a lightweight discussion of WW2 aerial ops and the like

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April 29th, 2016 . The centennary of 1916 . Of Kut , which was the largest numbers of British surrenders up to that date . The last victory of the Ottomans , a feat of arms that needed to be celebrated ...

or something . People declare that they never heard of it . Because it's the secular mindset , the slave-to-the-West mindset which never wants such a glory to be heard . Being the military nerd and geek and anorak ı distinctly remember it was mentioned in history textbooks like 30 years back . Perhaps even the thing that it was a National celebration on par with Çanakkale . Now we learn the unpalatable truth . In 1952 as we become a NATO member , the British ask the celebrations to be stopped ; they are still smarting under their defeat . Do not expect Menderes mentioned by any means . He is Martyred Santa Adnan , a Muslim that got wronged by British back stabbing in 1960 . The New narrative much loves the idea that the old narrative was so selective in History ; but to tell "Muslims" of the 1950s were equally into eroding what came before is not a thing we are supposed to know . Syria '57 , Iraq '58 are invasions Ankara couldn't realise as well ...

centennaries are good places and times to remember . But then this Kut happens in an inconvenient era . The Shia continiously rebuff Ankara , hence there is no pilgrimage to the banks of Dicle down there . Which nets in a reduction of the stories of how our Arab brothers fought shoulder to shoulder with the Ottomans . Though the most heroic thing has taken place in a documentary on State Channel ; there are maps that show the flow of the battle where towns are shown by flags . To indicate ownership naturally . You can watch British flags appearing all over Iraq , only to be repulsed and cornered to that bend of the river by ... triple Crescents on a Green base ??? The triple Crescents on a Red base is still used as the symbol of the almost Racists ; the green one has not been seen as a flag like since the end of 1700s . The State Channel will of course defend itself by the idea that the documentary is part of series where great victories are celebrated and it's just a software issue , but the abolishment of the Turkish flag has begun . One wonders who coordinates such stuff in such TV programmes who are produced by professors from the University of "Civilization" . Hmphh , everybody knows idiots are to be taught history and what better way than claiming that they are like idiots with like common grounds ? You see , CFC like totally contributes to the cultural development of the country !

otherwise not exactly fresh stuff . It's a long running theme that the officers of the War of the National Liberation thing were all veterans of places like Çanakkale . So what if some also took part in Kut ? Allows to cut Mustafa Kemal to size . They have so far failed for the great majority of people or something . The old narrative told Kemal was a genius who singlehandedly won that war . Or battle if we are to dabble in the semantics of it . The New works on that it was a much bigger affair where Mustafa Kemal was just some guy , one of 38 division commanders present . 1919-22 can be buried under the dirt if only it is proven to be inconsequential ; attempting to that with the Great Muslim victory of Gallipoli where green turbaned Jihadists from the 15th Century arrived mounted on their horses to do battle still polishes the image of the pharoah Atatürk . If he wasn't decent , he would be like beheaded by green turbaned jihadists from the 15th Century ... What are you laughing at , the green turbaned guys are a staple of the narrative which is kept in low volume after it was discovered by the journalists ; have no doubt quite a few tour guides keep telling it for all those bus loads of people visiting the battlefields . And the green turbaned guys were first seen escorting F-100s to Cyprus in 1974 anyhow , you infidel unbeliever Westerners and stuff reading this rant .

more to the point the comparative analyses of Enver of Enverland , of Deutchland uber Allah , and Kemal are kept on . From which we learn Enver was far ahead in military tactics , organization , leadership and courage but Mustafa Kemal was an excellent politician . No , they are not attempting to prove Kemal stole the revolution . Syria has not fallen , nobody has managed to pray the Conquerors Prayer at the Umeyyad Mosque of Damascus ; the smarties can not find it possible to polish the military genius thing in A-K-P ! Imagine how hard a sale that would be ! The only success story was like the one where the Little Imperialist managed the skedaddle from SüleymanŞah with full co-operation from the seperatists and it was like on every single frontpage on the day after ... Keeping it to genius of Kemal in politics allows the smarties to prove how smart they are , a match , a perfect match so that they must be cleared and allowed to destroy the Republic completely . Which was the reason of the week of celebration of the Birth of Prophet Muhammed , so that their Muslimness over the rest of the country would be established . They are celebrating a month of that now as they are now attempting to be more Sunni over each other , they just needing a card to play to put some dirt on April 23 , the opening of the sacred Parliament where the Party currently holds a majority .

oh the tales , though . Where all those Muslim heroes aghast at some Christian , that von der Goltz dude sent to oversee them . You know the Westerners are cheekily suggesting that he was poisoned for the laurels of inevitable victory , out of sheer jealousy . Of course the said Westerners have no clue on the truth . The presence of von der Goltz made it impossible for the British to pay a Million Pounds , later increased to 2 by the august personality of charming Lawrence of Arabia and good manners in bed . So that the stigma of defeat could be avoided . Didn't help at all , though the father of the Turkish Army , von der Goltz was liked far more than the smarties of the day ever thought . As such they are reduced to bragging on how they turnerd down the bribe . Do not expect them ever to delve in pointless questions of whether the Uncle of Enver and the "Bearded" Nurettin would ever be offered bribes if there was not a belief that they would take it ... Mustafa Kemal didn't poison Liman von Sanders , did he ?

as for topical subject of suicide bombings ı have been in their likely zones only twice in my life , both in the city of Bursa . One was back in 2005 when this El Kaide dude just blew up on his way to a lightrail station . That missed me by like 2 hours . The one on the Wednesday was 7 hours late by comparision , though rather closer ... Whenever ı arrive in that city , the geography of travel inevitably takes me up in that street by the Grand Mosque of the city where ı drink some water from that fountain , like 5 meters from the presumed explosion area . This one will probably end up as a seperatist thing .
the discussion that inspired me to do these two has moved a bit from the theme ...

my rep is once again on the upswing , ı certainly do not like the look on peoples' faces when my rep gets inevitably on the downswing . That they always knew ı was an idiot and the very only person in the city didn't fall for it and stuff ; their feeling of conned and suspecting that they were fools for it and they have to cover that in a city that nobody else fell for it becomes an urge to be most crual mocker of me , then . As such ı do not do any woman ı like ; the curious people of my city . Do not fall for the tricks of one particular Party troll who doesn't like reported that he demanded diversion of State funds to his acquring of Hollywood stars and stuff and he plays the regular game of anybody opposing him is a bigger sinner and he must done the accusations himself and blaming this poor good Muslim . And something . This entry is needed only because of this thing which might be coincidence . That on my return home from the web , ı saw this car with this huge sign on the back window that sez "Obama, Made in Turkey" . Just coincidence , as itt might be . Or on this particular week in which the German Parliament to decide the 1915 was a Genocide or not and yours idiotly the Starfleet Admiral who will anti-matter the US down to its quarks and bosons at the first opportunity must not call names on the spineless jerk , lest Merkel gives a bloody hand signal to Ankara ...

see how much that worked !

because poor good Muslims think they are matchless in playing people against people and accusing Germany of stuff and threating dire consequences will work only if they have visible support of His Spineless Majesties . As such yours idiotly should be like remembering that it was the Great Nation of New Turkey that put Barack Hussein in charge . This is really the narrative in Turkey , flares up and down according to the need , that the Muslims defeating the Jewsih Conspiracy in Turkey broke the hold of the Zionists on the world and all those hopelessly hapless Americans could elect a Muslim to the Whitey Homey . No , the Great Nation of New Turkey would have never heard of Emmanuel Rahm or whatever he is named . And of course when the spineless jerk decided to challenge the glory of Ankara by talking on human rights and stuff , so that the seperatists' fame could be polished as an official policy and stuff , the mouth pieces of Ankara did really accuse the President of the US as a Muslim , a coward and a liar , who sits in church because he is a coward and a liar . And Whitey Homey is the building ı will level with fanfare (as in the Independence Day) and it is an house painted white and it's far smaller than the Palace in Ankara . Something you don't hear from the mouthpieces and trolls of the Party these days , because the 500 odd Soldiers and Police who have been killed after the spat after the first of last years elections could have mobilised masses to open revolt or something . Considering the political branch of the seperatists scored heavily , like increasing their votes 30 to 50% , with campaign promises that the PM would not have their support to his designs .

and the US Administration did order fighting in the East so that the Nationalist aspirations and stuff would not coagulate around a Coalition Goverment of CHP and MHP . That might have opposed the occupation of cities in the East , allowed by the Party for the sake of appearance . As godless part of the Kurds were becoming an evermore important player in Syria but could be swamped by the Sunni Kurds , currently much in the ranks of ISIL . Lions of Allah or something is the wall of Graffiti that appeared much on the walls of battlezones and stuff in the early days ; and it's not a much visible thing that the urban fighting is much accompanied by "Sunni moral building" that will create a far "more" Muslim fighting force out of the Army / Police combinations there . Nationalist things thus satisfied , the Main Opposition part could certainly rein in the Almost Racists and offer a respectable thing to the Kurds . Just being people like the rest of country , instead of pawns to the designs of Ankara to die outside the borders or to die inside the borders as pawns to the designs of the seperatists . It's a shameful spectacle to see the secret coalition of the Almost Racists with the Party out in the open , ordered by Washington D.C. once again . America does not want people here to be people . America ordered a political crisis by the end of 1900s . Almost Racists brought in the Party , helped in every critical vote . All the while maintaining a facade of severe criticism . America finds the Nomadic penchant to unite a particular threat to its designs ; Turkish history is replete with examples of disperate clans and stuff uniting as all the nomads in the steppes of Asia regularly and accidentally remaining together ; it took Ottomans 6 centuries to go under . Barack Hussein , who has no hand in nothing , is also busy in the orchestration of spectacles of how the so called Turkish Nationalism will be re-organized around the current leadership of the Almost Racists . So that there will be much noise but no credible threat to the fascist order given to the country . As it becomes tha apparatus for the Saudis to control the country and will you argue that the Saudis and the Qataris are not controlled by the US ? Through the sound defeat of candidates who are naturally of or accused of being of the Congregation . Which is unending stuff for everything . Some guy who works on the buses finds one passangers too attractive , it's night-time everybody ia asleep but the passanger wakes up as the guy is sexually satisifiying himself . The owner of the bus-company (some mafia dude who like suffered from the makebelieve anti-corruption campaigns at a time when the party and Congregation was one and the same) says Congregation did it . Possibly paying the dude on the bus look for girls/woman travelling alone . or maybe raising him since he was 6 or 7 to saexually satisfy himself when they needed to bring down New Turkey . While the Party , 13 000 delegates of which stood at attention as the message of the PM was read at the latest convention , is reduced to claims that the latest addition to the Palace in Ankara is an Operahaus . Culture and _ing Western culture at that , my friend and not Party meetings for thousands to stand at attention .
so the argument here will be , what's all that gotta to do with Barack Hussein ? ı don't know , everything ? He's the guy that says he will disengage from the Middle East , he's the guy that bows to the Saudi kings , he's the guy who talks of Democracy before sending his jets to bring down Kaddafi when Sarkozy sucks big time , he is the guy that encourages Esad's head belongs to Ankara and yet he's the guy that sells Ankara short when Ankara follows the lead and sets up a jet to be shot down by the Syrians to justify Article 5 of NATO . He's the guy that eats his word that chemicals are no go ; let's not debate Seymour Hersh now , with his claims that Ankara framed that with providing all those Russian chemical gear . He's the gear that carefully plays the moods and swings of all those great people in Ankara , as a Kurdish Nation State becomes more and more established in the minds of all those people in the world . As a counter to the barbaric ISIL which rose like as a counter to the Shia take-over of Iraq , which was mandated by the previous Administration .

while Barack Hussein kept the lid on the game by gaining reputation by the Iranian nuke deal . Which does nothing to Iran's mechanisms for getting the bomb , while the spineless jerk also "armed" the Saudis with Pakistani nukes . Let me see , Kurds to kill us all , the Farsi who are like beating us all in the battlefields of Syria (especially we are not there) and the Arabs who will rule us , with their petrodolars , amazing miltary power and Umeyyad politics . On the last , we hear the very first martyr of Islam was a Turk , Sumeyye , also the name of the daughter of the PM that just got married to the future owner of all "Turkish Defence Industry" ... Because the story of Arab interaction with the Turkic states of the 8th and 9th Centuries are deliberately avoided any studies , in view of the glorious escapades of ISIL , which like offends many people in the Western parts of the country . If one moves the "meeting with Islam" to the time of Muhammed , one readily avoids entanglements with our future Arabian overlords who might get angry at the lack of reception on the greatness of their dominion . The military attachees of Kuwait actually beat the son-in-law of the former commander of the guys who fly Turkish jets , in Ankara in daylight , supposedly on a disagreement in traffic . Their raping of anything rapeable is being justified by learned articles and the lot -on how a 25 years old can marry a 7 years old , but as said Kurds will kill us all previously ... That's to be the concern of the Great Nation of the New Turkey alone . Let's not forget the fake economy of the same , which is kept on revving by foreign finance , on so precarius a balance that the Qatari can buy the whole country without spending a dime , by mere threat of withdrawing their monthly allowance and Barack Husein's Administration making monthly , bimonthly shows of debates on raising interest rates . You know , if that happened long ago , the Qataris might have had to use 20 billion USD instead of 10 a year to replace actually legit money of corporations and stuff ... If he's not responsible , as the President of the United States , am ı ?

disagreement on the course of the country angers people . Am going somewhere on an errand and can overhear that we were robbed before , the New Turkey corrected that but yours idiotly wants to reverse that . They say what's wrong with the New . They don't say whether they have any notion on the Victorian morals of the New , which celebrated an Africa Day last week , 'cause you know Africa is poor and the people dumb and hence of big business opportunities . Unlike the people who say , ı remember the Islamist anger at the missionaries who robbed people of their bread in return for a wooden cross . They say , what's wrong with the New , as it's the New that steals the bread . Real anger in one case , too , with the guy booming that "their" people are doing work . It's lying there under the surface .

am on the train , passing through an area called the "Oakline" and there are those guys sitting on the otherside of the wagon . Possibly from mountain villages they have their "guide" who tells them everything . Everything , including the glory of the train , which was started under a Rightwinger and finished under a Leftwinger but the villagers hear it was the Rightwinger that started it , lest they get any doubts . Am pretty sure the Leftwinger had the Rightwinger as the guest of honour at the ceremony that started the train service , just like the Rightwinger would have done if their sitaution had been reversed . How old people over 65 can ride without cost on buses ; obviously with no reference on how my mother refuses to use hers whenever possible , since the drivers do not make money and openly curse the old and apparently speed up while the old are trying to get onboard or out . Or how the Oakline was famous for its oak trees and how people objected to that they were to be cut for the highway to Izmir . The villager explodes with a remark on how trees regrow ! The highway to Izmir must be there for the last 40 years and he is ready to defend the A-K-P against tree-huggers ... 40 years ago the PM was selling bottled water at football matches , not building roads despite Berlin's conspiracies . But this is yet another thing you don't hear these days , because his friends of Arab Kings and Princes would mock him for actually having worked to have some money for lunch at school . And the face of the guide resembles some guy from the university when ı was to become an English language teacher ... A military school discard who wore his wristwatch on the right , as ı remember now . Which kinda makes him a candidate for being of the Congregation and ı have no doubts that he would survive ... People need people to control people who are kept in reserve as windup toys .

such luck on my part , then , to resist the urge to declare the chapter on the New Turkey might contain a picture of Jack Sparrow and his bosun or something from the movie where they discuss the ethics and the code of their line of business with "Steal everything you can" . It might even be the chapter title . Sure to draw ire with bold claims that they are the grandsons of Barbaros .

this is what Barack Hussein inherited from those who came before him . Just like he received the Nobel without doing nothing for it , he made best of what he was given . He is so good at what he does that it can be a bumper sticker and stuff in Turkey that he was put in charge by Turkey . Well , there will be a Devlin / Emmerich style July 4 sometime and if anybody says it is so unfair and accuses me of being responsible for Barack Hussein , ı will physically hurt them .
ı don't think ı will ever make a favourable comment on the Nation of Islam . It's a US Goverment institution as much as the CIA or FBI , only perhaps with stricter discipline . Everybody fears the true Islam as much as Socialism was feared back in the day with the presumed threat to "ownership" . Nation of Islam further decreased the risks by clear "misconduct" ; ı am always at doubt at translations and stuff but am positive that ı just saw a documentary on Muhammed Ali where he wows the Elijah is a prophet of God -in this clear violation of Islamic tenet . You know , much of my knowledge on the subject comes from Denzel Washington's portrayal of Malcolm X -which apparently does a quite convincing job in telling the tale of the guy who truly was a master of tricking the N___s until the day he tasted true power . Which started to gnaw inside for he could keep up the business just as good and improve the lot of the said N___s . He was still a tolerable threat when the Nation of Islam started the fire bombings , he could shake his former pals real good which would have served the interests of Washington in ******ing this particular threat as they were rather concerned with the Soviet tank divisions . He became intolerable when he went to the pilgrimage , not because of the tour in Africa that involved many heads of State but the discovery that he was sharing so much with the Blue Eyed Devils , beliefs he was so surprised to find in himself . Say , stuff like Integrity and realization that one could sin but Allah always gave a chance to redeem oneself . And a truly honest appraisal that he had erred so much in radicalizing the Blacks and the burning desire to correct all that . He wasn't even a threat to Nation of Islam , not anymore .

he was to others , like people who were still dreaming that they could neutron bomb the Soviet tank divisions for the total "ownership" of the world -when they got some . Ali's refusal for the Draft arises from that . Ordered by Washington D.C. and carried out to perfection by this best student of Malcolm X . The latter's transformation utterly spooked the Americans in position of power . What could true Islam and stuff could , if it could change the guy into the man he always was , despite all that veneer of being a carbine-toting preacher ? And stuff even before that ? Ali was to re-energise the flow , erase the doubts , bring an order to the flock . That he himself conluded his own voyage in a way that becomes him can be ascertained from his funeral ; that the Shahbaz Family had a speaker is conclusive proof for me .

though the PR disaster that befell Ankara in the same still causes a ton of BS here . At least proves many journalists do not read their own newspapers . How could Muhammed Ali become a Sunni in 1975 , if some Nation of Islam leader could visit Erbakan in 1976 and dragoon Ali into a trip just two days after some fight ? Where he showed boundless energy and yet had to take frequent naps ? Erbakan is the guy who promised to build 100 thousand tanks and 100 thousand fighter jets to impress the guys who were clearly woving vengeance after they were denied to get a licence for the co-production of F-16A for the country or something ; a much softer and like likeable version of the Islamists ; Ali's visit is supposed to massively boost the standing of Erbakan's lot ... It's perhaps these fond memories that led this high level delegation to fly to attend the funeral . Which meant King Abdullah of Jordan could no longer speak , considering similar rights would be demanded in an harangue . Which meant Barack Hussein had to ask Abdullah not to come and declined to attend himself . He could have done it on Thursday and still be at his daughter's graduation on Friday ... Afterall the spineless jerk is the President of the United States of America only because Cassius Clay / Muhammed Ali taught the Americans in positions of power that powerful Blacks did not mean the end of the world . Oh yeah , the Islamists are still necessary to doom Turkey with their magnificience , they are each worth 10 F-22s or a tank battalion to the US ...

and yeah , exactly why the EU pulls back its Ambrassador with claims that he resigned and crowing here that he had insulted the PM and hence got kicked out ...

the State Department must be really thinking not to infuriate yours idiotly ; with their devious ways of saying "Do not come!" - as if ı don't know they would have laughed at Turkey no matter what . Instead of a clear call that would have saved later pain . There have been editorials that if the Diplomats of the Old Turkey had not been replaced by illustrious smarties , they could have read the signals ... Didn't work , so a line of Policemen , apparently of street patrols , were erected in front of the coffin so that people from Ankara could not lay a cloth that formerly covered the Kabe . Bodyguards of Ankara and State Department stuff have clashed before , and the uniformed guards at the UN were no match and stuff . Though the American Policeman has this reputation for doughnuts and stuff and the resultant fatsoness in stark contrast to the clearly different "estetik" concerns prevalent at the UN . Nor the ranking religious authority of this country was allowed read passages from the Kuran , as if America didn't raise a single imam of its own . It was so heavy that a daughter of Ali attempted sneak behind the Federal Cordon to take some pieces to be exhibited at the museum named after his father , only to be quickly stalled and stopped . The explanation is that some PR company ran the affair and it feared negative connetations . So it practically insulted the guy who has won elections to be the President of the Turkish Republic in person . Nobody has yet heard a court case against them , them being in the US and the judges of the US presumably more attuned to follow the desires of the Presidents of the US . ı guess even in the most unlikely case of its situation being correctly assessed , the company had some wisdom . ı know it for certain in a recent wargame defensive PR was not played at all ; after a short discussion deciding it would take 50 years to get a reasonable reputation back . Can't say whether it's just a figure of speech or based on any realistic assesment . Expect iron hands and not any velvet gloves .

now to explain the connection between the words spit , rain and Yarabbi Şükür would be an insult on the smarties that the CFC could not condone . So we have begun to hear the helter skelter return from the US was actually a good thing now that some Rabbi who spoke on the funeral advised urging people to call on the leadership of Turkey to stop killing Kurds . The guy in question apparently visited Turkey once to attend a meeting organized by Congregation . This we know because the newspapers are full with it ; if the people ever get a hint that the US might not be in love with the current form of the Counter-revolution people might attempt "uprisings" . Hence the Zionist who helps the Congregation , which you will see outpouring from every single Media outlet and they will immediately forget the Rabbi is apparently a very harsh critic of Israel ... The resulting altercation might have evaporated the fame of Davos 2006 or 8 something ; you see there is this noticeable relaxation in the Party PR lately .

do not ever expect to last one bit . It's the State Channel again , once again some scandal in the month of fasting and in the show of the same twerp . Last year or the one before , it was the guy who was aroused by the pregnant women going around naked and advised they were to remain at home . Unless they were of the privilidged rich so that their husbands could take them out for a ride once or twice a month . In the car , the sacred streets of Istanbul can not be dirtied with the shoes of pregnant women . He would ban all women from the streets no matter what but America would be angry . And no , he has this European face instead of the looks of a freshly imported Mullah from the very best of the Afghan/Pakistan border . Because America does not want "Sunnification" of this country handicapped by disdain of fashions of clothing or something . This year it's the professor who say Mankind is blessed by that Mankind alone can pray , turning to Mekke 5 times a day . Animals can not , despite the Islamic traditions even ı know . So who doesn't pray is an animal . Really , and he really constructs the sentence to that route . Who doesn't pray is an animal and can be treated accordingly . Banning of kites in Turkey is still the plan . More to the point , he even says there's this Verse in the Kuran that says exactly so . The rebuttals that flowed from official religious sources suggest there is no such thing , which then should be translated into that he made it up . Were it an "ideal" Islamic community , this would be enough to have him beheaded for he declares himself to be an equal of Allah to add to Kuran . No such thing will of course happen in this Most Muslim New Turkey and he will get away with the trite apology he made . Not losing his title of Professor , not even getting fired from his job . Which is , you know , teaching Tasavvuf , related to all those Sufis of welcoming manners and big hearts , who so readily make Believers out of all those Western infidels . Inventing Verses , not even mistaken interpretations , is nothing in the New Turkey . And yes , the twerp who runs the show would look like Native on Saville Row , like having lived his entire life there . He apologises , claiming it an accident of live broadcasting . ı wonder what he will come up with next year ... that's if Turkey survives into 2017 .
yay , it happenz again ! Once again ı have this swollen face , on my way to dental hospital . But it's not the thing that happenz . There's this couple coming my way , totally possible that both are 15 or 16 and the boy excitedly tells stuff . ı hereby learn my protectors are such powerful guys that ... ı don't hear the last because he is leaning to her ear possibly accusing yours idiotly having a finger in the passing above ...

'cause you know he is so much manlier than me . If ı can set up stuff in Louisville , he only needs a kitchen curtain painted red to fly ; red underwear he can buy from the shops . This must be the 3rd generation of high schoolers where the girls date such superior boys , after my museum guide thing more than a decade back . When the Starfleet arrives the battleships will be visible in orbit in daylight ; maybe should have a poll to see what will be the percentage still together . To count them hovering above .

it appears the audience was wider than usual this time . People on the streets have been spotted discussing that ı have been questioning the PM's attendance to the funeral because Muhammed Ali was not a Muslim ! Really ! Is my English that bad ?

or am ı now so famous that my words need to be converted to what they do not mean ? ı don't ever remember myself as of Takfiri type , those beardies who are paid spanking new US Dollar bills to declare his person or that person is not a Muslim and will now be beheaded . You know , for the good of Saudi Arabia so that its Princes can still enjoy places like C'ote de Azure when the oil runs out . Having gone medieval on the entire Islam to control the lands from Atlantic by Morocco to Pasific by Indonesia . So that they can still bargain , will the year's phone sales go to some American company or a Japanese one ??? Now that they alone issue the necessary fatwa ?

it's the Washington and the whole Federal Goverment , my friend . America's courtcases against the current Turkish Goverment might be now 3 . One seems unrelated at this moment , with this former TV actor to serve 5 years in prison for selling a thousand pounds of missile material to Iran ; might lead to export licences given by Ankara under a false name . The case of Reza Zarrab might be familiar and there's the one of Kuveyt Turk , the first bank of its kind in the country , where the Turkish branch of George Clooney honed his PR skills that saw him to the yop as the last President of the Republic or something . The bank is apparently charged with money transfers to both the Nusra and the ISIL . And people are apparently waking up to the possibilities . It seems the expert who shames all experts was seen laughing in the US ; he has done a masterful job of eliminating all sorts of other experts that it might have looked like an easy shot to get rid of him . The New Turkey is where it really counts to declare that you have two pistols and lots of ammo and will save the PM from coups and mobs . Though he really looks the type of the guy who would claim that he all arranged it all by himself and he was happy only because he saved the PM from a revenge of Davos .

there are other sorts of high schoolers who apparently not very happy the headmasters the Ministry assigns . Who undoubtedly do their best to cool the kids in those traditionally good schools that have created the cream of the old country . From studying to achieve something for themselves and maybe later for the country . So that all the future will be left to Imam Hatips ; which themselves will lose the momentum they have - so that the late Ottoman type Madrasas can come back . Actually not of course ... The entire Wahhabi thing was built on an anti-Ottoman thing and you ain't getting no Ottomans back . Only worse , if not much worse . So that the cream of the New Turkey will be down to declaring each other as Infidels and appropriate hacking of body parts with saws , hatchets and knives . Failing that by nail and teeth . They are back stabbing each other even now ; but the smarties are so smart that even the best of them can not figure out that she wouldn't be kept around even as a concubine . No , this is not a Greek type thing , with this god or something throwing an apple into a dinner party of goddesses which ended in Troy and the wooden horse . Apple here being the "best of them" and you clearly didn't read any single word in this paragraph . What smarty needs me or an apple to backstab another smarty ?

expect city smarties to debate whether am inventing a Civil War risk in the country to realise whatever ı fancy at the moment . All that apple and Troy thing , which is actually Truva but whatever . Don't know why ı have failed for so long , where ı like totally scare the hell out of the Americans and stuff yet can not make them make city smarties give up reading me . What will happen , if anything happenz you just take the American invasion army to the closest Kebab joint . Preferably to one that didn't end up as collateral damage already .

but stupid ain't no limited to Orient . It was progressing nicely , this Brexit thing . Hung on a balance and finally tipped to "Exit" side by the reported use of the Turkish card . With hordes of 70 million , 80 billion Turks rushing to take every job in the UK and making all the Pubs into kebab dens . So scary that the Exit is like running far ahead and the Civilized world is to end and we should give up membership to the EU . Only needed because by such an act will convince the people that there is no future in a secular country and we should accept to be the servants of the New Umeyyads . All that stuff yet failing to work . 72 points asked for and 65 realised . The EU allows Ankara to get away to claim 67 . Ankara even attempts 69 . Ankara then claims it was a sudden surprise move to include the terror laws and that to convince the other nation , the one that doesn't vote for A-K-P . You know , Europeans are backstabbers and we should be all Muslims . ı don't know why am found so difficult to understand . ı will level the US between the first and last sips of my Turkish coffee which come in comparatively small cups . ı can surely drink one in the morning and one in the afternoon to see the EU off as well instead of giving it a further day . You know , to exist ... ı will merely loose an hour or so of sleep , at most .

[this post does not insult the murdered British Labour PM in any way .]
ı live in an insignificant town ; accordingly there is this puny military garrison . The area is decidedly rural and stuff now that it's the "country-side" editions of the newspapers that arrive and that by mid-day or something . And yesterday there was yours idiotly going to the shop to buy the newspaper and people having a breakfast or something . And talking about what yours idiotly has been doin' lately in a strategic aspect of thingz . Leads one to inevitably to conclude that they are wives of the officers and stuff . Everybody in CFC knows ı play the game whenever ı have the impression that the computer will not seize and crash and ı will have that laptop crushed in a fit of anger . A few remembers the days of endless rants of when ı would smash the keyboard and bang the case of my XP desktop or the glorious day when ı took the 5 MB RAM 486 with 256 MB of total memory to the repairshop to have a replacement "clock" and the guy re-arranged the whole structure so that this possible bug he had installed could work the best and had to phone places to re-do it ... When ı gave him some stare and finally could get back enough RAM to play a very buggy Civ I . It hurt my brother actually . When ı brought the 486 home the first time ; he had paid some 1200 USD worth of money for it to write his thesis and could work around its quirks when computers were run by writing the prompts on screen -yet could not create a single byte of extented memory to run the games , he having a Windows one by then and the 486 becoming a gift to yours idiotly . A thirty something at the time (almost 40 even) and the proud owner of a hand held Tetris as well . Yes , medical doctors are most unlikely to succeed against Microsoft created backdoors . Everybody has like kinda suffered in the New Turkey , perhaps am lucky to lose only them TIE Fighter , Colonization , F-14 and the DOS versions of Panzer General and MOO ... And that two Dynamix games of the ACES series -of Pacific and over Europe . People here tolerate my pointlessness in consideration of my best efforts not to spam all over the place . As such ı would love to avoid too much talking about me , me and me ...

but then ı have never threatened the US with nuclear weapons . What are we , savages in loincloths ?

such talk only justifies the American attempts to create a 'stan as a prelude for Civil War in the country . Creates an understanding that going man-o-mano , an honest fight , will only result in the conversion of the United States' armed might into gazillion nuts and bolts and pieces of scrap metal that glow in the night . Makes them Americans actually right in creating the newest edition of heart-eating barbarism , that so called Islamic extremism , plundering Iraq and creating the conditions for the deaths of millions of people already . Abetting and assisting the criminal designs of the US are not for the wives in the garrison ; there are hundreds of goverment generals already in the country already doing that . So what if ı do not care even for the 4-stars ? This post , by God , has no interest in following the chief of goverment general's call for diplomatic pressure on the US to make them keep their word in stalling Kurdish advance to the sea . He wouldn't be the chief if he wasn't a man of America in the first place . Stupid Americans could have been fighting us in 1993 , 2001 , 2009 , 2016 and all those years in between and every day without the Washington D.C. around would have been a bonus to the Mankind . Nor there is any intent in trading a million of us for a billion of them . Them being whomever interested in keeping the world as is .

turkey being the land of the brave and the dumb let's say this post certainly does not support the smarties of New Turkey and their claims that they intend to change the world , to the better . They are mere apparatchiks of Wahhabism , meant to convince that their Sunni Wannabism is like a thing that should make people accept . You know , to roll over and die . 'Cause America can not provide this much desired end by means straight and fathomable .

there's nothing of substance in me , nor any point worthy of debate . If you can't bring yourself to laugh at me , obviously do not talk either .

here's a thing to laugh at ... There's this science magazine that says scientists have so far produced 18 nanograms of anti-matter , which will be merely enough to cook my daily cup of coffee . If in the most unlikely case that we could extract it from the magnetic shields of the planet , there is 160 nanograms up in the Van Allen belts . ı can not possibly have gone to Saturn but it has a record 260 nanograms ... That should be around 23 days of coffee , if ı can get them here . With the current rate it will be thousands of years to produce a mere gram . But tech is improving and in 250 years there might be enough power for interstellar travel . See , scientific proof that ı don't have a starship , let alone a Fleet to command . If you are not rolling on the floor , laughing so hard that it hurts , well , there's no need to talk . You can always talk of Football , though . Say the new "uniforms" of this Turqouise colour that has nothing to do with Red and White . Despite all the nonsense that goes on non-stop this country is slated to become a federation . On paper ; now that ı have like a thousand posts on why there will be nothing left of this country except ashes and cinders . Even the football glories were to serve to this end with "erosion" of anything related to the old and decreasing the numbers of people still connected to the anemic , pathetic , not so romantic past . Even with this brilliant work one could still bet that your husband or his friend or some classmate would be like "What the hell?" and go up some mountain . One in Ten is the figure of speech that goes around . Or maybe do not talk football either . The New Turkey doesn't like negativity .
today's post was to be a single one . The Osprey on F-15 vs MiG's missile shooters of 70s has come out , concentrating on the fight over Iraq 1991 . What's most striking is the USN veterans' patriotism ; they even agree to USAF trumpets of everlasting glory ! Oh , as you have already guessed everything negative on the F-14 ... The Navy has gone the way of the Bug , they have like given up Fleet Defence and by that Air Superiority and all that jazz and stuff , they need the deterrence of the invincible Blue bellies . And of course , the New Iraq uses the web far more effectively . As such Tom Cooper , the guy who put F-14 on the map as the Superfighter in some Osprey of yore , has not a single word on that in the book he has co-authored . Lest he be burned in effigy in the streets of Baghdad . No actual claims on dozens of losses to the Tomcats here and do not expect the slightest reference that the all conquering USAF , boxed into invisibility as Washington desired an Arab Awakening where handsome Arabic dudes like toppled tyrants had to be content with F-14 footage on the Al Crusading to scare the Libyans into inactivity and break-up . Like years after the last Tomcat was grounded for good .
That same year the world’s major powers finally lost patience with both sides due to the loss of oil imports and the extensive damage to Western tankers passing through the Persian Gulf. UN Security Council Resolution 598 of August 20, 1988 called for a ceasefire that finally ended hostilities the next month.

is a typical blue blooded American misrepresantation as well . With the shooting down of that Airbus , Tahran had to consider the vituperation could indeed be converted into a Crusade against Iran while the Saudis would equally prefer the destruction of Iraq . Wahhabi sentiment takes a lot of time to take control where it's not like endemic previously , Riyadh was possibly looking for a decade of chaos up North . Leaving Tahran alone ...

Meanwhile, bankrupted by the Cold War arms race, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Warsaw Pact crumbled, resulting in the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990. Almost overnight, the Communist threat from the East had evaporated, suddenly making a host of military forces – including the four F-15 Eagle squadrons in USAFE – excess to the NATO’s needs and now available to counter other threats to Western security.

In an extraordinary example of bad timing, Saddam Hussein picked just this moment in history to attack Kuwait.

uhmm , yeah whatever . As if yours idiotly has not read the relevant Time Magazine from the 70s when Washington was establishing the CENTCOM with Iraq named as the number one enemy . Syria being entangled with Israel and American targeting of the same hurting the anti-Zionist claims of the Gulf States . You know to empty our South , like a black hole sucking everything into nothingness .

the book is of course highly techical , with stuff new and unknown previously , at least by me . But reinforcing previously held beliefs that Russians designed their fighters as sacrificial pawns used in numbers so that one of them might become lucky and down an "Allied" aircraft busy engaging and killing a great many VVS jets . And counting on an "unbroken" ground control to get isolated intruders if serving in the PVO-Strany .

and adds the customary fighting anectodes . A rather "fuller" account of the A-6 Commander who grew up with the legendary exploits of the Intruder over Vietnam , lone wolfs intruding in the dark and beating the solitary SAM with electronics and turning . It must be problems with my reading comprehension that ı always believed that he was truly startled to see a high speed plane overtaking him in the dark , so much that they had no time to set up their Sidewinder to shoot . The new edition of the story negates all that with the all seeing AWACS never losing sight of the Foxbat and even warning the A-6 crew . Of course without the slightest reference to the claims that it was calling distant USAF F-15s for the kill instead of clearing the nearby F-14s to engage -as the plane was busy shooting down Scott Speicher . The legend had it that the A-6 crews had refused F-14 escort , citing favourable past experience and the commander in question never going anywhere without Tomcats nearby afterwards ... After the MiG that shook his plane with jet blast . Maybe there's confusion on my part , for planes from two carriers were taking part in the attack . You know , meaning two commanders ...

and the Russians protecting Saddam's exit from Baghdad , as referenced in the previous page ? It turns out to be A-7s , the last of their kind in the USN service lumbering away after SEAD duty which requires to be first in and last out . Set upon by 4 MiG-29s , a Mirage F-1 and 2 Foxbats . AWACS naturally does not clear the F-14s to engage .They are there specifically to escort the A-7s but let me see :

...the Navy had failed to develop the necessary systems and procedures required to integrate carrier air groups as part of a joint air component command. This meant that F-14 crews were unable to solve the strict rules of engagement (ROE) that would have allowed them to autonomously engage aerial targets using only their onboard sensors. Instead, they relied on controlling platforms such as USAF E-3 AWACS aircraft to give them their clearance to fire.

With the ROE criteria met, fighters with Beyond Visual Range air-to-air missiles like the AIM-7 Sparrow and AIM-54 Phoenix could fire their ordnance at long range, safe in the knowledge that no friendly aircraft in the area would be shot down instead. USAF F-15 pilots could solve all the required ROE criteria for identifying an enemy aircraft from within their own cockpits, prior to shooting it down. The F-14, conversely, lacked the systems and software to meet all ROE criteria, which left its crews reliant on outside clearance to engage. The job of defeating the Iraqi Air Force was therefore given to the Eagle pilots, who duly shot down 35 aircraft.

from some other Osprey title which is best translated as Dick Cheney had designed the future of the US Aviation industry by giving the ATF contract to Lockheed no matter what like even before the competition was on and designing Mc Donnell Douglas to fail with its money losing airliner branch . While the USN was sure to defend Grumman , the fabled Iron Works from any hostile take-over . Meaning in the tight 80s , despite all the splendid Reaganite surge in Defence expenditure , the black boxes one would need were only available on the F-18 and not the F-14 . So that it could not accidentally kill some MiGs , which is always useful in PR . So we have this big fighter aircraft with its honking big radar and honking big TV camera on all and honking big IR camera on some , all designed to identify enemy planes at extreme range to maximize weapon capability running from the MiGs while F-15s are diverted from Saudi Arabia ... In 2004 they are back in the air after the 6 hour long anti-Saddam CAP ; in 2016 they are covering F-15Es hunting Scuds ...

I was the target for four MiG-29s and an F1 ... The F1 went away, but the MiG-29s locked me at 54nm, according to AWACS, and closed to five miles on my tail. We started at 24,000ft and ramped down to 16,000ft for speed, but they still succeeded in running us down.

“The Tomcats [escorting us] stayed on each shoulder doing a fighter weave [to try to pick up the closing “Fulcrums” visually] and I, in frustration, was about to turn solo to engage. I was ready to ‘pickle’ my drop-tank to engage with [Side]Winder and guns because they had me cold. There was nothing else I could do. The AWACS female controller – I can still hear her today – said ‘You have to do something; they’re right there!’”

says one A-7 pilot ; in yet another USAF thing to open up USN formations to attack . Females being females and having soft hearts and begging people to do something . With F-14s falling to basics , the very basics like a Thach Weave right from Guadalcanal , with hope that they could avoid the court martial that would see them off the Navy for failing to follow the rules of engagement . What follows has been on previous pages with the Iraqis using flares to distract missile fire , which naturally made him a Russian in the good old days ...
my sporting activities are limited to walking home from the web cafe 3 times a week . And one walk to the picnic grounds nearby on Saturday , reminds me of the times when we would go -once year for a class picnic in the primary school some 35 years ago . And of course this old newspaper page lies on the ground this week . A remnant of Zaman , the once-flagship of the Congregation media and from 2007 . Now , there's nothing odd about a newspaper page flying in the air , but what are the odds , like this is something to convey something ? Why it's not a scrap of the sports pages ? One might check posts of mine to like daydream that a "diplomatic" mission or something has been an utter failure . Which happenz 'cause newcomin' US Presidents like to create flashy documents of false promises . Not because we are the Turks with might that inevitably makes right but the belief that there is some perverted Jewish feeling that still loves the thing that there was a 1492 . Hence some "obligation" to keep us Turks , the scum of the world like content . Despite yours idiotly personally ranting that we would take no sides in 2008 , the spineless jerk still enjoyed coming here on his first trip abroad as the President and insulting everybody not in sight and you know , ordering the Turkish State to roll over and die . The White Hope of America , to do it softly , creating a new Middle East , after the Bush II had this glorious moment of Canadian Mounties making it to New Orleans long before the Federal Goverment ; and like the biggest bank heist in history with the economic crisis of the time . Not the time to unleash the Americans on Turks the demonseed or something , certainly not the July 4th, 2003 when the US troops arrested Turkish troops as terrorists . Turtles beat Uncle Sam 101 times out of every 100 races , when it comes to kicking some Turkish backside for real .

so , what can be the deal with Zaman ? The first of many courtcases against them instigated by the Party in the US has been rejected , are they emboldened to reach out to formerly real - now retired people , you know , through yours idiotly reading a newspaper article lying by the ditch ? Is it an attempt to discourage , with a longwinded piece on how the Turkic Republics of the former USSR are so reluctant to use a common Latin Alphabet , so that maybe ı will agree to make them to use the Arabic script , so that the Neo-Umayyads will have it easier ? Or maybe the answer is on the backside , with a double article on how the Muslims were like opressed in 2007 ? Leaves yours idiotly like in totally total confusion ... Then Sunday's Hürriyet offers a clue . A demand from the Afro-Turks , descendants of the slaves , who might number between 20 and 25 thousand people , with many whiter than me after a couple of centuries of marriages and stuff . A recognition of the fact , if not an apology ... Now , as you might have heard , one of those many brilliant ideas of smarties was to claim Muslims as the N___ of Turkey . Similarly oppressed and insulted by the White Turks -meaning the affluent and rather secular people ; it still appears in Party speeches . Wonder whether it will turn out that the Congregation feels threatened by any possibility of all their brilliant attorneys and judges turning down similar requests in the past and adding all the actual Blacks of the country into the lists of coup-plotters ? So they feel a need to remind of the bad days of 2007 when they were so primed to disgrace the country with the Ergenekon Conspiracy , when people were calling them N___ and burning their huts by the swamps in Alabama or something ?

how this ever happens ? Anybody in CFC since the 2010 or something might be well familiar but just as a reminder . Am a loser with nothing achieved in life ; my stint as a museum guide was most notable for the fact that the younger manager was reading "How to" books on management and she decided that ı would be the thing to create a team spirit in the rest of the staff ; me being a loser and so easy and fitting as the target of any possible joke . Which then met higher approval ; after my own personal translation of the guidelines of this Europe-wide competition . Which revolved around "human" stuff ; the inspectors would not care for the feasts that might been lavished on them but on how the staff were behaving to visitors . That made me the lunatic in tattered museum uniform , the idiot who was cleared to use the old instead of the fancier new one , by the good heart of higher ups . One of the inspectors was a museum director himself , from some place in Northern Germany , he cut me as much as possible during the tour , snubbing in most inappropriate situations and clearly enjoying the slow response that came to me , the rising anger as he was already up the stairs to next floor when he said he was a director somewhere and it was a good tour and stuff . Of course any single inspector they could identify was taken to Iskender's , the originator of the vertical thing that most people in Europe possibly identifies as the Turkish kebab . Through a couple of channels this was heard over by Lady Vader , who has never felt any restrictions when it comes to whacking Lord Vader , who is like totally scared of her . The then mayor of the city was actually shot and killed in some Mafia altercation , but by God nobody blames me or Lord Vader , with the murderer arrested immediately with clear motive and a bad history between them two . The mayor had ran afoul of the Party anyhow ; everybody looks down to me from lofty heights always , with everybody still alive which can not be any relation .

the fact is ı had this subtle protection beginning right before the time the last inspection was over and ı was fired , surplus to requirements ...

the guys are of course all retired , which is why people can actually refer to them and they can be great . Afterall , that's why there were the dumbos sent over , as the US fumbled and fumbled in its plans to create a 'stan in the Middle East and the glorious gods of war still refuse pointblank to fight the good fight without utterly solid US support that would destroy Turkey on its own in the first place ... Can't figure the how ? Just send in people so young and stuff that it would be a disgrace to name them names ; while the guys take pity on them and busy themselves with showing some ropes that might come handy . Instead of doin' whatever them guys doin' . Ankara and stuff naturally blame the dumbos ; declare them to be useless folk just who ate here and there . You know , all the smarties all over the place taking them to dinners and kebabs and they eating . Then accuse me for accusing them Americans for dinners and kebabs . This is the New Turkey ; some guy has been molesting kids for 22 years , he goes to jail , he ends up in solitary confinement . The newspapers will bluntly say that he himself took refuge there ; as if in the brilliantly glorious New Turkey inmates are allowed to choose their rooms . Because any other thing will create a suspicion that this molester is some guy they like , because the Turkish prison traditions require him to be stabbed ... If Jesus was around and asked for a sinless to cast the first stone , all the smarties would arm themselves with AKs and RPGs and rush out of some brothel they own ; they are the envy of any Teflon producing company .

though when all fails there's always the American ingenuity . Some Turkish journalist , possibly affiliated with the Congregation , asks Drumpf to say a couple of words on Turkey . He says Turkey has this tremendously powerful Military that can destroy ISIL on its own ; he would love to see that happen . Drumpf , because he ain't yet elected and ı obviously need some time to better the spineless jerk . In a fair world , ı would already have wiped the US out so that the world be spared the agony of Drumpf or Mrs. Rodham but anyhow . And no , the idea that Sarah Palin might have poisoned McCain was not a factor in 2008 ...

though Drumpf is quick to the fore ; there is this dialogue where he debates the question of Friend or Foe . The journalist says he's neither , Drumpf says he think it's a Friend . ı have been allowed one "official" statement all the time since 2005 or 2006 ; ı will level the US . Its reliability has always been gauged by the fact that am a turbolazer expert , trained on some planet orbiting some star other than the Sun . We will see , won't we ? Bets are already on that if Drumpf wins his first foreign trip will be to Ankara , to mend the bridges by speaking in the Parliament . Where he is going to be wildly cheered as he orders the Turkish state to roll over and die . Rodham needs no introductions , her helping hand to Kaddafi ended in you know what ; though apparently the Frenchies are claiming actual command and control on location on that day ...
there is this vexing question of whether ı ever make sense . As always , discourse without context is meaningless . Take Drumpf and his tremendously powerful Turkish military , which is this hugely cute joke . Turns out there are official US documents of Senate debates from 1988 or something that mention an United States of Turkey by 2035 . The numbers do not add up and ı ask Lady Vader , she brings in a retired but yet nameless aide of Lord Vader and he says "We were all in our Forties at the time and possibly will be all dead by then" . Makes perfect sense only after ı ask how and he reminds me of the days when the Turk was better known as the Scourge of God , the curse on the sinner and the whole bag of how Fundemantalist Christian beliefs still guide the decision making of the like entire West . They will be all soft talk and stuff , for they are tricking the Devil and Hell as they make ready to take us out . The 2015 was such a sweet spot , you know , for all those Crusaders , like 920 years after the initial start and 92 from the declaration of the Republic in which we dirty Muslims told lies of giving up of our evil heathen beliefs . To distract mighty stronk England of the time off our backs . All the while creating Communismus which was a bigger distraction for die Amerikaner , offspring of der Engeland rushing to become the God's chosen country and people .

the entire pivot of the foreign policy of Barack spineless jerk Hussein was to bring in Iran into the fold , something he didn't invent himself but merely inherited from Dabya , who's a prime candidate to be the worst ever President of US or something ... There's this thread on the airport attack in Istanbul where 3 guys were wounded or killed to thwart 3 suicide bombers . Who might have indeed reached a plane full of passengers returning from Umre and burn them all . Umre is a trip to Mekke and Medine , with the same exact rituals with the Pilgrimage but "out of season" . Pilgrimage is a must for every Muslim that can and once in a life-time , Umre is a tourism activity . Anyhow with such a massacre (and the fact that ISIL did it) could mobilize the country for revenge and call for Military Operations in Syria and Iraq . You know , with a mission creep .

we have been hearing that there is this "üst akıl" -a translation of mastermind . One that conceptually guides all the heresies against the New Turkey ; while a cover name for all sorts of conspiracies from the Zionists to the likes of CFR / Trilateral it was intended to rhyme with üst kimlik . Say , a Bosnian emigrates here , his üst kimlik would be Turkish , after a couple of years or decades he would correct people when they said he was a Bosnian . He would be from Bosnia but he would be a Turk . Readily familiar to all Americans . And slated for destruction as an United States of Turkey needs the word Türk to become merely one of some 36 items that make the ethnic composition of the country , so that Kurds can be justified to become the largest component to rule above all , fail utterly as they would with their 125 odd clans and the lot , feel threatened by the discomfort of the 35 items left to be ruled and there could be genocidial actions by all against all . So that there would be no one left alive in Anatolia and stuff . As such all the negativity with the üst akıl would readily be projected on the üst kimlik .

üst akıl is a vicious thing lately . When faced with the colossal success of New Turkey which induces our Sunni Muslim brothers to a hug with us , it starts a war in Syria . When it gets its backside kicked by our sunnier Sunni brothers , it brings in Russia which then dares to tresspass our sacred airspace . When the plane goes down there is intense competition between the PM and the Little Imperialist in claiming credits for the shoot down . When stupid Russians fail to understand the glory of New Turkey and bend the knee as a result , despite all the editorials that they should , it's the üst akıl that bought some pilot and conspired to destroy the plane . Finally it turns out the Little Imperialist is an agent of üst akıl . Nobody defines the üst akıl , for it needs to be some bogeyman that can be morphed to whatever that suits .

lost heading , don't know what's going on ? ISIL bombs plane , there are 300 killed and we want revenge , remember ? Wait , it turns out the üst akıl has used drug abusers and spies to infiltrate our sunnier Sunni Brothers ! It's actually a plot by the murderous Esad to save his own skin ! All those Sunnis are our brothers ! Look , ISIL even contains Kurds ; some 30 % of ISIL are our brothers who have been unjustly attacked by evil seperatists ! Look , this is a Zionist plot , America , Russia , Uganda , San Marino , Patagonya and the Aborigines from Australia are all parts of this evil scheme . So , let's go kill some Shia ... Considering the goodies Barack Hussein been showering them with , even Iranians have been playing the game . It appears there was this neighbourhood in Damascus that could spell the end of Regime and the Sunnis were roughly bundled out of the place in some operation that involved drones , rocket firing Fulcrums , PGM dropping Floggers , devastating artillery fire and expertly handled infantry of tough training . And silence ever since ; strategy sites explain this with the fact that our sunnier Sunni brothers have killed every single one of those Iranians . So that the Iranians are now running a slaughterhouse where they introduce volunteers from anywhere Shia in the world and receive the graditude of the spineless jerk . And certainly not that those better Pasdaran are patiently waiting in ambush for gloriously heroic NATO types to appear . Oh yeah , everybody waits the Turkish Army making an entrance and have its backside kicked so profoundly that people will be broken and no more afraid and start a civil war to kill each other on the principle there can only be one . As if there is a Turkish Army any more . As if the whole freaking world does not accept yours idiotly as a time-to-time spokesperson for Lord Vader the retired and as if ı didn't say in 2012 or something that we are not going . As if the replacement of Lord Vader (on whom ı would never have an idea in the first place) does not despise the US even more throughly than yours idiotly , based on the strength of Lady Vader's comments . That didn't stop the arrival of the dumbos though , as if ı would lead them to places . Their time was not entirely wasted though ; they must have had all the kebab they could ever consume and their career highlight must be the times when apparently there were talks of arresting and practically ransoming them at the height of Gezi Events / Taksim Riots . For their failure to find the guys that count and bring them in , to save the -uhhhhmmmmmm- "country" . They were fed all the Iskenders , right ?
still lost ? Well , Felluce falls and what does the Iraqi Prime Minister say ? He warns Turkey not to be involved in the liberation of Musul ! Why , because you can always trust the Army of Petrol to claim the stupid Iraqis opened fire on them and (the Shias being Shias) it's a lie . That it was intentional and not a mistake and people should come and fight in this honourable fight against evil and die in Iraq so that their wives and kids might later be raped safely by the Saudis , Army of Petrol daily sculptured to be the proxy for such ; content for the scraps after the Umayyads' feasting and even the dead are now available as long as they are still warm . This post certainly does not claim the attack in Istanbul was an inside job , ISIL is a bunch of suicidal maniacs on par with any Christian fundemantalist jerk when it comes to Acopolyps . Or whatever ; God , ı hate spelling that word ... Coppola made a movie named as such , Brando plays some crazy drug runner and Sheen something almost died with an heart attack . When it comes to inside jobs there are far better examples .

life is a mess , you can find anything in it if you look hard enough ; apparently there is much excitement in locating the very one single case that yours idiotly did good . Apparently am an entrepreneur these days , "playing" in the London stockmarket . Looked it up in the dictionary after the shame of Acacaculpo , in which some Wagner opera plays as Hueys go down on some Vietnamese village . Yeah , check it ; entrepreneur ... You know , which explains the retreat of Boris Johnson , with his tail between the legs with his bag on his back . The guy being such a favourite of the New Turkey with potential yet unused . Apparently the grandkid of some Ottoman journo , killed by a mob for being an unrepentant supporter of London up to 1922 . When Boris becomes the Prime Minister , he will come and burn all the Kemalists in Turkey with fire coming out of his dragonly mouth ! With unlimited supply of devastation in his portly belly ! So we should all give up , whatever we are to give up . But when yours idiotly pulls that 2 billions , sorry trillions out , Boris like quits ... Being the money lovin Brit he is ... In case it won't be obvious , this post does not claim that ı have that kind of money , not even that ı have any money ! But when it gets going it goes a long way and apparently the almost racists have deduced that ı stopped the Arab Awakening in Jordan . Apparently ı have textile investments there . This from some nonsense about flying bikini tops from tank antennas ... As any student of history knows , some Beduin officer had one on his jeep which forced King Hussein to act vigorously against the Palestinians and it was a sorry thing for both sides . And Americans being the jerks they are , quickly forgot that they had designed the whole thing for the destabilization of Jordan so that Israel could invade some place during the lean years of 1970s . But much impressed by Ziya ül Hak that he ended up as the ranking general of the Pakistani Army as Washington started the glorious Islamification , the whole Green Belt thing ; to be coloured Red by blood soon enough ... Palestinians make up a substantial part of Jordan and their relatives in the West Bank suffer daily , they just do not need a replay of September 1970 , not much territory left anymore where they can be packed out as refugees once again . They do not even need yours idiotly to remind them of the days .

though when people find out such successes o'mine it seriously raises trouble , with the decade long mobbing of r16 ... One day was climbing the stairs upto higher floors on something , ı chanced upon the younger manager excitedly telling something to former Mayor , who surely counts the Museum as one of his achievements and clearly unhappy at my year old apparel , unique among the staff . Mind you , ı sweat a whole lot . While the current Mayor was surely briefed of the proceedings of how the now Muslim city one would immediately win an award . The two or three translators assigned by the Municipality , no doubt much better than me in everything , were kept in the background only because they wanted to give the director of the competition , actually the last inspector or something a chance to discover how poor my English was and how ı smelled . A sure thing after the endless tours in the basement . We did have this little conversation indeed , readily primed on my _nal retentiveness on starting the tour from one particular side of the gallery ; when the security guard enters the gallery from the other side he'll be face to face with the visitors . Readily apparent that he is not a visitor helps people to appreciate they must not touch everything lest they break stuff . So that exhibits survive for the benefit of later visitors ... One might remember from my erstwhile posts that such translators had such a field day with the Agriculture Minister of Afghanistan that the guy's visit became this challenge to get me confess that ı was an homosexual ... ı guess ı proved manlier the Municipality had assumed .

oh yeah , the inspector gets into the gallery and he is immediately summoned up , for the children's festival where there are live acts of games and stuff . He sits there for an hour , comes back again , yours idiotly again there with the funnily stilted "You can start from this side" , the side he had already started before . And no , he couldn't finish it ... Translators once again arrive , all smiles , readily knowing ı will soon be no more , taking him up . You know , for a feast in some fancy restaurant . This was the last week of Ramadan that year as far as ı remember and it was still daylight but those were the days when everybody was a moderate . And highly possible that he had his kebabs already . Then it becoming a city wide sport and so and so . As said the death of the Mayor is not related to me in any way ... But whenever something happens , it's surely my fault and it has to be rectified . They need access to Lord Vader . If they cut their finger while slicing bread , it's because Lord Vader made it so by telekinesis . Almost ...

tomorrow it's the Bayram , a day peace should be made between those who have broken hearts with arguments . ı have been hearing for the past week that a powerful delegation is being made up to visit . Whom , am not sure but the aim is surely to pry an address and appoinment from Lord Vader . The delegation to include my schoolmates , it is said . So that they can presumably be available as witnesses to prove it to Lord Vader that ı was a fggt 20 , 30 years back , ı smell as much as an oxen , ı don't deserve his excellencies' care and these are all lies that ı made up without the slightest justification . Being ungrateful is a condition of mind that can be encountered in any society , that ı can not blame on the ever glorious New Turkey .
though telling Lord Vader that he knows nothing will be some sight . ı sincerely hope Lady Vader will not be around to whack him on the head , if such gloriously auspicious things ever come to pass . Due to some increased sensivity for cats , she has already assured me that if he ever goes Ottoman on people , there will be nothing of the sorts of the celebrated stuff that sees a dude and some cats in a sack and cats beaten by sticks .

it might be irritating for some to read this non-stop nonsense , travails of r16 intermixed with slanting "evidence" against the New Turkey . Afterall there are a billion of Muslims and a half with more to come in all projections and things must be done with a success story of Moderate Islam ; else there will be a price to pay . Some might be more intimate with what this price might entail , visible in the tears of the grieving family members and yet one can not openly cry . Especially when being a casket-bearer . But , the fact is they are not moderate and they are not "Muslims" ; they are rather Sunni Wannabists , a mere tool for the actual Wahhabis . Nor they do have real staying power . Yes , they can declare a day's mourning for the 40 odd victims which amounts to a half day's worth . Even when the victims include a relative of a former Goverment Minister . In contrast to the 3 full days when the Saudi King died . And immediately descend on the Gulf of Izmit to open this bridge . An answer to the Terror attack in Istanbul , as if they were capable of foreseeing that it in 2012 as they started the construction that there would be an ISIL and it would attack the airport in Istanbul . The pride of the Turkish engineers and workers , as if we don't read newspapers . Do you know that Japanese engineers still commit suicide in this 21st Century when some metal plate cracks while placed into place in some bridge construction ? One actually did last year or so here in Turkey . We are to be proud when some motorcycle driver drives his mount to 400 kilometers , a world record . Though the stability and the lot seem to suggest he was already to some 440 on it and pulling a Sergei Bubka on people . Which was a class act in the 1990s when one could really starve in the former Soviet Union , but so not so in 2010s' Turkey . Speaking of sports there were these two women who came out nowhere and won the first and second place in some world class athletism event and were nowhere to be seen afterwards . Yes , the world uses every single possible way to polish up the New Turkey , had it been the Old the two would be disqualified on the very day even before the doping tests were run . Not some years later , when the PM looked like he wouldn't give Federal stuff to the seperatists ...

and the crowds bellydancing on the bridge under the fireworks ? They will crack the moment it happens ; they are for the strong . They will be 100% Kemalists if it swings one way , with 50 witnesses to prove that none of them ever wavered from the true path . They will grow meter long beards when ISIL captures Istanbul . Not so amazing to learn that ISIL still sells a glossy magazine in Turkey named after some older variety of a name for that city , always woving to take it from the infidels that currently hold it ; it must be the 5th issue now . But our bellydancing crowds will discover their long forgotten Kurdish ancestors when the gods of war arrive to chase ISIL out of Istanbul and will still be bellydancing to the any tune American invaders play . There's so much talk on how the vote is split two ways ; when A-K-P falls the referandum to reverse the entire gamut of laws that were changed during their time will pass with a minimum of 90 % and no irregularities will ever be recorded , despite all the attempts . Am old enough to remember the 1982 or 83 one in which the country accepted the Constitution , which everybody now claims to hate .

mind . Nobody is calling for their removal , replacement by Kemalists , return of stuff that has been made to walk as that Turkish phrase goes . It only stresses that it is an extremely tough sell to convince that they serve the interests of the country . Tough in talking , there will inevitably be a moment that they will push too far and discover that they are an every-man-for-himself type of thing . Then it will fall onto the shoulders of the men and women of the West to bear the burden . And pay the price , because the moment any Civil War starts in Turkey not a single ship will be left afloat . So that Western commentators will be on the airwaves to encourage the "Democrats" that help in the form of Cruise missiles just await an UN resolution and they should earn it by killing a few people and eating some hearts and livers . Because them "Democrats" will already be dispersed to the four winds , it will fall to people one knows . And one side will have many more caskets than the other . Trust me on this , if you can bring yourself only once to trust me .

obviously this is how 2015 went by ...
well the Congregation has shot its bolt and your idiotly once again ends up as the single poster on a thread . Better here then ...

ah , yeah . Ahmet Hakan talks of the not particularly important city o'mine and mentions it was Hürriyet's local correspondent that suggested the square should be called July 15th Democracy Square . And it was immediately taken up . Guess this is a reminder of the power of the Media - and yet people ask why on earth is it that being famous is so much hated . Now that that newspaper has declared the local Party branch is so weak minded and open to suggestions ı can only corroborate it . The square also contains the Party HQ and when yours idiotly was crossing the area 2 days after the July 15th Disgrace the picture of the PM was staunchly defended or something by 8 to 10 people , all visibly from the Southeast , 4 awake , 4 to 6 soundly asleep . Or maybe the clouds were too thick and the ambient light low . It can't be that Ankara knew the weak-mindedness and sent in reinforcements first ? Those who sleep in front the Party HQ has fallen to 2 recently , and they look somehow "whiter" now . Was 7 this morning , though .

'cause you see , the new Dumbo is dumber than usual . Calling Hürriyet anything other than Hürriyet is bound to send her checking every single newspaper that's not owned by the Party . Calling it in a code name , say the "Yellow Journalism" will simply double her workload , now reading every single 'paper in Turkey . Nor there's much too read , Hürriyet's former editor-in-chief is in war with a former Hürriyet columnist over mouth-sexual organ interactions ; the columnist was far too much of a critic for the A-K-P era . The fight is bound to last a year , if not a decade . Sides will be taken and Hürriyet will keep getting ads from the State as a proven target of rusty dynosaurs who do not like A-K-P ... It's just that ı hear the new dumbo was a spelling bee only in English , and it would take her a whole day to spot the RAH-66 , causing her to linger here instead of goin' to hell .

which is a very important thing you know , Ankara tells lies of shooting down coupist helicopters so that people will not be encouraged to take sides . The Last Prime Minister attempts to take credit for that , immediately turns out nothing of the sort ever happened ; say checking Hürriyet one readily sees Diyarbakır launched only 2 F-16s , which CAPped only over Malatya , you know , to stop 7 AJÜ from launching Phantoms which might then rolled into Ankara to drop more bombs onto Mürted , which might you know , accidentally kill the marshal's aide and the lot . So a lie to stop the former Air Force from joining the coup becomes lots of things . In the first place , it is entirely unnecessary , Congregation has loaded up 60 F-16s to bomb the country randomly if the coup fails . Meanwhile the NCOs and the lot are busy stealing the "relays" from those F-16s , unaware Congregation are phoning people as if to say "Join or Suffer" ; without those relays , you can't drop bombs or something and the Kamikaze thing is far too much overrated anyhow . Yours idiotly can not be in that list , despite the metal plated roof my late father installed . He knew he was not getting any younger and me having worked alongside him he wasn't very confident that the roof would be maintained properly after he was gone . Bitterly cold , too , when we attached all those plates and ı believe they would be a perfect radar target . Ask the new dumbo , she will tell you if so or not so !

and it opens the first crack between the PM and the Last Prime Minister ; there are tons of signs which proclaim that the Party Nation struck them Congregation down like a Lightning . And the poor dudes who claimed success in the first place are down to the say it was actually a coupist F-16 downing an heroic Police helicopter and they just misread . Enter patriotic Hürriyet , which now assures us that the evilly vile Americans actually took part in the fighting , flying stealth helicopters and the wreckage can not be shown because either New Turkey's smart engineers are reverse-engineering it or it would be such a scandal that the spiritual leader of Congregation can never be given to Turkey . Next time , just check the internet and find a Cobra photo before drawing .
meanwhile the temporary "agreement" between the smarties and their erstwhile victims is just about ending . Understandably over the closure of military schools and immediate banishment of some 14 000 students . Of the 14-18 bracket 95% claimed to be of the Congregation . You know , they start with stealing exam questions , put some bright boys in , the bright boys rise and rise and yeah in 20 years what institution it might , it's entirely rotten . When Santa Süleyman was better known as Morrison Süleyman and had a winning streak of elections and Right wing Junta defeated the Left wing Junta in 1971 , they had this brilliant idea of creating an Islamist party to cut some speed off Santa Süleyman . As such the very first question stealing is reported to be in 1973 , when some State official (a heavy drinker of Rakı no doubt) simply gives away the whole and the very first members of the Golden Generation are on their way .

it becomes 1984 and Santa Turgut is in charge ; the seperatists are just about to arrive on the scene as a country-wide insurgency and those who are to fight them just a few years later are naturally given the answers to that year's exams ... Guess who covers the rise of both as the Prime Minister of the country and has such close relationship with Washington ... It's the perfect see-saw , if you go and kill some seperatists , Washington fills your back with Islamists , naturally by its close friends . If you fire some Islamists from their positions , the seperatists arrive at some border outpost , naturally unseen by anyone ever and kill a dozen conscripts . If you want to chase and destroy them , the Prime Minister has a lightbulb above his head and starts talking of how increasing the Muslims' participation in more areas will increase the strenght of the country . The seperatists are already in their caves for transit back to Iraq and the Prime Minister talks of 10 years ahead of how a praying generation will stop the virus of godless seperatism . If you are not that high in rank , Santa Turgut is the leader of a massively successful party , every single official now prays 6 times a day . You look unconvinced ? Wait , the national intelligence service , the place where 75% of entire staff works for the CIA , will start collecting dirt on you . Hiding from the Police who collects dirt on you and all sorts of Military spooks who also collect dirt on you . Dare to oppose , if you can , when Bush I declares his Crusade on Turkey and offers Musul / Kerkük with a wink to Santa Turgut .

santa Turgut passes away , not so peacefully and the killer changes according to what State/Congregation/God knows who else feels at the moment . Will it be you , or your next door neighbour ? The seaside house you bought , to live in after retirement , was such an opportunity , but what if the seller is a secret drug dealer who will frame you , proving that you looked the other way as required ? Will you get the promotion or will you not ? And the not so odd fact , despite a worldwide reputation for hardliner secularism , the number of "types" are on the rise . You will come to accept that it's a State Policy (because Uncle Sam wants so) , you learn to become indifferent . That's how the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal , the designated elite of the country , end up rotten inside out by a Congregation bent on Domination under the guidance of this guy who left school at 3rd grade . This is as simple as it gets , let's just avoid discussing how the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal poisoned him to have a fighting Army in the coming WW II .

what's the schools got to do with that , apart from the fact that you certainly can not let that 95% into the system ? Well , naturally nobody saw it happening while it was happening . Just like in the way nobody saw university entrance system being destroyed as a show of force for the "Muslims" . Back in my youth nobody doubted the basic fairness of the exams . If you study hard enough you pass . If you are better off you can go to those study centers where you will be made studying harder , but nobody gets anything without studying . And of course , one started to hear more of certain study centers . ı sometimes see a guy on the street who got a whole bunch mental issues from one such Congregation facility , study , brainwashing , study , brainwashing . Mind you , it's still a race of fair proportions and there are even tons of newspaper editorials on how poor kids were being saved and given a chance to serve the country . Of course , when strong enough , it just became a show of force . They could have buried any discrepancy of tales of how husbands and wives took perfect scores , or even better made the same mistakes on the same pages , while sitting in two different schools taking the exam . It was just that they were destroying the former Turkish Armed Forces with stuff like Balyoz , with no hope of recovery . The future just belonged to the New Turkey , lick the proper shoes and all is well . The one constant with the New Turkey , the top ranks never makes a mistake . If there is , well you just change the entire orientation and fix things ... So , it just wasn't the fault of the Goverment but of the military schools to have so many Congregation people .
with closing them , you just clear the way for Imam Hatip graduates who are raised by the nation that votes for the Party , according to the brainwashing of the congregation that currently supports you . You know , the Congregation never started one single Imam Hatip with explanations alternating between that they needed to fool the Kemalists with dizzy science schools and they aren't Muslims in the first place . And there are smart managers in Imam Hatips , with one using to students to write that they are all PM's soldiers , just in the way USN might have spelled E=MC squared on the deck USS Enterprise in the 1960s . And sure enough , one day the Saudis will pay that new congregation's sheik better and all those good Imam Hatip boys will gut you in your sleep . When Erbakan died , his funeral was at a beardie mosque . The Turkish branch of George Clooney was the President , some beardie bodily pushed him out of the way for his sheik on a wheelchair . The next intake for Military schools will be entirely of the Nation that votes for the Party , their so-called loyalty will be to New Turkey , they will be like instructed and shaped with no respect for anything , they will be Jihad in Uniform and of course they will become the perfect cannon fodder , pawns , assets for the Neo-Umayyads .

talking in such terms will get one into trouble . You remember the SAT who landed on Kardak ? On Monday night he was saying just about one percent of that when this battle royal ensued between him and this Party intellectual and the SAT ended up being the coupist ... Laughable that the old country has made this log an officer and failed to see how empty his cranium was ; so that he was given even more training to become a Staff officer ! He attempts to argue with a smartie that his talk is a warning on what might happen and he is loyal to the State no matter what . Doh ! They know you are loyal to the State no matter what , that's why they put you in jail . To make an example . You see , this guy and his unit were tasked with landing on a rock that might have started the war in the Aegean and when deployed they found that the supplies had failed to arrive . Out comes the credit cards and fuel for the boat , some food etc bought and to the "war" they go - in '96 . The guy attempts to talk of ethos and stuff , Party apparatchik trumpets Democracy and votes . Even if the SAT had any dreams of taking over the country he surely would have lost it in jail , watching the country having yet another _rgasm with each wave of arrests . Talk of loyalty to Party , now that's entirely different and pays back real good .

is about to go ugly , but there is intervention ... The seating arrangement has these 3 ex-Navy officers side side by side . During the shouting match you can hear the wiser one asking for a break and getting it ; it turns out he was the teacher of the SAT guy in the university grade military school . Wiser , because politically savvy can be taken as an insult in this world . Changes the subject to how it would be good if those who would graduate as Lieutenants (this month but now can't ) at least got to wear their uniforms for a day . Because in that 5% remaining there would be the one who had decided to dedicate most of his or her adult life to serve the country and the lot . Also in the news , no August 30th celebrations this year because people would brown themselves with fear if there was a parade and certainly not because the New Turkey hates the victories of the Old .

what , no r16 stories today ? Let me see ... Well , all three went to jail . The wiser one apparently because he said there was no way that the Army would carry out a coupe d'etat , not anymore . One of the remaining two was charged with making a plan on bombing a "museum" . There is old Guppy in Istanbul , a submarine by the pier , 200 kids will be in it when the evil Turkish Navy sets off the bombs and sinks the submarine . You know to blame innocent Muslims and topple the Party . ı haven't seen that sub , actually ı have never seen a sub but ı have handled tours of classes of kids in some museum . Unless they sectioned it , meaning they cut off many parts from the hull , there's no way that anyone can put 200 kids in a submarine . Making them climb up and down the ladders , that alone would take a week ... Well , ı am 55% sure that plan itself was hatched in the Bursa Emniyeti of the day , with Police all over the country making plans , burying weapons caches and adding up lists of whom to bury in sh_t or sent to jail , while yours idiotly is always there , the joke you can always enliven your day with . So , presumably one Police dude talks of how ı would blow up the entire building if anybody could actually entrust me a stick of dynamite and bingo ! Let's have the Jewhish Navy sink a ship ! End of the story ? Of course , no ... The Party intellectual of the battle royale ? ı am 85% sure that ı saw him on the zoo trip , with the best and smartest of the country passing through the town to somewhere and sparing time to see yours idiotly with their own eyes ... He wasn't quite filling the seat on the Mercedes or something . See , something that fills the page for no good reason , benefits no one and serves nothing . That's me .

just to pad the post , the Congregation seems to have upgraded its amulets , to 20 Turkish Liras , closest bill here to 5 bucks of US . This ı feel from finding a bill of 20 liras on the street .

and today's victim is the girl who survived the shock squad with falling from 56 kilos to 40 in 28 days , at a rate of pound a day . And two broken heels . 4 or 5 years of school , thrown out at the last exam due charges of copying friend's text papers .
a month passes ... As this was written on the weekend , the supposedly-promised cyber-attacks , release of sex-tapes and the like and using of HAARP technology to cause an earthquake "are" not yet realised . Melih Gökçek , the like totally legendary mayor of Ankara is the source of the last one , with anniversary 17th of August , 1999 also this week . Not because of the mushrooms he consumes but this "once-secular"dude who pilgrimaged to the US asking to be allowed to start the Party (instead of the old and current leadership) is clearly angling for the mastery of Djinns . If a quake , he warned people before . If no quake , he made an army of djinns to pour concrete to the fault line or something .

it's seems fixed that the spiritual leader considers himself to be the Mahdi ; many anectodes on how he declares his birthday to be Nov. 10th, 1938 . Even if it's recorded otherwise . You know , his mere arrival onto the world killed the Antichrist . And because the world has not yet been destroyed by the end of the times , with even Kemal long being dust under the dust , we now learn the Islamic traditions suggest the existance of 30 Antichrists ... One of those who have confessed , a guy who left when he was the Imam of Balıkesir , a place we last saw in CFC as a major target of US invasion plans of Turkey , written up when Tolkien's Lord of the Rings were taking the world by storm in the book format , claimed the spiritual leader actually considers himself to be the god .

went down like a lead balloon in that TV show . The Congregation was allowed to have roving recruitment bands that would visit every single village to get the brightest boys to give them the education their parents could never afford . In a cultural setting that wasn't exactly foreign to them , with the spiritual leader (it seems) famously beating a group of boys under his care who once peeped on the open windows of an hotel room in the sexually liberated 1970s ; and we are yet to see any revelation on the question of whether open accounts existed in the brothels for the best of the students , creme de la creme , who quickly grasped that they were an covert operation by the likes of US and the Saudis to infiltrate the country in all departments . Even if Sunday's newspaper is a chock a block on how these guys were once run-of-the-mill fundamentalists with forcing their women to be in full "standarts" . Not many could like afford sunglasses back in the day but eyebrows were banned to be seen by people on the streets , possibly counted as hair in addition to enlarging the area of visible flesh . And veils naturally attracted all the attention of the evil Police and the lot before they were conquered within by the -uhmm and errr- faithful ...

telling those "faithful" masses that their beacon is a fool , a case for the pyschiatric ward might turn the members of the Congregation away from "Islam" , wasting all the brainwashing , decreasing the numbers of the apparatchicks available when the Saudis take over , even lessening the hordes of cannon fodder without a corresponding ammunition expenditure if things go pear-shaped . No , the spiritual leader is a smart vermin , intent on tricking people away from truth . It's clear that he will soon be discovered to be of Armenian extraction , if not already done . History clearly tells of the existance of such people in Eastern Anatolia , calling him a Jew in hiding would be hated and uneffective in the area where people are like actively busy converting the house he was born into a toilet for public use . Nor there can be too much "real" effort on how he has been brainwashing people for his evil aims , like the discovery of a secret chamber in one of his many schools in Turkey . In addition to being a VIP suite for dignitaries supposedly also reserved for sermons to the personnel of the former Air Force . Scale models discovered , the one on the top of the pile being an AV-8B or something . And yeah , two finely sculpted hands , to be mounted on the walls so that all those officers and NCOs from nearby Çiğli could feel like kissing the guy's hands for real . And yes , this is entirely nothing ; there must be still footage of the married woman on the web , kissing the you know what of her Sheik (in some other cult) . Her husband said nothing , because he was the next in line for the kissing of you know what of his sheik , dozens more in attendance . All discovered by the Congregation of course and widely disseminated , so that they could steal the Sheik's folk . No , the spiritual leader is a true "believer" that aims to misguide people out of Islam , which then saves the great majority of the Congregation and makes them available for new masters . With full potency of their certainly not misguided hate for the Republic and the Turks whom everybody hates and yet avoids like the plague . The new Dumbo at least is utterly scared of Lord Vader .

as such a certain concentration on his oft repeated stress on dialogue between religions . Like totally turns out that he is a Cardinal in Vatican , in the invisible church of theirs . In the first 1000 years , we are told , Christians assimilated Europe , in their second 1000 years they grabbed the empty quarters like the Americas and in the third 1000 years it's the turn of Asia to be taken , with Islam and all the fairy tales of the Yellow races to be trampled under or upon , depending on which one is the correct grammatical form . Being the wannabe Occidentalist ı am like totally expected to say that the invisible church used to refer to that missing kingdom the Crusades wanted to reach , by taking the Holy Lands and stuff first as a logistics base . You know , the horsenomads have a rather bad reputation , especially in the barren lands where they can run rings around the Westerners raised up by the example of Roman Legionary . Slow but sure yet needs tons of supplies and can readily die if parched by thirst . Nor there would be any volunteers to save the Orthodox Church from doom under Turkish hooves , not even the risk of the said Turks crossing into the Balkans . As such , geo-strategic necessities were covered by tales of incredible riches to plunder and unbelieveable women to dishonour and that's how millions of Europeans first walked all the way to the Outremer and then sailed across all the oceans , supposedly for the eternal glory of Christianity . This tirade merely inspired by all those "Muslims" all over the world for the glory of Islam and merely content for utterly ruining Turkey .

that the A-K-P massively accelarated their power grabbing is a tough act to hide . Reading an editorial in the newspaper ı know in 2003 the Congregation had schools in 35 countries , no doubt all a strategic interest for Ankara . Today it's schools at 140 odd , presence in 170 . A four to five times increase . Back then the Congregation was but one congregation , dividing the Nurcu potential . The first leader of which was from the Right wing of Ittihad and provided a background into the most serious revolt of the times . Congregation provided the now standard NGO approach to extend Ankara's hence NATO's reach into the Turkic Republics after the fall of the Soviets . Congregation also provided a limited numbers of votes in any elections . Congregation even paid back the American generousity in American delivery of the dear seperatist leader in Kenya almost on the very day by staging a coup in Özbekistan . The unsurprising failure of which identified the Congregation as a standart CIA cover ; made all possible moves by Ankara in the region suspect hence , you know , taught us our place and cut us down to size and surrendered the Turkics to Putin . Newly on the job , all he now needed was a war with Chechens to whitewash the disasters of the first and Washington is now all wails and tears about the Russian resurgence .

but Congregation was also America's finest and it served so well to bring down Erbakan , who talked so much and delivered so little . Yeah , second in command of Kaddafi in some organization and the dude (after paying millions for decades) asks for the heads of guys long sought . Harking back to 1974 once again and his prompt delivery of F-5 spares , rocket launchers and Napalm and stuff and Erbakan has not even torn down the Anıtkabir yet ... It's a convulated story , Johnson Letter of 1964 , the threat of embargoes , the debilating effect of such on the Pakistanis , formulation of a notion for a "National" fighter plane , American hemorroid type hate of the same mixing with the enthusiastic revolutionary awash with success and oil money , approach to the French with apparently a limitless supply of money , the realization of the harmless little F-1 , with Dassault promptly selling it stock , lock and barrel to the Greeks with a wholesomely whole intention of a shooting war that will see the guys dead and Greek losses assuredly replaced by Mirages as a captive market and Kaddafi getting an undisclosed hefty discount when he ordered his own fleet , readily taking back his initial investment ... And Americans wholly offended by all and now completely forgetful of their immensely strong refusal for the F-5s they come up with the export Phantom , even simpler than the initially conceived F-4F ! You see , the disaster of Vietnam is sucking the American treasury dry , they need the nukes as the "flexible" response and we have no machines to nuke them Russkies , this ain't no Central Front where the Luftwaffe F-104s can clearly make it to Berlin with a "special weapon" on board . Yeah , the RF-4C is bomb capable but what the hell we are going to do with 40 of them ? Especially in peace time ? Hence the dumbest Phantom ever lest we start grumbling about how we lack deterrence and be like see you later and get out of NATO and end up with still stronk! power to deter our beloved Baathist neighbours , with an Arab supporter to boot , humiliated in a way by the slow retreat of the West out of the Wheelus Airbase . America wants us out of NATO without power , right ? Until of course one of the guys talk the sweet Swedes out of the datalink they are doing for the Viggen . That's why there's an F-16 afterall , my friend , a conventional war machine with a bubblegum as the gunsight and way ahead of the harmless F-1 when it comes to cavorting in the sky , or even the full size Phantom for that matter . Do we see any thanks ? Of course , no . Americans are way beyond ungrateful . And the days they invented the even dumber F-16/79 and were yet further stupified by its acceptance ... Proffessionals will ignore the Swedish account , claiming it was the supply of Far Eastern hardware and programming upgrade to SAGE , an American thing in place since the 1950s , out of concern for Nixon's China policies and repeated N.Korean kidnapping of Japanese citizens that might or might not lead to clashes to which the Guam Doctrine might or might not apply . By a willing Tokyo . And am very aware of the Japanese Constitution's limits on Military business ; as are the proffessionals who still refuse to regale the New Dumbo with tales of jury rigging Sparrows with Sidewinder seekers which am assured were like totally not like that . All the tourism ads of the country mention the sunny climate , right ?
and the Congregation reports readily of the red face of Erbakan as he listens to the harangue in the tent of Kaddafi and his total unsuitability for the Counter-Revolution to come . Congregation is a de-facto founding member of the A-K-P , with expert handling of the new generation who were such Westerners at first . The current narrative demands us to believe that the Congregation was all lies and not a single soul knew how evil they were . With one natural omission , a political visionary on par with Kemal , who was on the news some weeks back , asking for God's forgiveness in regards to his failure to spot them earlier . Before December 2013 , where the Congregation attempted to topple him , the PM ... And all the experts , all the honest Muslims , all the smart people of the country , whom all spotted the treachery of the Congregation and they all attempted to contact the PM who was the only politician fighting the Congregation but Congregation's spies had infiltrated everywhere and they intercepted all the attempts for warnings ...

indeed A-K-P actions are ... Needing the narrative to prove how powerful the Congregation was before there was the Party . And an excellent proof in Galatasaray that won 4 championships in a row before the year 2000 , and yeah the A-K-P . Of the team that won the UEFA cup , half were members of the Congregation , that's how . But the trainer , Fatih Imperatore Terim , a close pal of the New Turkey ? Oh he was so against the Congregation ... Ertuğrul Sağlam is named as a member , many attempts of the Congregation to get a club or two before taking over all the clubs in the country referenced but no mention of the Sağlam's championship with Bursaspor , against Fenerbahçe , which also involved humiliation of a stadium full of people cheering wildly at false news of Bursaspor failing to win in the last game and thus assuring the championship for Aziz Yıldırım's team . The Bursaspor fans are quick to see this coming and they are accusing a former Governor of the city , now in custody for being in the Congregation , in conspiring a clash with Beşiktaş fans with fatalities . And am still angry at Şenol Güneş , the trainer of the 2002 World Cup team , for if he had figured out earlier that the US had all the matches fixed and it was all for the taking , he would have played more offensive in either of the 2 matches with Brazil and made it to the final and obviously take the cup , instead of getting the 3rd spot . That the team was on board a Japanese airliner and some kissed the roof is nothing of my doing or the Japanese Goverment , airpockets happen all the time and obviously with more damage to Japanese citizens .

hakan Şükür , the hero of the times and the guy who scored the fastest goal of the World Cups until then , as the S.Koreans all lined up and watch him run all the way from the middle of the field ? You know it's heroic , because he has always been accused of being lazy during his career and never ran much . Yeah , he is in the US , no doubt getting a cozy warm place next to that NBA player that changed his surname to become the spiritual son of the spiritual leader , reportedly getting much positive coverage in the US media . The NBA player's family declared him out for his support of the bloodshed and stuff ; Şükür's father was not so lucky with getting arrested as their combined wealth attested to a Congregation success story . A wealth even helped by A-K-P's own glory as the PM made Şükür a MP in a not-so parallel universe and he was a sports commentator in open violation of the laws and rules pertaining to being a MP . Some concerned citizen e-mailed the TıRT and reportedly got this as an answer ...

What's it to you, idiot? And why should it concern the Congregation? Don't be jealous, you [homosexual]. We will pay him double next year. After all it's him, the king of the Turkish football, on TV. And the ratings are super. Even you are watching, you BEAR.

yet Galatasaray can not be expected to take it all , afterall they have enough numbers of fans , who went to a recent game with the usual compliment of machetes and stuff. Just like Fenerbahçe would not budge after it became involved guilty of plotting coups after the owner refused to pay 60 million US dollars as an "aid to the poor" and basically changed the course of the ever conquering New Turkey , Galatasaray has enough numbers of votes to decide the issue in tight elections . Hence extra avenues needed to move away the attention from the A-K-P , willing partner of the Congregation . So it turns out it's the fault of the main Opposition ; a powerful politician once placed the spiritual leader to a post . And the sister-in-law of the politician introduced the spiritual leader to the FBI and CIA ... She's the heroine of a surprise best seller of the 1990s , after running out of her first marriage with a Libyan aristocrat through a "palace window" , she finds some Afghan UN official globetrotting the world before settling in the US and becoming a shrink and getting into the US Army . The book assumes she found out the US was issuing courage pills for Desert Storm and stuff , as if the entire lot of Americans are not dope-junkies and got killed so mysteriously that no one figured it out . Though even the book sub-title is wrong , the picture at the very end suggests she was a Lieutenant-Colonel , not an Albay that matches Colonel . The guys who brought this up are conspiracy theorists that appear anywhere , anytime . A fourth guy seems to be missing in action , probably due to his repeated insistence that the Templiers were cool dudes and friends of Turks , hence present-day Templars are da man . One of them even identified the evil of Congregation when he was 15 ... Such foresight , man ! Or how one of them received top secret information to their whole Machievellian schemes and shut up because if he talked the evil Congregation would have known and he has asked a meeting with the PM which might be forthcoming sometime this millennium . From them we learn stuff like that Illuminati are mere 3rd rank stuff . They are ruled by Tawistock , as far as ı hear it spelled . This is a special mind control expertise and stuff , naturally established by Freud and stuff after all those dudes ended up so shell-shocked and stuff after their defeat in Gallipoli . And there's something called the Sun above all , ı guess their leader is not Xixor or whatever that alien was in the EU of Star Wars . They are a good sight , telling how evil Jews and stuff rule the world ; they invent an Iraqi Congregation which weakens Saddam's control before the glorious Desert Storm and Liberation / Invasion / Whatever . And 1967 happened not because Israelis bombed the runways but certain Arabian congregations divided and fractured the Socialist resistance to the instrument of the Capitalists . And seriously surprising to see those rather limited number of Jews in the country "protesting" . ı think it didn't happen but the guys seriously need to tell how they are the only ones who did not genocided the Jews . And while apparently the Congregation field agents are still on the mule back in Central Asia looking for smart kids to give free education to , we hear actually useful stories . Of how the spiritual leader who is alchemist that has succeeded in converting stuff to gold , comes to Turkey to check a guy and returns within 5 minutes . All seriously possible when you learn djinns are travelling in UFOs . Or how the guy bought the camp site of Jesuits in Pennsylvania , which is somehow in the British Commonwealth , no doubt due to an oversight after 1776 . These are the followers of Altunç Altındağ , a dude that the CFC might remember or might not for being the last Druid of Turkey , a patriot who declared Caliphate was inevitable and all should accept because you know some MI5 or 6 agent told him so . Jewish Capitalism is going down under , we are told , soon there will be so much money in Turkey . Even flowing out of the ears of the businessmen . We should all agree the New Turkey will be like ruling the world , and yours idiotly rants ever the same and yet ever learns new stuff .

turns out them evil Moskof copied the glorious Ottoman methods , in which religious dudes would gain the heart and minds of people by converting them to Islam before the Conquest by the sword would come . Yeah , the 1877 was such a disaster because Spetsnaz was there , in the shape of Imams who back stabbed the Ottomans . Don't know whether ı should be honoured by such a discovery on some national TV channel , now that my maternal grandfather's father was a judge or something of his area , but it would have to be "his" father and stuff for '77 , defeating the Great Sultan Abdülhamid Han . Congregation's ways of telling lies is well learned , one must observe . Makes rather more sense of expectant hints from a lawyer of the "victims" of Balyoz (based on such lies) that there would be soon great revelations , somehow related to MAK , those traitorous Combat Search and Rescue team of the Congregation's aerial gangs and some family . Family and rescue business invarably makes it certain that "Thunderbirds are go!" but this series of cartoons were only briefly shown in Turkey . Of it ı remember only that Oya Küçümen was voicing one of the characters ; she was a singer in the 1990s . ı was more of a Voltron guy anyhow . But this family has so far made two appearances on TV channels , once in an almost racist venue where they were found to be not fully idiotic and once at the height of the Ergenekon Conspiracy when some smartie of New Turkey was told to talk carefully by some Leftist , the poor smartie was dumb-struck to see some Leftie telling him on which foot the boot might horribly be . You see , the family is wrongly accused of founding the Turkish Republic ; that heinous act was carried out by Mustafa Kemal and his pals . Though just for the information of the conspiracy theorist that prayed that Turkey should have never have a need to write a second National Anthem , when the one was under attack for being so Islamist at a time when it seemed so possible that Atatürk would lead to a Communistic existance , he indeed called on to arrange a visit , by night , to certain individuals to make them see there was nothing wrong with the Istiklal Marşı... Nor it's a family , what relation can exist between the guy who was involved in bayonet fighting at Sakarya and Lord Vader , now long retired and utterly scary for the New Dumbo ? But you see , am a fggt and can be protected only if blood relation to the family . Don't know how that can ever be . And at a time when the Wall Street Journal accuses the New Turkey of treason for talking with Putin , the New Turkey gloriously assures the existance of Spetsnaz and offers the New Dumbo to get rid of evilosity , you know , by arresting them all by her 5 miligrams of grey matter of hers . Such brilliance , which like totally blinds your idiotly .
thank God that the football player from the UK , tased to death by the Police , died on Sunday night , due his depressed state , while attempting to kill his father , by the testimony of his brother . It seems he was really well remembered by the Fenerbahçe fans for his hat-trick against Galatasaray in 1995 .

the appalling success of the Congregation takes so much effort to explain . As ever . The lack of a proper education on religious matters is a standart here . And never ask all those experts , politicians , journalists who were on TV 10 years ago , 5 years ago and are still on TV today why they didn't do enough at a time when they could matter . It's so thoughtful to rant on the lacks on the godless Old Republic which makes the current "Muslims" so grand in that they shine in the abyss of darkness that was with their strong beliefs and decisive actions . Say , anybody considered to have cheated in exams will be sacked and thrown out of any position with the goverment but wasn't it obvious at the time ? Didn't even yours idiotly pointlessly talk of the times he would study for the university exams ; at the times when all the newspapers were full of cheating scandals taking place daily back in 2010 or so ? Not in defence of those who were cheated out what they deserved , mind you ... The Congregation had infiltrated whole institutions , they were cheating in full view of everybody that ought to know it and it was merely a show of force to convince that they were gods walking on earth . And to top that we now hear they smeared the institutions they totally controlled so that they could reform them all so that some other people would not be able to steal the questions of major exams and infiltrate . ı know there is so much complaint about my prose and stuff , too labourous , too confusing . See , A is the Congregation which controls everything and steals the questions from institution B so that A's preferred people will get good results , clearing the path for them in getting a job in institutions C to T . A cheats , A discovers the cheat , A publishes it in its newspapers so the Goverment like totally unknowingly gives B to A . A replaces its agents in B with a new crew that then creates a totally byzantine mess of an organization so that Z will never be able to steal the questions from B and place people in C to T . Z here is practically anybody who is not with the Congregation . And C to T becomes TC in a way , if you play with it a bit . For English speakers that's the shorthand form of the [Old] Turkish Republic . See , child's play . This is exactly why yours idiotly is heavenly good in blaming people and turning out half right years later . With being like totally paranoid in a medical sense -hence gifted from birth , it's just so easy .

yeah , the lack of religous education . Much pompous explanation of how the Congregation could never succeed with "proper" Muslims . Wonder how they ever managed so much if every single dude in the country knew they weren't Muslims in the first place . Must be because the spiritual leader started his sermons in the "infidel" Izmir . Which like always votes against any party in the Goverment , drinks too much alcohol , wears too short skirts . Meaning the faithful in the city were totally hungry for any kind of stuff that remotely looked like Islam and tricked by evil . Says any dude with a half meter of beard or anyother dude with expertise in conspiracy and esoterism . With no explanation on why Izmir is so infidel . Certainly no reference to stuff like Menemen being up North or Aydın down South . Menemen is where some teacher serving the compulsory military service was beheaded in some "Islamic" revolt . The Old Republic in its younger days supposedly debated razing the whole town . A-K-P banned the memorials for 8 years or so until a founding member was sidelined for being "too" close to the Congregation , apparently ancestors were involved . Aydın must be town that wrecked the second attempt at a "guided" democracy by Kemal when his handpicked leader of a Liberal and kinda Islamist party was welcomed by throngs of people where reportedly some guy tried to behead his own kid as a sacrifice at the prospect of deliverance from the godless Kemalism . And yes , there was TıRT mini-series that kinda proved that was a lie . Ah yes , Izmir happens to be the perfect place to start any cult .

and the spiritual leader was good at it ; as said a couple of times before , back in the days it wasn't an offense that can lead to gallows next year or so , this municipality truck would be in the street . Turkey is a hot country in summer , the workers are given a task to complete during the day , it's up to them to finish early and spend the rest of the day in the shade . And this truck would be blaring his sermons . But nothing compares to the visual , right ? There's this footage where the spiritual leader talks on a hot day and some of his followers are waving pages of newpapers to cool him ... Must be the epic day when he "faints" , with religious excitement , too ... A commotion naturally and he wakes and says regretfully God did not allow him to be a Martyr at that moment , in presence of such good company and he was so sad about it . Remember the cat thread where ı talk of the cat with its head inside a light fixture and it being the first life ı ever saved ? Well , once was on a bus and this teen fell down with a seizure . People all ran to him and there were shouts to open his fists , was nobody around so it fell to yours idiotly . ı don't mention how flimsy and inconsequential am that much , right ? People were hurt , such ill people are regularly taken to the shade and at times fed or even given some money and there are naturally abusers and the teen was the perfect actor but he lacked a bit of strenght at the hands . Having had hurts .

does it ever help ? Will being burned once convince people avoid a second time ? Yesterday's newspaper has a full column on it . And it actually lacks a whole lot of examples . Say of the old times when a movie required a tomb and the set crew built one and in a couple of years it became the last resting place of a Ghazi that conquered Anatolia from the Byzantinians . The column has a newer example , a cemetery for an horror movie now visited as an Ottoman site . Or the splendid examples of a guy who earns his living with marble cemetery stuff putting an example on a visible location and busloads of people coming from other cities . Or the guy who buys his plot in his hometown and having it prepared for some day he will naturally die and the empty grave becoming celebrated , visited by 35 000 people in a year , including candidates for local elections , reported with proper amplmb and respect on social media accounts . It turns out some Selçuk guy's tomb was broken into regularly to make soup , helping women to have children for example , his entire left arm had been taken away by the time the tomb was secured ... People are not that stupid but believe others to be that stupid and feel they have to conform . When one says there is such a great man laying somewhere others can not oppose but only agree to accept , being branded becomes riskier if it is a smaller location .

and it's not always evil intent . A regular thing in Turkey is the anti-drunkard grave . People drink , conceviably have to relieve themselves but it's late at night and public restrooms got to be closed and if they have money to pay for admittance they would naturally have another glass instead . Hence any place , say without street lamps , can become a convenient location . Hence a grave appears at times and the dead or the djinns or Allah will strike the disrespectful . Actually saw the appearance of one myself on some hillside on a spot where ı walk by on my way to home from the webcafes , a brick and concrete affair with a board of warning that it's the newly discovered place of a great old man of Islam . Had my misgivings . Amply proved by the guy who was relieving himself 10 meters away from it in broad daylight and mind you the other side of the hill is heavily built-up with shops and houses with like nothing in between . Do you ever feel like pushing people off the cliff ? His fall would be as visible as his member . Didn't last , within months an hotel was built and they erected a fence on the road . Because it was intented for thermal tourism and people can be seen like naked or something soon the fence was no more . Replaced this year by a new version that looks like ... well , maybe shrub is the word . A thin layer of green plastic that looks like a plant . Some Muslim must have a factory that produces tons of it . Because it appears everywhere with Municipality seal on it .

including the gardens of the Police offices that ı walk by . The faces of the guys in the gardens were a true indicator how things were going , for yours idiotly passing . Being unreal ı could still see it , where there was a thing to see . Like horror or something when the retired NCOs out of the blue claimed that they had phoned pals on duty on the night of July 15th and their pals removed relays from F-16s and 60 F-16s remained on the ground unable to bomb places a la Harris , "it will cost us 50 F-16s but it will cost the Turks the Civil War" and stuff ... Horror it must be , because none of the arrested confesses to that , none of unarrested is in a position to do that and all these Police dudes make their lives as "Civils" , posing and acting as required on the streets . Fear of the better infiltrators , you see , the very Z as A was bragging of taking over the Universe next . It's just a stuff that must have been made up by the NCOs to save the honour of the uniform that they used to wear once . If America had wanted 60 F-16s in the air it would have them in the air , right ? Or a single B-2 would have done the same amount of bombing , no ?
everybody knows it was America . The PM's ratings have gone up to 60% , from 50 , no doubt helped by the non-stop appearence of the victims of all those court-cases . When some 2 star ex-admiral or similar talks of how the British had units ready on Cyprus to "save" their nationals , how NATO bases in Romania were on on high alert despite no apprent trouble with Russia over Ukraine , or how the Americans had two "ships" simultaneously in the Med ostensibly to bomb ISIL in Libya , it does make a mark . Lonely is the guy who appears on some obscure TV channel to say autonomy for the Southeast will be official in October or November . And despite all the denials America does the very same . Nobody can readily ignore that some US think tank was tweeting the coup an hour before the tanks appeared on their way to the Bosphoros bridges , to deny passage to the 17 suicide cars of ISIL . The response to the coup was rather lukewarm , playing directly to the hand of A-K-P . The primary concern of the Party was the lack of foreign dignitaries at victory celebrations . Now that we will level the US and likewise for the EU , let me say that their lack of happiness at the lack of hills of skulls of Kemalists and the resulting aloofness / coolness will not make the slightest difference . Though too long a stuff might inspire people to wrong things and Biden the vice to the spineless jerk is on his way and how ı pity myself for not inventing long ago . That vice to spineless jerk thing . Got to be 27th , avoiding the opening ceremony of the 3rd bridge . But he is sure the visit the 1st . A Congregation sniper started the carnage there and the 6 or so conscripts lynched after surrender constitutes a full quarter of the coupist casualties . Of the "loyal" casualties two stand out . There is a large billboad in my town with the pictures of all those killed , one is the sergeant that killed a coupist general , knowing well that he would also be killed . Next to him also in large format is the advertiser who came up with the name of the Party and his son named after the PM . They perhaps chose to be there . Of the coupists one was a military school student who was asleep as they were driven to Istanbul on a bus for a military exercise . When their bus was stoned all on the way his friends got out and he was late as it speeded up . His family found his body after 12 days ; fate hurts cruelly at times . Another guy , a conscript delivering tea at the canteen of a military school had 15 days to finish the service and he might once or twice fired a rifle on the range as per regulations but stuff happenz when stuff needs blood .

these last we hear in order the stress the evil of the Congregation . A bunch of cretins who eat the napkin the spirtual leader might or might not have touched . World's largest terrorist organization , with the highest numbers of schools in the hands of a non-state actor as well . The realization of SPECTRE that can stage a coup in any country in the South America we are told . The spineless jerk might get 50 signatures for any of his schemes in the politically divided US Senate , but the Congregation has 73 , whenever it likes . The organizers of the Kurdish Taleban , which is naturally a non-entity but who cares . We learn they are also responsible for the hundreds of deaths their units took in the election campaign , because let me see , they want to impose an idea that Goverment's peace process that actually surrendered whole towns to the seperatists was a bad idea . As an idiot ı was perfectly ready to believe that even before the first of 600 or so fell , even said so , right ? And arguments on what they wanted to achieve with the coup . Which really is a disgrace and not a coup , not even an attempt at a coup but let's stick to the convention for the sake of argument .

a former US Colonial Governor to Ankara says all signs lead to the Congregation despite the reluctance of Washington to admit it . This stems from the prejudices of the West against the PM , who is not considered to be a "good player" and not one attempting to be friends with the West . He even shows the hypocracies of the West to their faces . Not a lackey , in short . Which is the exact same narrative of the Party , but anyhow . There are worse authoritarians than him and they are all cozy with Washington because they all lick the shoes of US politicians in the properly respectful way . And the barest reference to the "Army" , possibly the one that no longer exists , that it's tough and just does not salute and run to its God Uncle Sam given duty . You see , the main jet base in Diyarbakır is taken hostage with a civilian truck in front of each hardened aircraft shelter and 60% is an iffy position and the PM might have find some trouble with the flag waving euphoria he has started in giving autonomy to the seperatists , Americans have to come and talk of the never-mistaken-ways of New Turkey . The former Colonial Governor even shames Kerry of the State Department on his threats of throwing Turkey out of NATO ; ı don't know which idiotic dumbo noticed the feeling of "Do it, if you can" . Afterall it's a thing since 1951 .

and the speaks and speaks of doom . With so many Congregation members thrown out and little remaining of those who fly Turkish jets the ratio of pilots to planes ratio has fallen to 0.8 instead of the optimal 1.5 . A so easy problem to solve , let's just bomb those airbases held hostage . Will immediately increase the ratio to the optimal and serve a thorny issue of dividing the inventory according to geographic location . Didn't Kazakhs and Ukrainians own nukes for a while ? Not so drastic ? Why there is all the talk of bringing in victimized pilots or taking them from the civilian sector . Wait , despite the hopeful talk from the Air League's University , a certain financial crisis has stalled flight training over there . And the supposed leader of the coup has spent the last year touring universities all over the country . Now that an airforce that needs to expand rapidly will need healthy men from engineering faculties , only some with 20 / 20 eyesight . You see , the Americans are incredibly _nal retentive , they still want to cling to Bush II era of a two and a half front war . America would beat a functioning THK , which no longer exists , without a sweat but the Greeks are awakening out of their stupor only now . Convinced there is nothing outta there . Certainly no Midan Dancers , those Mach 20 flying saucers . So that an emasculated aerial power will embolden the Syrians as if they don't have had already enough or the Iranians . Such Republican lizard-manliness ... This despite 8 years of the spineless jerk and a quite assured certainity of more under Mrs Rodham . What Drumpf ? If he wins , ı will be truly evil and let him a month on the job and watch the world on a crusade . After them Americans with anything down to pick-axes . You have no idea on the limits of Turkish evilocity .

none of these is against victimised officers returning to duty . Afterall am positive they would be better than the boys from the Imam Hatip , eyes closed and hands tied . Now that those boys will be specially chosen with a mission in mind . Which is not likely to be the defence of the country . And not that they are going to be called . Which is to be decided by the US alone . The disgrace was a non-event , to assume that it was all the US could have proxied after 40-50 years effort is an insult to Mustafa Kemal . Tens of thousands of congregation members of all stripes in and all they can manage is 8 000 troops on the streets , vast majority of them conscripts , some of them on security cams of shops crying when realising they are taking part in a rebellion ? Just 100 or so personally involved ? The only way for Kemalists and stuff actually given responsibility from which they were cut off with such efficiency will be an American approval towards this not so very unique Turkish concept . Of iti ite kırdırmak . Not a discussion of who would break who either . Nobody requires nobody to grasp why direct action is so strenously avoided by that like monopower of yesteryears .

just do not make yours idiotly correct once again with his pathetic predictions of how the victims Ergenekon and stuff , half were friends of America to the hilt . All those sleeper cells might have been gambited to put correct people in charge for the harder task ; one is to ask himself whom our future masters , the Saudis , would prefer alive as the local apparatus of their Neo-Umeyyad empire , one or some Congregation dude . No third option , you see , now that it's beyond a forecast that none will be left anyhow . Or could the cretins sustain the effort and whatever . Luckily the Starfleet does not exist , nor its admirals . It could be real hard to come with a discussion of stuff are lost in translation . Say of an interview on a newspaper . The title and frontpage synopsis says or rather implies there were 5 groups of people in the armed forces on that night . Coupists , their helpers who chose to remain behind for Plan B , opportunists who waited to see who would win , cowards and real heroes , most of them victims of conspirational court cases . Inside the groups are better "defined" . The Plan B types are those who didn't react ; the coupists had 20 F-16s or so ? That left 140 at the hands of the "loyalists" who did nothing . This is just a "closed"reference on how the top level of goverment generals , safely captured at Mürted , would appear on the TVs as the unified command of the Military if the PM had been captured and the coup cascaded down like a snowball converting itself into an avalanche . Actually an "open"statement to the same also exists . ı insist this would never happen , because it wasn't what America was interested in , but let's say this is just an academic issue . Opportunists now look like possibly having some Congregation sleeper cells , but still waiting to see who would win . Coupists and heroes are obvious . Though now there are no cowards . They are traitors ... Watching TV at home , while everybody is on the streets . Being traitors one would expect them to get on the streets and fight , right ? Yeah , from a guy who has never failed in identifying any single Congregation member . Though ı can't understand why the female journalist does not have a blonde wig or something , would be easier to explain why things change so drastically or something by page 5 . But then the Party justifies the Emergency Rule by a possibility of a coup by NATO generals . 40% of goverment generals on July 15th sacked already , do they still exist ?

though nothing can ever happen . Some guy counts up to 11 F-16s over Ankara , all with an air-to-air load and asks a journalist of what sense he makes of that . Journalist talks in snowball terms . On the very next day the goverment general in charge of the former Air Force announces before capture he started a mechanism that launched 48 F-16s and 18 F-4s . Balıkesir launching last , almost by dawn so that the goverment general will not end up in jail for challenging the miracle of the PM landing in Istanbul . No word of Bandırma presumably because it's a strike base and its pilots don't know jack about CAPs . And yet even that gets a response from the Party Media , a re-hash of the old tales . The coupists will shoot it down but as one F-16 closes in it just runs out fuel and has to find the tanker for more . Let me see , he is over the Atlantic or something and he just can not land in all those airbases or civilian airports all around him or simply eject , You know after a simple press on a button the whole country will belong to them . But no . The standart for aerial refuelling is to keep enough on board to get to the nearest airbase available , that's why an F-16 that can fly 3000 kilometers or something with full load of external tanks needs some 7 aerial refuellings to cross the 5 to 6000 kilometers of Atlantic , as far as ı remember stuff ı read 20 years ago or so . So the coupist could surely make it to Çiğli or someplace its helicopters can pick him up ? But no . He just needs to refuel . So the PM lands . the plane stops , all the lights are closed and the traitorous coupist arrives and can not see anything , nor fire his Sidewinders . Sidewinder be launched at ground targets ? You might be surprised , but the Party Media knows better than you . But the engines are closed , right ? The seeker on the 9X can see targets by surface heat at a range longer than the missile can fly but that doesn't count . None at all . Just do not mention the APG-68 and whether one can find a plane on the ground by radar for a strafing pass . No more a problem though , all the coupist F-16s are now toothless with their guns removed .
ı feel like cheating when posting singletons . It was in this thread when ı noticed the total number of readings was a round 8000 and it became 9000 within a week or something like that . This is what ı am allowed to allow myself to satisfy whatever vanity ı might have . Serious lookin' stuff and no challenges , even if this last is basically due to the fact that people have no clue on whatever ı might be rambling at any given moment .

the July 15th Disgrace is of course the topic in Turkey , everyday and everyday , as the umbrella that keeps the Counter-Revolution in the shade . ı saved the relevant thread from a different forum ; it lacks the attentions of whatever intelligence service Australia might have but has a lot more variety -from stout defenders to "Die, die" crowd . Intending to use that as a template of how the West saw the events ; with state "actors" shaping media and the news trickling down to individuals who then inevitably offer the idea that this was a black flag . Much to the irritation of the Turkish members ; ı know only one accused some guy as a member of Congregation otherwise everybody seemed united in hating the "Moderate Muslims" ... But then news trickle in as biblical floods ; yet another miracle of July 15th . The cretins have been caught with their tape-recorders on . Or something . Actually am ready to believe this one , too . but let's see ...

tape recorders became fashionable during Vietnam , ı guess . Pilots learn a lot from de-briefings , where anything pertaining to the mission is discussed down to its tiniest minutea , lessons learned , mislearned lessons discovered and discarded . It saves lives , not to mention millions of dollars of worth of equipment . And human memory is rather short , all those dirt cheap Japanese tape things quickly became a fixture in any American pilot's mission bag back in the 60s. Oh-kay , the cretins are well trained and they have their tapes . They rise , they lose , they flee , they forget the tapes . From them we learn one or two guys were set up to "intercept" the PM's plane . The base says this and that . The recordings are superbly clear . The pilots respond ; at times you even hear the background you would expect to hear , ı understand a fighter cockpit is somewhat noisy . It makes sense , they took both tapes spliced and added them . Base sound is so clear but to take pilots' responses from the base's tape would make it gibberish , hard to hear , harder to understand , so pilot^s own tape is used instead . See , am such an understanding guy .

oh yes , the pilot is told that he is to intercept -possibly shoot down- the PM's plane . He is to use "spectacles" , which ı myself carry since 2nd grade , with 5 to 6 degrees of myopia , but this is presumably the Turkish word for Night Vision Goggles . Makes sense , that F-16 must be one of those loaded for air to air , so lacks the LANTIRN / SNIPER pods , hence an onboard IR capacity apart from the goggles with a limited field of view , but still better than nothing . Then the crunch , the PM will be flying in a plane but the Radar Control refuses to hand over the coordinates -which the tapes somehow fail to divulge- and the F-16 will have to close in and have a look to prevent undesirable incidents . Oh yes , the base tells the pilot that the PM is flying in a "kocaman" plane , a very big one . See , this cretin , one of the best of those "fly" the Turkish jets , one of those who spent long hours at the Syrian border to kill some MiG to sabotage Putin's undying friendship , a dude in a service that has fought thousands of not-so-mock dogfights with the Greeks is a 10 year old they picked up from the street and has no clue on what a Gulfstream or an Airbus is . ( ı suppose PM's larger plane is an Airbus . ) Actually any 10 year old they pick up from the street might be well better , being the tech savvy generation they are ; he might have googled where the PM was and Stratfor , some think tank in the US , was tweeting the plane's location regularly . Don't rush to blame the CIA , there are websites that track civilian air traffic with the required transponders on every airliner . Anyhow , the miracle is when the F-16 loses radio contact with Ankara and feels a need to turn back . So that a different F-16 will run out of fuel around Bandırma or something .

and then even this is padding . The real reason for the release is that some Law Association again refuses to go a ceremony in the PM's palace , suppported by the leader of the Main Opposition . By proving the cretins of the Congregation uses the phrase "Kaçak Saray" , meaning illegally built in this case , it is implied the Opposition is in the same spirit with the coupists ... Who bombed civilians around it , but did not touch the palace with the son-in-law dude (beaten by the Kuwaitis in the middle of Ankara a few years back) ordering to save bombs if no civilians around . "Doesn't that freeze your blood?" asked two very different TV anchors , emphasizing the shocking aspect of it . One of them works for Rupert Murdoch in the final analysis ; hence opposes the rise of the glorious Moslems led by the unfailing brilliance of the A-K-P . The other would just love to report the arrest of the first , say that because he has eyebrows over his eyes . The blood of the audience will be Antarctica standart when they discover American dissatisfaction at the waste of this mind numbing numbers of back stabbers that might have been gainfully and gallantly employed in killing us all in blue on blues in a full size war with the US . Strategy sites are allready mentioning the Congregation had infiltrated the whole defence industry of the country and not a single weapon of theirs will be working when the time comes . As if America knows anything but jack about turbolazers and could have any single of them nullified by its fifth columns , Congregation being the first in prominance . For anyone who survives the turbo , there is the bayonet . Wait , Pentagon had all of them replaced by Hollywood props , right ? Of the kind that sinks into the hilt , instead of whiter people ?
as might guessed from the post above the feeling of unity goes down the kitchen sink ; after some inevitable suspicion of hidden agendas . Those unfortunate enough to browse through this all will remember ı have a thing about parades on important days . None this year , 'cause the Congregation terrorists used military stuff and there have been people killed . So in a country where headscarved granmas have chased F-16s away with sticks in their hands , no tanks , no planes . Especially on the anniversary of the defeat of an invading army which makes Kemal look good . The true fans of yours idiotly will remember the exasperation of the good old days when there was no Greek Army invading and it was just a cover for the ethnic cleansing and all those tall tales of combat between 100 thousand strong armies were just fables . Written in 1940 under the auspicous guidance of Adolf Hitler . Hear even the civilian parade in the sports complex in Ankara has been cancelled , because let me see , there was so much wind on the night before and the platform fell down . No wind in PM's palace which is stoutly built ; no "reception" of the old kind but a dinner given to the relatives of the fallen of July 15th and wounded and stuff against the seperatists . ı don't know what scares them from banning them all together , like they did in the days they were finger and nail with the Congregation .

must because the godless Lefties are talking too much . The evil Congregation is a devilish trickster we hear , especially from Goverment Ministers . One says when he came to power back in December 2013 , of the 81 provinces in the country , 74 had a Congregation member as the top police official . The so called intelligence service had 7000 agents or something , 6500 sworn to serve the spiritual leader instead . They are now fighting the evil , you know , instead of enpowering them . The guy who put the Juvenile Department after me (as yours idiotly started surfing the web for the first time ever and carrying those awesome 3.5 inch floppies , filling two or three at every lunchbreak mostly with Luft '46 as it is called) is also arrested . For the Dezember '13 affair ; ı have decided ı would have dealt with the Napkinwaffe with P-47N - Tempest being so quick to hit the power barrier . But what godless Lefties do ? They remember , so unproductively one must say , that it was the Party that surrendered the country to the Congregation . Even the EU has now discovered the Congregation wants to bring Sharia to Turkey . Strangely enough whoever comes to Turkey changes his/her mind immediately and offers strong support to the Turkish Democracy , despite earlier "antagonism" meant to encourage the Kemalist rats to come out and get their uppance . Which is a fact , but you don't know it yet .

facts on the ground , which were meant to get the now extinct Turkish Army to roll in and genocide the entire Alewite lot , now forces a regime change in everything except the name ; and of course one stern talk from the US brings forth a ceasefire against the seperatists in Syria . With much fanfare of sorts on an operation on the exact 500th anniversary of Mercidabık , which must be around the location . Because the Iranian generals hug Shia militias , the hero of the coup is seen hugging Sunni militias . Of the kind Pentagon apparently does not talk to by law . Either TOWs from the CIA so that they can kill Syrians or air cover from the Pentagon so that they can look like killing Sunnis and get ready for the big one up North . Luckily for the hero of the coup he has failed in the full Iranian generalship way of getting killed . Wonder why there's no stern talk against the Counter-Revolution .

which is irreversible we hear ... Some journo after having a spasm of anger against brick headed Lefties who still talk of Atatürk is rather blunt in the way of telling this is no longer the country of "speeches" , meaning the epically long declaration of Kemal in 1928 . He doesn't refer to other speeches which are widely applauded , say the ones in the palace . People are called for memorials , and only one family is offended that everything is cheered upon , including prayers for the martyrs ; instead of remembering their lost brother they watched a movie on how the Party builds the best roads . Actually , twice as it seems . Fully in form for the Party supporters to mock France for its "Burkini" ban while they built the best suspension bridge evah . An A-K-P Armenian (yes , there are at least two of them) cautioned that the New Turkey was yet to demonstrate the dynamism of Europe of the 17th Century . Expecting every day for the New Turkey to launch the caravels to discover the route to India for a bigger share in the spice trade , charges of Victorian morals must have touched a nerve . His warnings that the Party can now be held accountable rightly falls on deaf ears . "Cezai ehliyet" roughly means turning 18 , a time to get a licence to drive , alcohol and get laid , in the terms you can understand , my infidels in the West .

that particular journo has not yet taken the zoo trip , but when he comes am pretty sure he will notice the efforts of the local Party branch . Possibly stung by the global realization that Ankara could not trust them with the defence of the PM's picture and had to send in some Kurds , they are now making something in the Democracy Square . They have barricaded a goodly portion of the area off and they have larger than usual tiles to be laid down . Something they could have done in two days , instead of the weeks . And instead of turning the corner on your way to the light rail , you can't fail to notice the PM's picture on the wall , given that detour . There's nothing wrong in Kemalism , it seems , now that it's replaced in everything , except the statues , right ?

or maybe not . He seems so ready to argue -much "politer" if am allowed to say-when some famous proffessor of Islamic studies the congregation rapidly taking over the void left by the Congregation is kinda much worse , being "Bedevi" type , unschooled , no experience of urban life and stuff . What happens to July 15th when professors challenge the newcomers ? Democracy , man , democracy ...

though there must be still work to do . Which is entirely fault of the now extinct Turkish Navy . They had a field day or two with those imprisoned officers talking on why the Congregation sent them to rot in prison . Including the notion that America wants Montreaux of 1936 replaced . So , the conspiracy "experts" get the ball rolling and discover America had ships in the Blacksea during 1919-22 . The guy lists 20 ships all told , obviously with no reference to just a few would be on station on a given date . So , what's the point ? The country must understand America had 20 ships in the Sea when Kemal was going to Samsun ; if he was not approved by America , he would be arrested . This is so new that the retired 2-star failed to grasp it at all . You see , the basic thing on that was Kemal had to have his papers signed by the British at the port of Istanbul to leave for Samsun , this made him a man of the hated İngiliz . In the eyes of the never failing smarties who told "nothing but the truth" in the last decade or so . The dumb ex-admiral was getting redder as time went by , as watched by yours idiotly on TV . It then became "clear" that Kemal was the "end" result of a consensus that included the Americans . Only because that every idiot in Turkey knows America arranged for the destruction of the now extinct Turkish Armed Forces and it was the Party who did it and the July 15th Disgrace could not have happened without that previous glory that sent the foolish two-star and his like to jail . Consensus ? See , if Kemalism is an American thing , America's boys can cover their deed with proof that it was a bad thing and deserved to be culled .

was failing to gain traction so the expert changed tack , like getting into the Boyd Loop of the dumb ex-admiral . Something new was coming even before the admiral could grasp the previous . Americans did not stop Kemal's ship ? Had it been Erol Mütercimler there , also jailed during Ergenekon but only a retired major or something , he could be expected to retort that the British decided to arrest him right after he was out of Istanbul , but behind every single British trooper at the pier in Samsun on the 19th of May ,1919 , stood a "civilian" visibly armed . Actually ı think it was Mütercimler that first reported that during the Balkan Wars , it was the USN that landed Greek invasion troops at the Aegean islands still held by the Ottomans . He would have surely said that when the conspiracy expert proved American "özel" ships carried supplies to Gallipoli . The word means both special and private ; you could almost see American commando merchantmen helpig the Crusade . To claims that "consensus" was always there and did the good people of Turkey know why the Ottomans could get the services of Hungarian cannon makers in 1453 , you could trust Mütercimler to rip apart the conspiracy expert with the obvious thing of how the Ottoman treasury could offer a better pay . Or just allow the expert to talk himself into spectacular vistas of how Venice hated the Byzantium and arranged for the siege and ended the Roman Empire for good by using the dumb Ottomans as boots on the ground . ı don't think he could say it was the Jews , not even 1492 yet . And if they could do anything like that they obviously would have got rid of Spaniards first . To the notion that the Ottoman "Deep State" cleared the way to Kemal's success , you would surely trust Mütercimler to say the famed Deep State is just a name for Gladio , established after 1952 , like a generation after the demise of you know who . And then it was the Ittihad , something the descendants of the Right Wing of Ittihad hate as much a boil on their bottom ... He could even point to the "fact" that there is much talk about the establishment of an Islamist / Jihadist Deep State , now that people must support Sunnis in their Righteous Jihad against the evil Iran and all that stuff .

though it wasn't all plain sailing . The expert noticed he was just not gaining the ground he should have . He turned into the greatness of Kemal , his political vision and stressed he was a liar that betrayed his patrons , the Americans ... Truly lucky the ex-Admiral is , for he has been in the water thing for his entire life , had he been in Starfleet he would surely remind the story that the owner of the "United Stores" here in Turkey talked Washington into supporting the PM over the Turkish branch of George Clooney as the center of the Party . With the classic "Don't sweep him into the drain" or something . You can barely start to smell a plea to support the glorious operation ongoing in Syria , with big talking of teaching the seperatists a lesson and America getting itchier by the day . Was becoming awful ; the moderators have the use of the powerful weapon of commercial break . This was a night time debate and it was midnight and now the 30th of August . The background changed into one big Turkish flag ...

the now extinct Turkish Armed Forces sure could not tie its shoe laces or something but at times managed to turn out men . The ex-admiral said a couple of things ı didn't even bother to listen , rose up , "saved" his hand from the brick headed Leftie journalist who was begging him to stay , took his bag of the kind ı would refuse to take to school 30 years ago and walked out , looking at the flag on the way . So naive and cool that the ex-admiral will not be offended to hear that a debate has been on to see whether it was staged or something . Only because he wouldn't let his beliefs look defeated because he couldn't grasp what that court jester was even talking about . The court jester could be seen talking of "theatrics" ... Now that his prime theme was how New Turkey would invent a better form of governance than Democracy , you see unification around a single flag and apparently a single man . Democracy , we were not told , is a Jewish invention and anything is better than Jewish inventions . Don't know why they are failing to understand that the 50% who doesn't vote for the Party can not be talked into loving the New by attesting to the greatness of Kemal , the liar , the back-stabber .
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