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is this age difference too much?

Really, so all of you saying this is weird wouldn't pursue a relationship if you were in love with someone much older/younger than you, assuming both of you were at least in your 20's? You are all crazy! Happiness is happiness and someone's age is irrelevant to that.
It seems a bit weird, but is not nearly as bad as Barney Frank's affairs with lobbyists from industries regulated by his committee.
Why is this a problem to so many people? Is it just "icky"?

The age difference is big, but it's not too big, because that requires some sort of moralistic standard of age gaps, which there shouldn't be.

They're both consenting adults. This is perfectly fine.

Yeah it's icky because how old he is. Old people just smell funny. How can anyone have sex with Barney Frank? Seriously. Woman or man, it's disgusting.

I'd rather not think of old people having sex. I'll just assume they are co-habitating and they enjoy each others company as roommates.
If you can't look at a couple without visualising their love-making in distressingly graphic detail, then you probably need to see some kind of doctor. :p
Yeah it's icky because how old he is. Old people just smell funny. How can anyone have sex with Barney Frank? Seriously. Woman or man, it's disgusting.

I'd rather not think of old people having sex. I'll just assume they are co-habitating and they enjoy each others company as roommates.

One day, you will not be able to come out with this garbage without looking a complete dick.

Allow me to introduce you to that idea while you're still at the 'duh' stage of sophistication.
Because I speak the truth?


But go ahead and attack my intelligence some more. This is why off-topic annoys me. I can't post here without someone insulting my intelligence.

It would be nice to post in a place where I'm not continuously insulted. And notice how I refrained from insulting you.
It would be nice to post in a place where people don't talk about other people's sex lives as if it was any of their damn business. Can't have everything in life.
30 years seems like a bit large of an age gap, but it isn't really any of my damn business. If it makes them happy, then fine.
Yeah it's icky because how old he is. Old people just smell funny. How can anyone have sex with Barney Frank? Seriously. Woman or man, it's disgusting.

I'd rather not think of old people having sex. I'll just assume they are co-habitating and they enjoy each others company as roommates.

That's your reason for thinking this is wrong? Because of how an old man smells and how they have sex? Wow.

The only reason I find this wrong is because of the psychological ramifications behind it and the psychologically traumatic (not sure if traumatic is the right word, is there a word for something that has a negative impact but not to the point of trauma?) events that occurred beforehand to drive someone to a) go for someone 30 years younger than you or b) go for someone 30 years older than you.

Reasonable human beings stick to their generation when looking for romance. At what point does "Hey, this guy is thirty years younger than me, I'm old enough to be his dad. Seems like a reasonable candidate for a life-long commitment." seem like a 'normal' thing to say?

Besides the fact that one is going to die far sooner than the other (life span wise), there are also these things: radically different health concerns due to different age bracket, generational split, the inability to have a healthy relationship (if you can't get someone in your own age group, perhaps reconsidering your life is a good idea), incredibly different libido and sexual capabilities, financial strain (one will spend the majority of their marriage in retirement), and, well, social scorn.

There are some evolutionary explanations for going after older people, but most are primitive (which, by the way, we humans like to claim we're not, so let's act like it, hmm?). Women go for older men because older men are generally more geared for protecting them and providing them the foundation for a stable life (which means nil in modern society, not to mention that nowadays a 20 year old woman is likely more geared to protect herself than if she held her 50 year old boyfriend in front of her to take the shots). Men go for younger women because younger women are generally more geared for having a child. Living in a society where there are countless orphans and abandoned children, you're better off going for adoption if you're 45+ and suddenly want to have a child.

Having a son and daughter isn't only genetics. There are other factors involved. There are exceptions, but people who have children late generally tend to be worse parents because they lack the inspiration and physical capability to keep up with their child, especially if they still have to work. My blood line has a bad habit of having children at an old age (in fact, my parents had me very young, all things considered, my mother was 30.) and as a result every single person I have met that I am related to is a giant douche because their parents never gave an actual damn about their road to maturity.

Again, there are exceptions to this. However it doesn't change the fact that all "evolutionary advantages" going for older/younger people are outdated and no longer applicable. You will end up having a healthier relationship by being with someone in your own generation. There are many social, cultural, and lifestyle differences between these two men that I doubt their relationship will last long, or be particularly helpful towards their mental health in the long run.

Either way, I can't force this down someone's throat. I don't care if they do this. There shouldn't be a law against it. But it's still weird given the circumstances we live in.
If you're going to get all evopysch about it, then the fact that their gay would seem to present a greater obstacle than the fact they're 30 years apart.

edit: Anyway, it's a bit of a jump to go from "generally X is true" to "X is always true, and if it is not true for them they must have mental problems".
edit: Anyway, it's a bit of a jump to go from "generally X is true" to "X is always true, and if it is not true for them they must have mental problems".

There are exceptions to every rule, every generalization, and every scientific fact. Not many, but there are. I am willing to acknowledge that.

Homosexuality is something present in 1500 species, well-documented in over 500. Granted, there aren't any studies on generational gaps in species (probably because most don't live long enough), but debunking what I said based on people being gay is.. no.
I think that you have got the wrong end of the stick, there. I didn't mean to suggest that there is anything "unnatural" about homosexuality, just that reductionistic evopysch doesn't really explain human sexual or romantic attraction as it is actually experienced. It always ends up a matter of taking 1950s American norms and attempting to work backwards, which, as you put it: no, and I didn't see much in that part of your post which suggested you were taking a particularly different path.
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