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is this age difference too much?

You're right.

I'm going to be liberal here with my percentages, but let's say that 10% of prisoners are homosexual. Straight sex isn't possible in prison, or it's so rare that I'm not going to bother with it. Ok, so 10% of people would enjoy prison sex because of their sexual orientation.

But to have most people enjoy prison sex, not only would we need 10% of the prisoners to be gay, but at least 40% of people to enjoy raping people, not counting homosexual rapists.
To clarify my earlier comment, I meant of those that engage in prison sex. Obviously, not everyone does.

Also, your 10% figure is abscent the spectrum of to what degree someone is bi-sexual as well, and not merely gay. There might be some prisoners who consider prison like Las Vegas....what happens in prison, stays in prison.

Ahh, the babe thread. The only thread we can all agree shouldn't be locked.
Lock it, lock it
something that rhymes with "lock it"

The problem with this is the generation difference. They're both adults, so it's less... weird, but the fact of the matter is that they are both from two different generations. The one dude is old enough to be the other's dad. Seriously. That is weird, regardless of how much an adult you are. Those kind of relationships aren't healthy. If you are incapable of being with someone in your own generation (Right now I am considering a generation to be 15 years forward), you need to probably reconsider your life.

I hate mostly everybody, especially ones around my age. You don't see me running off to date a fifty year old lady because "love doesn't have a number", which, oddly enough, is only said by the people that want to be involved with someone that is capable of being their father/mother.

My sister is romantically involved with a 62 year old man. She is 24. He is old enough to be her grandfather.

It's not my place to disallow people to do this, but they are weird for doing it, in the same way that people who enjoy watching girls/boys getting mounted by animals is weird.

Your sister's situation is completely different.

You don't think a 42 year old is mature enough to handle a relationship like that? Seriously, that's the issue in play. Is the younger person mature enough to handle the older person. That's the issue. Anyone above 40 will always be mature enough. Anyone above 30 is *very* likely to be.
Your sister's situation is completely different.

You don't think a 42 year old is mature enough to handle a relationship like that? Seriously, that's the issue in play. Is the younger person mature enough to handle the older person. That's the issue. Anyone above 40 will always be mature enough. Anyone above 30 is *very* likely to be.

That depends. Do you base maturity on age?
We're talking about a 43-year old, not a 23-year old. The fact that he hasn't actually killed himself by now permits us to make certain assumptions.
Judging by the number of full-grown idiots running around outside, I am going to have to disagree with what you just wrote.
I don't know anyone of full mental capacity not able to make their own decisions after 40, despite that older people still do dumb things.

That depends. Do you base maturity on age?

Quite clearly my post says I don't, but it does say I can make generalizations of probability--Traitorfish covers it.

Seriously, I don't know why I post, he says everything I would say only more articulately.
If we can't say that a 43 year old is mature, how can we say it about a 72 year? Maybe they are at the same level of immaturity and a relatively mature 18 year old would be taking advantage of either of them if entering a relationship with one of them.
I'd be unsure of what these two individuals would have in common anyway. The same sex thing is irrelevant to this thread, while at the same time being the focus of the article we were linked to..

Couple of older males got married. Good for them. I wouldn't spend much of my time thinking about the age difference.
Although I am of the opinion that gays should have a civil union as opposed to a marriage.

Marriage has too many religious connotations. And AFAIK Religion frowns upon homosexuals.
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