Civilization IV (PC) - is there ANY way to limit the technology that is learned?


Jul 25, 2008
I enjoy playing the game a lot but when the AI begins to get access to jets, missiles and such, it loses its appeal. Is there anyway that I could have the game not necessarily end, but pause at a certain Era? For example, Empire Earth allowed you to play from the Stone Age through the Industrial Age, leaving out tanks and aircraft. Thanks

And I apologize if this has been asked before or is posted in a sticky thread, I can only read so much.
Moderator Action: Moved to the Creation and Customization forum.

Welcome to CFC, _bytes! :beer: There have been quite a few of posts requesting changes like this recently, so you might want to search the recent topics or go back a few pages here in this forum to check them out. Someone might come along and post a link to a solution, too. If you have trouble, let me know...
Couldn't you make a tech called "Future Insight" which cannot be traded and is given to the layer as a starting tech, but is not given to any of the AI players, then make all the forbidden techs require "Future Insight" as a prereq.
Copy /Assets/Python/ to your mod directory.

Open the file and find this method.
	def cannotResearch(self,argsList):
		ePlayer = argsList[0]
		eTech = argsList[1]
		bTrade = argsList[2]
		return False

And make it look like this.
	def cannotResearch(self,argsList):
		ePlayer = argsList[0]
		eTech = argsList[1]
		bTrade = argsList[2]
		# < JLimitedEra Mod Start >
		pInfoTech = 
		iEraTech = pInfoTech
		if (gc.getTechInfo(eTech).getEra() > gc.getInfoTypeForString("ERA_MEDIEVAL")):
                        return True
		# < JLimitedEra Mod End >
		return False

Just change ERA_MEDIEVAL to what ever era you want to disable research past.

You will also have to copy the /Assets/XML/PythonCallbackDefines.xml file to your mod and enable the USE_CANNOT_RESEARCH_CALLBACK option.
Uhm, I just tried to add the modified python and xml files to the Giant Earth Mod. When I load the mod, and start a game .. the GUI (interface) is totally gone! Only thing that is visible is the main menu when I press ESC.

I changed the .py-file exactly like you said and placed it in:
~civ4/Beyond the Sword/Mods/Giant Earth Map/Assets/Python/(file).py

Same with the XML-file:
~civ4/Beyond the Sword/Mods/Giant Earth Map/Assets/XML/(file).xml

Must be I've edited the files in some terrible manner, but I did just as you said. Enabling that thing in the XMl file just requires me to change the 0 to a 1, right? Perhaps I put the files in the wrong directory? Or is the Giant Earth Mod .. or even BtS incompatible with this sollution to limiting technology research?
If you don't care much for modern stuff, you might like the Fall From heaven mod. It's a fantasy mod with a tolkienesque medieval feel. The highest the tech tree goes is early muskets and renaissance cannons. certainly no tanks or aircraft.
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