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is this age difference too much?

I think that you have got the wrong end of the stick, there. I didn't mean to suggest that there is anything "unnatural" about homosexuality, just that reductionistic evopysch doesn't really explain human sexual or romantic attraction as it is actually experienced. It always ends up a matter of taking 1950s American norms and attempting to work backwards, which, as you put it: no, and I didn't see much in that part of your post which suggested you were taking a particularly different path.

That's true. I was planning on just having the first three paragraphs in my post but then realized I would have people act more against it than they would to an explanation on why I feel that way. None of us can particularly say each other is wrong, especially since the science and psychology behind human emotion and how it works is shady at best, but at the very least we can try to explain why we feel the way we do about things and gear the responses of others.

I probably need to learn to start my opinion posts with "In my opinion" rather than going ahead with statements. Oh English teacher, why are you so right?
Because I speak the truth?


But go ahead and attack my intelligence some more. This is why off-topic annoys me. I can't post here without someone insulting my intelligence.

It would be nice to post in a place where I'm not continuously insulted. And notice how I refrained from insulting you.

Did you read your own link ?
Didn't seem to tell me what you seem to think it means. (Hint: subjectivity...)

And did you read my previous post in the thread ? - after all, I was only continuing that theme here..

Interesting that you took this as a criticism of your intelligence, I was merely pointing out that in the future you won't be able to get away with your posting, because morals will eventually catch up. Then most people, and not just a very few, will see your post for what it is.

Here's a clue: do black people smell differently? do women smell differently? do old people smell differently?
Answer: no, they all use their nose for it...

Not saying you're unintelligent, just nowhere near the vanguard...

Some people see, some people don't see, some people see only if you show them...
What would really be creepy is if they both loved each other and wanted to spend their extremely precious and valuable lives together and all these other people wanted to stop them. Oh wait......

Glorious. +2 humanity points for you sir.
Age difference becomes less and less relevant as the younger's one age increase.
When someone reach about 30-35, they don't really have an "upper limit" for their partner. I may find peculiar to be with someone much older, but that's all, nothing more.
I've dated someone 17 years my senior.

Of the folks I've dated, this was my longest, happiest, and most fulfilling relationship. Romantically linked for five years. That's about half of my post-teenage years.

I'm sure I got a couple of odd looks. Doesn't bother me. I think the people who believe that I have to date in a certain age range have too high an opinion of their relationship expertise and need to shove a sock in it. The reason being, what works for one person or even a majority of people does not work for everyone.

When you find someone who actually understands you on a fundamental level, and you share deep feelings with, who you can talk to for 6 or 7 hours straight without getting bored or tired of talking to, even after being together for years and years, that's a special kind of connection. If this person is older than you or younger than you, but you're both adults, then you tend to stop giving a :nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke: what people think of your relationship.

It makes me happy. Happiness is something most people are looking for, and many haven't found yet. I actually kinda feel sorry for the folks who think that certain pairings are wrong and haven't found someone for themselves yet.

Barney Frank is happy, so is his partner, good for them. Doesn't affect me one way or the other. If it does affect you, you're spending way too much time fretting over other people's sex lives. I advocate getting one of your own.
It's a bit on the upper side of creepy, but since the younger partner is already over 40, it's less irritating. The creepy thing with big age differences is the Sugar Daddy/Momma thing and I really don't see that when someone is 43. Now the question for me is how long these two have been together? (I know, a quick google search, but the answer is not really what I am looking for, just pointing out that if they've been together for 15 years or so, it was once "problematic")

On the other hand, who am I to tell anyone what to do in love? That's just my own personal morals. If they are fine with it, it's really no problem. And especially not mine. (My objection is mostly tied to my own "shyness" and a belief that no relationship should be exploitative. Like when a 18-year old model or pornstar is together with a billionaire or superstar. And I can think of plenty of examples, regardless of gender or sexuality, in any direction, from Madonna to Hugh Hefner to Calvin Klein.
the question is, who's exploiting who there ;)

but on topic, while I wouldn't want such a big age gap in any relationship I'm in, who am I to tell them who people can love and who they can't? In other words: none of my business
Homosexuality is something present in 1500 species, well-documented in over 500. Granted, there aren't any studies on generational gaps in species (probably because most don't live long enough), but debunking what I said based on people being gay is.. no.

Sexual intercourse is something present in species. Heck, even sex deprived inmates rape their fellow prisoners. Doesn't mean they are homos.
One day, you will not be able to come out with this garbage without looking a complete dick.

Allow me to introduce you to that idea while you're still at the 'duh' stage of sophistication.

That's quite tolerant of you. And social conservatives are the mean ones?
If it makes them happy, then fine.

Exactly. Relationships aren't about sexual compatibility, they're about personal connections. If Frank found that with someone 30 years his junior, and Ready with someone 30 years his senior, then we should only be happy for them that each of them found that person to connect with on such a personal, mental, emotional level.
Sexual intercourse is something present in species. Heck, even sex deprived inmates rape their fellow prisoners. Doesn't mean they are homos.

Well, the 'test' for homosexuality as a sexual orientation isn't whether someone has sex with someone of the same gender. It's about preference. Prison sex is almost never about actual relationships.
Well, the 'test' for homosexuality as a sexual orientation isn't whether someone has sex with someone of the same gender. It's about preference. Prison sex is almost never about actual relationships.

I'm pretty sure if you enjoy sticking your penis inside someone of the same gender, that you are probably homosexual or bisexual.
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