MultiPlayer Cheat/Exploit


Oct 9, 2010

Figured i wanted to let you know about this cheat since i have seen people use it and want to make other MP people aware of it.

It will allow you to get as much culture as you would like basically.

What you do is that you turn the game into strategic mode. When you turn a great writer into culture you basically do it as the the turn is just starting and click as many times as you can on the button. Since it is lag you can often get 3-10 clicks registered.
When i discovered i tried it out in a few games to see how consistent it was and easy and it basically works every game, the more lag the more clicks you get in.

It is actually a really boring exploit even to play as it makes you completely owerpowered yet i see people using it every now and then. The way you detect it is that you visit the culture overview and then you suddenly see someones culture going up a ridicilous amount. It is pretty easy as you simply have a spy in their cap and check when they pop the great writer and then you know because if they get to much culture there is basically no way that´s possible.

So lets keep our eyes open and ban those who are actually doing it from MP groups. Now you are all aware of how it works and can act against it.

If you like culture, you can on the contrary actually grab aestethics and build chapel and start using great people to build works. It easily gets you to tons of culture and tourism and is even competitive against the best MP people if refined possiby so how about doing it properly.

Over and out.
I feel like this thread should be deleted because it's simply spreading the word about the bug and telling people how to cheat.
You can't fight knowledge with obscurity.

Do you think it's worth it to have community with cadres of cheaters who are just tolerable strictly because they don't know how to effectively cheat? I'd rather see some cheaters so I can just dissociate from them right then.
You can't fight knowledge with obscurity.

Do you think it's worth it to have community with cadres of cheaters who are just tolerable strictly because they don't know how to effectively cheat? I'd rather see some cheaters so I can just dissociate from them right then.

What are the odds that you are going to have a spy in the guy's capital at the time he does this trick? Do you really think that you're going to check the diplomacy screen often enough to see this? It's going to be hard to catch.
I agree with craigmak. This is hard to spot especially since a lot of people put more into culture than others. So its hard to say if one guy is cheating or just simply built is guilds and what not earlier than normal. Really, we're just going to have to wait in till this is patched. the fact that they patched the trade glitch restored some of my faith until firaxis deals with this junk, so I hope they will get it done.

But ya some players like to improve their culture pretty hard and some don't. So trying to spot these things could actually lead you to falsely accusing a lot of players. I for example get my writers guild up early and use writers to grab most of the rationalism policies pretty fast. On a good game I can have 4 policies into rationalism (all the tech boosting ones) like just 20 turns after getting into renaissance. That is done legitimately, but other players could be suspicious and call me a cheater.

I don't think this thread should be deleted but just reporting it to firaxis might have been enough.
Thanks for reporting AlwAysAnA

I actually agree with your idea of posting it here. More people will start paying attention to what happens in the game, be aware of such cheat, and be able to understand why somebody suddenly got very rich in culture. And if more people start being loud about it, it can actually make Firaxis interested in fixing it.
Did you already report it to Firaxis, or should any of us do that?

And now let's just wait a year until Firaxis fixes it (as with two other very annoying and game breaking MP bugs in the past) ;)

For me anyway the only way to play multiplayer games is with people I know, or recommended by people I know. The cheaters are everywhere, probably on this forum as well, and there are probably at least a few undiscovered cheats yet. Being aware is better than not knowing.
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