Building the Spaceship


Retired Moderator
Mar 2, 2003
We are only four turns from building the Apollo Program, and once that is completed we will be able to begin our spaceship to Alpha Centauri. We should start building spaceship parts in our high-producing cities as soon as it is completed. We need to know what cities should build what parts so that we can begin building our great spaceship.
  • Aureus - After UN
  • Iron Hills - After Apollo Program (obviously :p )
  • Noshuret
  • Regia Doughnutia
  • Gorina - After SETI
  • Thebes

As is happens, I put together a rough plan for progressing through the modern age with the intention of a space victory. This plan included researching only the required techs for the launch. Upon the discovery of a tech that allowed a critical build (UN, Apollo and SS parts), a city was detailed to begin construction. At no time were more than 6 cities required.

Once we complete Apollo, we can build 3 parts. Assuming we research Synthetic Fibers as soon as possible, we will be able to build 3 more parts fairly soon. We then progress through the remaining techs to build the next four. With some planning and prebuilding, we can do this quickly.

With that in mind, here is my proposal.

Research queue:
Ecology -> Synthetic Fibers -> Nuclear Power -> Superconductor -> Satellites -> The Laser

With the current discontentment in Fanatica, I will assume a research rate of 6 turns per tech.

Two turns from now, Penguinadua starts a prebuild for an SS part. Three turns from now, Regia Doughnutia and Thebes start prebuilds for SS parts. The turn after that, Iron Hills completes the Apollo Program, all three cities switch to SS parts.

Turn 6, Ecology is discovered. Turn 12, we discover Synthetic Fibers. Iron Hills, Gorina and Aureus start the new SS parts.

Turn 18, we discover Nuclear Power, the last tech that does not give us an SS part. From now on, at least city will be using Palace as a prebuild for an SS part. Regia Doughnutia starts Palace.

Turn 24, we discover Superconductor. RD switches to SS part, and completes. Iron Hills starts SS part, Aureus starts Palace.

Turn 30, we discover Satellites. Aurues switches to SS part, Gorina starts Palace.

Turn 36, we discover The Laser, Gorina switches to SS part, and completes the Spaceship.

Turn 37, we launch.

If we are able to improve the research rate, the time will be reduced. Our building capacity far outstrips our reasearch capacity. Assuming a 4 turn rate, we ought to be able to launch in 25 turns, but that's an aggressive rate.

-- Ravensfire
That looks really good, ravensfire. I say we should follow that plan. We will almost certainly get to launch by the end of the term with your plan.
Originally posted by Sarevok
be sure to leave a few high production citeis so that our war effort can still continue.

In general, there will only be three cities at any given time producing SS components, so this won't be a problem. Also, no city goes immediately from one component to another, so there are opportunities for cities to produce needed infrastructure and units.

Hopefully, the need for military units will be minimal.

-- Ravensfire
Originally posted by ravensfire

As is happens, I put together a rough plan for progressing through the modern age with the intention of a space victory. This plan included researching only the required techs for the launch. Upon the discovery of a tech that allowed a critical build (UN, Apollo and SS parts), a city was detailed to begin construction. At no time were more than 6 cities required.

Once we complete Apollo, we can build 3 parts. Assuming we research Synthetic Fibers as soon as possible, we will be able to build 3 more parts fairly soon. We then progress through the remaining techs to build the next four. With some planning and prebuilding, we can do this quickly.

With that in mind, here is my proposal.

Research queue:
Ecology -> Synthetic Fibers -> Nuclear Power -> Superconductor -> Satellites -> The Laser

With the current discontentment in Fanatica, I will assume a research rate of 6 turns per tech.

Two turns from now, Penguinadua starts a prebuild for an SS part. Three turns from now, Regia Doughnutia and Thebes start prebuilds for SS parts. The turn after that, Iron Hills completes the Apollo Program, all three cities switch to SS parts.

Turn 6, Ecology is discovered. Turn 12, we discover Synthetic Fibers. Iron Hills, Gorina and Aureus start the new SS parts.

Turn 18, we discover Nuclear Power, the last tech that does not give us an SS part. From now on, at least city will be using Palace as a prebuild for an SS part. Regia Doughnutia starts Palace.

Turn 24, we discover Superconductor. RD switches to SS part, and completes. Iron Hills starts SS part, Aureus starts Palace.

Turn 30, we discover Satellites. Aurues switches to SS part, Gorina starts Palace.

Turn 36, we discover The Laser, Gorina switches to SS part, and completes the Spaceship.

Turn 37, we launch.

If we are able to improve the research rate, the time will be reduced. Our building capacity far outstrips our reasearch capacity. Assuming a 4 turn rate, we ought to be able to launch in 25 turns, but that's an aggressive rate.

-- Ravensfire

Brilliant Idea! I will make a poll for the science part of this plan immediatly.
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