Samrat Hāla wasn't the same after Aditya's death. Every day, he spent in fear and anxiety. "Who could have killed him?""Why would they kill him
that too so near retirement." the questions came to his mind, without any answer in sight.
The emperor had initiated an investigation into the death of the royal cartographer. Two months had passed with no leads. It was almost as if he was killed by a ghost. The whole affair was unsettling for the emperor, but more unsettling were the deceased minister's last words. "Beware.. they will kill ." at the end, he simply pointed to the emperor. Samrat Hāla had yet to appoint an heir to the throne. He had three sons and one daughter. He could not appoint his daughter as queen, for that went against the laws of Magadh, and none of his sons were deemed worthy of becoming emperor.
The summers in Magadh were hot and humid, and the nights were unpleasant. Hāla found that he could not sleep. The heat and humidity of the summers seem to have worsened his anxieties. He walked to the balcony of the palace and stared at the stars, searching for answers.
"What does the future hold?" he asked himself, "What future does Bharata hold. I have guided her destiny for over forty years. Now I see there is no one to take this burden after me."
"It is said that men tell no lies on their death bed. What then do I make of Aditya's last words ?"
"They would kill me.. but who?!" Samrat Hāla angrily stomped on the railings of his balcony.
Just then a cool wind started blowing from the East that startled him.
Hāla took it as a sign from the gods, "But what can it mean?" he asked himself. The cool breeze brought a moment's relief. "Perhaps the gods want me to sleep." Hāla made his way back to the bedchamber, still tensed with anxiety. The emperor liked to have a lone oil lamp burning beside the bed on his bedchamber. It was soothing for him. As he closed his eyes, his mind drifted into the realm of dreams.
He opened his eyes to see the throne room appear before him, he was seated on the lion throne of Magadh. "Samrat, I have come to seek justice" a woman cried out before him, "What?.."
"Samrat, my husband has stolen my stridhan, and sold it to satisfy his thirst for alcohol."
"Samrat!" the husband shouted , "My wife is my chattel, then does not her wealth belong to me? By the laws of Magadh!"
"Samrat, this is injustice! My stridhan is mine own, not even my husband can have right over it."
"Silence!" The emperor exclaimed. "You have come to me for justice. And I shall see to it, that justice be done."
"This man " and just before he could finish the sentence, the palace seemed to dissolve around him, then all was dark. Slowly light returned, and he saw himself perched on a cliff overseeing the grand army of Magadh over a barren battlefield.
"Gandhar? " The emperor asked himself,
"Samrat Hāla ki jay ho." A man spoke out behind him, he turned and saw it was Senapati Vijayanand, "Samrat, the men wait for your command." In the distance, Hāla could see a dust cloud approaching the Magadhan army. "What is that?"
"Kushans! They are here! Samrat you must give the order for the charge!"
"Yes. Let the cha ." Hāla found his speech suddenly silenced and no matter how hard, he tried he could not speak. "Samrat ! Give the order!" No words came out.
"Samrat !" the Magadhan host was in disarray, confused and scattered. the Kushans came down like a thunder and slaughtered at will. Senapati Vijayanand drew out his sword and galloped on his steed to the site of battle. Then all was dark again. When the emperor reopened his eyes, he found himself standing on a puddle of blood. He saw the lion throne before him, a headless man sat there with a dozen arrows on his chest. "Oh .. No! Krishna have mercy!" Hāla walked towards the throne, his chest pounding with fear.
As he neared the throne, he heard the lion growl. Then slowly the jaws shut down with the headless man still inside. Just then, a white flash appeared, and he woke up to daylight with his chest still pounding. "Hāla.. Hāla.. are you ok ?" it was Lilavati above him, comforting him. His head ached and his heart was still beating rapidly. Sweat covered his body and wet the linen on the bed. Samrat Hāla struggled to get up. "Summon a council of ministers. We have an urgent matter to discuss."
The council of ministers convened with Samrat Hāla seated upon the lion throne. The emperor had declared that an urgent matter had to be discussed, but none in the ministry knew what it was.
"My learned Amatyas. You have all stood by my side for the better part of four decades that I have had the burden of ruling Bharata. But now I am old, and the empire needs a new guide, a new samrat. There must always be a Samrat on the lion throne of Magadh. So today, I have called you all to declare the next heir to the throne. I have three sons, and by the laws of succession, only the eldest shall inherit the throne. But that is not how a samrat is chosen. Since the times of the ancients, only he has seated the throne of Magadh, who has proven himself capable of its burdens. I know many among you who have raised questions on the capabilities of my sons. But, one must think of the future ugh.."
Smoke started to emerge from the emperor's body, as though it were burning. "Ugh Aaah!" Hāla fell from the throne on to his knees. Smoke continued to billow out of the throne, its body was scarred in a manner most strange. "Samrat !" Senapati Vijayanand exclaimed as he and Amatya Niyogi rushed to aid the fallen emperor.
"Summon the vaid ! The emperor is in pain!" The emperor lay on the ground with the back of his body burnt entirely.
"Vv.v..v Vijay..nand.." the emperor struggled to speak, "Take care of cough! sons"
"My Samrat.. no this is too much."
"V..v..Vijay.. " The emperor took his crown with his shaking burnt and placed it in Vijayanand's hands. All the other Amatyas stood around the emperor in bewilderment.
The emperor had initiated an investigation into the death of the royal cartographer. Two months had passed with no leads. It was almost as if he was killed by a ghost. The whole affair was unsettling for the emperor, but more unsettling were the deceased minister's last words. "Beware.. they will kill ." at the end, he simply pointed to the emperor. Samrat Hāla had yet to appoint an heir to the throne. He had three sons and one daughter. He could not appoint his daughter as queen, for that went against the laws of Magadh, and none of his sons were deemed worthy of becoming emperor.
The summers in Magadh were hot and humid, and the nights were unpleasant. Hāla found that he could not sleep. The heat and humidity of the summers seem to have worsened his anxieties. He walked to the balcony of the palace and stared at the stars, searching for answers.
"What does the future hold?" he asked himself, "What future does Bharata hold. I have guided her destiny for over forty years. Now I see there is no one to take this burden after me."
"It is said that men tell no lies on their death bed. What then do I make of Aditya's last words ?"
"They would kill me.. but who?!" Samrat Hāla angrily stomped on the railings of his balcony.
Just then a cool wind started blowing from the East that startled him.
Hāla took it as a sign from the gods, "But what can it mean?" he asked himself. The cool breeze brought a moment's relief. "Perhaps the gods want me to sleep." Hāla made his way back to the bedchamber, still tensed with anxiety. The emperor liked to have a lone oil lamp burning beside the bed on his bedchamber. It was soothing for him. As he closed his eyes, his mind drifted into the realm of dreams.
He opened his eyes to see the throne room appear before him, he was seated on the lion throne of Magadh. "Samrat, I have come to seek justice" a woman cried out before him, "What?.."
"Samrat, my husband has stolen my stridhan, and sold it to satisfy his thirst for alcohol."
"Samrat!" the husband shouted , "My wife is my chattel, then does not her wealth belong to me? By the laws of Magadh!"
"Samrat, this is injustice! My stridhan is mine own, not even my husband can have right over it."
"Silence!" The emperor exclaimed. "You have come to me for justice. And I shall see to it, that justice be done."
"This man " and just before he could finish the sentence, the palace seemed to dissolve around him, then all was dark. Slowly light returned, and he saw himself perched on a cliff overseeing the grand army of Magadh over a barren battlefield.
"Gandhar? " The emperor asked himself,
"Samrat Hāla ki jay ho." A man spoke out behind him, he turned and saw it was Senapati Vijayanand, "Samrat, the men wait for your command." In the distance, Hāla could see a dust cloud approaching the Magadhan army. "What is that?"
"Kushans! They are here! Samrat you must give the order for the charge!"
"Yes. Let the cha ." Hāla found his speech suddenly silenced and no matter how hard, he tried he could not speak. "Samrat ! Give the order!" No words came out.
"Samrat !" the Magadhan host was in disarray, confused and scattered. the Kushans came down like a thunder and slaughtered at will. Senapati Vijayanand drew out his sword and galloped on his steed to the site of battle. Then all was dark again. When the emperor reopened his eyes, he found himself standing on a puddle of blood. He saw the lion throne before him, a headless man sat there with a dozen arrows on his chest. "Oh .. No! Krishna have mercy!" Hāla walked towards the throne, his chest pounding with fear.
As he neared the throne, he heard the lion growl. Then slowly the jaws shut down with the headless man still inside. Just then, a white flash appeared, and he woke up to daylight with his chest still pounding. "Hāla.. Hāla.. are you ok ?" it was Lilavati above him, comforting him. His head ached and his heart was still beating rapidly. Sweat covered his body and wet the linen on the bed. Samrat Hāla struggled to get up. "Summon a council of ministers. We have an urgent matter to discuss."
The council of ministers convened with Samrat Hāla seated upon the lion throne. The emperor had declared that an urgent matter had to be discussed, but none in the ministry knew what it was.
"My learned Amatyas. You have all stood by my side for the better part of four decades that I have had the burden of ruling Bharata. But now I am old, and the empire needs a new guide, a new samrat. There must always be a Samrat on the lion throne of Magadh. So today, I have called you all to declare the next heir to the throne. I have three sons, and by the laws of succession, only the eldest shall inherit the throne. But that is not how a samrat is chosen. Since the times of the ancients, only he has seated the throne of Magadh, who has proven himself capable of its burdens. I know many among you who have raised questions on the capabilities of my sons. But, one must think of the future ugh.."
Smoke started to emerge from the emperor's body, as though it were burning. "Ugh Aaah!" Hāla fell from the throne on to his knees. Smoke continued to billow out of the throne, its body was scarred in a manner most strange. "Samrat !" Senapati Vijayanand exclaimed as he and Amatya Niyogi rushed to aid the fallen emperor.
"Summon the vaid ! The emperor is in pain!" The emperor lay on the ground with the back of his body burnt entirely.
"Vv.v..v Vijay..nand.." the emperor struggled to speak, "Take care of cough! sons"
"My Samrat.. no this is too much."
"V..v..Vijay.. " The emperor took his crown with his shaking burnt and placed it in Vijayanand's hands. All the other Amatyas stood around the emperor in bewilderment.