StNNES III: Ruins of Empires

Update 11: 900 BCE

There was a certain strain of oddity in the air as the Khazarians marched into land they thought was barbarian. They were no long quite sure that whoever they were marching to meet was barbarian. The people seemed well fed and quite happy, they maintained vast fields of oats, and had many towns, which, while nothing truly massive, were quite plentiful. It was too... civilized. The general was confused a bit by this, but he knew his orders. He was to proceed to this “New City”, wherever it was. To establish contact. But now he found his way blocked. Blocked by a Novgorodian army.

The Khazars were far outnumbered, admittedly. But the general was intelligent. He knew how to fight a battle. As the Novgorodian armies came forth he readied his men and they fired arrows down upon the veritable horde of Slavic warriors. His cavalry murdered Novgorod’s. But in the end, the Slavs were too strong. The “fist” of their central infantry wing broke clean through the Khazars’ army, and the latter withdrew from the field.
Casualties: Khazars: 100 UU, 200 swordsmen, 100 spearmen, Novgorod: 200 spearmen, 300 UU

The Novgorod army celebrated their victory, but they are not done yet; Khazars still occupy portions of the countryside. Meanwhile, a trade route with Tartessos dies upon arrival. The two nations are too separated to trade at the moment.

The Khazars are shocked at their first real defeat. It dawns upon them that these are no barbarians, they are fully fledged, very civilized people. Many agree that peace should be established with the Slavs.

Also, the Khazars invade the Armenian colony at the mouth of the Dnieper, claiming it is Khazarian, pointing out an obscure clause in the ages old NAP. It’s not like the Armenians can do much; their nation has lost its entire coast to the Hittites.

The Picts unite with the Cantivellauni, and many cartographers sigh with relief at the fact that a nation with an exceedingly long name need not ever be referred to again. The king’s navy goes rather well, and forest continues to be cleared en masse, giving them an economic boost. Also the Faroe Islands are colonized using maps from the Orcadian capital, and contacts are established with Jutland, Gaul, Brittany, and Tartessos.

Tartessos experiences a great burst of new growth, as much infrastructure is improved around the nation. The city of Tartessos proper seems to be the focus of this effort, though it still is not quite the largest city in the world. Also, Lusitania is annexed, adding greatly to the imperial coffers. Not all are happy with this. The Basques are perhaps the most fiercely nationalist people on the peninsula, and they are not happy being part of the Tartessian Empire.

Trade with Mali is established, and in general the attempts to colonize Africa are successful. There are only a few hardships. Telkidopolis, named after the great explorer and on the fringe of the Sahara, suffers from its mere location. Desert heat make it quite hard to accept living there, lack of water emphasizes this. As if it were not enough, the city is plagued with sandstorms and ironically... Flash floods.

Terhazza in the Mali area is also constructed, and they suffer much the same problems, if not so pronounced, and also some other ones. The Ashanti are a fierce warrior tribe that has essentially united most of the tribes of the area in a bid to drive out the bull worshipers.

At the other end of their known world, in Greece, they battle all out with the Thebans. While the war in Anatolia goes well, with few casualties, they can only watch as the Trojans beat back the Rhodians and the Thebans refuse to engage with anyone.

The Tartessian plan for landing in Sparta is somewhat disrupted by the fact that the Thebans utterly sacked Sparta, and they are forced to fight on the beaches for their very survival, and lose about 400 spearmen before withdrawing. They could not even land their troops before the Theban attack on Sparta, so the puny garrison of 400 men was not enough, and shipping 100 falxmen was insanity from the start, as the Dacian refused to give their best troops to the defense of some far off city of Sparta. The Thebans offer peace with Tartessos.

The Gauls are furious at the Tartessians as well, the latter trying to get several Gallic fiefs to join the republic. While successful in two of the them, the third fief had a garrison in it, and the Gallic king is not happy at losing some of his subjects.

Also, a startling discovery is made in the Atlantic (see the spotlight).

The nation of Carthage is revitalized by new leadership, and on of their first acts is to propose a union to Tripoli, which is quickly accepted. This might not make Tartessos and Egypt too happy, though.

Egypt is rebounding from its defeat in the last war, Alexandria is rebuilt, a new canal is started to connect the Nile and the Red Sea, the African coast is now quite well known to the Egyptians, and many oases are colonized by Egypt. In short, it is a good time. The only major problem, it would seem, is a potential conflict of the faiths, as Islam is now gaining popularity in the old nation of Petra and Mesopotamia.

In Kush, much goes well as usual, the colonization of the East continues further, and they have even reached Indochina, where they meet the new nations of Ayutthaya, Khmer, and Champa. Madagascar is further colonized, and all seems well.

The newly renamed Republic of Gujarat enters a great age of enlightenment, with its merchants sailing all around the Indian Ocean. They have colonized Malaysia, and any potential for uprising in their new former Delhian lands is put down by the personal visits of top government officials. The blockade with Kush is lifted, and war is no longer in all the peoples’ nightmares. Alliance is reached throughout India. All is well, all is good.

In China, as usual, the war was filled with trickery and deceit. The Chinese managed to retake the Wei capital with no losses, but their strike force to the Great wall was utterly destroyed. The Mongols used much the same strategy as before, harassing and destroying their army. The Mongols used a false Khan to lure the Chinese into battle, and harassed their cavalry into oblivion, then wrecked the infantry component with clever archery tactics. Who knows where the war will go, though, as neither side really lost much?
Casualties: Chinese: all of Shi Huang Di’s troops, 200 Spearmen, 400 UUs, 200 Archers, and 400 Swordsmen, Mongols: 400 UU, 400 Horse Archers

Spotlight: A whole new world

Some said he was mad. If fact, most did. Most wondered why the heck the Senate even entertained his wild claims of granduer. Wondered why they would grant him the ships. Why they would grant him the charter. But they did, and Praxitilles set out to prove all the naysayers wrong. He knew that the Earth was not nearly as wide as some thought. It would be a simple matter to sail around it to China, especially with his new lateen sails. He would make contact with China. They would see the empire of gold, of riches. The land where the streets were paved with gold, where the Khans ruled.

And so he set sail. It was four months. Four terrible long months, and the crew nearly mutinied five times. But he kept them together. He kept them together, and they found land on the 131st day. He looked once at the land, and knew he had reached China. He knew that there could be no more beautiful place on Earth. He set up a trading post and sailed a bit around this sea, which he called the Western Tyhrennian Sea, and found the land massive, inhabited by the fierce warriors called the Arawaks. While they were certainly not the Chinese Empire, surely they were perhaps the outliers on the Malay Peninsula? He sailed back to Tartessos, to convince the Senate to launch another expedition.

He was convinced he had reached China. He was wrong.

City Glorification #1: Djibouti
Idea borrowed from Jason with his permission

Long had Tartessos been the largest city on Earth. But a new city had risen up to challenge it, and it had succeeded. Djibouti.

Djibouti currently is the largest city in the world at approximately 700,000 inhabitants, and is a massive, cosmopolitan city of all trades. Merchants, sailors, artisans, soldiers, men of every type and description are all over the city. It has the most ships docked in its port, the largest artificial island (under construction), the largest area (sprawling across about ten miles of Red Sea coast), and holds a variety of other records, including the dubious distinction of the most brothels in all of the world.

The city is a mix of old and new, as it has been constantly growing for the past few centuries. In the center lies the governmental buildings of stone, clustered around them are the stone houses merchants and artisans, then the wooden houses of the rest of the populace, with winding narrow streets leading every which way. The coastline is dominated by massive warehouses filled with amphorae of all sorts of goods, shops catering to the sailor’s needs and wants ( ;) ), and docks, thousands of docks in every direction. The city sprawls up into the hills of the region as well, there lying many of the common folk’s houses. The streets are somewhat unclean, but regardless see a lot of traffic, and it is quite easy to get lost in the maze of roads all over the city.

Quite simply the greatest city on Earth in many respects, it is also a powerhouse of culture and a stronghold of Buddhism.


For each economy:

300 Iron Age spearmen
300 Iron Age swordsmen
300 Iron Age archers
300 Iron Age Light Horse
300 Iron Age Horse Archers
150 Iron Age Cataphracts
300 Iron Age UUs
30 Iron Age Chariots
30 Iron Age Triremes
15 catapults
30 War Elephants (available only to nations with direct land connections from their capital to North African or Indian Territory)
150 Camel Riders (available only to nations with North African or Arabian Territory)
150 Steppe Cavalry (available only to nations with steppe ancestry or territory on the steppes)

400 Classical Age spearmen
400 Classical Age swordsmen
400 Classical Age archers
400 Classical Age Light Horse
400 Classical Age Horse Archers
200 Classical Age Cataphracts
400 Classical Age UUs
40 Classical Age Chariots
40 Classical Age Quinqiremes

Any other stat growth: 1

OOC: Wow, that was less exciting than I thought it would be. Some new things: City Glorifications are borrowed from stJNES5. Hope you like it, I don’t think this city glorification was done very well, but perhaps you actually liked it. :)

Also, I’m thinking of just multiplying all the troop numbers and increases by ten, to make it more realistic. It would simply offer more flexibility but otherwise is a completely aesthetic idea. Do you say yay or nay?

The world map (clean):


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And another map. This one shows the current boundaries of the religions of the world.

Pictish Green=British/Norse polytheism
Novgorodian Blue=Trueworship
Khazar Orange=Judaism
Gallic Blue=Arianism
Tartessian Teal=Cult of the sacred bull
Theban Tan=Hellenic Polytheism
Egyptian Yellow=Cult of Isis
Dark Red=Proto-Buddhism
Mongol Brown=Mongol Faith
Pink=Generic Polythiesm

I might have missed a few colors on the above key, but anyway...

If you're lucky and I'm in a good mood later, I'll write something up about the current status of each religion.

I haven't finished front page stats and I haven't added the new NPCs.


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Oh, yeah, DIPLO:

From: Thebes
To: Tartessos

We offer peace to you and co. at current borders

From: Troy
To: Tartessos

We offer peace at current borders. If you agree we'll help you fight Thebes and Rhodes.
DAS!!!! :mad:
What is that supposed to mean my "civilised" neighbour? I demand an official explanation! ( :) )
OOC: Read the update more carefully, Gelion. It's all there.
To: Thebes
From: Tartessos

you have succeeded in uniteing all greece- but at the expense of conqouring the old hellenic allies of the tartessian nation- we will agree to peace, but on the condition that you reform your naiton inot a republic, headed at a new capital, in teh neutral zone of your land, known as "Corinth"

this will ensure that all people in your nation are treated fiarlly, put your naiton in good standing with Tartessos, and league of Sea peoples, and put your nation ant the forefront of civlized government

we ask that you retun the land that was once part of the hittite empire, to the Hittites, since, after all, we orignially calle dupon you as brothers to entre a war on troy to avange hatti, and retunr its territoy to them.- though, because you stipualted at current borders, we will help aide your nation by opeinign atrade route with you, so that your people can get goods from far off, and distant lands.

To: Troy

we will agree to peace, on the conditions that
-the two "bulges" of territory around the reclaimed Hitites terrtiory are returned to the Hittites; you would, thie rfore still get osme fo the land that you claimed.
-you adopt the tartessian religion
-you aide us in any wars agiastn rhodes that woudl occur

OOC; at north king
if you look on a map, Terhazza is a real life city, located on an oasis, and it has a prosperous history base don being a well mainted trade route location- it shoudl harcley be sufferedn from any thing- the other city in africa, is located on the coastline, not in the middle of a desert- though i suppose I will have to be more specific and technical next tiem i estbalish my cities
OOC: I read it and I still don't understant why you try to establish contact with me with a large force of armed men. You occupy my territory. Explanation? Even OOC would be great.
To: Tartessos
From: Thebes

We would agree to everything but the moving of the capital. We'll put it where we want.

To: TArtessos
From: Troy

We agree to everything but conversion.

OOC: Xen: OK, the coastal one won't experience much, but I've been reading a bit about the Sahara recently. Oasis cities are not as afflicted by water problems, but they are still fairly bad off. You can dig a well, and get water, very easily, but you won't be able to do much to stem the sand, the flooding, etc.
Cuiveinen: Darn it (In place of using something more profane). I'll fix that before next update.
North King said:
To: Tartessos
From: Thebes

We would agree to everything but the moving of the capital. We'll put it where we want.

To: TArtessos
From: Troy

We agree to everything but conversion.

OOC: Xen: OK, the coastal one won't experience much, but I've been reading a bit about the Sahara recently. Oasis cities are not as afflicted by water problems, but they are still fairly bad off. You can dig a well, and get water, very easily, but you won't be able to do much to stem the sand, the flooding, etc.

I dotn mind it much- when i make cities, i mostlly make them to make the mpa look more pretty, and make it look iek thie ris a central base for further expansion, because I like "text book exmples" of maps where a nation makes a city, cliams some land, and every follows in a nice, illustated manner ;)
(and because I like having an urbanized populace)

To: thebes
fine, though Corinth offer s wonderful oppertunity to make a city in the best tradeign location in greece (thin strip land controls all north/suth bound trade, and a perfect sopt for mritime trade, for the same reasons)

fine, though you agree that those who do pracitce the bull religion will never coem under persecution
OOC: What is the name of the Yellow and Blue small Indian nations next to my south indian land?

To Khmer:
From Gujarat:

Hail, great hindu peoples! We come from afar, from the great cities of Djibouti and Gujarat. We Invite you to join the Republic of Gujarat and share the benefits of our great fleets and vast riches. If you do decide to join the republic of Gujarat, you shall have your own regional government and your own regional capital, ruled BY your people, FOR your people, you shall have your own King if you wish, and you shall have your own regional government, but the only distinction from your current nation will be that you have the full backing of our military and our treasury. If you agree to this, then the merchant guilds of Djibouti and Gujarat assure that you will be the greatest power of the Malay peninsula.
To: TArt.
From: Troy


From: Khmers
To: Gujarat

We would rather stay independent. Perhaps an alliance would do.

OOC: The blue is Cholas, the Yellow Pandyas.
OOC; @North king

are the basques represented on the map as Brittany?
Insane_Panda said:
OOC; Awesome update. :) But what about my orders to encourage farming around the Indus river valley?

Didn't do much this turn, people still recovering from shock.

Which reminds me to add that bonus the Picts got...
Xen said:
OOC; @North king

are the basques represented on the map as Brittany?

No.... Brittany is in Brittany, in northwest France. They've been after independence for a whil, and annexing Lus. gave them a chance.
well hell.

later I'll have to go write some diplo for them too then (i thought they were the basques, since this NES hasnt had any othe ridication that said basques existed in teh first place, aside form the occasinal rebellion in that area of old Lusitania)
to Ayutthaya, Khmer, and Champa
Hello people of the east! We are already allies of your southern brothers and now we come with wishes of alliance with you! We also wish to open trade as soon as our economy could take it.

to Gujarat:
Fellow Hinduist, not long ago our royal family have moved with the time and changed to Hinduism. We wish to join your Hinduist alliance and forever remain best friends.

to Ethiopia:
All countries across the world unite with their brothers to be greater, and succeed. Isn't it time the Ehtiopian people would unite?

Why Guzarat has 2 capitals?
Why there are jews in the middle of Ehtiopia?
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