New turn thread 1842-1855

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Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA

A&E Presents: Biography: The First Lady of Fanatica.

Much is known of the life of President Kev and the Inner Circle of advisors. Behind this dynamic president was a woman who is known as the First Lady of Fanatica.

First Lady Kathryn, with her long, blonde locks and intelligent blue eyes, observed all that went on during the terms of her husband. She was an integral part in the effort to bring women the vote in Fanatica, and in 1842 was striving to use the modern technologies offered to help explore the vast space beyond our world.

Through the many letters to her sister Elizabeth in Viroconium, her mother in St. Leowind, and brothers John and Michael – in Dover and Beijing respectively, we can follow a portion of the life this one extraordinary woman led.

Dear Elizabeth,

My husband is worried indeed. He has sent an agent to look into the city of Nishapur, and he his worried that she may be compromised. A nearby fort was empty near the city, and he moved the agent there in hopes that defense will be increased. He also sent a cavalry unit to the fort for additional defense. Will the peace with the odious Mongols hold?

It would seem that our economy is once again booming, and my husband has set about to help build items across the land. There are so many cities now, Lizzie, that Kev would spend all he could to help each one if he could. Yet, he must save some for eventualities. Some money has come in as a gold shipment has reached Samarkand safely and earned our nation 240 gold.

This war has been difficult on us all, and the Romans, I hear, are moving about the seas again near your home city. Fear not, sister, as Kev has dispatched the mighty Dell to make its presence known in those waters. In English waters, I hear that we have found the city of Richmond near Birmingham. Those two English cities will have to be dealt with, but they seem to be quite isolated for now. However, English cruisers have been seen outside of Cambridge. I fear for John. I understand that he is part of a group planting forests near Dover, I am sure that will be very nice.

Don’t know if you’ve heard, but my dear husband has named a new city after our little daughter. Yes, the Isle of Shannon was recently built and is bound to be a jewel in the Mongol sea.

Those Mongols led by that smelly Genghis met with the Inner Circle. There was a lot of screaming behind the door, and Genghis came out a bit bruised. He told his retinue that he fell down. I think they asked the Circle to move the cavalry out of the fort near Nishapur, which is fine as now the agent will live on.

But all is not well elsewhere. The English have moved a cannon outside of Leeds and the dastardly Romans have landed TWO cavalry units next to Dellville. I hope the UFS Dell can get there in time to help.

Miss you all. Love to Megan and Tyler. I guess to that overly overbearing husband as well. I hope you do decide to leave him soon, but we’ll hopefully speak when phones are invented.



Dear Michael:

I hope all is well in the theatre where you are. I long to see a Bejing performance, but for now I know that all efforts in Triton are going toward mechanical war machines.

So much building has been done throughout the land thanks to some money behind some projects. I know that many cities in Triton where you are benefited as well. I know that Marl Downs build an aqueduct and started a library, Mpondo built a sewer system and started an offshore platform and Sixchan built a sewer system and started a factory. On the Mongol continent, Kashgar built an aqueduct and started a harbor. There have been some mechanical beasts of war built here as well – I know that you are building them in Triton as well. I’m willing to bet that Kev puts some money into these very soon. I know your neighbors in Nanking built an aqueduct and started engineers and Canton finally finished that factory and started on a much needed sewer system.

There is a new library in Fort Pornstar that I hope to visit, and the mass transit going up there will help in that effort greatly.

I am greatly worried about world events. The English and the Romans have agreed to withdraw their troops, but there is much going on near Leeds and a cavalry remains near Dellville close to an engineering corps trying desperately to remove the swamp in Dellville’s radius. The good news is that our own cavalry and agents were able to return to Karakorum unharmed… I just know that that Genghis character is going to attack soon though.

Remember not long ago when the city of Addicta went up? Well, it has a new neighbor in Port Sid. That should be lovely city, though rather cold I suspect in those northern reaches.

I’ll write more soon.

Well, I’ve returned, and the news is not good. The Mongols have dealt Karakorum a sneak attack and crushed an alpine troop regiment AND a cavalry regiment as well with a SINGLE cavalry of their own. I know Kev will exact his revenge, but that cavalry unit was a veteran of many wars and I am sad for the families that lost loved ones.

So many Roman ships around Dellville and the Virocounium Island. I do hope that Elizabeth is well.

Hope that you have found someone to date up there in Beijing. Also hope you can get to Olympia soon. I hear that soon there may be transports that fly. That would help our visiting greatly.

Be well, brother.



Dear John:

How are things with you in Dover? So much is happening in the world these days that poor Kev and his Inner Circle have been run ragged. Hardly a chance to have a kegger at all.

So much building in the world. I was just writing of things to Elizabeth and Michael. Now there are even newer things. The new city of Addicta trained engineers and started on a harbor. The quaint town of St. Leowing built a beautiful temple and started a harbor as well. Thunder falls built a market and started an offshore platform, Dellville completed an offshore platform and started a sewer system, and Shanghai built a barracks and has now started deadly machines of war known as howitzers. I hope you can some and see us here in Olympia soon. My work on SETI continues quite well for now, and I’d love to show you the new stock market in The Hold Duck Pond, too. They have stopped celebrating up there, but they’ll likely start again soon and I’m sure they’ll love their new supermarket as well.

I’m sure you know by now the evil that the Mongols have wrought. Kev has the UFS Marlbrough bombing Kabul and has done great harm to the military inhabitants there. There is still more to do, however. Our remaining cavalry fights on in Karakorum, crushing a cavalry left there from the sneak attack. Howitzers are being made in some former Mongol cities, and they could be the difference with the well defended Mongol capital. There was bad news as well, as we lost TWO more veteran cavalry to marines and cavalry from the Mongols. We need to strike soon, and I hope that we do.

Kev is delighted, though a bit scared, with the discovery of Atomic Theory. He says it could lead to mass destruction on a global scale, so he has his scientists treading lightly. He set them to study fission, but I’m more concerned with the implications of fusion that I hope we study some day as well. I believe that that technology will help us colonize other STAR SYSTEMS. I know you think me crazy, but I still think it can be done in our lifetimes.

A small village near the infant town of Port Sid produced a fine group of riflemen who decided to join Fanatica. That makes me happy.

There is a lot of naval movement in the world according to Kev. Romans and now Zulus tread through the waters in greater numbers. We have discovered the Roman city of Byzantium as well all alone on an island. I wonder if they would consider becoming one with Fanatica…

Well, I must go now. Say hello to your wife and five children for me.

Love always,



Dear Mom,

I miss you very much. Things in Olympia are very busy indeed, and there is a pall over the newly-updated throne room with the casualties being taken in the wars.

But there is much being built as well. Brighton has started a library after agent 009 was trained. Aleppo built a harbor and is now building a war machine.

Our navy is finally beginning to pay some dividends. The Marlbrough has bombed Kabul into submission, and a transport with our last of the veteran cavalry reached the city and took it for Fanatica. It only paid us 250 gold, but we got a marketplace and peace from Genghis. I thought I heard barking when he visited the Inner Circle, but I could have been wrong. We are still building machines of war in Mongol territory, however, and we will be prepared to take the capital city soon, I feel.

The SETI program is going well. I hope that we are able to finish in about 10 years or so. A lofty goal, but reachable I feel.

Hope that you and dad remain well there in St. Leowind.

All my best,



Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA

Dear Elizabeth:

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written. I was helping the people of Dreadtown collect silk for trading. It was difficult, but it was a nice break from the SETI program. Also, Dreadtown has now started a manufacturing plant.

We’ve received a visit from some group calling itself “The High Council”. They were full of advice, and Kev let me sit in on the meeting as a lark.

First, some beefy guy told Kev that he’s doing great with the military. Like he didn’t know. General Ren giggled.
Then, some dweeby guy went on and on about Einstein and some microchip thing and said we’re number one in science. Duke threw a beaker at him.
Some other guy started talking about stock markets. We all know what they do, we told him, and then told him to “do lunch” elsewhere.
Can you believe some woman with a FOREIGN accent then stood up and said that we should repair our reputation with the international community? Kev nearly choked, and duke laughed like a mental patient until she got uncomfortable and left.
Finally, some guy with greasy hair and goofy clothes said something along the lines of “We’re rockin’”. Who let these people in?

Hey, guess what, the art of guerilla warfare was taken from the Romans at Byzantium. Agent 006 escaped to Dukeshire afterward as well.

A preponderance of Zulu ships can be seen – even from the walls of Olympia. We’ll have to wait and see where this leads.

Stay well, Lizzie. I’m glad to hear that Megan and Tyler are doing so well.

With love,



Dear John:

Thank you for writing back so quickly. I am glad that your forest projects near Dover have done so well. Two nice forests for the citizens, and one that has a population of pheasants as well. How nice.

There is a lot going on in the nation – several in your neck of the woods. First, Thunder Falls built an offshore platform and started and aqueduct. Also, Dellville finished its sewer system in record time. It has started building an attack ship that travels under the water and is called a submarine. Though the UFS Dell in nearby, so many Roman ships are in the area that this is probably a great ideal.

Over there in Europa, Cambridge built a harbor and started an offshore platform, Ormuz built and offshore platform and started and aqueduct, and Leeds trained engineers and started a temple. In your own home city of Dover, agent 010 was trained and an offshore platform was started.

Kev is a bit taken aback at the sheer power available now that fission has been discovered. Great care must be taken to make sure this technology does not fall into enemy hands. Kev hopes to do something useful with this technology and told Duke to look into harnessing nuclear power.

There are four howitzers now in Karakorum waiting word to strike. Nishapur could be falling soon. There are also two spies near the distant Mongol city of Khorosan. Perhaps they can help clear Viroconium Island once and for all.

I guess the English were “not amused” as they attacked a cavalry unit of ours outside of Leeds.

The Zulus were less than amusing as well as they landed an explorer near Mpondo and asked us to just up and give them Mobile Warfare. Yeah, like THAT wouldn’t find its way into our enemy’s hands. Just what we need, tanks all over the place. We told that sheep-lover Shaka to go soak his head, and I guess he was offended at the thought of bathing because he cancelled the alliance.

So much happening. I hope you stay safe in the light of this new English aggression. Keep yourself and your family well.

With love,



Dear Michael:

I cannot believe that so many howitzers are being built up there in Triton. And your city is a big part of supporting all of them. I wonder where these units will end up going. I know that a transport approaches Canton.

On our home island, Pellaken Bay gathered spices for trade and started an aqueduct while Fort Pornstar completed mass transit and began another battleship.

Near John over in Europa, Oxford built a temple and started a marketplace. Speaking of Europa, it would seem that agent 009 was able to bribe the fickle citizens of Gloucester for 680 gold. We received the city, 102 gold, and alpine troops for defense. It also led to a tentative peace with the English, though they asked us to declare war on the Zulus first. We refused for now.

Kev is eager to goad Genghis into war again, but he is having none of it yet. Soon enough.

Our enemies continue to trade techs. The Romans are the worst as they give guerilla warfare to the Zulus, English and the Mongols and then give steel to the Zulus as well. The Zulus also got chemistry from the Mongols.

We’ll see if these outdated techs help them at all.

Keep up all of your good work in the Theatre. I hope to see you acting soon.

With love,



Dear Mother,

Our nearby cities are booming here. Becka-Becka and Kevholm both build marketplaces and started factories. Joespaniel built an offshore platform and started a sewer system. Even closer to home, Athenae built a factory and started a needed transport while the new Hippo university was completed and that city started to gather more freight.

Genghis finally declared war on us. Seems funny to say that, but it gave Kev the excuse to tear into the filthy Mongols. Some debris (i.e. partisans and fanatics) were cleared and the attack will begin soon. This has caused the Romans, English AND THE ZULUS to declare war on us as well. Oh, boy, this could be less than fun.

Before she was taken by Mongol forces on Viroconium Island, agent 005 bribed the city of Khorosan for 725 gold. We received a city with alpine troops and fanatics for defense, an engineer for improvements, and a market and colloseum for the city proper. We also earned 238 gold, but agent 005 was captured and not heard from again. Please pray for her. Genghis tried for peace, but Kev would have nothing of it and further “peacekeeping” was agreed upon by all.

Mike has been working very hard in the theatre in Bejing, and I hear he also helped put together the FIVE howitzers that have left Canton and are now heading toward German lands. What shall become of us there?

Rome is at it again, apparently. They gave genetic engineering to the English and Refining to the Mongols. They then discovered combustion on their own, and we’ll see how many end up with this tech soon. The Romans have also landed forces near Kabul and several units near Nishapur as well. I doubt that this will delay Kev’s plans for this city.

Anyway, mother, keep yourself safe where you are. Soon, all of this warring will be a thing of the past.

I love you.



Dear Elizabeth:

We continue to improve our cities, Lizzie. Near you, Dukeshire put together a new factory and is building an aqueduct. Tabriz build an aqueduct and started and offshore platform while nearby Bokhara built a temple and started an aqueduct.

Nuclear Power is now a reality. Can you believe it? Our ships now travel farther than they ever have, and we are closing in on a serious source of power. Duke has gone to study the labor union, feeling this last tech will help our wartime efforts even more.

Unknown City has completed the battleship UFS York, which is now sailing east toward English waters. John has seen it and it supposedly looks quite majestic. This should help our efforts near English territory where their navy has been all over the place. Unknown now has started a marketplace to help please the citizens there.

The attack of Nishapur has taken place. – I’m sure you heard. It was a mighty battle and our technology has surprised the lowly Mongols. They thought they were safe behind their city walls, but our howitzers merely ignored them and fired upon the hapless defenders. We took the city and earned 495 gold for our efforts. The city still has a granary, a market and an aqueduct inside as well. The best this was that NO NEW CAPITAL was built. The Mongols are without a capital!

NINE partisans took to the swamps around Nishapur, and oddly enough, they were now blocking the Roman forces. No matter agent 002 bribed two partisans for defense of the city, and peace was declared with the Mongols. The UFS Marlbrough then crushed a Roman frigate, a Roman destroyer and then killed all of the Roman units that had landed as well. To the south, the UFS Dell killed the cavalry unit near Dellville and sank a Roman destroyer and ironclad for good measure. Yes, we do RULE the seas.

A Roman cruiser even tried to attack the Dell, and it now lays on the bottom of the ocean.


Dear Mike,

Well, your howitzers are now outside the German capital. With the attack on the Roman forces, the Germans declared war upon us. There is a dilemma that the Inner Circle needs to figure out – the capital of Germany is Hamburg and there are EIGHT units inside. From the sea, our 5 howitzers will not be able to take them all in one turn, but easily in two if they are allowed to remain unmolested. Should we try? I now General Ren will have a good idea here.

Factories in Potopolia – where they’ve started a stock market – and Spycatcher – where they’ve begun mass transit – will help our nation’s production immensely. The engineers in Nanking will also help the area where you are as well. I can see many more howitzers coming from your city, and I hope that they eventually can help bring about peace.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Kev may be heading out to Beijing on a cruise soon and I may go with him. It will be great to see you. Stay well.



From the UN

Rome: Republic with 1,935 gold. 61 techs and studying refrigeration. 10 cities.

Zulu: Republic with 1,230 gold. 54 techs and studying refrigeration. 6 cities.

German: Republic with 616 gold. 60 techs and studying combustion. 5 cities.

English: Fundy with 2,986 gold. 60 techs and studying Theory of Gravity. 16 cities.

Mongols: Fundy with 1,329 gold. 60 techs and studying Machine Tools. 6 cities.

UF: Democracy with 1,452 gold. 74 techs and studying labor union. 55 cities.


Nov 20, 2001
Again some very nice turns played and a very nice story written about it as well, thanks!
I was a bit confused however, we're attacking the Germans now but I thought we would go after the Romans first??? Anyway it doesn't matter that much as the Germans only have 5 cities and we will be able to go after the Romans soon enough. As long as we can hold off Roman invasions with our superior navy everything is just fine!


Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA
Actually, we've not attacked the Germans at this point. They've declared war on us because we attacked some Roman units. I had originally intended to carry the howies past the German mainland and make a landing on Roman soil. However, I also wanted to consider at least taking out the German capital. The spies on the mainland could then buy the remaining German cities rather cheaply.

The German cities are a nice size, and they could be nice howie producers for the Roman theater. The Cure for Cancer would be nice for happiness as well. Yet, with their capital so well defended, we could always swing by the Germans as originally intended and go straight for the Romans - though we'll need more than five howies eventually.

We can discuss in the military threads, I guess. I'm glad you liked the turns in general.


Take a break
Dec 5, 2000
Interesting to see that the Romans seem to be doing the research for everyone else...Good news though, that our war effort has continued to be successful and that the seas are cleared.

Mr Spice

Oct 17, 2001


Jan 3, 2002
Should we officially include the recently conquered cities of Oxford, Leeds and Glouchester in Europa? Elibb deserves an increased realm of influence...

I think that's a good idea.:D

I won't be able to update the city summaries until tomorrow.
Feb 6, 2001
Looking for da man
Man, how things have changed!

Good to see things have come so far. ;)

Mr Spice

Oct 17, 2001
Look who is dropping by. :) It sure used to be very turbulent, as you remember, but now things are running smoothly and looking good. Some drastic changes have been made and turned out to work well.


Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by Alcibiaties of Athenae
Man, how things have changed!

Good to see things have come so far. ;)
Things certainly have become more calm over here since about 80% of the posters left for civ3 demo and demo MP. The beginning was nice but maybe a bit too hectic and too many problems. It's good now.


Nov 13, 2000
Eugene, OR, USA
Kev, ever the creative approaches to writing up the turns :goodjob: I don't know how you keep coming up with different ideas.

Quaint St. Leowind, the retirement mecca of United Fanatica. I like it :D
Feb 6, 2001
Looking for da man
I'm proud of you guys.

Well done, all of you! :D

Leo, sorry I never answered your invitaion, things were a bit hectic back then.

Mr Spice

Oct 17, 2001
There is always room for more players you know. ;)
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