[WIP] 3rd Unique Component Project

In case you are interested, here is the Grenzer description from Civ3 (they were present in the Napoleonic Europe scenario as a unique unit for Austria, replacing the default Musket Infantry):

Civilization III: Napoleonic Europe Scenario Grenzer Civilopedia Entry said:
Grenzers were Austrian light infantry originally mustered in Croatia. Grenzers were promised a land entitlement in return for protecting border ("Grenze") areas against the Turks. Battalions of "Grenzinfanterie" were used as skirmishers, but they often fought in closed order.

A more thorough reference can be found in the academic article "The Austrian Army in the Age of Metternich" (Gunther E. Rothenberg, The Journal of Modern History, 1968):

Gunther E. Rothenberg said:
There existed, however, one important exception to the general system of recruitment – the famous Military Border or Militargrenze. Here, in a thin belt of land covering the entire southern frontier of Hungary-Croatia, a singular military institution had been created in the course of the Turkish wars. In this region the Hofkriegsrat [the highest level Austrian imperial military institution] superseded the civil authorities, and the entire area was organized "into regiments instead of counties, so that it is one vast camp, every soldier being a peasant and every peasant a soldier." And it should be emphasized that after the time of Maria Theresa the contingents of the Military Border, the Grenzer, were organized, armed, and drilled as components of the regular army. Of course, only part of the total available manpower of the Military Border was under arms at any one time, but here the principle of universal military service was carried out to the fullest, and when all reserves were called out the Grenzer could muster over one hundred thousand men.


Exceptions to the general unpreparedness of the army could be found [...]. On the Military Border, especially in the Croatian sector facing the turbulent Bosnia, the Grenzer were almost constantly engaged in small wars, which on several occasions, in 1819, 1831, 1834, and again in 1845-46, escalated into regimental-sized battles.

Alternatively, Empire: Total War had an interesting unique unit for Austria, the "Windbuchse Jaegers". This is the unit's description:

Empire: Total War Windbuchse Jaegers Description said:
These skirmishers and scouts carry almost-silent airguns and are well suited to stealthy sniping and tactical ambushes.

Windbuchsenjager are woodmen, hunters and poachers - men with a good grasp of field craft. Their speciality is skirmishing, to disrupt enemy formations with harassing fire, or to stop the enemy doing the same to their comrades. Unlike other light troops, however, they carry airguns. These weapons give them a distinctively unfair advantage!

Apart from the fact that is silent, with no muzzle flash or smoke, the windbuchse ("wind rifle") has a 20-round magazine and fires as quickly as the jager can pull the trigger. The gun can drive a ball through a plank (or a man) at 100 paces,but the velocity of shots drop as the air reservoir empties. Austrian gunsmiths have produced a deadly, if delicate, weapon in the windbuchse! However, it needs a highly trained and very fit man to use it properly: pumping up the air reservoir is a huge effort.

Historically, airguns were not a success. They were quiet, but they did not work after rough treatment, something that was inevitable in battle. Napoleon Bonaparte hated them and decreed that any captured "assassin" with an airgun was to be executed, not treated as a soldier.
Hey mrc2022, are you planning to extend this mod so each civilization has 2 or more Uniques?
Thank you Androrc, will look into it asap

Hey mrc2022, are you planning to extend this mod so each civilization has 2 or more Uniques?

After finishing the 3rd unique for every civ I'll launch planed add-ons
They will consist on discussed ideas and uniques that were alternatives
I'll also accept requests for these
The add-ons will be coded to replace the existing 3rd unique but if you want you can just delete that piece of code and have more than 3 uniques
Thank you for ur awesome work!

I'm loving the mod so far can't wait for an update.

Keep up great work !
Thank you for ur awesome work!

I'm loving the mod so far can't wait for an update.

Keep up great work !

Thanks for your support :)

I'm having some trouble adding new units, their models are not showing. I've hit a blockade, can't just see what is wrong, nothing shows on logs and these sql are a match to working sql's...

So far this are the changes that will be uploaded next:
  • Cothon
    • +1 Production and Gold from Sea Resources worked by this City
    • +15% Production when building Naval Units
    • Sea trade routes originating from this city produce an additional 2 Gold when connecting to another civilization.
    • +2 City Defense Strength
    • Replaces Seaport
  • Seowon
    • +1 Culture per Specialist instead of +2 Culture
  • Saloon
    • Replaces Windmill
    • 1 Engineer Specialist slot
    • City must be on or near plains
    • +1 Gold from mines (not yet coded)
    • +1 Production from gold
    • Cost 250
    • 2 Gold Maintenance Cost
    • +2 Production
  • Rathaus
    • 15% production bonus instead of 25%
  • Fish Pond
    • new art

  • Assyrian Royal Guard
  • Babylonian Mounted Bowman (no model)
  • Celtic Carpentom (model not showing)
  • Indian Sepoy (model not showing)
  • Ethiopian Churches of Lalibela

Upon update I'll explicit the new itens.
After this I'll start working on the Russian Streltsy (which is pretty much defined), the Indonesian Cetbang Warship (need to see if some aspects can be done) and the Chinese Junk Ship. Then it's on the improvements.
I'm starting to bang my head on the wall with the units, can't just see what's wrong...

Now that the Fall patch is out I was going to use as German 3rd UC the unit they would remove to place the Hanse but I've only noticed now that the Landsknecht has not been removed but it's a mercenary unit...

So I'll be adding the Teutonic Knight (JFD unit for The Kingdom of Prussia)
Any ideas for another Roman unique building?
Thank you Androrc for the suggestion

Teutonic Knight and Forum up and running.
Trying to fix the unit graphics for Carpentom and Sepoy and then I'll upload them.

Just one thing. Does anyone have Civ4?

Eu tenho o Civ4 (só agora que percebi que você é de Portugal :D)

Translation for non-Portuguese speakers:
I have Civ4 (only now I noticed that you're from Portugal :D)
Eu tenho o Civ4 (só agora que percebi que você é de Portugal :D)

Translation for non-Portuguese speakers:
I have Civ4 (only now I noticed that you're from Portugal :D)

E você é austríaco ou está só em Viena?
(And are you Austrian or are just in Vienna?)

Could you get me Ballcourt and Forum civilopedia entries?
E você é austríaco ou está só em Viena?
(And are you Austrian or are just in Vienna?)

Could you get me Ballcourt and Forum civilopedia entries?


		<English>Roman civic and commercial life was largely centered upon the "forum," an open space surrounded by markets, temples, government buildings, and the "rostra," a platform where Romans made political speeches to their fellows. The Roman forums may have been modeled upon the "agoras," which served much the same purposes in earlier Greek cities. The most famous forum is the "Roman Forum," located at the center of the Imperial City, but most other Roman cities had them as well.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The Roman Forum in Rome contained a number of very important and beautiful buildings, including temples devoted to Romulus, Saturn and Vesta, several basilicas, and the "Curia Hostilia," which housed the Roman Senate.</English>
		<French>La vie commerciale et civique romaine s'articule principalement autour du "forum", un espace ouvert entour&#233; de march&#233;s, de temples, d'&#233;difices du gouvernement, et d'une "tribune", une estrade sur laquelle les Romains peuvent pr&#233;senter leurs discours politiques &#224; leurs semblables. Il semble que l'origine des forums romains remonte aux "agoras", qui ont les m&#234;mes fonctions dans les premi&#232;res villes grecques. M&#234;me si d'autres villes romaines poss&#232;dent &#233;galement leurs forums, le plus c&#233;l&#232;bre reste le "Forum Romanum", situ&#233; au coeur de la ville imp&#233;riale.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Le Forum Romanum de Rome est compos&#233; d'un grand nombre d'&#233;difices somptueux, notamment de temples en hommage &#224; Romulus, Saturne et Vesta, de plusieurs basiliques et de la "Curia Hostilia", dans laquelle se r&#233;unit le S&#233;nat romain.</French>
		<German>Das gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Leben im antiken Rom spielte sich gr&#246;&#223;tenteils auf dem "Forum" ab, einem offenen Platz inmitten von Marktst&#228;nden, Tempeln, Regierungsgeb&#228;uden und der "Rostra", einer Rednertrib&#252;ne, auf der zu jener Zeit politische Debatten gef&#252;hrt wurden. Die r&#246;mischen Foren wurden vermutlich nach dem Vorbild der "Agoras" gestaltet, die in den alten griechischen St&#228;dten nahezu denselben Zweck erf&#252;llten. Der ber&#252;hmteste Platz dieser Art war das "Forum Romanum", welches sich im Herzen der Hauptstadt des R&#246;mischen Reiches befand, aber auch die meisten anderen r&#246;mischen St&#228;dte unterhielten ein Forum.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Das Forum Romanum umfasste eine Reihe sehr bedeutender und sch&#246;ner Geb&#228;ude, unter anderem auch die Romulus-, Saturn- und Vesta-Tempel, einige Basiliken sowie die "Curia Hostilia", die Residenz des r&#246;mischen Senats.</German>
		<Italian>La vita civile e commerciale dei Romani era largamente incentrata sul foro ("forum"), uno spazio aperto circondato da mercati, templi, edifici di istituzioni e dalla "rostra", una piattaforma da cui i Romani tenevano discorsi politici ai concittadini. I fori romani forse riprendevano le agor&#224; greche, che nelle citt&#224; dell'antica Grecia avevano pi&#249; o meno le stesse funzioni. Il foro pi&#249; famoso &#232; il Foro Romano, situato nella citt&#224; imperiale, ma quasi tutte le citt&#224; romane ne avevano uno.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Nel Foro Romano di Roma si trovavano diversi edifici molti importanti e magnificenti, tra cui templi dedicati a Romolo, Saturno e Vesta, diverse basiliche e la "Curia Hostilia", che ospitava il Senato romano.</Italian>
		<Spanish>La vida civil y comercial romana se centraba en su mayor parte en el foro, un espacio abierto que estaba rodeado de mercados, templos, edificios oficiales, y la "rostra", un estrado desde el que los romanos hac&#237;an discursos pol&#237;ticos a sus compatriotas. Los foros romanos bien pudieran haberse creado a imagen y semejanza de las &#225;goras, que serv&#237;an al mismo prop&#243;sito en las ciudades griegas. El foro m&#225;s importante es el de Roma, que se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad imperial, pero muchas otras ciudades romanas contaban tambi&#233;n con ellos.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]El foro de Roma conten&#237;a varios edificios importantes y bellos (incluyendo los templos dedicados a R&#243;mulo, Saturno y Vesta), diversas bas&#237;licas y la Curia Hostilia (corte hostilia), que albergaba al senado romano.</Spanish>

		<English>[TAB]The Mesoamerican "Ball Game" (no native name has ever surfaced for the sport) originated in Southern Mexico, roughly two thousand years before the Common Era. By the time of the arrival of the Spanish, the game had become popular throughout Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, drawing crowds from both the upper echelons of society and the masses.[PARAGRAPH:1]While much of the game is still not understood, what is known is that two teams of two to four players each took to the field with the goal of keeping a small, rubber ball in the air by bouncing it off arms, hips and thighs. How the winner was decided is not known, but we do know that the losers often became the next sacrifice to the gods.[PARAGRAPH:1]The Ball Court held a deep religious significance for the Maya. Mayan Kings would often reenact a famous game between the God of the Underworld and the Heroes from the Popol Vuh, a Mayan sacred text. The King's victory on the Ball Court was said to be an omen of the continued survival of his city.</English>
		<French>[TAB]Le "jeu de balle" m&#233;soam&#233;ricain (aucun nom maya n'a &#233;t&#233; retrouv&#233; pour ce jeu) est originaire du sud du Mexique et fut invent&#233; environ deux mille ans avant notre &#232;re. A l'arriv&#233;e des Espagnols, ce jeu est populaire &#224; travers le Mexique, le Guatemala et le Belize et attire des foules issues &#224; la fois de l'&#233;lite et des masses populaires.[PARAGRAPH:1]Bien qu'une grande partie du jeu reste incompr&#233;hensible, nous savons que deux &#233;quipes de deux &#224; quatre joueurs doivent se renvoyer une balle en caoutchouc. Pour cela, ils peuvent utiliser les bras, les jambes et les hanches. On ignore comment est d&#233;sign&#233; le vainqueur, mais l'on sait que les perdants sont souvent sacrifi&#233;s aux dieux.[PARAGRAPH:1]Le terrain de jeu rev&#234;t une signification religieuse importante pour les Mayas. Les rois mayas reproduisent souvent une c&#233;l&#232;bre partie de jeu de balle ayant pr&#233;tendument eu lieu entre les dieux des Enfers et les h&#233;ros du Popol Vuh, un texte sacr&#233; maya. La victoire du roi sur le terrain &#233;tait cens&#233;e &#234;tre de bon augure pour la survie de la cit&#233;.</French>
		<German>[TAB]Das mesoamerikanische "Ballspiel" (der wahre Name dieser Sportart ist unbekannt) entstand ungef&#228;hr zweitausend Jahre vor Christi Geburt im S&#252;den Mexikos. Bei der Ankunft der Spanier hatte das Spiel in ganz Mexiko, Guatemala und Belize an Beliebtheit gewonnen und zog Zuschauer aus den h&#246;chsten Schichten der Bev&#246;lkerung ebenso an wie die breite Masse.[PARAGRAPH:1]Obwohl nicht viel &#252;ber das Spiel bekannt ist, wei&#223; man, dass es zwei Mannschaften aus zwei bis vier Spielern gab, die auf dem Feld versuchten, einen kleinen Gummiball in der Luft zu halten, indem sie ihn von Armen, H&#252;ften und Oberschenkeln abprallen lie&#223;en. Wie der Gewinner ermittelt wurde, ist unbekannt, aber wir wissen, dass die Verlierer oft das n&#228;chste Opfer f&#252;r die G&#246;tter darstellten.[PARAGRAPH:1]Der Ballplatz war f&#252;r die Maya von tiefer religi&#246;ser Bedeutung. Mayak&#246;nige lie&#223;en oft ein ber&#252;hmtes Spiel zwischen dem Gott der Unterwelt und den Helden aus dem Popol Vuh, einem heiligen Text der Maya, nachstellen. War der K&#246;nig auf dem Ballplatz siegreich, galt dies als gutes Omen f&#252;r den Fortbestand seiner Stadt.</German>
		<Italian>[TAB]Il "gioco della palla" dell'America centrale (di cui non &#232; mai stato scoperto il nome originale) ebbe origine nel Messico del sud, circa 2000 anni prima di Cristo. All'arrivo degli spagnoli il gioco era diventato popolare in tutto il Messico, Guatemala e Belize, e attirava folle sia dalle masse sia dalle classi pi&#249; abbienti della societ&#224;.[PARAGRAPH:1]Ancora molto &#232; sconosciuto di questo gioco, ma si sa che si affrontavano due squadre da due a quattro giocatori ognuna e lo scopo era mantenere in aria una palla gommosa facendola rimbalzare su braccia, fianchi e cosce. Non ci &#232; dato di sapere come si decidesse il vincitore, ma sappiamo che spesso i perdenti diventavano un sacrificio per gli dei.[PARAGRAPH:1]Il Campo da palla aveva un profondo significato religioso per i Maya. I re spesso riproducevano una famosa partita giocata tra il Dio dell'Aldil&#224; e gli eroi del Popol Vuh, un testo sacro dei Maya. La vittoria dei re sul Campo da palla si diceva fosse un buon presagio per la sopravvivenza della sua citt&#224;.</Italian>
		<Spanish>[TAB]El "juego de pelota" mesoamericano (no se ha descubierto el nombre nativo del juego), se origin&#243; en el sur de M&#233;xico, unos dos mil a&#241;os antes de nuestra era. A la llegada de los espa&#241;oles a Am&#233;rica, el juego se hab&#237;a extendido por todo M&#233;xico, Guatemala y Belice, y atra&#237;a a numerosos espectadores, tanto de las capas superiores de la sociedad como de las masas.[PARAGRAPH:1]Aunque a&#250;n no entendemos el juego en su totalidad, lo que s&#237; sabemos es que dos equipos de entre dos y cuatro jugadores se enfrentaban en el campo con el objetivo de mantener una peque&#241;a pelota de caucho en el aire haci&#233;ndola rebotar en los brazos, las caderas y los muslos. No sabemos c&#243;mo se determinaba el ganador, pero s&#237; que, muchas veces, los perdedores acababan como v&#237;ctimas propiciatorias para los sacrificios.[PARAGRAPH:1]El campo del juego de pelota ten&#237;a un profundo significado religioso para los mayas. Los reyes mayas sol&#237;an recrear un famoso partido entre el dios del Infierno y los h&#233;roes del Popol Vuh, un texto sagrado. Se cre&#237;a que la victoria de los reyes en este enfrentamiento era un buen augurio para la supervivencia de la ciudad.</Spanish>

I'm not Austrian, but Brazilian :)
Nice mod. Well done, interesting ideas.

Tried it in few games, and they worked fine, but I encountered two problems:

the Mongolian unique building got deleted after I exited game (to desktop), then loaded the save. It either got deleted completely, or it was replaced by regular shrine. (Happen only with Mongols tho, with other civs that I tried (Rome\England\Brazil), there were no problems.)

If you have JE reformation, you can buy original science buildings, as well as both Madrasah and Seowon. This makes the game broken, since you have three University buildings. Even if bonuses don't stack, you still have 6 GS slots per city to fill, so they pump like crazy.

Rome's Basilica icon is messed up, but otherwise works without problem in game (it does what description say).

Keep on the good work, if I find any other bug, I'll let you know. :goodjob:
Thanks for the support and for the critics!
Now the first one is awkward, the second is not my problem and for the third that is now kinda of fixed.

New upload
All units now with 2D sound
Chasqui and Khopesh Swordsman with new art
Germany and Rome with new uniques

I've also removed the problematic unit models until they get fixed
Yes. Something that replaces the pasture. The Huns kept herds of cattle, horses, goats and sheep. (although goats aren't in CiV but can be represented by sheep). As for Songhai, I have no clue. Maybe mud houses, idk.
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