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Ekmek's Civ4 Leaderhead Gallery

might I sugest you bring out your own mod using all your masterpeices because not enough modders use your stuff. Something similar to Amra's or something
These look great! Glad to hear you are still working on the mask for a Lord Humongous type guy. I'd still love to have it; about 2/3 of the LH for Fury Road are looking really post-apocalypic now. Just a few ones are left which don't match the theme. I could really use to replace the one for Ironhead who looks too Greek. (Since he is Greek.) The current ones are here:

Is this the castle of Anif in the Background of Maria Thrersia?
I repeat, who's this Aminah chick?
Has anyone used the Aminah leaderhead already? I was wondering because I wanted to add it to my mod as a leader for Arabia but couldn't come up with a good female leader. I didn't want to use Aminah the mother of Mohammed so I was wondering what other people might have used the leaderhead for or have any suggestions. Thanks for the help.
Ekmek, I love your stuff.

Do you take requests? Cuz, I gots some...

There's a leaderhead request page in this forum. You should go ask there.
Originally posted by Berenthor
Has anyone used the Aminah leaderhead already? I was wondering because I wanted to add it to my mod as a leader for Arabia but couldn't come up with a good female leader. I didn't want to use Aminah the mother of Mohammed so I was wondering what other people might have used the leaderhead for or have any suggestions. Thanks for the help.

You could use Ekmek's Amina as Arwa Al-Sulayhi, Queen of Yemen from 1067 - 1138 CE if you wanted to incorporate her into the Arabian civilization.

Alternatively, you might make use of her as Razia Al-Din, Sultana of Delhi 1236 -1240 CE and use her in the Indian civilization, when northern India was dominated by the Muslim moghul rulers.

There are probably others as well that you could track down. Historic women Muslim rulers are scarce to begin with, and the few that there are remain virtually unknown in the non-Muslim world.
You could even use her as Roxolana of the Ottomans, maybe.

Hmmm.... if I ever make an advisors mod, I should put that Aminah LH as a Domestic advisor for Arabia.
Now an African Amina could be incorporated into a Nigerian civilization as Amina of the Hausa state of Zazzau, a significant military leader whose defensive works are still referred to as 'Amina's Walls', which is perfect for a UB.
Thanks a bunch Chuggi. I know this doesn't really belong in this thread but does anyone know where I can find a DDS converter that is easy to use. I downloaded one and I can't seem to convert an image I am trying to use for the background of a mod I've been working on.
I like Maria Theresa and Aminah, but I am not sure, if Catherines Animations do fit to them. I have added them to my game and every time they try to play with their hair... But they do have short one. Have you thought about using different animations?
Thanks a bunch Chuggi. I know this doesn't really belong in this thread but does anyone know where I can find a DDS converter that is easy to use. I downloaded one and I can't seem to convert an image I am trying to use for the background of a mod I've been working on.

If you have photoshop then the plugins are the best thing you could use.. but before I used photoshop I used this , it should be fairly easy to work out.

I think there was a .dds converting thread somewhere here.

And I've noticed Paul Kruger, Peron and Maria Theresa don't have one either.

I updated the other attachment with these leaderheads.
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