Casus Beli


Nov 21, 2008
Based on a post by Babri:
The problem is that there is no casus belli system in ciV.

A casus beli system would make for a great addition to Civ in my opinion:

When declaring war you will be asked to select a reason why you are declaring war:
(AI's will also inform you of their reason for attacking)

Possible reasons:
- Because I feel like it! (crazy warmonger style)
- They extorted my CS allies!
- They are massing an army near my borders!
- Holy Crusade!
- They settled cities too close to me (despite my asking them not to)
- I'm joining the war to protect (3rd player) (if accepted will result in diplo boost from 3rd player)

Some justifications will need to have their own warnings implemented to enable to player to give the AI a reason to back off first before declaring war. (asking AI's to move their armies away from border, stop spreading religion, etc)

After war is declared, the other leaders will each decide for themselves if they accept the reason as valid.
If a leader accepts your casus beli as valid, you will not recieve a diplo hit with them and they will not consider you a warmonger. If they do not accept your reason you will obviously get the diplo hit and bad rep, as in the current game.

The likelyhood of a leader accepting your justification should be at least partially based on their own warmongering score:
Montezuma: Whatever. Moar carnage! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ghandi: Violence is never justified!
Nice idea, like it
I like it!

Casus Belli has always been missing in Civ - and if properly implemented like you are suggesting sounds like could be fun and fair. (And add flavour missing)
A very good idea Civ has become progressively less tolerant of warmongering and thus less tolerant of fun IMO.
This would be very good if implemented correctly. I'm sick of getting warmonger diplo hits because some idiot AI has decided it must plonk down a city directly next to me
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