Ringworld script based on C2C_PerfectMongoose_v310


Mar 30, 2003
I am trying to hack C2C_PerfectMongoose_v310 script's map proportions to create ringworld-like maps. I started with Sam's blog entry "Making extra-huge maps", did some exploring, but am not getting anywhere.

Can someone give me some hints or advice?
Perfect Mongoose is based on Perfect World 3, not Perfect World 2 like Totestra. This means it uses a different method to generate elevation maps so even if it is possible to get it to generate a ringworld it will likely require a different way.
FYI: Temudjin's very nice Ringworld3 script seems to work with C2C.
Wonder and special terrains don't get placed but resources show up.
You'll have to place MapScriptTools.py and Ringworld3_102_mst.py into the C2C PrivateMaps folder.
MapScriptTools.py is not needed because it is already included in Caveman2Cosmos\Assets\.
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