A Tryst with Destiny

Samrat Hāla wasn't the same after Aditya's death. Every day, he spent in fear and anxiety. "Who could have killed him?""Why would they kill him… that too so near retirement." the questions came to his mind, without any answer in sight.

The emperor had initiated an investigation into the death of the royal cartographer. Two months had passed with no leads. It was almost as if he was killed by a ghost. The whole affair was unsettling for the emperor, but more unsettling were the deceased minister's last words. "Beware.. they will… kill…." at the end, he simply pointed to the emperor. Samrat Hāla had yet to appoint an heir to the throne. He had three sons and one daughter. He could not appoint his daughter as queen, for that went against the laws of Magadh, and none of his sons were deemed worthy of becoming emperor.

The summers in Magadh were hot and humid, and the nights were unpleasant. Hāla found that he could not sleep. The heat and humidity of the summers seem to have worsened his anxieties. He walked to the balcony of the palace and stared at the stars, searching for answers.

"What does the future hold?" he asked himself, "What future does Bharata hold. I have guided her destiny for over forty years. Now I see there is no one to take this burden after me."
"It is said that men tell no lies on their death bed. What then do I make of Aditya's last words ?"
"They would kill me.. but who?!" Samrat Hāla angrily stomped on the railings of his balcony.
Just then a cool wind started blowing from the East that startled him.

Hāla took it as a sign from the gods, "But what can it mean?" he asked himself. The cool breeze brought a moment's relief. "Perhaps the gods want me to sleep." Hāla made his way back to the bedchamber, still tensed with anxiety. The emperor liked to have a lone oil lamp burning beside the bed on his bedchamber. It was soothing for him. As he closed his eyes, his mind drifted into the realm of dreams.

He opened his eyes to see the throne room appear before him, he was seated on the lion throne of Magadh. "Samrat, I have come to seek justice" a woman cried out before him, "What?.."
"Samrat, my husband has stolen my stridhan, and sold it to satisfy his thirst for alcohol."
"Samrat!" the husband shouted , "My wife is my chattel, then does not her wealth belong to me? By the laws of Magadh!"
"Samrat, this is injustice! My stridhan is mine own, not even my husband can have right over it."
"Silence!" The emperor exclaimed. "You have come to me for justice. And I shall see to it, that justice be done."
"This man…" and just before he could finish the sentence, the palace seemed to dissolve around him, then all was dark. Slowly light returned, and he saw himself perched on a cliff overseeing the grand army of Magadh over a barren battlefield.
"Gandhar?…" The emperor asked himself,
"Samrat Hāla ki jay ho." A man spoke out behind him, he turned and saw it was Senapati Vijayanand, "Samrat, the men wait for your command." In the distance, Hāla could see a dust cloud approaching the Magadhan army. "What is that?"
"Kushans!… They are here! Samrat you must give the order for the charge!"

"Yes. Let the cha…." Hāla found his speech suddenly silenced and no matter how hard, he tried he could not speak. "Samrat ! Give the order!" No words came out.
"Samrat !" the Magadhan host was in disarray, confused and scattered. the Kushans came down like a thunder and slaughtered at will. Senapati Vijayanand drew out his sword and galloped on his steed to the site of battle. Then all was dark again. When the emperor reopened his eyes, he found himself standing on a puddle of blood. He saw the lion throne before him, a headless man sat there with a dozen arrows on his chest. "Oh .. No! Krishna have mercy!" Hāla walked towards the throne, his chest pounding with fear.

As he neared the throne, he heard the lion growl. Then slowly the jaws shut down with the headless man still inside. Just then, a white flash appeared, and he woke up to daylight with his chest still pounding. "Hāla.. Hāla.. are you ok ?" it was Lilavati above him, comforting him. His head ached and his heart was still beating rapidly. Sweat covered his body and wet the linen on the bed. Samrat Hāla struggled to get up. "Summon a council of ministers. We have an urgent matter to discuss."


The council of ministers convened with Samrat Hāla seated upon the lion throne. The emperor had declared that an urgent matter had to be discussed, but none in the ministry knew what it was.

"My learned Amatyas. You have all stood by my side for the better part of four decades that I have had the burden of ruling Bharata. But now I am old, and the empire needs a new guide, a new samrat. There must always be a Samrat on the lion throne of Magadh. So today, I have called you all to declare the next heir to the throne. I have three sons, and by the laws of succession, only the eldest shall inherit the throne. But that is not how a samrat is chosen. Since the times of the ancients, only he has seated the throne of Magadh, who has proven himself capable of its burdens. I know many among you who have raised questions on the capabilities of my sons. But, one must think … of the future…ugh.."

Smoke started to emerge from the emperor's body, as though it were burning. "Ugh … Aaah!" Hāla fell from the throne on to his knees. Smoke continued to billow out of the throne, its body was scarred in a manner most strange. "Samrat !" Senapati Vijayanand exclaimed as he and Amatya Niyogi rushed to aid the fallen emperor.
"Summon the vaid ! The emperor is in pain!" The emperor lay on the ground with the back of his body burnt entirely.
"Vv.v..v Vijay..nand.." the emperor struggled to speak, "Take… care of… cough! sons"
"My Samrat.. no this is too much."
"V..v..Vijay.. " The emperor took his crown with his shaking burnt and placed it in Vijayanand's hands. All the other Amatyas stood around the emperor in bewilderment.
I'm sorry, it's been awhile, who is Vijayanand again? Great though! Absolutely love it! Interesting death.
Vijayanand is the Senapati, basically he's a IRL character who was Senapati to Emperor Hala. He conquered Sri lanka for the emperor IRL and following that conquest, Hala found his wife, Queen Lilavati who was the daughter of the Ceylonese king.

In this timeline though, he didn't do a whole lot of interesting things aside from helping in arranging the emperor's wedding to Queen Lilavati. After the death of Amatya Aditya, he was the last of the emperor's 'favorites' . He disliked his sons and wouldn't give the reigns of the empire to his daughter so the crown unwittingly passed to Vijayanand. It is not clear though, whether the emperor did so in his senses or whether he did so under delusional pain. Whatever be the case, everyone has been left stunned by the decision, including Vijayanand himself.

The sons however, will be pissed at this and we can and should expect all sorts of trouble. So now we're basically heading to a vote to legitimize the new emperor or to agree to some other kind of plan, but all this trouble won't stop the Kushans from invading :lol: .
Ah succession. The troubles it brings leads to many interesting tales.
The empire is in peril.

The Samrat has been assassinated, and the throne of Magadh lies vacant without a successor. In his final hour, the Samrat left the ministers stunned with an enigmatic gesture. He placed his crown upon his most trusted minister, Senapati Vijayanand. Now, it is for the ministers to decide, what will determine the future of the empire, the last wish of the Samrat, or the laws of Magadh.

I call upon all ministers of Magadh to cast their vote on the future successor of the Empire of Magadh.
The hoofbeats could be heard through the desert. On the eastern horizon, the city state of Kashgar arose from the desert like a low hill. Over here, the last independent Kushan lord awaited his doom as the horde of Kujula Kadphises neared his city.

Azes Sabadpizes sat anxiously on his throne. "My lord!" the messenger greeted, "The scouts report the enemy is near", 'This was a mistake.. it was a mistake!' the king thought to himself,
"My lord, what's your command ?"
'I should have taken his offer!'
"My lord ?"
"huh!… Ah yes… move all troops to the western gates. Take three thousand archers to the passes. That is the only way, the enemy army could come to our city. If we hold off the enemy, then perhaps… perhaps we can gain some time."
"My lord, the enemy numbers twenty thousand, they come as legions of armored Ashvaks. Our yagbus only number Seven thousand. Our defenses are in disrepair and weak." the senapati spoke
"What are you suggesting Kahaana ?" Azes asked,
"I say that we surrender while there is still time." Azes sank to his seat, and took three deep breaths,
'surrender… perhaps .. no it is too late. He will not forgive me..' "No, it is too late for that. We must fight and die."
"But my lord, I can.."
"We will fight !" Azes exclaimed. "Concentrate the garrison on the city's walls. We needn't thin out our strength."

woooooooooooo, the conch shell blew in the distance, accompanying the deep low sound were the hoofbeats of thousands of Ashvaks. The sun was setting in the back, as the horde of Kujula Kadphises came before the walls of Kashgar.

"The end comes." Azes muttered to himself. He watched from the ramparts of the walls of Kashgar.
Kujula's horde had surely come, but it seemed diminished. "Senapati, how many would you say there are in the horde that approaches us?"
"By my reckoning, this horde should not number more than twelve thousand."
"The scouts reported twenty. I sense something wrong."
The horde stopped before the gates of Kashgar, a lone figure clad in Kushan armor rode out. This was the new king, the man who would become emperor, Kujula Kadphises. "Azes Sabadpizes! Come out and proclaim your surrender ! Do so, and I shall spare you and find you a place in my stables. Fight me, and I shall do to you as I have done to those who have stood in my path."

Azes remembered to his horror the sight of the warlord of the Oxus shrieking in pain as he was boiled alive on a giant bowl. It was meant to be a message which all but two Kushan warlords understood. 'curse my foolhardy courage.' , Azes stepped forward, "I will sooner die, than surrender myself to a life of servitude under your heels Kujula!"
Kujula looked up and unsheathed his sword, "Then you have chosen death."
Woooorrrrrrroooooooooo, the conch shell blew a signal, and the hordes began their ride to Kashgar.
"Archers Ready !" the Senapati ordered, then waited till the riders came in range, "Shoot !"

A volley of arrows fell upon the Kushan riders, few who were unfortunate found their armors were not enough to save their lives from the bolts of the Yagbu, but they were only a few among thousands. "Ready ! Aim !" the senapati waits, "Fire !" and another volley is sent on the invading enemy. Few fell but many kept riding. Volleys after volleys kept falling like an iron rain, but the armor and speed of the Ashvaks defeated the archers every time. Azes however, was no novice at war.

When the hordes had neared the gates Azes raised his hand, "Raise the pikes !" , within moments a wall of spikes emerged from under the ground, the horde was taken by surprise. Dozens of riders met their deaths at the sharp points of the wooden pikes. The ride had to be halted, the time was right for the Yagbu to show their marksmanship. The riders were confused and injured, they could not escape the rain of death that the volleys of bolts brought down upon them.

It seemed that the tide would turn against Kujula Kadphises, he knew what was at stake in this battle, the future of his vision, of a Kushan empire. Kujula Kadphises saw a flashing light from a hill to the East, he knew what it was. A force of eight thousand riders made their way around the hills through a hidden pass behind the hills of Kashgar.

"Sire .. Sire.. enemy at the gates ! Enemy at the gates !" the messenger was panting and fear stricken,
"Where ?"
"On the Eastern gate my lord. We are being besieged."
Azes' eyes widened, his face shrank and became pale.

"Send out the men to the Eastern gate !" the king ordered in despair, he knew in his heart this would be the end. 'So that was his plan all along.'

Kujula's riders dismounted and broke through the pike walls while sending counter volleys upon the archers on the wall. Kashgar was surrounded on both sides. Victory was imminent. The horde on the Eastern gate, used a siege weapon fashioned from a great tree used to batter down the undefended gate. Before the troops could reach to relieve the enemy, the gates had broken and the walls had been breached. Whilst on the Western gate, the enemy had broken through the barricade and began battering down the western gate with a ram.

Azes panicked, he retreated to his chamber and took out a bottle of poison. "I would rather die." Kashgar was drenched in the blood of its soldiers, even as its king hid in his own palace chamber to take his life. The riders were ruthless, but Kujula Kadphises forbade the slaughter of an unarmed man. Nor would he allow his men to harm the city's infrastructure. He would not weaken his own people, his aim was only the palace and the king.

"Strom the palace !" Kujula yelled, and the guards were swiftly overwhelmed by the charging riders. Kujula walked up the palace clad in his armor surrounded by a dozen of the fiercest Kushan ashvak warriors. "Azes ! Come out you coward !" Kujula shouted, "Search the palace for that worthless swine."
The guards found the king's chamber and broke through the gates. There they found Azes. His body lay on the ground in a pool of blood and vomit. His body reeked of rotten flesh, the ashvaks could not bear to be near him. Thus, did the last resistor succumb to the forces of Kujula Kadphises.

At Afrasiyab, Kujula crowned himself the king of kings. The king of kings arose to address a gathering of fifteen thousand Kushan warriors and warlords.

"We have roamed the deserts, we have harvested the infertile fields of the Tarim. For near a thousand years, the Tocharian cities have lived in he shadow of civilization to be scorned by the Chin and Bharata.
No more ! To the South lay our future, there we shall make our destiny.

I promise you, the Sindhu, I promise you the Ganga. I promise you the spoils of all the riches of Taxiles, Indicaporus and Lamones. We shall ride across the Oxus, and storm the lands of the Magadhan empire.

Their gold shall fill our treasury , their women will sleep in our harem and I shall take the Lion throne of Gangaridae and it shall grace the palace of Afrasiyab !"

"King of Kings !" the warriors chanted in celebration, "King of Kings ! King of Kings ! King of Kings !"

Ooo impressive :D
The whole empire of Magadh was engulfed in sorrow for the death of their Samrat. There was not a village nor city in the realm where the people did not weep for Samrat Hāla . Nowhere more was this evident than in the streets of Pataliputra.

The five ministers of Magadh walked with the royal family to the site of the funeral. Senapati Vijayanand led the way along with thousands of mourners. They walked through the Raj path of the capital city to the burning ghats by the Ganga. There, Samrat Hāla shall finally depart this world and find his place in the realm of gods.

The Samrat's final act had left the ministers perplexed and threw the realm into a state of uncertainty. Senapati Vijayanand could think of only one thing, 'In his last act, Samrat Hāla crowned me.. he wished me to take his place. Do I accept or do I not … ' , as he kept walking towards the funeral grounds with the mourning masses the thoughts became louder and louder.

Hala's two sons, Puttalaka and Purindrasen, his cousin and Amatya Vijayanand himself carried the emperor's corpse on their shoulders to the funeral ground. Vijayanand noticed the prying eyes of the ministers, Amatya Kartikeya twirling his mustache staring at Puttalaka. Amatya Niyogi stood by his side with his head bowed down, he wept and cried so passionately it seemed too true to believe. Both stood to the left of the funeral procession. To the right of the procession stood Amatya Bhimdev along with his wife and son. All the life in their faces had been drained out, there was nothing but a blank expression of disbelief.

The funeral grounds by the banks of the sacred Ganga river were soon flooded by thousands of mourners. All had gathered to see the final passing of emperor Hala. But unknown to the masses in the midst of tragedy and sorrow, the unscrupulous were crafting webs of intrigue even as the pyre was being lit.

Magadh had no successor in place, the emperor had fallen before he could formalize a succession, though in his last act he gave his crown to Senapati Vijayanand. A very difficult question now stood before the ministers of Magadh, the future of the empire seemed uncertain. Senapati Vijayanand thought to himself, standing before the burning funeral pyre of his deceased emperor 'The throne is Puttalaka's by right. But the throne passes to only those who deserve it … that has been the way for centuries… The ministers must chose now.' the fires had now completely engulfed the emperor, 'You left too early Hāla.'

When the once mighty emperor of Bharata and Parasika, was reduced to ashes, the mourners left the funeral grounds. Puttalaka gave one scorn filled stare at Senapati Vijayanand before leaving the grounds. Amatya Kartikeya and Amatya Niyogi followed him.
The royal family was still in mourning, but the work of the empire could not be delayed. The realm needed an emperor and the decision had to be made soon. The ministers of Magadh came together to decide the future of the realm. At the great hall, there were six seats of belonging to each of the ministers in the court of Magadh. two seats stood empty, as was the throne of the Samrat.

"where is Amatya Martand ?" asked Amatya Bhimdev, "Has word not been sent to him? How can he not be present today ?"
"I do not see Senapati Vijayanand either. " Amatya Niyogi remarked.
"They should not have abstained like this. How can we appoint a successor without a full coram?"
Amatya Kartikeya sat silent with his eyes closed and his fingers steepled. His elbows rested on the armrests of his seat. His silence and demeanor gave out an ominous feeling, made more ominous by the dark of the great hall and the empty throne.

All of a sudden the gates of the hall opened bringing a flash of light, Senapati Vijayanand had come. In his hand he held the crown of the fallen emperor, he walked with a brisk pace towards the Lion throne. All the ministers stood up in respect of the Senapati, but he simply walked ahead. "Senapati we… " Amatya Bhimdev called, but Vijayanand would not listen, the Senapati climbed the steps of the Lion throne of Magadh, and kept the crown of the emperor on its seat. The Senapati turned, Vijayanand turned around and addressed the ministers, "Bharata shall have an emperor, but he will come from the line of Hāla and none other !"

Vijayanand's voice thundered through the great hall, as if a judgment from the heavens. He stepped down and took his seat below. "Let him speak who disagrees." Vijayanand said. For a long time no one spoke, then it was only Niyogi who stood up and spoke
"Senapati, centuries before, the laws of Magadh were written and set in stone by the first Samrat, Dhrittiman. He decreed, that only the deserving should sit the throne of Magadh. Should we forget our past o learned ministers ? Should we forget that it was the hereditary line that produced an accursed soul like Udayabhadra and gave to him the power to decide the fate of Bharata ! Never again! The whole of Bharata knows Senapati Vijayanand, that only you are worthy of this throne. Not Puttalaka and not his brother and most certainly not his sister !"

"The emperor was not in his right mind when he gave his crown. I was never officially appointed, the Samrat never announced me as his successor!" Vijayanand stood up, "If I take that place on the throne, the realm would suffer. Do you think Puttalaka would stand silent if he sees me on his father's throne ? No he would rebel, and he would take half the realm with him !"
"Senapati Vijayanand speaks the truth !" exclaimed Amatya Bhimdev, "For the greater interests of the realm, we must chose Kumar Puttalaka for Samrat. It is also in accordance with the laws of Magadh, that should an appointment not be made, hereditary succession would be first considered by the ministers when they chose the next Samrat."
"The great Samrat Chandragupt Maurya did not belong to the line of the Nanadas, neither did the first Samrat of the Satavahan line, Chakravartin Samrat Satakarni, the first of his name, belong to the line of the Mauryas. When he was chosen.."
"Let us not delve into the past that lies buried beneath the mud of history. Live in the present Amatya. Senapati Vijayanand has denied the throne, nor can it be said to have been given to him. The Samrat was dying, he did not formalize the appointment."
Amatya Niyogi looked sharply at Amatya Bhimdev and said, "Dying men do not lie."

Through the discussions Amatya Kartikeya stood silent with steepled hands, patiently observing the proceedings. Then the guards entered and informed that a messenger had come for them, "Amatya, a messenger has come from Amatya Martand."
"Let him in!" Amatya Kartikeya said,
The messenger began, "Samrat ki jai. Amatya Martand has sent a message, to be read in the presence of the learned Amatyas."
"So where is Martand ? He should be here today." Amatya Bhimdev said scornfully.
The messenger rolled out the scroll and began reading,

"To the honorable learned Amatyas of Magadh.
Though I understand that I am needed in this most decisive council, I see myself unable to attend. The news of the emperor's death has stirred the Parasika nobility and the halls of Persepolis are filled with intrigues. They scheme against us and plan on breaking from our empire. My presence is all that stands between our enemies and the integrity of Bharata. I have sent this emissary, to convey this message to you.

However, as is my duty, I must give my say to who must seat the throne of Magadh. It is very rarely that a man is faced with a choice which he cannot make for he sees defeat on both paths. Should I chose Kumar Puttalaka, his incompetence and inexperience will surely bring the realm to ruin, yet should I chose Senapati Vijayanand, to whom the dying emperor bestowed his crown with his last breath, I chose breaking the Satavahan line and threatening the realm with rebellion. So, I feel I must abstain myself from taking a side.

Forever in service,

Amatya Martand."

The ministers looked at one another perplexed by this letter, "This is most irresponsible of Amatya Martand." Senapati Vijayanand said, in a cold stern voice. "The decision of the council requires the presence of every minister. He cannot simply send an errand boy to tell us what he intends for."
Amatya Kartikeya stood up and spoke, "We must make our final decisions. We cannot let absences prevent the work of the council. Let us take a vote."
"The council must be complete for a voting to take place! Amatya Martand must be here!"
"It is quite clear Senapati Vijayanand, that he cannot come."
"Amatya Kartikeya has been silent throughout the deliberations, I would like to know where he stands on the question of succession." Amatya Bhimdev spoke out,
Amatya Kartikeya looked once at each of the ministers, he folded his hands, and twirled his mustache. "It was the emperor's last wish that Senapati Vijayanand take the throne, I propose his name for succession."
Amatya Niyogi smiled, "It is most wise of you Amatya Kartikeya."

Vijayanand, had not expected Amatya Kartikeya to make such a decision, the council of ministers was now effectively split on the question of succession. "This is preposterous! Half of us say one thing and half of us another.. have the ministers lost sense of responsibility to the realm ?!" he exclaimed angrily.
"It is as it is Vijayanand, you must respect the power of the council Senapati. We are empowered to chose the future heir of the empire, whoever that maybe, if the ministers deem him worthy."
"The question is not so much as our power to chose, as much as what choice we have made." said Amatya Bhimdev "This council cannot disband till we have made a final decision !"

Vijayanand and Kartikeya stared at each other, "I will not accept this. I cannot accept this burden." the Senapati said. A long moment of silence passed after that statement. Amatya Niyogi then broke the silence, "We must convene another day to make the final decision."

"So be it." Amatya Kartikeya said before the ministers disbanded.

From a corner behind a pillar of the great hall, Puttalaka's spies heard the deliberations of the council. "I will meet Amatya Kartikeya tonight." the prince said to his spy.
Amatya kartikeya had not slept that night. It was a hot and humid night, when most would have trouble sleeping, but Amatya Kartikeya sat calmly with his legs folded in his bed chamber. He was expecting a visitor.

In the darkness of the night, a shrouded man stood on the balcony and knocked on the minister's door. Amatya Kartikeya knew who it was, in the midst of the heated discussions of the day, a lone spy heard from a secure corner of the great hall of the palace. The laws of Magadh were written four centuries ago by Samrat Dhrittiman, those laws regarded bloodline second to worthiness. So it was, that the heir of Samrat Hāla would have to prove his worth before he could ascend the throne of Magadh. His bloodline meant for little.

Kartikeya opened the door and let the shrouded man inside, "Welcome Kumar Puttalaka." the prince was in no mood for pleasantries, "You promised me that you would support my claim to succession ! Now I see you supporting that usurious wretch Vijayanand!" the prince exclaimed albeit with a hushed voice.
"Calm down my prince, do not worry of Vijayanand. I believe I have him trapped."
"Trapped.. you say? How do you think you have him trapped.. by placing him nearer the throne!?"

The prince was perplexed by this answer, "What is on your mind Kartikeya.."
"It is known, to you and me, that Senapati Vijayanand means to rewrite history. Just as your esteemed ancestor, Chakravartin Samrat Satakarni, the first of his name, had assumed the throne with the might of his arms, and just as the great Samrat Chandragupt of the line of Mauryas had ascended the throne with the might of the army of Magadh, so does Vijayanand mean to use the armed forces of the realm to take his place upon the throne of Magadh."
"Do not tell me what is known, tell me what you intend to do about it Amatya!"
"What I intend to do about it, Kumar Puttalaka." Kartikeya rested his right hand around Puttalaka's shoulders,"is expose him, before we kill him."

Puttalaka sat down on the swing in Kartikeya's chamber, he contemplated the possibility of exposing Vijayanand's plans, "Do you have something which could expose him?"
"As a matter of fact, I have some one." replied Kartikeya,
"Where is this man ? I want to see him."
"At this hour of the night ? I think not. When the council sits tomorrow, you will know. Till then, patience must be your virtue Kumar Puttalaka."
"Patience… hah ! Great monarchs have done great deeds through action ! Not patience !"
"Oh ? I suppose you could just walk to Vijayanand's chamber and kill him in his sleep ? Do not forget his two sons and wife as well. Then whence the morning comes we may see the future prince of Magadh in a dungeon. After all, the whole palace will race to the scene of the crime, when the guards hear the cries of Senapati Vijayanand and his family. But lets say you somehow escape, then what ? You would be voted in by a council of ministers now greatly diminished in number, but the army would never be on your side. Not without Senapati Vijayanand. Quite the contrary, they would rebel. I shudder to think of what may follow.."
"Alright alright ! You have your way. Just ensure that my father's throne passes to me."
"I am ever the loyal servant of thee." Kartikeya bowed, and the prince left to whence he came from.

Whilst Prince Puttalaka and Amatya Kartikeya spun their webs of intrigue, a warrior walked restlessly on the balcony of his manse. "Do I take it or do I not …" the question loomed large upon Senapati Vijayanand's mind. The day's affairs had left him shaken and worried. Should the council remain undecided the throne would remain vacant and unrest may follow. It was no secret that the Persians were plotting their independence from the suzerainty of Bharat, it was even less a secret that the Kushana were planning to invade the lands to the South of the Oxus, lands belonging to the Samrat of Bharat.

"Bharata must be strong to withstand these attacks, if there is turmoil… I fear the worst." he said to himself. He had moved the army of Magadh to the western frontier to meet any Kushan threat that would show up, as of now, there were only sporadic raids but no serious military engagement. The presence of the army had ensured the "loyalty" of the Parthian vassals as well. Should that front fall, Bharata would fall with it. There were no dearth of unscrupulous internal enemies either. Enemies within and enemies without, were plotting the downfall of Bharata, and Vijayanand found himself standing on the front lines between order and chaos. But would he defile the honor of the Satavahan dynasty … for his duty ?

In the distance, he noticed a man walking to his manse. He was dressed in regal garb like that of a minister of Magadh. "Who is that coming in?" he asked himself, the palace guards allowed the man in. This caught Kartikeya's attention, he immediately walked to the gates. There he found, Amatya Niyogi.
"What brings you here Amatya?" the Senapati asked
"Senapati, I could not sleep tonight." said Niyogi,
"The feeling is perfectly mutual Amatya Niyogi."
"Bharat needs you Senapati Vijayanand."
"Bharat needs the Satavahan dynasty."
"You misunderstand." Amatya Niyogi presented a scroll, "Read this message Senapati."
"What is this?"
"It is a message from Parasika. My trusted guptachr Siddharthak discovered."

Vijayanand unrolled it and began reading. The message read that Amatya Martand, the ever loyal servant of the Satavahan dynasty shall make it so that the Kushan hordes shall pass unfettered through the lands of Parasika and into the province of Sindhu. In doing so, he would keep his word to Prince Puttalaka. With the help of the Kushan hordes he would secure his position upon the throne of Magadh and smite his enemies within the court of Pataliputra.

As he read the contents of this message, his eyes widened, and his jaws dropped in shock. He could not believe his eyes that a prince of Magadh was capable of such sedition. "It cannot be true. Is Siddharthak trusted ?"
"Whatever doubt you may have on Siddharthak, you cannot deny where this message comes from. See, the seal of the minister for protectorates and colonies."
"Now I understand everything. This abstention, it was all part of a scheme ! Oh the shame, that Kumar Puttalaka should rely on barbarian Kushans to secure his throne! He has made this shameless compromise with the enemies of Bharata!" Vijayanand was beside himself, he threw the message to the ground.
"Do you see now why Bharata needs you o Senapati ?"

Vijayanand did not know how to answer Niyogi. He had struggled with the question of succession all night, and now the answer presented itself. It was the question of the integrity of the empire of Magadh, of the fate of Bharata. When weighed against this, the fate of the Satavahan dynasty seemed a small loss if it could save the future of this land and her people. "What is your decision Senapati?"
Vijayanand took a long pause but finally broke his silence, "Come the morrow, I shall assume my place on the lion throne of Magadh."
Sorry this update is taking so long. I understand Baseballpie has left :( . I wish I could write the update while he was still around, but other things came in the way and I struggled to keep focus. Still I hope people enjoyed the update as it turned out :)
I find it riveting! :thumbsup:
I think I'll be able to read these last updates later today. I can't do that at work because I shouldn't spend too much time in something that isn't part of my job.

I can only come from time to time to see something and post something, but not much more. I'm eager to start brainstorming the war plans :goodjob:
Senapati Vijayanand walked alone to the palace hall, just as Amatya Niyogi had advised the night before. His head hung low as if ashamed of his action, 'Perhaps my sin will be condoned in the next life, or perhaps not….' he thought to himself as he walked towards the great hall. There were no two ways of seeing this, it was a coup by the senapati against the rightful heir to the throne. He began to reminisce Amatya Niyogi's words from the night before, "Do not come alone. In all likelihood, you would find Kumar Puttalaka seated on the throne before the council begins. Do not go before the council has congregated as that may raise suspicion against you. Enter the hall with a small force, for your enemy may resort to unsavory tactics against you. These men would be your protection." The Senapati had emphatically refused, "If I walk a righteous path, I need not resort to deception." "You are a fool for doing so Senapati !" Niyogi had exclaimed, 'What if the Amatya was right..'

He approached the doors of the great hall in the central building of the palace compound. The gates of the hall opened and Senapati Vijayanand entered the hall. The hall was filled with soldiers, palace guard on either side of the hall armed and ready. 'What are these guards here for..?' Vijayanand thought to himself fearing the worst may have come true. He proceeded to walk towards the lion throne of Magadh and then he saw. Kumar Puttalaka was seated on the throne, 'I am too late!' Senapati Vijayanand thought,
"Ha! There you are usurper !" Puttalaka shouted out, his voice reverberating through the hall.
Below the throne, there stood Amatya Bhimdev and Amatya Kartikeya, beside them a man knelt with his hands tied behind his back.

"What is all this? Why are these guards here.. and how by what right do you sit on that throne Puttalaka !" "Senapati Vijayanand exclaimed,
"Silence usurper! We have proof of your sedition against the sovereignty of Bharata. Read out the message Amatya Kartikeya!" Prince Puttalaka ordered. The Amatya took out the message. "This, is a message sent by one of your own cohorts :
Bharat Mata ki jai,

Senapati Vijayanand, the time has come to put our plan in motion. Whilst it would have been desirable had the council been unanimous in its decision, as that has not happened, we are forced to take matters into our own hands. The garrison of Pataliputra is ready to defend your ascendancy with their lives as they know your worthiness. The lion throne of Magadh awaits you o noble one, upon your order I shall make it ready for the men to secure the royal family and imprison Kumar Puttalaka.

In service,
Amatya Niyogi"

Senapati Vijayanand stood stunned feeling equal parts anger and shock. The hostage kneeling before the throne then showed his face, it was Amatya Niyogi. "Amatya…." Vijayanand whispered. His face was battered "Forgive me Senapati.. I have failed." Vijayanand looked up at the throne, his eyes met Puttalaka's. "You who call me usurper, Kumar Puttalaka.."
"You will address me as Samrat !"
"I will die before I see you take the throne of Magadh! You lying treacherous !…"
"Guards ! Seize this man ! Take him into custody!"

Two dozen palace guards approached to arrest Senapati Vijayanand. He unsheathed his sword and prepared to stand his ground. "Come near me, and you welcome death". The guards hesitated, but two were brave enough to venture, they came with their spears pointed towards Vijayanand, but the Senapati was as skilled a warrior as he was a commander. In mere moments, the guards lay down bleeding on the floor of the hall with their spears broken. More guards closed around Vijayanand.

Amatya Kartikeya spoke, "You are surrounded Senapati, how many will you kill ? There are a hundred guards here and you are but one man."
"I loathe you Amatya Kartikeya. Till only yesterday, you spoke for placing me upon the throne. Now, you present these fraudulent documents and frame me for a crime I dare not commit !"
"It is true, I had opted to honor keep Samrat Hala's last wish, that was before we knew of your betrayals."
"Enough ! No more lies Kartikeya !"
for a moment, the hall fell silent, the guards stood hesitant with spears in their hands. "I reiterate. You are surrounded Vijayanand. Surrender yourself."

Senapati Vijayanand dropped his sword, "you may take me in" he said, inviting the guards to arrest him.

"Summon the scribe!" Puttalaka ordered. Mrityunjay the immortal scribe came before the emperor and his ministers, "Put these words in writing. Let it be known, that Bharat has a new Samrat. The line of Satavahanas remains in place. I, Samrat Puttalaka shall be ordained the next day."


Senapati Vijayanand's arrest was held a secret for as long as it could be kept a secret, but like a river which meanders around every obstacle it faces to reach the ocean, the secret of Vijayanand's unlawful arrest came to the knowledge of the people.

At night, Senapati Vijayanand slouched with his back towards the walls of the dungeon. In the solitary confinement of the dungeons beneath the palace of Pataliputra, he had no one else to talk with nor share with. Food and water was sent through a tunnel from the ceiling. It was therefore quite unusual, when he heard footsteps approaching the gates of the cell.

'Who could this be? … my murderer perhaps?' soon, there were many footsteps, then he realized, it was the sound of people running. "Senapati !" a man shouted, a glow emerged from the shadow dispelling the darkness around the cell. "Senapati!" now the voice became familiar, it was a voice that he had not heard for many months. "Nikolasa?.." Vijayanand enquired. There he stood with his strange weapon, accompanying him were the dozen elite warriors of the emperor's guard, each trained to use Nikolasa's super weapon.

"Nikolasa? What are you doing here?" Vijayanand asked,
"What do you think?" Nikolasa answered with a smile, he aimed his weapon at the lock of the iron gate and fired three times. The gate was now broken and could be open.
"Who is responsible for this?"
"Come with me Senapati, when we reach the surface you shall know."

Vijayanand, Nikolasa and his men ran up the steps of the dungeons and into surface level. The guards protecting the cellar were dead riddled with bullets that could only be fired from Nikolasa's weapon. "Keep moving !" Nikolasa ordered as he and his men rushed with the Senapati. Before long, they were out of the dungeons and onto horses brought for the rescue. They rode as fast as the horses could take them, till they escaped from the palace ground.

In the dead of night, it was difficult to make out what had transpired but the glowing embers of fires and ashes and corpses strewn across the streets marked signs of a riot. "What happened here?" Vijayanand asked Nikolas,
"Ask no questions till we come to the harbor!"

So they rode through the lanes of Pataliputra, through roads and lanes bloodied with the corpses and ruined manses. Nikolasa then took them through alleyways which not even an Amatya could know of, but were known to the emperor's personal guards. Vijayanand found himself near the wall, "Where are we Nikolasa ?"
"Forget you ever saw this before today." Nikolasa pushed a brick on the wall, which opened a secret door to a tunnel.
"Ride out in separate directions, I will take Vijayanand to the ferry alone." Nikolasa's men bowed and departed in separate ways.
"No one will know that you have escaped with me."
Vijayanand held Nikolasa by the shoulder and jerked him back, "Will you tell me or not Nikolas! What happened to Pataliputra while I was imprisoned ! Who has planned this escape."
Nikolasa smiled once again, "He is waiting for you at the ferry outside the city walls. You know her."
"Name her. If I know her, then name her!"
Vijayanand reluctantly released Nikolasa, "Let us get to the ferry then."

Nikolasa walked stealthily holding a torch before him through the meandering tunnel carved within the South wall of Pataliputra. They came out at the corner of the South and East wall where the fourth tower of Pataliputra stood. It was strange to find that there were no guards manning the tower. Vijayanand sprinted along with Nikolasa to the marketplace adjoining the ferry. Much of the market seemed pillaged. There was not a life in sight, save a few wild cats and rats feeding on upturned fruits and vegetables. Some shops were still burning into the night.

When they finally came to the ferry, Vijayanand saw a woman cloaked with a large shawl. Her face was covered by the shawl revealing only a pair of sensuous eyes, eyes that Vijayanand was familiar with.
"Senapati ! you are alive. Thank the gods. and Thank you Nikolasa."
"You may show yourself my queen."
The dowager empress Lilavati revealed herself standing before the ferry. A large boat floated waiting for Vijayanand. "So now you know."
"My queen.. but why ?"
"Because Vijayanand, you may not believe yourself worthy, but I know that you are the rightful successor to my late husband. Puttalaka is my blood, but the lion throne of Magadh can only be seated by a deserving heir, not simply by bloodline. When I weigh the destiny of Bharata against my son's ambition, I find the former weightier."
A man walked out of the boat and came to Vijayanand, "Take this boat, Vijayanand. The boatman has been instructed to take you to safety."
"Senapati.." the man from the boat spoke with a familiar accent,
"Can it be.."
"Yes Vijayanand. It is I, Amatya Niyogi."
Great job CK! :sarcasm:

You succeeded in your plan to start another civil war. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!!?
Dynastic faction -

The dynastic faction is committed to defend Prince Puttalaka's ascendancy to the throne.

Supporters -

1) Nobility - The nobility of Magadh through their various marital and political ties are invested in the continuation of the Satavahan dynasty. Through various alliances forged during Samrat Hala's time, the noble family has won many friends among Magadh's nobility. The high nobility of the Maharathi family at Avanti however, are not certain of their allegiance to the royal family.

2) Amatya Kartikeya - Amatya Kartikeya is the first pillar of the Dynastyic faction, the key strategist and executor of Prince Puttalaka's ascendancy. As the foreign minister he has been in close contact with Amatya Martand and weaved a network of alliances with Persian noblemen as well as other foreign forces to secure the dynasty's interests beyond the border of the empire.

3) Amatya Bhimdev - Amatya Bhimdev as the domestic affairs minister held the second most powerful post after the emperor, most of the royal bureaucracy and regional bureaucracies support him. More importantly, he has control over the imperial espionage network. He himself, was not part of conceiving the conspiracy but finds himself supporting the monarchist with the earnest belief that he is on the just side.

4) Amatya Martand - Amatya Martand being stationed in Persia, has held Persia in subjugation to Bharata through a network of alliances and counter-alliances. The parthian nobility through Tiridates is the most loyal ally of the Satavahan dynasty. In return for their continued loyalty, Amatya Martand has negotiated the cessation of Kambojadesa to ensure the continued support of the Parthian dynasty.

5) The orthodox brahmins of Kashi - The garrison of Kashi are largely recruited from forces of the warlords near the region and from the martial arts centers in the province. As such, they are trained in the belief systems espoused by the orthodox brahmins of Kashi. The militant naga monks too have offered their services to the defense of the Satavahan dynasty.

Rebel faction -

The rebel faction is committed to place Senapati Vijayanand in power as they believe he is the one who deserves to be on the throne.

Supporters -

1) The Army - The armed forces of the empire are overwhelmingly in support of their Senapati. All except the garrison of Kashi are supportive of the Senapati. Most loyal is the army of Magadh stationed at Herat.

2) The popular masses - Puttalaka is not popular among the masses of the empire and they would rebel at the first sign of rebellion. Vijayanand on the other hand, is respected by the masses as a man of honor and a capable military leader.

3) The Queen - The royal family is not united. Though the queen does not reveal it so, she has ensured the survival of the rebel faction by saving Vijayanand and Amatya Niyogi. The younger own of the family is still young and is under the care of the queen. The princess however, is yet to be married but she hates her elder brother Puttalaka. The queen being the daughter of the Lankan king has woven an alliance between magadh and Sri Lanka.

4) Amatya Niyogi - As minister of finance, he knows the strengths and weaknesses of the financial networks which empower Magadh and its nobility. He has support among sections of the administration as well as secret services within Magadh. Most loyal among his supporters lay in Herat and Indraprasth.

5) Kingdom of Sri Lanka - Though largely composed of forest and mountain dwellers , the Lankan are renowned for being fierce warriors and are known for the wealth through mining of gems on the mountains of Lanka. Though they are bound through ties of marriage to the Satavahan dynasty, they are willing to side with Dowager empress Lilavati in her support for the rebel cause but only from a distance.

Neutral side -

The neutral forces take neither the dynastic faction nor the rebel faction. Some are benign while others are not.

1) Kushanas - The Kushanas have set out to conquer the lands to the South and the East. A horde under the command of Kujula Kadphises is being readied for a large invasion of the empire of Magadh at Kambojadesa. There have been talk of intrigues at the behest of Kujula Kadphises but the Kushana seem to prefer brute force than intrigue to get their ends.

2) Dravida - The question of succession is seen by the masses of Chola Nadu as a northern question, they do not wish to take sides in this matter. Amatya Martand being the minister for protectorates and colonies continues to control the bureaucracy and administration of Chola Nadu but does not control the garrison of Kanchipuram. The garrison of Kanchipuram however, are recruited from Dravidas who do not feel for the rebel cause.

3) Amatya Martand - As the only abstaining minister, his only commitment was that he would side by whoever becomes Samrat. With Puttalaka on the throne, it is most likely that the once neutral minister would shift sides and become one with the dynastic cause. However, he has remained in the governor's residence at Persepolis and has woven schemes of his own disregarding the cause of the dynastic faction and the rebel faction. But no one yet knows where Amatya Martand may turn. Wherever he turns, persia turns with him.

players -

Dynastic faction -

CaterpillarKing (Amatya Kartikeya), Baseballpie ( Amatya Bhimdev )

Rebel faction -

TheNoob ( Amatya Niyogi ), DKVM ( Amatya Vijayanand)

open slots -

Dynastic faction -

1) Religious advisor -
2) Nobility -

Rebel faction -

1) Rebel militias from masses-
2) Kingdom of Sri Lanka- position taken
Please PM me with your war plans and strategies. I will keep the planning stage open for 7 days. I am inviting new players to sign up for open slots listed above and for existing players to change allegiances (if they wish to). after the plans have been finalized I will implement that plan which can achieve its goals with least damage to the empire after playtesting both faction's plans.

If there is any question please ask me for clarifications.
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