• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Fantasy Turnovia NES

The Lottocratic Form of Government, or “Rule by Chance”

The High Council of Kalvo, responsible for the major political decisions of the society, is selected by a lottery from the Tribal Assembly (composed of 505 members, minus 5 who become High Councillors); this Assembly itself is then also composed of a lottery from the various tribes of Kalvo. Each tribe is guaranteed a specific number of representatives in the Tribal Assembly according to the informal constitution which founded the country. Each tribe is expected to submit a list of names at least four times larger than the number of delegates they are allotted to send, or 600 names, whichever is larger. The previous Assembly will then publicly conduct a lot outdoors in the capital, which may take up to several days to complete. After this process creates the Tribal Assembly, a final lot selects the members of the High Council at random from the Tribal Assembly’s membership, without reservations for any particular tribe. This High Council and the Tribal Assembly both have a mandate to rule for 5 years.

The High Council may then determine specific roles for each councillor by consensus (the most important decision being the choice of Supreme Councillor of the High Council); if consensus cannot be had, another lot will be held for the position of Supreme Councillor among the High Council. Though traditionally councillors are referred to by the five below titles, different administrations may rename or reform the roles of the council by de facto consensus.

High Council of Kalvo (5 High Councillors)
- Supreme Councillor (foreign affairs, head of the government)
- Councillor of the Cities (urban taxation, trade)
- Councillor of the Builder (labour, inter-regional projects)
- Councillor of the Farmer (rural taxation, agriculture)
- Councillor of War (organization of the military)]

Decisions during government are voted on in the High Council, and must be approved by a majority of the Tribal Assembly; rules regarding the selection process require both a majority in the Tribal Assembly and a majority of the members of every tribe represented in the Tribal Assembly.
Are you still taking new players?

If so, I'd like to join with the Broghyr.

The Broghyr (Grandkhan)
Race: Ogre
Government: Confederacy of Tribal Chiefs
Stability: 5
Economy: <To be determined by mod>
Treasury: <To be determined by mod>
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: <To be determined by mod>
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: Ogres (known by themselves as the Oghyr (lit. "Tusked Ones") are a race of 9ft tall humanoids who tend towards great bulk, muscle, hairlessness and mental slowness. They are a greyish-brown in colour, with extremely broad shoulders and a jutting lower jaw with protruding canine teeth to create short tusks. The Broghyr (lit. "Comrade Tusked Ones" - Ogre language is entirely composed of nouns and verbs) are a violent tribe of Ogres who tend to have a fondness for conquest and gold. Traditionally the Broghyr subsist on hunting, woolly rhinoceross and goat grazing, as well as growing barley which they ferment into a thick beer which is drunk to excess frequently. Broghyr culture venerates those who commit acts of bravery as well as cunning conquest, as long as it gets glorious victory or defeat, and each tribe have a totemic pantheon of venerated members who have committed acts of greatness in life before being have added to the Ancestral Pantheon on death. This Pantheon is overseen by the tribal Witch Doctors, who venerate the Ancestor Totems and occasionally become posessed by the spirit of an ancestor in times of battle to become glorious warriors for a time. The Broghyr fight with long lances, clubs, and vast axes, and many fight aboard their trained woolly rhinoceroses as armoued, massive cavalry. The Broghyr have recently united under the strangely strong Dankeigh (Chief, lit. "Brave Leader") Shrakh the Flatulent to bring terror and violence to the settled races.
Mod Notes:
Color/Location: Red/roughly Utah area (apparently this area is a kind of savannah type region, which is kind of what I'm going for to breed a race of violent rhino-riding conquerors).
...Iggy, centaurs? I was sure we'd have lizards as neighbours. Seeing as we already met them and all. :p
Mm. I can expand the lizardfolk range. I did most of this work just by looking at the stats.
Race: Dwarves
Government: Meritocracy of Clans
Stability: 5
Economy: 6/1
Treasury: 4
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 1 Dwarven Division(Green)
Draft pool: 3 Dwarven Divisions(Green)
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: The Dwarves of the Andes are a notoriously tough and proud people. However, they do not limit their grumpy lives to the mountains: they are more than able to thrive outside their burrows, although their hearts are always with the Cordillera. They really appreciate stone work, preferring to live in large underground cities. When on the surface, they usually build solid stone houses, and their colonies often appear to be a set of stone blocks. The power is in the hands of the clans, which are headed by the most skilled dwarves. The clans elect a King among them, whose office is lifelong but not hereditary. Every dwarf is a member of a clan, and each clan dominates a certain region. The skills that are most valued by these people include the art of creating, shaping and war.
Mod Notes: Devloping Iron as strategic resource (No eta)
Color/Location: Brown/Andes

Spending: 4 Jacks will be invested in the search for iron. One day we'll get there. If I can use the mines excavated in the Iron Search for other purposes, to improve the economy, the better.

Orders: We will continue the expansion plan already established. (In all directions except to the north)
From: K'eltoq
To: The goblin tribes of Regne

We accept our fellow goblin kin as fine neighbors and hope we will bring each other prosperity.
From: K'eltoq
To: The goblin tribes of Regne

We accept our fellow goblin kin as fine neighbors and hope we will bring each other prosperity.

Excellent! Glories to the achievements of goblinkind and our fine powers!
In the beginning was Taiyo-Shin, the One Light.
He burnt the darkness around him and from its ashes He crafted our world.
Taiyo decided that His world must be living, and so forth from the sacred light He shone upon the world emerged many living things.
His light was life and from it the livings things lived upon His world.
Taiyo saw the darkness that surrounded him and decided to embody His light in a race that would walk upon the world.
They were the Erefu, but would later come to be bestowed the "High Elves".
Taiyo contemplated his creation and decided to gift it with a fraction of His sacred light.
It would later come to be called magic.
Now the Erefu could spread His light upon his world.
- Excerpt from the Book of Creation, 234 B.E. (Before Empire)

The faith of the Higher Kin is centered around Taiyo Shin, whom they believe to be the Deity preseiding over the universe.

The Higher Kin is the Chosen People of the One Light, those who are to guide all others towards His light.

Taiyo Shin does not give direct orders to His people. He only requires them to keep faith.

Over the centuries the His faith was gathered by the wise men of the Higher Kin in three books.
-The Book of Creation, detailing the making and functioning of His creation.
-The Book of Law, detailing the rules that those living in His creation must follow. It is the basis for the Law of the Eternal Empire
-The Book of Eternity, detailing the nature of His Magic and of the cycle of reincarnation.

All living thing are part of a eternal cycle of recreation. Everything is born from His Light and upon death returns to the Light to be reborn in a form determined by their earthly accomplishments.
In consequences, the elven dead are burned in order to facilitate their return to the Light.

The only dispute dividing the elven wise men is the existence of other deities (usually named Kami) Some argue that other deities are but other aspects of the power of Taiyo Shin while others claim that they are independent entities. But the prevalent view within the Empire is that they are servants of Taiyo.

Taiyo Shin's is most usually associated with light. His Light is the source of life and the very essence of our world. It purges the world from darkness and protects the faithful. Fire is also associated to a lesser extent to Taiyo Shin, especially as a cleansing, purging force. A common saying amongst the Higher Kin is "May Taiyo's fire burn the infidels to ashes".

The priests of the Higher Kin do not only perform religious services. In fact they act more as guides for their community than simple priests. They are often knowledgable in many arts and sciences and adepts of the Higher Kin's magic, usually based upon light and fire. Both men and women can access the status of priest. Since the rise of the Eternal Empire most priests are affiliated to the Order of the Sun, that serves as a grouping of most priests, magic practitioners and philosophers. Most of its members are de facto all three.

[end of excerpt]

Excerpt from a unidentified later history
From his perch atop the ridge, Usther watched the caravan ply its way down the path, 'cross the tall, endless sea grass and the gently rolling hills of the savanna before him, illuminated solely by the falling red light of the setting sun. About two dozen raptors, a trio of stegosauri to accompany them and haul their baggage, marched solemnly through the plains and up the short hill to the village. This sort of thing was relatively normal - this was, after all, the last village under the All-Court before the untamed wilderness of the beyond. Usther vaguely suspected - tales of orcs, and merfolk, and all manner of beasts and creatures strange and wonderful.

Usther's right hand clenched around the pike as stifled a yawn with his left, the claws lightly digging into the scales around his mouth. He'd be off once the sun finally set, and was certainly looking forward to a pleasurable evening at the tavern - Satha had promised him some of her new product, and Usther wasn't missing that for the world. As he thought this, he eyed the party up and down. Yeah, nothing suspicious with this lot. Wave them through, wait for Rith to show up-

Usther was prepared to kill Rith. Three nights in a row so far, that bastard had shown up late, and twice completely inebriated.

Half-consciously signalling to wave the approaching party through, Usther was quite startled when one raptor raced to the front of the line and snarled, "Where does your chief live?"

"Wha...?" came the instinctive, tired reaction. In the dim light, he recognized the one he was speaking to as Isath, the older brother of one of Usther's childhood sort-of-friend.

"I said, where does your chief live? There's something important we'd like to show him."

"Big hut in the center," Usther said, trying to stile another yawn. "But he's just gone off to the All-Court, so you'll end up meeting his sister."

"Good enough for us," Isath scowled. "Come along," he directed the rest of his caravan.

Usther turned to scowl as the passersby as they filed past him, the stegasauri tangibly shaking the earth below. He cared not what their business with the chief was. But where was Rith?


"What am I looking at?" Pala growled at the torchlit body, laying on the ground in front of the village hall, surrounded by a quartet of curious-looking raptors. Pala had been roused from a peaceful nap, mid-dream, by her frantic lieutenant Pancha, who wouldn't have done such a thing if it weren't an urgent matter.

The body itself was unlike anything Pala had ever seen - and she'd seen quite a lot, having once left the village for some years to join the All-Court's army, and having fought off numerous orc raids in a campaign along the frontier. The top half was that of an unclothed man - and she knew what men looked like, as a lost one from some distant shore had shown up at an All-Court meeting some years ago, that her then-ill brother had made her attend in his stead. But the bottom half was shimmering silver, and scaly, ending in a flat tail. She'd heard tales, none of them pleasant.

The apparent leader of the group had stepped forward to face her. "Your highness," he said, making a gesture of courtesy to her. "I am named Isanth, the leader of his caravan."

Pala tried to put on a cordial expression. "Where did you find this body?" she asked. Did it belong to who she thought it did?

"We had been travelling through the orc country of the coast, in the lands beyond your village. Surely you have heard of it?"

"Yes," Pala nodded, trying to hide her displeasure at the mention of the hated word.

"One of the village leaders there had found it, and gifted it to us," he said flatly. "It is a merman, the fabled creatures of the seas. A truly great gift. Alas, we no longer desire this body. I gift this treasure to you, your clan, and your village. Do as you wish with it."


"He seemed rather eager to get rid of that corpse, don't you think?" Pancha said, after they'd finished. They'd given it to the village's most trusted alchemist, a doddering, half-blind old raptor, to ensure he stayed intact.

Pala merely had one question. "What in the Great Old One's Name are we going to do with him now?"

"I do not know. But-"

"But what?"

"They say," Pancha replied in a hushed tone. "They say the merpeople's corpses are cursed."
24 hour warning.
"So do you think the chieftain is really dying?"

Engith ignored her partner, peering suspiciously at a dead bush thirty paces from the stone tower. Drawing a sharpened javelin the length of her arm from a wooden quiver slung over her shoulder, she heaved it at the bush. It impacted the ground with a thud and a loud squeak as a small, ragged creature with large ears and a pointed nose jumped out. It scurried away at a high speed, hissing and spitting along the way before it jumped behind a boulder and vanished.

"Damned rats," Engith said with a snarl. She held out her hand and summoned a warm orange light around her hand. The javelin quivered slightly before yanking itself out of the ground and flying into her outstretched hand. She deposited the javelin back into the pocket with a sour expression. The Ratmen were just one of the reasons she disliked duty on the Northern border. Another reason was...

"A real warrior would have gone out to get it," the other guard on duty sneered before taking a bronze-finned fish from a bucket and violently chewing the head off.

"One, the Ratmen like to hide in the sand and draw out the gallant idiots like yourself so they can attack them," Engith replied snidely. "Two, as I am Mageguard, I am required to practice my abilities as often as I can."

"More like you're required to show off," the guard said through a mouthful of fish, spewing flecks of silver on her orange chest piece. "How long is it until you people bring down someone else's home with your 'magic'?"

"That wasn't even the Mageguard's doing, you sandeater!" Engith snapped. "By the fathers..."

"Not to mention that you dodged my inquiry about the chieftain quite well," the regular guard mused, licking his scaled fingers clean. "You are concerned, aren't you? Tiaveryth takes quite a liking to his little pack of street magicians."

"Just because he appointed a successor doesn't mean he's going to drop dead by the next sunrise," Engith said bluntly.

"But the boy is merely two centuries old," the guard retorted, seizing another fish from the bucket. "Even if the rumors are true about his scales being silver, it is still quite young for a ruler. And even the great Tiaveryth is getting slower every day..."

"Be that as it may," Engith said. "I may be among the chieftain's 'favorite', but I'm aware of my duties. His decisions are his alone to make. They are not my responsibility..."

She held out her hand again as it began to glow. The slimy fish slid out of the guard's hand and into her own.

"...and they are certainly not yours," she finished with a smug smile.

The fishless guard scowled.

Spoiler :
Race: Draconic
Government: Tribal Confederation
Stability: 5
Economy: 5/2
Treasury: 2
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 1 Draconic Division(Untrained)
Draft Pool: 1 Draconic Division(Green)
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: Humanoids whose obvious namesake reveals their racial heritage, Draconics are large, tough creatures with thick hides and strong wings. They are mostly distinguished by the color of their scales, which range from green to red in color, and the size of their wings and fins. A rare child might be born with silver scales, signifying him or her as a leader among Draconics, and legends speak of the near-divinity of the golden scaled Draconics.
Mod Notes: Developing Cotton as strategic resource (1/4)
Color/Location: Orange/OTL Socal

Orders: Leave the Ratmen alone, but contained. No need to waste resources chasing them around. In the meantime, spend our two Jack on continuing development of cotton. And continue to expand into the mountains.
Cahokia (Shadowbound)
Race: Orcs
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Stability: 6
Economy: 5/3
Treasury: 0
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 2 Orc Divisions(Untrained)/1 Orc Division(Regular)
Draft Pool: 2 Orc Divisions(Green)
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: Orcs are a humanoid race, most clearly distinguished by their dark green skin, red eyes and tusks. On average, they might be somewhat physically tougher and mentally slower than humans by nature; however, there are plenty of outliers amongst them. Those tendencies may also be distorted by their strong cultural preference for brawn. All orcs, men, women and children, are hunters and warriors or training to be such. In addition to their physical differences, however, orcs also have a few mental differences of interest: a genetic memory that usually manifests most strongly in their shamans and only faintly in the others, and that serves to reinforce traditional attitudes and old grudges; and a pack mentality that makes most orcs more likely to fall in line with a leader who has proven himself to be stronger and more effective. Those leaders are also generally (not always) more physically intimidating, taller and more muscular.
Mod Notes:
Wonders: 2 Great Pyramids
Color/Location: Blue/Missouri


Nothing! Bank everything!


Expand west, enslaving the catmen to provide appetizers for the uwasil. But we will also shake things up, and expand southeast! To the feet of the mountains and the land of Kantuckee.
Vespiqvon (mrrandomplayer)
Race: Beefolk
Government: Confederation
Stability: 5
Economy: 5/1
Treasury: 0
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 1 Regular Beemen Division(Untrained)
Draft Pool: 4 Regular Beemen Divisions(Green)
Navy: 1 Galley Flotilla
Age: Bronze
Description: The Beefolk, human-sized, sentient, bee-like humanoids have lived in large, urbanized hives for many centuries, ruled by queen bees. Beefolk can fly for short distances and have stingers (but they don't die when they sting people). Recently, many hives were united into a confederation by Grand Queen Bzzst I, where all of the hive queens vote on national policy in a council and are ruled by the Grand Queen.
Mod Notes:
Color/Location: Orange/Italy

1 Jack on Upkeep
3 Jack on hiring a Sky Division
1 Jack on beginning a huge construction project (wonder) along the western border, involving expanding the Wzzst Hive into a gigantic border defense military complex. A similar project will begin on the other border once it's negotiated with the dwarves.

Continue expanding into Africa, send a few scouts out to meet other nations. Start construction of the massive border complex.
Spoiler :
Euryale (Defacto)
Race: Gorgon
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Stability: 6
Economy: 5/3
Treasury: 2
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 1 Gorgon Division(Untrained)
Draft Pool: 2 Gorgon Division(Green)
Navy: 1 Galley Flotilla(Green)
Age: Bronze
Description: The Gorgon is a serpent creature. The lower half of her body is snake while its upper half resembles a female body of a humanoid. Instead of hair, the gorgons have snakes in their head. These snakes are not equal in all gorgons. - for example, a gorgon who has scarlet snakes instead of "normal snakes" is considered more beautiful. They are mono-gendered race and despite the feminine appearance, there is no differentiation between male and female. Nevertheless, they prefer the term "she" just as the features of their faces resemble a woman.
Mod Notes:
Color/Location: Purple/Greece

Invest 2 jack in our economy, protecting caravans and trade in the most populous cities and routes.

Try to establish colonies in the north of Testonica territory (Not directly in or near the territory edges) and try to avoid any confrontation with the Testonica's flotilla.

Attempting diplomatic solution to the conflicts that happened.

OOC: Draft pool is like militia?
Requesting to join

Lalbok (Lord Parker II)
Race: Giants
Government: Direct Democracy
Stability: 5
Economy:<To be determined by mod>
Treasury:<To be determined by mod>
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military:<To be determined by mod>
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: Cut off from the rest of the world for generations, the Lalbok giants have developed a society completely independent of other civilizations. Within this society, they have tamed fierce beasts such as bears, wolves, and even sharks. They use the animals to their advantage in every day life, gathering food, working land, and even fighting off other wild beasts in defense.

The Lalbok giants have an average height of 9 feet. Although, the tallest have been around 12. They are not particularly strong for their size, but use their resources to their advantage. Skin color ranges from a light, faded red to a moderate orange. Hair color most commonly matches the color of the skin.

Color: Dark Brown would be nice
Location: Northern tip of Africa
OOC: Draft pool is like militia?

Yes indeed. You may call any amount of your draft pool "to arms" and they will join your regular army for that turn to fight for you. If you call your draft pool "to arms" too often, you will receive stability and economy hits.
Spoiler :
Color: Lime Green
Location: surrounding OTL Lake Victoria
Race: Velociraptors
Government: Tribal Confederacy
Stability: 5
Economy: 4/2
Treasury: 4
Strategic Resources: None Developed
Military: 1 Velociraptor Division(Untrained)
Draft Pool: 2 velociraptor Divisions(Green)
Navy: None
Age: Bronze
Description: A civilization of surviving, sentient dinosaurs (who have managed to domesticate some rather larger, rather less sentient dinosaurs as well), the Trondans live in a patchwork of clan-like tribes of anywhere between a few dozen and a few thousand people. All these tribes are nominally united under a loose central confederacy, the All-Court, where the leaders of all the tribes meet for a few weeks twice a year, and whose power can vary from moderate to virtually non-existent even within the course of a single year. Not attending the All-Court is a strong political statement.
Mod Notes: I was thinking about putting Velociraptors as a NPC country actually! Great minds think alike!
Color/Location: Funny green/OTL Lake Victoria

-2 EP into continuing last turn's road construction.

-Continue expanding downriver. In addition, start expanding towards the Kenya/Tanzania coast, trying primarily to incorporate the savannas into our realm.
The Galeshik

These large innovative ships crafted by Iceladon are of a unique nature. To avoid the inevitable sinking of wooden galleys under the immense weight of the ice golems, they have been forced to get creative to engineer a new solution. The Galeshik's are carved from ancient glacial ice in a long rectangular shape, then detailed down into a strong canoe-like structure. To increase stability, there are two ice prongs that act to keep the ship from keeling. On the interior, the ship is layered in penguin hides to insulate the ice and provide a slip-resistant surface to stand on.

Spoiler :
1 hour 'till deadline, btw. Bronze ships won't be ocean worthy btw. They're not even fully seaworthy, for that matter.
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