Question about dates / turns

I think if you put -3 in the Turn Increment in the cheat menu, each turn will be incremented by 3 months, i.e. Mar to Jun to Sept to Dec.

If I read my designers guide correctly its 1 = yearly, 2 = biannually, -1 = monthly, -2 = bimonthly, -6 = biannually.
Cheat menu -> scenario parameters -> turn year increment -> input negative number.
Civ 2 behaves erratically in this regard and seems to only accept 1/12 increments when I put in -1. So you can get one month per turn, although technically you should be able to set 3 months per turn which would effectively give you seasons that you desire.
As with everything - experiment. I'm not certain if current year (turns elapsed) doesn't have something to do with turn increment.
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