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Ingame Editor

zomg it works!

what a bloody legend you are DonQuiche! thanks heaps!!!!

and the tech tree didn't look THAT bad, its all accessible and usable!

plus all the extra units came up and everything

thanks heaps again :D
Thank you very much, and I am glad to learn the tech tree does not look that bad. :)

I will wait for a couple of bugs to be discovered, some new features to be suggested and then I will release v11 with the fix I gave you, the fallback presentations for the policies and techs trees, and some performance improvements. Maybe a nice bonus feature too.
Thank you for this, it is so great to be able to use this and modify maps when the world builder isn't working on my computer for some reason and i can't seam to find any support anywhere to try and fix it. It would be really nice if CIV would automatically update so i can see the changes as i make them. Do you think there would be any way you could make the info box smaller or off to the right so you could see more of the map?

Anyways thanks a bunch this is a great mod to use while in game and I am very appreciative of what you have done
Thank you very much, and I am glad to learn the tech tree does not look that bad. :)

I will wait for a couple of bugs to be discovered, some new features to be suggested and then I will release v11 with the fix I gave you, the fallback presentations for the policies and techs trees, and some performance improvements. Maybe a nice bonus feature too.

Hi DonQuiche. The layout bug seems to resolve itself after I cleared the cache. I didn't think about that however, since the bug was there the very first time I tried the editor. But now I think about it I did both download it manually and fetch it from the mod browser, so that probably gave a conflict. - I like the editor very much :)

A totally unrelated question: Is it possible to trigger the map-creation from inside the game? - I miss the "Recreate map" (or whatever it was called) button from Civ 4. - Sometimes I don't want to cheat by editing the map, but I'd like to try my luck on a another random map. And it's very annoying to go all the way back (also it doesn't remember a lot of your choices, grrrr).

But I guess if that were possible, it would also be possible for you to change the terrain realtime :(
Hello. :)

Regardring the size of the IGE window, I am aware it can be troublesome below 1600x1200.
* On the location, yes, I could easily offer an option to move the window to the right. However, I doubt it will change much.
* On the width, the only limit is the ribbons/tabs bar. However, again, the width is not much of a problem.
* On the height I could save 10-30 pixels by redesigning the "ribbon/tabs bar" and removing the small space at the bottom of the window (between the scrollbar and the bottom of the screen). Unfortunately, the benefit would be small but it's the best "benefit/amount of work" solution so I may offer an option for this (or do it automatically for low resolutions).
* The core of the window, however, has to be 410px height to accommodate the techs tree, the first column of the terrain panels and the left side of the players' panel. if I want to add more buttons Below that I would either have to add a vertical scrollbar (not a good solution) or to offer a different UI for low resolutions (replacing the tech tree buttons by mere labels within a 1px border, designing a smaller rivers widget, lowering the height of about every UI element). But this last solution would mean a lot of work, maintaining two different UI codes, systemically testing everything under two resolutions, and twice more bugs. So, well, I am not really enthusiast. :crazyeye:

Regarding the terrain not being updated, please note that the strategic map is a little better for this: it reacts to a change in hills/mountains/flat land. And I am thinking about replacing the strategic map by a custom one when IGE is opened. I am not sure it is possible, though (will every tile be perfectly aligned ?).

Woot! One less bug to fix! I was pretty sure the cache was the problem. :)

Regarding the re-creation of the map, as you suspected, even if it was possible, the map would not be updated. Maybe the minimap would be, however. Now, is it possible ? I guess I could find a way to call the map script for your game settings but I fear that any settler located in a plot turned to water would disappear, causing the death of this player. All in all, it smells bad, the smell of a timesink that would not produce decent results. I guess you should better try to find a mod that save your game settings anytime you start a game (and I second you here: the way civ5 saves our settings once a year is really frustrating).

Great work on the editor. I would like to request some new features if that's ok?

1) Would it be possible to be able to change the name of cities. i.e. cities that belong to an AI Civ.
2) Would it be possible to add new cities to the map via the in game editor?

Hello Meallan and welcome on Civ Fanatics. :)

Those are two interesting features and none of them seem troublesome, I think I will add them for the next version.
Besides I would like to see what a carpet of cities looks like (with no space between them). :D
Thanks for the warm welcome and thanks for considering my changes :)

I am not that new to Civ Fanatics, I browse the forums a bit now and again, only signed up now as I wanted to say thanks for the Editor and request the changes. I used to play Civ IV alot and used to frequently make use of the in game editor, so was not impressed that it was missing from Civ5 but was very happy to see your editor listed in the online Mods.

I will keep a watchful eye open for the next version :)
It seems like I misunderstood you. Did you actually want something like "suggestions" ? For example, if the selected plot has "deers" you would like IGE to highlight the "camp" item ?
the suggestion was the disbanding a team. If its not possible oh well.

the issue of hand was the the deer on the tile the "camp" does not light up. Silk and etc on the Tile plantion does not light up. Sheep/cattle on the tile pasture does not light up.

I would like to see them light up not like the rest that are lit up on different tiles.

But otherwise its a great mod.

Trying not to sound live a nimrod here; but how do you get the editor to work? What file do you put it in?
I think I understood. I guess that you were actually talking about the white/gray color for labels to notify an enabled/disabled state ? Actually, a resource is only enabled (white) on the terrain+feature combinations that allow them according to the XML data. In my humble opinion, the fact that a camp or a plantation exist on a tile should not be enough to enable a resource: if you put a camp on a desert tile, should furs be enabled (set to white / lit up) ?

You must unzip the archive in "My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods".
In the end, the IGE_Loader.lua file should be located in: "My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods/Ingame Editor (v10)/IGE_Loader.lua"

Do it *before* you start civ5. Then run the game, enable it in the "mods" menu, start a game (still from the mods menu). On the bottom right corner, near the year, you will see a "* IGE *" label. Click it.

I'm going to add those installation instructions on the first page.
I think I understood. I guess that you were actually talking about the white/gray color for labels to notify an enabled/disabled state ? Actually, a resource is only enabled (white) on the terrain+feature combinations that allow them according to the XML data. In my humble opinion, the fact that a camp or a plantation exist on a tile should not be enough to enable a resource: if you put a camp on a desert tile, should furs be enabled (set to white / lit up) ?

So its the terrain+feature not the resourse on it ok. that make sense...

I did find a bug last night... strange bug it was when i was fighting with Washington. He was taking away tiles to close to me city so i was taking them back and alittle too much. So i took the tile away on Washington city for example New York. When decided to do it the fun way i removed that i owned it and well crash/freeze there of the title had stars on gold, food, science, and that hammer icon. I'm not going do that again.

For some reason, IGE seems to not be working for me with Civilization Nights.

I installed both mods, with no other mods installed. I deleted the cache and the contents of the moduserdata file.

When I start a game with both mods enabled, I see the *IGE* in the top right and when I hover over it, as expected, it says "Open or close the Ingame Editor." However, when I click it, I hear the click sound as if the window were opening, but the window does not appear. If I right click on *IGE*, I get the short options menu (safe mode, show yields, and show resource icons). But even in safe mode, I cannot get the editor window to appear.

If I start a game without Civilization Nights, the in game editor works just fine (and I love it, by the way, which is why I want it to be compatible!)

I am playing a legal copy of the game through Steam, up to date.

Any suggestions?
Hello Plette. :)

Thank you for the report. I downloaded NiGHTS 106 and checked the console. The error is due to NiGHTS declaring an invalid prerequisite for a policy. I made IGE tolerant with that and reported the problem to the NiGHTS' developers.

I attached a modified version of IGE_API_Data.lua (renamed to txt). Quit civ5, replace the original file with this one and it should work fine. Please note however that the science and social policies panels won't work correctly for NiGHTS before the next version of IGE (the vanilla tree logic doesn't work for such extreme modifications, I implemented compatible fallbacks for those cases in the next version). The next version will come out in a couple of days, maybe tomorrow.

By the way, the next version will also displayed a proper error message rather silently failing when you click IGE and an error occus.


  • IGE_API_Data.txt
    37.4 KB · Views: 126
Wow, thanks! What a quick response :)

I will implement your temporary fix and I will be watching for an updated version of IGE in the next couple of days. You are an incredibly responsive mod developer! Let me know if you do paypal donations as I'd be happy to kick a few dollars your way. The IGE makes Civ5 a lot more playable for me--I hate those maps where they randomly put a square of desert in the middle of a forest...being able to edit it away instead of restarting a new game saves me a lot of frustration.
Thank you for the compliments. :)

I currently do not offer support for paypal donations both because I always thinked that too few people would donate and because there are some questions I would need to solve first (fiscal declaration, Paypal's EULA, potential anonymity breaking). I am also afraid by a few users on another popular project I contributed to who forgot it was meant to be a reciprocal gift and started to consider themselves as premium users we would be indebted to. All of that being said, I recently considered the total audience of all of my free projects and thought it might worth the effort, so, who knows, maybe in a close future.

Anyway, knowing that you do appreciate my work is a nice enough reward in itself. But thank you for the kind attention. :)
Hi DonQuiche,

First off, thanks very mch for your mod, it's a real helper! I have been having issues starting the IGE with the mod Community Call to Power. It does not throw any error message. it just does not start when clicking on it. The right click does bring the start up option though. I will try the fix you did for the NIGHTS mod and let you know if it works too.
Version 11 has been released.
Polishing up... The end is near.

Bugfixes and alike:
* Mod compatibility: made IGE tolerant with non-conventional culture yields (CCTP) and invalid policy prerequisites (NiGHTS).
* Added a fallback presentation made of simple lists for mods that use custom techs/policies layout (Spartz's Alpha Centauri, NiGHTS, etc).
* When an error occurs during initialization, IGE will now display a popup about possible mod incompatibility, cache corruption, along with the error.

New features and improvements:
* Undo ! Redo ! Only works for terrain panels, hit Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y
* Plop cities: on the city panel, shift + left click on the map.
* Rename cities: on the city panel, the city label is now editable.
* Added keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + i to open/close IGE, F1-F4 and F6-F8 for panels.
* Added a "Quick save" and "Save and reload" buttons. Shortcuts are F5 and Ctrl+F5.
* Added an auto-save option to make IGE saves your game anytime you open it. Just as quick save, it will use "IGE1" to "IGE3" filenames. Right-click *IGE* to disable it.
* The UI vertically shrinks by 21 pixels when the vertical resolution is lesser than 1000.
* Performances improvements when painting.

Known bugs:
* The bugs I cannot fix, please refer to the list on the first post.
* Spawning a unit also creates a city, a patch is available here.
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