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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

Isn't it dominated by American Politics because American Politics is the most entertaining reality show on Earth? Real politics is dry and boring and takes effort to grasp.
Isn't it dominated by American Politics because American Politics is the most entertaining reality show on Earth? Real politics is dry and boring and takes effort to grasp.

When is politics not entertaining? After all...

Frank Zappa said:
Politics is the entertainment branch of the industry.
Isn't it dominated by American Politics because American Politics is the most entertaining reality show on Earth? Real politics is dry and boring and takes effort to grasp.
No way! Some countries have huge brawls in their politics on a regular basis! Way more entertaining!
One liners posted in jest
Not easy for some to digest
When you look the tape,
What's claimed as rape
Is merely a fondling of breast.
No way! Some countries have huge brawls in their politics on a regular basis! Way more entertaining!
But their advertising is rubbish! American has lots of big Advertising Channels pandering this show to literally dozens of viewers. And the people want obnoxious characters spouting hilarious dialogues in a language they can understand. Like Jersey Shore. Except for the language they can understand.
One liners posted in jest
Not easy for some to digest
When you look the tape,
What's claimed as rape
Is merely a fondling of breast.
That is a very good poem,
uhm .... that'll show'em?
The right wingers on this board have a pretty good reputation, engage in serious discussion for the most part, generally don't go personnel.This is surprising because as has already been said it is despite a constant sea of personal insults ranging anywhere from being racist all the way to fascists. The lefties here tend to go into group think dog pile mode a lot, self congratulating each other to drown out dissension.

The most rabid posters here are pretty much universally lefty, though I would say they are that way because they are young rather than lefty (with some notable exceptions).

We all like Patroklos (especially after that dental dam leads to fisting thread)
And that SS thread, (who knew Patroklos was secreatly socialist?)

But I think this is the entire internet is left leaning, with radio and TV being right leaning.
The SS thread was awesome, the other is a figment of your imagination apparently.
There are other leanings that do not really fit right or left. But you get labled anyway
There certainly are a number of right-wing authoritarians who consider themselves to be independent moderates in this forum. But threads like this seem to draw their real views out. They can't seem to help themselves complaining about largely non-existent "liberals" and how persecuted they are by them.
The SS thread was awesome, the other is a figment of your imagination apparently.

Your right! it was Merkiball (and that fisting thread was removed. )
EDIT: hmmm Dose anyone remember or have saved that fisting kit thread ? Iam pretty sure it was Paktroklos, though it would be so like Merkiball to steal Paktroklos avatar to trick us.

SS thread is awesome, since we were both refering to the same book and writer, except I actually posted screenshots of the book with the rellevent passages highlighted and Paktroklos couldnt see the images due because he was at sea. (I also did read up more, on the SS and their foreign conscripts, interesting stuff)

Sep 30, 2010, 10:10 AM
What happened to him? It was hilarious when he got pwned by Aimee, and isn't he the guy that thought every gay man would be instantly attracted to him if he took a shower?

You missed hes "fisting kit" thread in which he somehow equates dental dam to homosexual fisting and wouldnt shift from hes orginal position. It was hilrious

Just curious. This forum in particular seems to have a lot of left-wing members but I see a real lack of right-wing. Maybe they are too scared to say so?
I am a right winger but I am terrified to admit it as the left wingers on here are so mean so I have to pretend to be one of them.
Don't mind me. I'm just gathering evidence for my report to Homeland Security...
Just curious. This forum in particular seems to have a lot of left-wing members but I see a real lack of right-wing. Maybe they are too scared to say so?

Not at all. But many do get driven off by the sheer amount of nastiness flung their way by default. Not many can stomach it.

Just examine this particular thread. Just in a quick read you see that right wingers are:

Defenders of scum and villany.
Etc. etc.

I've been insulted so many times i've lost count and left-wingers here have even made hugely insulting and inappropriate comments about my own family.

Right-wingers arent scum, but I think these forums show a lot of truth about the gross intolerance of the left of anything oppositie their own opinion.
I am a right winger but I am terrified to admit it as the left wingers on here are so mean so I have to pretend to be one of them.

I can testify to this. JR's the one with Teddy-Bears on his Klan-Hood at the meetings.
Right-wingers arent scum, but I think these forums show a lot of truth about the gross intolerance of the left of anything oppositie their own opinion.

Until the right wing stops pretending that gay rights are negotiable I apologize for nothing.
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