Expanding while at war - long term discussion.


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
This thread is for a LONG term discussion of where and how we should expand, and at the same time while we're at war. When we're at war, we'll be using up our resources. As it stands now, we only have 3 cities, while everyone else has twice as much! We are relying TOO much on the fact that we'll get cities from war. We don't know that. Even if we do, we have a gap between the areas. I will post of map of where we should build next, and how to micromanage the cities.

(map coming soon). This discussion isn't for 10 turns, 20 turns into the game, but for much of the game itself!
Thank you for doing this, CT.
As Domestic Head, I agree highly with the fact that we need to expand. And quickly. I believe there are three settlers in queue for the next 10 turns. This gives us 3 more cities. I propose we fill the gap, take the bridge. Also- we need to head south towards Azteca for a continuous land mass.
expand quickly, culturally and physically, if we don't do this we will forever be a low-science capability civ and i don't want that for us. I reccomend the building of at least one temple during this war and another settler (to make it four). We need growth!
After the war, expansion should be key. I would recommend that we continue this expansion peacefully, until we have a good production base, and then continue on to target another nation for war.
Well when i was domestic leader i did have a temple in the queue for cultural benefit but im sure that was overridden so that the war machine could be built. I agree with plxus that we should expand with culture and physically
When I was handed this Department, I was given an unwritten mission: to Grow Fanatika AT ALL COSTS and I intend to do so. We must pump settlers as well as swordsmen. We must also get as many cultural improvements as possible. We are aproximatly 30 turns from getting Literature. I propose that between now and then, we grow by at minimum six cities, with all cities, both new and old, having a Temple. The, we build libraries to further our knowledge.
I am anouncing here and now my intention to run for Domestic Head next term. It is on this "Temple and Library in every city" platform i will run. Thank you,
Domestic Head

Edit- I agree with the whole kill thy neighbor thing, but we need to be constantly expanding
I agree with Oct. Not only should we expand now, but also while at war. We need to claim the land just south of Bavaria and Valhalla. I feel those would serve as excellent secondary expansion and military cities.
Wow, that's a bit extreme, are you including captured cities in this? I'm not sure we'll be able to build 6 settlers in 30 turns.
The captured cities WILL have corruption, no doubt about it. The reason we're so far behind in techs is because we only have 3 cities! (and not a very large population). Techs are only going to get more expensive, and we need uncorrupt cities to deal with them.
You all have me rolling on the floor after reading this thread. Expanding while at war. We should be talking about getting the dang war started! Our soldiers camp in the woods like boy scouts. Bavaria is set to make a settler. Craziness.

Then our esteemed Trade Leader fills us with propoganda about being behind in tech. We are not behind in technology! Show me one civ that has a tech that we do not have. No one is ahead of us in tech! Some of our leaders cry like children for a Great Library so we do not lose the tech race. Look around the world people. When you find a civilization more advanced than Fanatika the show it to us! :king:
Now, where did I say we're behind in tech? ;) I said we would be left behind IF we don't build any more cities. We're striping ourselves of gold. No propoganda there. :D
I would propose the following plan:
* Military production in bavaria and morgana. Maybe with interruption by happyness improovement if needed. This will give us a constant stream of military units for the war.
* Valhalla and the new norhtern cities to be founded should produce settlers/workers only. For rapid expansion.
* Aztec cities im not sure about. Maybe spearman, then settler/worker to reduce foreign populace and prevent flipping/rioting. Then cultural improovement to expand borders.

the problem with the 2nd point is that we are so far in the north we will have to moove our settlers very far to get to productive lands. and also, we cant moove them too far south cause there will be a war going on.
Culture is important later in the age but right now it isn't really a factor. Building our own cities should be a very slow but steady process. Our major expansion should be through conquest.

Start the war!
Fiesty warmongers! ;)

Anyway, I have a plan! :D

Just follow the lines. There's one exception. Instead of the spear waiting 2 turns, I propose inserting another warrior (2 turns) so it doesn't have to wait.

The first warrior in Bavaria is a quick defender/escourt for our first settler. The second settler will be done in 6 turns, but due to city growth, we will need to micromanage the worked tiles. Valhalla will produce 7spt after growth. After 1 turn, we'll have 27 sheilds, and we only need 3 after that. Move 1 (or 2 - now that I think about it, I think it's 1 worked tile) to the coast.

Once they (the settler/warrior combo) is built, have another warrior built in Bavaria for a sword upgrade, then switch to a spear, then another warrior.

So, the build queues look like this:

Valhalla: settler (1), settler (6)
Bavaria: warrior (2), warrior (2), spear (4), warrior (2), warrior (2)
Morgana: continue swords until further notice.
CT: i can second that. with the new cities coming up and the aztec territories we will capture, this could work.
(but sorry, i didnt understand your picture :))
I also coudn't make much sense from the map, but I agree with CT, we are depending way too much on expansion via conquest, expansion via settlers is best. Most, if not all, cultures have twice as much cities as us, and that has major bonuses we do not have (more money, to start) We need to define our borders before other nations define them for us.

Ehecatl Atzin
Yes. it requires a higher state of mind to comprehend it. :D

I'll make a better one in Adobe... (hopefully...)
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