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[MOD] The Second Revolution!

GarretSidzaka said:
All of South America is at arms against their northern oppressors.
:lol: voluntary mutually beneficial trade == oppression :lol:
I believe that this scenario is not too unrealistic...I mean that revolution in USA might be close...This could happen for example IF mr.Bush do send his troops to IRAN...That could (or actually I believe it would) make some of military generals not loyal to Bush...There are great amount of spanish speaking generals for example and most of the soldiers are from poor parts of people...And as far as I know Bush (white rich America)is not TOO popular among poor...

War agaist IRAN would also cause nuclear war, because US military can´t beat Iran EVER without Nukes...And shooting of nukes to Iran would cause world wide reaction...I guess nobody would allow it...And specially NOT americans...

We saw what happend in New Orleans Not too far ago...Totall anarchy...Imagine if that kind of disaster would happend when US troops are fighting in Iran and President wouldn´t be liked too much?
Natural disasters can destroy local infrastructure, Rebellions in the Huge cities could keep up easily against Lauzy (TOO modernized) US military...

Misarable situation in war and homefront could make bush to use nukes agaist his own people (casue he don´t care a **** about others expect money)
And nukeing his own people could cause other cities to join the rebel...(and with the generals not loyal to Bush, Rebellians could collect a great military)

If such a ball would start rolling I think things could get really BAD and really FAST...It´s a heavy Ball ;)...

I guess USA will have their first spanish president sooner or later ;D Ha haa...
And half of the planet is destroyed...

Great scenario indeed...I started to play as Canadians...I started to make my country as productive as possible...Regina, winnipeg ,port royal are great cities...

My plan is to take first Canada back on my hold and then start kickng off Bush...let see how it goes...Soon I´ll have EU and China and Japanise support...

But my computer is little too slow for this scenario:((...

Would it be possible to make small map?Like about half of the cities...
Heeringas said:
I believe that this scenario is not too unrealistic...I mean that revolution in USA might be close...

...If such a ball would start rolling I think things could get really BAD and really FAST...It´s a heavy Ball ;)...

...But my computer is little too slow for this scenario:(...

...Would it be possible to make small map?Like about half of the cities...

I'm glad you like the scenario. I think I'm about due to start 'beta testing' it some more if you know what I mean.

Yes, it's a darn heavy ball, and i hope it never rolls on me! :D

What are you running? there are some things you can do to the Civ4Config to use the memory freeing thing that disables "Alt-Tab" function. Im running 2.8 P4ht; 256 GeForce 5200 fx (overclocked); 1.5 GB PC2700 ram; and it takes about 10 seconds for a turn; also a bit choppy scrolling across complecated map areas.

Small map? hmm........ lemme think about it. :)

What is your favorite support wonder?
my favorites is probly split between Japanese Support and Russian Support. After that is Chinese and European.
Heeringas said:
That could (or actually I believe it would) make some of military generals not loyal to Bush...

AHAHAHA!!!! Anyone loyal to Bush even now is funny! Last I looked, everyone in the US Military swears to 'uphold and defend the Constitution...' not the president. If Bush did something to move against the Constitution, then there would be problems... until then, not even a war with Iran (which we would win) would cause those levels of problems.

I love this scenario, end all the awesome discussion is spauns!
First I apolgize my english...I might use some wrong words when I try to explain what I mean...English isn´t my mothertongue...So don´t take it word by word...

To Garretsidzaka
Uups...compared to yours, I think my computer is ancient :D...
I running P3 :)...ha haa...

EU support seems qite effective, but I haven´t managed to bulit it yet...
Japanise one gives a good help for science, wich is somewhat needed, but I think commerce (money) is more important than science, at least after fusion...
rushing a huge military is more important than techlead...IMO...Or what do you think?

To Snaufusmith:

Military is loyal to the president, president is the one who decides(of cource with the help of others) when the country enters the war and when it makes a peace...

And I believe that there might be some generals with their troops that could turn agaist president(even when bush doesn´t do anything specific agaist constitution)

And About Iran...hmm I don´t belive that USA could win IRan...It might sound crazy to you ;) but US military is not the strongest nor is the American society...Your country is ful of foregin people (for example about 10 milj. iranian) almost everything is relying on electricity...Imagine what would happend when those foregin people for example working in your nuclear powerplants (you have them right ;)? heh and they have been really good workers already for 5 years and Nobody expect taht...;) buuuum
When your citeies are without electricity there will be HELLhound running around...horrible disaster...
Also your military is relying too much on electricity and modern tecnics...

With IRAN there are some of the stongest countries...China for ex. wouldn´t allow US to occupy Iran...If someone is about to take Iran China wants to be the one, you know...And also russia has a word or two to say...
Iran china and russia are of course way behind your military in technology...But in numers of patriotic soldiers...you lose...Attacing to Iran will cause WW3 (because of nuclear weapons) and that will be the war where USA and Europe are going to put to our knees...

WW3 will be the kind of TOTAL war where you don´t much do with modern guns...it´s better to have working oldstyle rifle...Atleast you can only waste 1 bullet at the time...Cause you won´t have too many to use...

Well :D anyway
I wish you great first of MAY weekend! Enjoy the weathers and good time!
Heeringas said:
Military is loyal to the president, president is the one who decides(of cource with the help of others) when the country enters the war and when it makes a peace...

NO. The US military is loyal to the CONSTITUTION. Because the president is elected by the people to run the country, and because the constitution appoints him commander in chief, we obey his orders. It looks like we are loyal to him, but that's only because it's in the Constitution. We are NOT loyal to one man. We are loyal to the ideals of freedom and liberty for all spelled out in the US Constitution.

Sorry to muddle up this thread with discussion completely off topic, but certain things need to be set straight.
snafusmith said:
NO. The US military is loyal to the CONSTITUTION. Because the president is elected by the people to run the country, and because the constitution appoints him commander in chief, we obey his orders. It looks like we are loyal to him, but that's only because it's in the Constitution. We are NOT loyal to one man. We are loyal to the ideals of freedom and liberty for all spelled out in the US Constitution.

Sorry to muddle up this thread with discussion completely off topic, but certain things need to be set straight.

I think that this conversation is decidedly not off topic as this is the revolution mod! LOL

Ok, I was in the army Snafu, and i remember the whole "we serve the constitution" thing. But here's some food for thought: what do you serve if you know that the current administration has horsehockyted on the constitution??
Rich333 said:
:lol: voluntary mutually beneficial trade == oppression :lol:
Free trade is a contradiction
Heeringas said:
I believe that this scenario is not too unrealistic...I mean that revolution in USA might be close...This could happen for example IF mr.Bush do send his troops to IRAN...That could (or actually I believe it would) make some of military generals not loyal to Bush...There are great amount of spanish speaking generals for example and most of the soldiers are from poor parts of people...And as far as I know Bush (white rich America)is not TOO popular among poor...

War agaist IRAN would also cause nuclear war, because US military can´t beat Iran EVER without Nukes...And shooting of nukes to Iran would cause world wide reaction...I guess nobody would allow it...And specially NOT americans...

We saw what happend in New Orleans Not too far ago...Totall anarchy...Imagine if that kind of disaster would happend when US troops are fighting in Iran and President wouldn´t be liked too much?
Natural disasters can destroy local infrastructure, Rebellions in the Huge cities could keep up easily against Lauzy (TOO modernized) US military...

You place way to much importance on Iran. Iran is a nation of sheep herders and peasents and would get stomped, their only possible saviour would be China. At which point we sell Taiwan in a "tit for tat" scenario. :mischief:

You seem to have a meager understanding of politics in general. In fact, due to Bush's proposals on immigration he is gaining vast support in the latino community. Remember, people are stupid, it dont take much to coddle them into subsiervence. :king:

As far as your Katrina allegory, it did happen when our troops were in Iraq, so how would being in Iran be different?
Scenario looks sweet. Jacksonville is to far north, it should be South, as its under the panhandle, it appears north of the panhandle on the map.

Also a driver behind Cuba would add to the realism, lets face it, Castro isn't leading anything soon without some serious help. Perhaps Islamic or Chinese backing.
GarretSidzaka said:
well, if you play as castro, you will notice a large navy and modest invasion force coming around greenland from ...... russia!

nice, I stand corrected then :)
and you can get support from EU (gives free banks), japan (gives free labs), russia (+30% city defense), australia (bonus coastal trade), and china (+2 population per city)

any civ can get these
GarretSidzaka said:
and you can get support from EU (gives free banks), japan (gives free labs), russia (+30% city defense), australia (bonus coastal trade), and china (+2 population per city)

any civ can get these
Im convinced, downloading now :)
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