• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

I just discovered this site and I'm glad I did! Seems like a great repository of info and a good community.

I remember getting Civ 1 when it first came out and not being able to play because I was travelling for the holidays... I read that manual cover to cover waaaay too many times. I can blame Civ 1 for lots of all nighters in college and almost failing various classes at MIT... people were signing up for shifts to play Civ 1 on my PC at the frathouse so it was playing Civ 24/7 for weeks!

Anyways, I'm also in to the middle-aged with kids (2) category... though only in my 30s so suddenly I feel young seeing everyone else post here! :)

Fervently looking forward to the release of Civ 4 and planning on putting my programming powers to good use modding with it...
hey hey...

im 23 male uk been playing civ3 for about 2 years now. Also the local stella drinker and free garden sprinkler system :)
Hello, I'm Alphawolf and I have been addicted to Civ since Civ3 came out. I was at Sam's the fall Civ3 came out and I looked at the box and liked the idea of controlling a civilization through time so I bought it. I had forgotten to check the system requirements though and my computer at the time (I got it in 95) couldn't play it. But Civ3 came with a free Civ2, which my computer could play, game thus I was addicted. About the time I got tired of Civ2 I found Alpha Centauri and it was my "...one more turn..." for a while. I then got a better computer in time for Play the World. I regret not being able to play any game online but I keep my game/work computer offline because I can not allow my work to be lost (I'm an editor and a (hopeful) writer for a book company). I am currently a freshman in college at the University of Tennessee GO VOLS. I didn't bring my game computer with me, just my laptop that I use for the internet and college stuff, so I won't be able to play Civ4 until Nov 4 :cry: the next time that I can have a weekend home. I upgraded my computer for Civ4. That’s about it.
-the Wolf
Hello all! My real name is Niels. I am 19 years old and I come from The Netherlands (Rotterdam area). I have been a Civ addict since 1996 or so. I just loved part one and two. Heavily disliked the Call to Power series. Questioned Civ III and now it looks like I am ready to rumble again in part IV. Just one more week left for Europe...
Hey y'all! I played the living crap out of Civ3, I got it when it first came out and after playing it for a year:lol:, shelft it. I've been playing FPS games, especially WWII games:D, etc.. But when I heard Civ4 was coming, I brushed off the dust and started playing agian. And, low and behold, I'm addicted agian:lol: :lol: I just found this site, and it's a GREAT source of information and a great place to just talk about the game. ONE MORE DAY BEFORE IT COMES OUT:D !!!!! But anyway, I'm from Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. As you can prob. tell I'm a WWII/military fanatic, not to mention a history buff. I find myself watching the Military Channel, History Channel, or Fox News:lol: when there isn't a good football game on(GO VOLS!).ONE MORE DAY!!!!:D :lol: :goodjob:
Haylo! I'm no stranger to this site. I have always been content just to log on (re: 'click on') and read. I have never gone above 'regent' because that was the 'even' level...

I love Civ. It has been the biggest bang for the entertainment buck that I have ever known. Where else can you invest 200-300 hours (very conservative estimate) on a $49 cash layout, and still want more in an eager fashion?

My son drew a picture of me eight years ago: it's a bald-headed man standing in front of a TV, Playstation 2 controller in hand, yelling out "just one more turn, hon!" That was my introduction to Civ (II). It was given to me by my wife (and she has rued the day ever since ;).

I'm 47. Proof that good gaming knows no age limitations. This evening, I'm as eager as a seven year old on Christmas eve!
I just wanted to say 'hi everyone' :D
Remember the good old amiga version?
One... more... turn...
Welcome everybody! :dance: This site is fantastic. I have learned more about this great game here and had a blast meeting people in the SG forums. Don't be afraid to join a game and the players range from 12 to 68. Now everyone's on the same playing field.

For those of you who are interested in a team game and still play some civ3 there's a multi team CFC game going on right now that's still in the Ancient Age. There are quite a few characters on each team so come join the madness.
Multi-team Demogame
Hi. I'm new too (obviously), and am really looking forward to the death of my grades here in freshman year at college. Thanks in advance, Civ IV!
Hello! I introduced myself on the Democracy game citizens registration, which is the primary reason I registered. I've played Civ2 ever since I found it in a bargain bin in a Middle Eastern supermarket. Every so often I'd get into it again because I'd find a new scenario to play. I was less into Civ3, since it didn't have scenarios, and, worse, made my computer freeze. I always hung around the Apolyton website, but this is my first time at the forums. I've been reading like crazy because I'm so excited about CivIV.
I'm up for PBEM or regular MP games in the next few weeks. I warn you, though, you'll probably demolish me-for all the Civ I've played, I;ve never played past Chieftain
I've been a long time Civ player ,however,I still remember the scene I played since Civ 1 in computer room of university, I am 29 this year and have married.

Now,I am a natural gas engineer in a petro comapany.

i am a chinese, my english is very bad,
but lucky,CIV taught me a lots of english words.:crazyeye:
Hello Everybody,

I'm very excited about the new release. I'm from The Netherlands so I'll have to wait a while before I'll get a change to lay my hands on Civ IV, but I'm very keen to hear from you guys what you'll think about this game.

I've played Civ III a lot and hope Civ IV will even be better! Please share with me your experiences.
Hello. Been playing civ3 for a while now and can't wait any longer for civ4:p

btw is there a irc channel for civfans?
Hey all, just joined because Ive been lurking for the last few weeks and I figured I'd like to be able to actually talk to everyone. Played some Civ 2 and a lot of Civ 3 though I never was that great at it.
I've had this login for awhile but I havn't been active on the forum. Anyway, hello. I can't wait for amazon to deliver Civ IV ... basically ... all these previews have ruined Civ III for me. I'm also excited about the game's modability. I've never touched Python in my life although I have been writing C++ code since '98. (For money since '01.)

I have never participated in the GOTM but I think I'll start once civfanatics starts posting them for the new game. It's all been single player for me so far ... Prince is too easy for me and I can *almost* beat Monarch. So I think I might be able to give some of you a run for your money ;)

I also have three sick days that I lose at the end of the year ... *cough cough* ... I am afraid that installing this game will somehow coincide with the acquisition of some disease ...
Hi all...joined up a short time ago...and glad I did. The posts detailing previews are awesome. Been a civ addict since the day Civ1 came out and see no end to my addiction. Hope you all enjoy Civ 4 as much much as I hope to.
59 ChiSox said:
Put it on the board yes!!
A special welcome to to 59 ChiSox!! :dance: :beer: You da man! Come visit the "MLB thread" at CFC's Off Topic" Sports section! Gas....
I am a real Civfanatic, starting civ I at ten years of age at my brother's computer. Civ II has thrilled me the longest so far, although civ III added some relly interesting new features. I love it, that every citizen's got a nationality and the culture stuff and so on... I'm really looking forward to civ IV and I'm so keen to start my first crusade... Gonna play Arabia first, I guess ;-)
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