[DOTO] Dawn Of The OverLords

Was curious, does this mod's DLL allow 50 civs, or is there any way you could add that while you are updating the mod. Was setting up a map and I think it stopped me at like 25, but it could have been the map I was using too, was not sure.

You can use the 50 civ dll located in the the modcomp subforum. Instructions are simple and easy to follow. Be advised, in order to use it, you'll need a giant sized map, and depending on your comp specs, a decent processor.
Hey, well yeah theres a limit on 25,
But no problem, ill update it to 50.

If you replace the dll from another mod, like draksara said, not sure it wil work...

Anyway, im Pushing forward on the update, rebuilt the buildings completly, now going to pronotions.
Hey, well yeah theres a limit on 25,
But no problem, ill update it to 50.

If you replace the dll from another mod, like draksara said, not sure it wil work...

Anyway, im Pushing forward on the update, rebuilt the buildings completly, now going to pronotions.

It does :D. Same for GEM as well. All you need to do is make sure you follow the instruction for the dll, and your ready to rock. I've used it before on your mods.
GEM= Giant Earth Map. Genghis Kais's is probably One of the best.
Love too kiddo, but currently working on a GEM/TSL for Quot Capita, and trying to do the same for VIP. What kind of help do you need. Might be able to squeeze in some minor stuff. Who needs sleep :D
Ok, I'll take a look on my next day off.
hi all,

i decided to upload a beta version of doto 2.0.

its a clean version, with many many many changes.
to the final version i will add a few more features, but the general structure is ready.
so if theres anyone here who wanna help play test it, it would be extremely helpful.

so here it is - bets 2 of doto:

well, so far, 11 down loads,
which makes me happy, since i expected 10 downloads so thats quite a success :)
hoping at least 3 of the down loaders will provide some feedback on this beta...

ive implemented a forbidden religion mechanize now, that basically, denies a civ from being able to convert to certain religions completely, like, arabia will never be jewish :)

im thinking next to implement some platypings stuff, like revolutions.
any thoughts? anyone?
Haven't had the chance to download the beta yet, real life and all that, but happy to see any additions you feel like making, thanks for the time you put into this, and will download as soon as things calm down a bit.
Nice, I'll have to take a peek under the hood for that mechanic, as I always wondered if there was a way to do that other than the "choose religion" modcomp.

Platy's stuff is always welcome, pretty sure he dreams in python lol.

Just some thoughts: Usable mountains is always a nice edition, gives a person a nice spot for windmills :D.
Advanced Diplo is a potential too.
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