TSG34 After Action Report

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Hi everyone and welcome to the TSG34 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay).

Would be interested to hear any thoughts on game setup. :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-16
Reference number: 26089
Your name: drakar8888
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1705AD
Turns played: 251
Base score: 990
Final score: 1980
Time played: 3:39:00
Submitted save: Hiawatha_0251 AD-1705.Civ5Save

Hello everyone, I did manage to complete this one on my first attempt so here goes to start things up:

At the very start I moved my warrior SE-E along the river, which revealed 2 wheats, so I decided to move my settler towards them and wasted 1 turn relocating. It turned out to be quite the suboptimal choice as I settled into a location that had 0 production, which meant no way to get early wonders in reasonable time. On the other hand the city reached size 8 before turn 70.

So I went 2 cities into national college, even getting the NC took way longer than usual cos there was only 3 hammers to work outside the city. Early game was one word - barbarians. So many barbarians everywhere. Funny enough not a single tile improvement was pillaged.(they don't do that on prince?)

As I was finally getting the barbs under control, Napoleon decided to settle a 3rd city in between my two and declared war a few turns later(t65-ish). Forced into early war I made 6 mohawks and at t93 Napoleon was no more, killed his 3rd city and pupeted the other two(later anexed Paris). There was no more war action for the rest of the game.

Then I settled two more cities to get the incense and gold+whales. The second one actually got insane production and it helped producing a major spaceship part. The early civ elimination made 4 of the AIs go into permanent Guarded mode for the rest of the game, which somewhat reduced trading possibilities. Gengis and Oda were friendly the entire game. Other than that the standard science game - Hagia+Porcelain+Rationalism, get as much RAs as possible, generate GS, build spaceships.

Other random facts:

I got so many free workers from captured settlers across the map that I even dismissed 2 of them.

For some reason Oda kept declaring war every 30 turns and then offer peace immediatelly after 10 turns. It went 10 turns of war, 10 turns of peace treaty, 10 turns later - another DOW, this happened 4 times and it broke 3 RAs with him. Weird.

Even though I didn't get any ancient wonders early, I got them all in the mid game - HG(t140), GL(t160), Oracle(t166), Stonehenge(t180) - guess nobody wanted them.

Here is a final pic:
Spoiler :

Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-16
Reference number: 26093
Your name: Chee
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1907AD
Turns played: 327
Base score: 767
Final score: 1180
Time played: 4:14:00
Submitted save: Hiawatha_0327 AD-1907.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Chee_C503401.Civ5Save

Well, my first game of the month attempt didn't go too well. I've had quicker science wins on Emperor (280 turns my best so far).

I was attacked constantly by the raging barbs at first which slowed me down. Then during the game I got 3 DOW's from France, 3 from Germany and 4 from Japan! I felt like I was constantly fighting defensive wars. I probably should have gone and conquered some of them. Would have sped up my tech rate with all the puppets and trading posts.

I only got 4 cities out and my highest BPT was around 450. Not great.

Went Liberty and all of Rationalism.
Welcome to GoTM. :wavey:

A win is a win. :)

Thanks. :)

I had more DOW's in this Prince game than I ever have at Emperor level. It was insane!

I think it's because I had so many neighbours in close proximity. Also, I really struggled with production in this game, my highest city was about 36 by the end. It was painstakingly slow building the spaceship parts, especially as I had no factories which meant no spaceship factory (no coal access).

I might have another go as it has shown me that there is a lot I need to tighten up on.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-17
Reference number: 26094
Your name: Ultraviolent4
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1690AD
Turns played: 248
Base score: 1445
Final score: 2948
Time played: 10:10:00
Submitted save: Hiawatha_0248 AD-1690.Civ5Save

That was a fun game :)

So so so many barbarians though lol. I really wish I'd taken the honor opener early on because it would have racked up thousands of points worth of culture by the end.

I essentially started out playing domination and then switched to a science focus after killing France, Siam and a couple of city states. I ended up eliminating England as well and taking some German cities - it would probably have been possible to go through everyone on the map but happiness was always the limiting factor.

Funnily enough, I never got a DoW against me. Gotta hit them first, I guess :p

I also made the best of some poor early-game scouting (lost one to barbs and used an archer-upgraded one to help fight France). Because of that, I didn't end up meeting Mongolia or Japan until after I'd eliminated the 3 civs. Thus, while everyone else was always guarded against my warmongering ways, they were both friendly for a few rounds of RAs.

I tried to take some screenshots of my empire but they just come out black. Is there a special way to do it?
Nice game! :)

I tried to take some screenshots of my empire but they just come out black. Is there a special way to do it?
Not that I know of. I just hit the Print Screen key and the image shows up in my screenshot folder in My Documents. :dunno:
One of my faster science victories, although a very slow one compared to the best ones posted already.

I settled on the hill where the warrior started and pursued a relatively peaceful game, starting with the Great Library and National College. Napoleon declared quite early but I easily held off his four warrior assault with one archer and two Mohawk warriors. Then, with four Mohawks, an Archer and a Catapult I preceded to capture Paris. Since Napoleon hadn't bothered building any other city, this spelled the end of the French civilization.

Catherine was also wiped out early (by Siam), thus cutting down the number of RA's available. I signed as many as I could, often loaning cash to the AI just so they could afford it.

The only other war I had was when Bismark declared a couple of turns from the end. A typically pathetic and pointless declaration by the AI. Longswords and Knights are no match for Artillery and Stealth Bombers.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-19
Reference number: 26108
Your name: numaru7
Your email: -
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1812AD
Turns played: 276
Base score: 1100
Final score: 2000
Time played: 2:20:00
Submitted save: TSG34_Turn 276_SciWin.Civ5Save
Renamed file: numaru7_C503401.Civ5Save

Not much can be said - it was pretty straightforward - oh...wait...i built 6 cities.

Not that I know of. I just hit the Print Screen key and the image shows up in my screenshot folder in My Documents. :dunno:

Yes, but that image is in *.tga which you cannot upload here, you need to convert it.
Finished this last night. Haven't uploaded the save yet but I'm gonna post anyway. Win on turn 261, which is really good for me and I hoped would be competitive but it looks like there's already 2 people ahead of me out of a very limited number of submissions. Oh well, I tried :) And it was fun!

Some interesting things in my game:
1) Genghis was my best friend all game. Always friendly, got 4 RA's out of him, and managed to sell him some resources cos he was loaded as a result of his western conquest. (He was first in score)

2) I only built 1 tile of road all game. This was to connect Paris to the forest. The rest of my 5 city trade network was just connected with forest tiles. This remained until I got railroads and joined em all up for the production bonus.

3) I never had a military unit more advanced than a mohawk. I only built warriors which were upgraded to mohawks, and then mohawks when the warriors were obsolete. At my strongest point I think I had 6 mohawks. 2 died attacking paris, and I never replaced them. I had enough gold and production that I knew if an attack came I could rush out a defence, but it never did.

4) My research agreements were too cheap(?). This is an interesting point. According to everything I've read, the cost of research agreements is based off the era of the most advanced player, but this didn't appear correct for some reason. Most of the game (right through to the modern era) I was able to sign RAs for, to my surprise, 250 gold. Most of the AIs were still Medieval. They hit renaissance around the time I was half way thorough the industrial. Only Genghis made it to Industrial and Modern and my RAs with him rose in cost, but it seemed to me that the costs were based off the lowest era of the participants rather than the highest. Anyone else experience anything like this? Was it my imagination?

All in all a fun game. My first go with Hiawatha. I tried to play to his strengths, only settled in forests and built lots of lumber mills. Seems to have worked out ok
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-21
Reference number: 26128
Your name: Minime
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1595AD
Turns played: 229
Base score: 937
Final score: 2082
Time played: 7:57:00

I settled in place, hoping to put another city in the visible woods up north. I was determined to try and make the most of the warpath thing and the Longhouse. Founded in total 4 cities, all close to the wood, and needed in the end only 2 roads to connect it all.

Had one war, Napoleon dowed me at some point and I waited till he founded another city before I puppeted Paris. This was the only war except a few turns before the end when Germany suddenly declared. That never led anywhere of course.

The end in the science games seems to take me by surprise. Suddenly I reach the end of the tech tree and not necessarily in a very planned fashion. So I did not research the Apollo tech early enough so my other cities were waiting for the capital to finish that wonder.

Reasonably happy with my game, and it was fun for sure :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Your name: xerex
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1765AD
Turns played: 263
Base score: 1114
Final score: 2142
Time played: 3:50:00

Napoleon DOW me quite early and I puppeted all his cities. Perhaps I should have left him one, because all the AI remained Guarded at best, for the rest of the game. Couldn't get the best price on anything.

Thanks for the game :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-22
Reference number: 26133
Your name: StrideColossus
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1955AD
Turns played: 375
Base score: 1441
Final score: 1921
Time played: 5:40:00
Submitted save: Hiawatha_0375 AD-1955.Civ5Save
Renamed file: StrideColossus_C503401.Civ5Save

France attacked early doors and took his capital and other city with nice mohawks, forest/jungle fighting bonus + essentially free trade routes FTW.

Got a bit bogged down after that, couldn't get any RA's as everyone was guarded (or at least I couldn't afford the terms), even though France attacked me they all decided I was the blood-thirsty one.

After about 1200AD it was a bit of a cake-walk though, had a couple of spats with the Germans and Gengis but was way in front technologically by then. Sure I could have shaved lots and lots of turns of the win.
Hmm, firstly i thought that i completely Moderator Action: messed up, but 9 GS + University + +2 free technologies = modern era in 1 turn here we go :lol:
Moderator Action: Please do not use foul language nor try to evade the autocensor.

Your name: xerex
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1765AD
Turns played: 263


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Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-23
Reference number: 26140
Your name: meth
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1760AD
Turns played: 262
Base score: 2095
Final score: 4028
Time played: 3:51:00
Submitted save: Hiawatha_0262 AD-1760.Civ5Save
Renamed file: meth_C503401.Civ5Save
Science Victory , 1720AD
Turns played: 254
Base score: 1280
Final score: 2560

This turned out faster than I thought. the warmongering menace label wasn't too bad in the end. a couple AIs (Kahn, and Oda) even went freindly after a while. Though Oda declared a pointless war at one point. I think he just wanted to get out of a gold-per-turn deal. Has anyone else found that problem? Are AIs more likely to try to get out of a gold-per-turn deal by declaring war?
The only other guy who declared on me was Siam. I saw his troops building up, and I let him get ahead of me in the soldier count. I had slipped down to third place on the military front. Most of the game I was in first place militarily - that really helps to keep the AIs from declaring eh? I think I was able to complete about 15 RAs, only two cancellations.
I could have finished faster if I hadn't mispalyed the end-game. I burned a GS on Refrigeration thinking I'd move the tech median up (but Refrig is an unnecessary tech on the path to Nano). Also mistimed the ending. I ended up with a few extra techs. I wasn't watching closely and it wasn't till Sci Rev kicked in with two free techs, that I realized that I already had more Great Scientists than I needed. I didn't even finish oxford, I abandoned it 1 turn from completion to get started on Apollo and space parts.
I burned a couple of Great Generals during peacetimes for golden ages. Also completed Louvre close to the end and had two Great Artists to use for Golden Ages during space parts production.

Learned a few things about the Iroquois. It looked to me like at the end that the forests worked as Roads for movement rates, but as Railway connections (for Railway Production bonus in cities). I didn't need to put railways through forests, just convert any Road squares to Railroads. Anybody else notice that?

Fun game Leif, thanks!
Got the Science Victory on T290, not great by any means but a fun game. Made a lot of dumb mistakes, but oh well. And Mongolia was my best bud up to the last handful of turns when he realized I was going to win by spaceship.

What was kind of entertaining though was that I had allied with a CS (Katmandu I think) which Mongolia was trying to conquer (he was after pretty much everyone but me) so as the CS ally I could see him attacking for many many turns. He had the entire city surrounded 3 squares deep with Keshiks (EVERY non-mountain city square) so I watched him easily take the city down to 0HP every turn, but only after about 20 turns or so of this did he finally move a nearby pikeman in to take it (who was sitting the whole time outside one of the conquered German cities).

I know the AI is not too bright when it comes to fighting (or much else) but I wonder if it was done on purpose until he could handle the unhappiness hit. I doubt it, he's probably just not too smart plus they get all those happiness bonuses...
Game: Civ5 GOTM 34
Date submitted: 2012-04-25
Reference number: 26153
Your name: LTJG Perry
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1953AD
Turns played: 373
Base score: 1685
Final score: 2277
Time played: 6:11:00

No Records but a real fun game. In fact I am going to replay (a first for me) after reading all your notes!

took every French city for puppets except their last, in 3 early wars.
Khan was very aggressive. I held him off with superior tech, but he destroyed Germany and ~3 CSs, and came close to wiping out Japan (friendly with me entire game) and Russia.
Siam and England kind of did nothing all game.
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