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End of Empires - N3S III

The Nerrusian soldier looked down at himself… he grasped his spear and trusted into the air swiftly and elegantly…

He then hammered his hand onto his shield.. Hard as a rock it was..

He then drew an arrow from his quiver and strung it into the bow.. He released the arrow.. It sunk several inches into a near by tree..

He ran off as quickly as he had appeared.. With his toughened leather boots he ran as quickly as a deer.

The Nerussian soldier was truly the masters of mobility.
"Captain" cried the lookout on the top of the single mast, "We are near the islands of theives! The Merchants told us Pirates are near here!"

"Keep your Bow Ready!", cried Captain Hysiv, "Mysul[1] Yusil! Bring your Marines to the ready!"

"Yes Sir!", cried a tall lith man wearing a bronze badge of a sword on a boat with wavy lines under-neath. "Marines at attention!"

20 soldiers marched out of the cabin. 10 of them are wearing iron helmets and breastplates and handling Swords and a bronze shield. The other group consists of a man carrying a handle and everyone carrying a bow and a knife. They stood at attention on the largish craft, which can be traced to a Libeirem, a one tier craft with 2 teirs at the end for speed. As they approached they can see a small fast craft skipping away.

"After it!" cried Captain Hysiv, "First row that rows nicely gets half more rations each!"

And the two crafts chased each other for an hour but as the pirate, its crew small with no replacements and started to slow, released a shower of arrows as its crew prepared to board the Trehaese Craft.

"Open Cast!" cried Yusil, "Release the Tararrows!"

The man holding the cast opened it to reveal it packed with arrows treated with tar, as both ships slowed down and all the archers handed and arrow Yusil cried,"Light'em!" a marine ran and lit the arrows, "Fire!"

The effect was extreme, almost all accurate, the arrows pierced the booze supply and the stolen wine set to be sold exploded. Almost immediatly the craft started to sink, however, their captain, a diehard, armed all his soldiers with spears and approached in a captured fisher's boat. 20 warriors are with him as nearly 30 others floundered in the sea. Captain Diehard ordered an attack and they jumped from the boat to the military ship.

Almost immediately the marines armed with swords moved foward. One of them was cut in the calf but the others decapitated a dozen or more including the diehard before the last few surrendered. They will take and then be sent to replace merchant galley rowers. And that is the story of the first destroyed pirate crew by the Marines. May they have long lives and promising careers!

[1] Marine Captain

Also, did NK see my project?

EDIT: When I reread it I nearly choked dinner as I read 'Captain DieHard'
NK: What is the price?
Much orders in yet?
Victory tis but a transitory moment of the Ancestors interest, it is only through faith that we gain the full weight of their Divine Countenances in our favour.

From the Book of Converts

The false Empire fell, the Arkage didn’t, and the cries for extermination and group punishment were strong. Those fleeing the Bahrai for the safety of the Republic spoke of atrocities, murders, rapes, destruction, and the cries grew shriller, words turned into deeds, anarchy loomed. A single presence in the Senate stopped the deeds and silenced the words, Senator Bi’Set.

“Let us not join the enemy, let us not be like them, all this talk of punishing the Arkage is what they would do. Our way lie in the traditional law of the land, the law that all of us abide under, the law of the Seshweay. The Magistrates will be charged with serving justice. Those who have broken the law will be dealt with; those who have committed no crime will not be punished. Would that we act like them? For it would only be a matter of time before we became like them. Barbarity begets barbarity, trading civilization for a momentary lapse of judgment and a momentary airing of emotions best left for the burying of the dead will be a permanent trade for barbarity. There is no compromise, we either stand defiant in the face of tyranny for all time or we become tyrants!”

Even so, the Arkage living on in peace was for many a living rebuke to the Seshweay, a living stain on the thoughts of many. But cooler heads held sway, and the voices of aggression and hatred were quietened and with each passing year their hoarse cries grew weaker eventually passing mortal hearing.

Despite this the Republic marched on, her arms were the Magistrates who roamed the land and dispensed justice to the wronged; Arkage and Seshweay alike, her head was Senator Bi’Set who extended the rights of the Seshweay to all citizens; Arkage and Seshweay alike, her heart was Senator Beil who saw that with no representation the Arkage would resent the Republic and rectified it, her eyes were Senator Aya’sies who’s stubborn desire to as he put it “Bring back the light of the Ancestors” led to the training of a generation of Arkage and Seshweay priests of Unity, her mouth was Senator Ts’e who rebuilt the canals and irrigation ditches and fed the people, and her conscience was Ata’a whose poetry reverberated in the cities and countryside of the Republic extolling the glory and justice of the Republic; endlessly repeating the good being wrought in healing ancient divisions.

Despite the restraint that the Republic acted with, the Magistrates were still busy, it was said for a time that the disembowelled distended bodies of former soldiers of the Empire who had profited from the collapse of Ti-Sesh lined the River Sesh from the Sea to Bahrai. It wasn’t true, fewer than a thousand were judged guilty, but the implacable justice of the Republic was there for all to see. Thousands more were enslaved and their assets turned over to the wronged, Seshweay and Arkage alike; the law didn’t discriminate. Tears came to the Senates eyes when it was announced that the corpses of hundreds of Unity priests had been found in graves in a field outside Ti-Sesh, murdered by the Tyrant.

It was only fitting that the former “Emperor” of Sesh was placed in chains before a Magistrate, it was ironic many noted that he was forced to bow his head, and with urging prostrated himself before the Representative of the Senate. His trial was short, the defeat had wearied him, and no legal defence could have been tendered that would have refuted the evidence, from his own hand were orders issued to his soldiers which showed his depravity. The presiding Magistrate, Senator Bi’Set’s judgment was as follows;

“The Ancestors know how you can walk straight; your soul is so twisted and corrupt. What you see of the world is so universally bleak, so shadowed, so utterly devoid of love, life, compassion or anything approximating towards those values. You are not human, no man, no Ancestor fearing man could have sanctioned such horrors, I have in the course of my life as a Jurist, Senator, Magistrate and Man never come across such perversity, such glee in death and destruction. I have broken a long standing tradition in this court today just to relay the magnitude of the horror you cause to me, the sheer evil of your very existence. You will be hanged upside down, in a pit as black as your soul, for a period of not less than three days, you will then subjected to whatsoever the people of Seis should wish to throw at you, you will die a long and painful death like those you inflicted on so many from your own people to the Seshweay. You will be made to suffer a small portion of what you inflicted on others.”

The once Emperor responded with these simple words

“And my family?”

To which the Senator simply said.

“We are not you.”

It took the former Emperor months to die, the people of Seis despite the hatred and contempt they felt for him could not kill such a piteous figure. They fed him with scraps and poured water on him to keep his thirst slacked, it was only after the Crows picked out his eyes that he stopped being able to catch titbits, and it wasn’t long after that he died horribly, screaming with increasingly fury, bemoaning his fate...

No Emperor of Sesh shall ever be allowed to rise, the safety and prosperity of the Republic demands it.

The Empire of Sesh.
Common Seshweay Prayer Book.

The Empire of Sesh runs from the wherever the tyrant decides it runs from, its continental borders stretch as far as the tyrants eyes can see, encompassing the whole continent, the islands of the sea and the residence of the Ancestors.

Whenever possible the borders of the Empire of Sesh were enclosed by the tyrants mien, great walls of stone stretching the length of these infinite borders… stone deteriorates slowly but the length and breadth of the tyrants vision renders this immaterial, for when the borders of the Empire spread to eternity and into eternity… the time taken for the stone to be ground into dust tis but a momentary thing a trivial matter.

It is conceivable that the Empire of Dreams and Eternity, the province of madmen, diverts a significant portion of its quarries to the carving of stones to replace this wall. For this does not end at the walling of the borders, a move perhaps at first blush to just keep the masses outside the Empire, but how then can one explain the walls built inside, to keep those who dissented, those blessed few who rebelled. How then does one explain that the Empire lets not its citizens outside?

For in the prisons, the camps and the staging posts were thousands, and thousands called out for liberation and freedom, and the Republic granted them it.

How many thousands of tonnes of stone was used to fortify the towns and cities of the Empire, how many thousands of tonnes was used to build the edifices of Imperial Dignity and the showing of Imperial Avarice? Was that why then the cities of the Empire aside from the Palaces of Imperial Avarice and Walls were built entirely of mud?

If one were to consider how many years the Empire had been in government, one could surely see why the Empire had neither stone, nor bronze nor anything for the population. Why the markets of the Empire were empty, why one could not buy a nail, or a coomb or a stone all the raw materials were diverted for war and edifying the Imperial Dignity.

And that is not the end of it, after all the tonnes of stone needed to be transported to the infinite borders of the Empire, by all the contrivances of transport, then it had to be cut, shaped and readied for its lonely vigil into eternity until eternity has had its game. Burdened with watching; the myriad crimes of the Emperors for its span in this world.

It is easy to imagine that in the course of this, the constant flow of messages from the Commanders on the walls, to the Commanders in the city, to the Commanders of the Quarries to the workers themselves poor enslaved souls. A veritable tide of human misery, making the trek from the burning deserts, to the swamps of Bahrai, to the Verdant River mouth. Infinitely complex, infinitely futile, the Republic broke through these barriers, and ripped the Empire apart, liberating her people and freeing her cities, replacing the mud with marble.

Minutes of the Debates for the year to date.

Session 1.

Debate 1.

Topic: Debate on Grains Tariffs and the effects therein.

Action as follows, tariffs not to be charged on grain, grown in the Republic, tariffs to be lowered on grain and instead shifted to wine and beer. Owing to the difficulty in reliably weighing and measuring the weight of the grain and the appropriate tax, as well as the corruption it generates and the general dissatisfaction of the masses about higher prices than needed.

Debate 2.

Topic: Nature of belief in the Ancestors in the Republic.

Action as follows, significant efforts should be made to standardize the prayers to the Ancestors, and to further codify the beliefs of the Ancestors into a coherent work. The inconsistencies in some accounts should either be reconciled, or in the most difficult cases an arbiter of Unity should be called upon to pronounce the likely events.

Due to some dissent from members, it is noted that these are merely recommendations, to aid the peoples understanding, and by no means does this invalidate any text or matter.

Debate 3.

Topic: Lending to merchants for the creation of vessels of trade.

Specific performance of the Senate with regards to the matter as follows, the Republic under advise from the relevant trading bodies, merchants and certain senators has decided to expand the scheme, and to allow a more naturalistic interpretation of the rules whereby the ships are outfitted for military adventures should the Republic require there services at a later date. The issue at had was if, rigid rules for retrofitting are desirable, it was held correctly that the rules should be flexible, owing issues raised in the august ears of the Senate. In short it is wholly unsuitable for the Republic to compel those applying for payment to have to retrofit their vessels with large fighting platforms, when the ships themselves are smaller in length than the fighting platforms in question. Instead it was decided that a scale could and will be implemented to rationalise the issue.

Debate 4.

Topic: On the Nature of Poetry in the Republic and its deplorable slide into oblivion (amendment: Unless one has an ear for the poetry now being created, and one would only disagree if one was to old to hear anymore) (amendment: Unless one is young enough that ones ears haven’t developed) (amendment: Those debating such an inane subject have been imbibing just a tad to much wine, and now appear to be to drunk to debate much more).

Action as follows, all poetry of the past, the future and the present condemned by various Senators as un-Seshweay, boring, droll, old, tired, new, grating, ugly or just plain bad. End of Senate session for the week. Note: Some serious work was conducted outside the Senate, significant progress made on the design for the new generation of the Republican Navy, significant progress also made with negotiations entered into with friendly powers and a major military exercise being preformed perfectly.
I thought it was closer to 1/4. Eh, if people don't get orders in, then I'll just start handing nations to newbies. :p
I counted 15 players. However, I could have miss-counted.

And I think giving newbies some NPC nations would actually be pretty awesome. However, I don't know where you would find these people.
And I think giving newbies some NPC nations would actually be pretty awesome. However, I don't know where you would find these people.

I will go on an active recruitment drive if people don't send their orders. I guess I'd hunt them out of Stories and Tales, maybe World History.
I will go on an active recruitment drive if people don't send their orders. I guess I'd hunt them out of Stories and Tales, maybe World History.

They are coming tonight, I just had some packing to do.
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