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Screenshot of the Day #63: Elvis Easter Egg


Oct 25, 2000
The mystery of "The King" has been found!

Change the date on your PC to Jan 8th 2004 (someone's birthday), and start a regicide game (or mass regicide for extra fun) and you will get a nice surprise.

Now for even more amusement, look in your extra folder and you will find a "mystery unit" that wasnt there before..."JAIMO!" ;)


Firaxis really knows how to hide easter eggs! :goodjob: The credit for this discovery goes to Miriya. Thanks to joespaniel for the screenshot.
Actually, you don't need to change the date, and you don't need to play regecide. you just need to add the unit as you would any other unit. His folder in the PTW unit directory, named "The King".

The credit for this goes to Joespaniel. He opened a thread last week posting this easter egg.
Originally posted by Yaniv
Actually, you don't need to change the date, and you don't need to play regecide. you just need to add the unit as you would any other unit. His folder in the PTW unit directory, named "The King".

The credit for this goes to Joespaniel. He opened a thread last week posting this easter egg.
That's not the same thing though - it requires modding. What Miriya has discovered is that elvis will appear without modding given these circumstances. That's a real easter egg.
Too funny! What are the A/D/M values of "The King"?

Note: Just informed by TF that it is probably the same as all the other king units. D'oh!
Probably the same as the other 'king' units. I think they're 1/1/2.
Thanks for the quick reply Sparrowhawk. :D He got it in before I could even finish editing the post! :D
Originally posted by Thunderfall
Change the date on your PC to Jan 8th 2004 (someone's birthday), and start a regicide game (or mass regicide for extra fun) and you will get a nice surprise.
BTW, January 8 is Elvis's birthday.
Is it a permanent change, or only for games started on his birthday? I am not at home so I can't test it out ATM.
I don't think the too are the same easter egg cuz Elvis :king: only appears on his birthday but the jaimo appears any time I change the year. :)
Originally posted by Yaniv
Actually, you don't need to change the date, and you don't need to play regecide. you just need to add the unit as you would any other unit. His folder in the PTW unit directory, named "The King".

The credit for this goes to Joespaniel. He opened a thread last week posting this easter egg.
No, I was the first to post about the unit in the folder, Miriya found the triggers. :D
Change the date on your PC to Jan 8th 2004 (someone's birthday)

T'is the King's birthday actually, as he was born on the 8th of Jan 1935. As for the year 2004, beats me...
Originally posted by munzy
Too funny! What are the A/D/M values of "The King"?

Note: Just informed by TF that it is probably the same as all the other king units. D'oh!

Never mind A/D/M values: how much food does he eat? (probably all of it and than some... :D )
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