is a strange well, on the western side of the city. We should leave Panopya for now, and bring greater force to sanctify the cursed well.

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Our smiths invented a better shield for our troops!

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Our ally, Lady Ethne, was asking for our help. Apparently, the heathen Illians was attacking her. Of course we help our sister in faith!

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We have worse condition than we thought. Not only the Illians attacking the Elohim, factions of demons managed to enter Erebus! From the map that Lady Ethne gave us, there is a Sheaim presence near our ally's land. Maybe it was the Sheaim who summoned the demons.

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We have finished our first navy. These ships will be useful for bringing our troops to Elohim land. Meanwhile, Donal Lugh will lead our Crusaders in fighting the Illians in our northern border.

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We have Sheaim and Illians attacking Elohim. This is dire situation, since Glens of Killyberg was captured and Elohim on defense mode (see the map, Ethne has casted Sanctuary).

We also have Bradeline Well near Panopya. The demon there will be strong, it is not worth our attention atm.

I have queued several ships to bring our troops to Sheaim land, and help the Elohim. If we managed to raze the Ashen Veil holy city, it will give us an Adventurer!

Hyborem was spawned in the north pole (you can see the hell terrain in north), but was immediately killed. Maybe by dragons?

We have to prepare for the blight. Researching Harmony will give us Growth (+health from livestocks and grains, and we have plenty of them!)


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blight doesn't kill units, that's armageddon... but yes it did cause a lot of unhealtiness.

Ozbenno is busy so he'll join us later, you can go next Aline :)
We already pass the population cap for domination victory. maybe after we conquered the Illians and Sheaim, we will have enough territory and achieve domination?

Pursuing Epic Destiny is too far away, imho.
The time has come, prepare for war!
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Rally every man, every woman and every child, call the entire nation to arms!
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The army is ready, prepared to strike down the false god.
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The first city falls quickly, the defenders are no match for the might of Junils warriors.
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An expedition to the east has found the nasty Sheaim, we will not tolerate their presence any longer.
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Once again our efforts and faith are rewarded.
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We discover new ways of trade to substain our war effort.
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The demons that torture this land have jet again send out one of their riders to bring death and despair to Erebus.
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Behold the false god is slain, his priests are left in despair and his temples are no more than ashes!
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After the victory over the false god we march our army to the south where the demonic rider rampages.
Bravely fighting and under great losses the city guards and some lone troops could hold out long enogh for our army to arive and slay the demon.
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Did play a bit more than usual as this turnset involved a lot of moving units from one end of our empire to another and some excessive baiting of Bubi.
Sheaim should be next, nothing realy prevents us from just sailing over there and killing them.
Hmm this one was a bit tricky, i had a lion some priests and 2 orcs untill i got the main stack down there, id say he was the most chalangeing thing i have found in MoM so far.
The slain horsemen has left behind his legacy, a mighty sword. It is said that every living being killed by this foul artifact will bring the world closer to armageddon...

Since we're going to fight the Sheaim zombies and undeads, this won't be an issue ;)

We join the Elohim in their ritual attempt to cleanse the land, but we know very well that fine iron and steel is more effective than prayers :mischief:

And the siege to retake the Elohim capital from the demon worshippers begins, our hero Donal charges in battle fearlessly, as he knows the will of Junil guides him.

We also get a battle captain, he's going to aid lead our conquering army and make it more efficient and unstoppable.

And Cahir Abbey is retaken, I'll let you decide if you want to give it back to Ethne or not ;)

Rosier was trying to escape, but our merciless captured wolf rider chases him and finishes him! :goodjob:

And here is our forces, ready to keep purging these lands of evil



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me next?

I vote for keeping Cahir Abbey. It is safer under our protection ;)

EDIT : Gekko, what is that crusaders icon in your left screen? I never see anything in MoM :blush:
Our sages manage to develop advanced control of the elemental forces!

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We have finished our research on Advanced Warfare. To further our glorious Crusade, We ordered the academies to research Righteousness. We believe that this knowledge will entice an angelic being named Sphener to join our Crusade.

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Many of our cities were having unhealth problem. This is ridiculous, since we have plenty livestocks and grains to maintain healthy diet. Finally unable to cope with the unhealth problem using mundane means, We decided to use arcane one. We have our magi to cast a Thriving Realm global enchantment.

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The war with the Sheaim has brought our ally into difficult years. There is a civil unrest in Glens of Killybegs. While We can support the protesters, We refrained to do so, as a goodwill gesture to Lady Ethne.

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Our Crusaders reached Tongurstad. Apparently, this city was the heart of corruption that plagued Erebus. The Ashen Veil has founded their holy city here, twisting the populace and bringing doom to everyone near it. We have to cleanse this corruption once and for all!

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We have destroyed Tongurstad! Inspired by our glorious victory, a young adventurer volunteered himself to join with our Imperial Force. We ordered him to train in melee arts.

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A great merchant has opened a ranch in Lucagor. His bison ranch become an important asset for Our economy.

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A great bard was arrived in Torrolerial. His touching performance on our Crusade has triggered a golden age for Bannor empire!

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Our Crusaders besieged the last of Sheaim city. Apparently, the Sheaim managed to summon a Succubus to help defending their capital. Eventhough her charm managed to weaken lesser soldiers' resolve, she stood no chance against our righteous Crusader!

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Again, our glorious victory against the Sheaim attracted a young adventurer to join with our Imperial force.

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