RifE 1.20 Download and Changelog


The Hamster King
May 23, 2008
Crestview FL
Rise from Erebus 1.23


Rise from Erebus contains all files necessary to run; No other mod is needed in any way.

To install, follow these simple steps:
  1. Install the Rise from Erebus version and patch (if any) from the links below.
  2. Extract the Hot Fix (if any) to your RifE folder.
  3. Extract any Addons you wish to use to your RifE folder.

Main Download Here - Version 1.20

Mirror - WePlayCiv


View attachment RifE 1.23 Trade Patch.rar
  • New in 1.23:
    • Decimal Trade is fixed
      • Very simple fix; Just forgot to change one function call from the standard to the Times100 version.
      • Decimal trade does NOT grant decimal yields for single trade routes. That would be a far larger change. It DOES allow multiple trade routes to add their decimal values together. This means that if you have 4 trade routes, at 1.25:commerce: each, you now get 5:commerce: instead of 4.
      • Should be very useful for cities with many trade routes, or for Malakim/Mazatl/Trader leaders.
    • Climate system updated, should run better and cause fewer issues.
  • Version 2.56 of Erebus Continent.
  • Contains the Hotfix
  • Disables most of FlavorMod's features while running ErebusContinent.
  • Recolored Kelp Forest.
  • VSPavlov's Specialist icons; Covers the Dwarves, Elves, Lizards, Infernals, D'tesh, and Humans.
  • VSPavlov's Civ Banners for the pedia screen
  • Bug fixes from Ornedan; Should hopefully fix many of the crashes, including the terraform crash.
  • Assorted other C++ bug fixes; Stability should be improved.
  • Animal Invasion game option is now called Timid Animals; Functionality reversed.
    • Rather than allow animals to enter culture when on (And be on by default), it BLOCKS animals from entering when on, and is off by default.
    • 1.22.1 - Fixes the description of this option.
  • Range limited improvements (such as Dwarven Mines) will have build progress wiped when a different improvement is built on the plot; Prevents builds from being blocked unnecessarily.
  • Barbarian Minotaur and Cyklop nerfed; This is a temporary change, and will not remain once the new system is in place.
  • Features added for ErebusContinent; Deep Ocean will always appear (completely cosmetic), others have options controlling them.
    • New Reef feature: +1:hammers:, damages units on tile, increases movement cost, spawns in Coast/Ocean.
      • Reef/Kelp/Haunted Lands will be placed if the 'Advanced Terrain' map option is left on, which is default.
    • New Deep Ocean terrain: Same as Ocean, just graphical difference. Looks good, basically. :p
    • New Ancient Ruins improvement; City Ruins, cannot be sanctified.
      • Ancient Ruins will be placed if the 'Ancient Ruins' map option is on; On by default.

Installation Order
- Several of our addons need new python functions. Unfortunately, python is not modular... As a result, changes made in earlier modules must be carried into later ones to maintain compatibility. When downloading, any module marked with [PY] requires all previous modules carrying that tag.

RifE Addons
None atm.
Unofficial Addons

  • Normal Units as Commanders[Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Allows normal units access to commander promotions, and allows Great Commanders to function like Adventurers.
  • Flat XP [Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Eliminates the diminishing returns formula for training/arcane XP and replaces it with a constant per turn gain of XP.
  • Luchuirp Fort Commander UU [Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Adds the 'Sculptor' Fort Commander for the Luchuirp, able to sculpt Golems.
    • Adds the 'Scorpion Clan Fort Commander' for the Clan, can hire units.
    • Adds the 'Gypsey Clan' Fort Commander for the Balseraph.
  • Mana Flares (andstuff) [COMPATIBLE]
    • Adds Mana Flare events, Imperial Roads, and a few other events.
  • Reformed Liches [Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Better dying through unholy rituals.
  • Populated Cottages[Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Allows the cottage line to add specialists to nearby cities with Education, while reducing their use for commerce.
  • Scions Healthcare[Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Gives the Scions many UB's for various Health buildings.
  • Fall Under [COMPATIBLE]
    • Modifies the Amurites heavily, but changes quite a few other things; Check the thread for more info.
  • Tarquelne's Modules converted for RifE [Should be Compatible, may need to update]
    • Converts several modules made by Tarquelne to a form compatible with RifE.

RifE Source Files
  • Included in the download.
Rise from Erebus 1.20
Sadly, this is not a complete changelog; Neglected to keep track this time. :mischief:

  • Added the Lawful-Chaotic alignment axis
    • Not fully integrated into Broader Alignments as yet; No buildings/events/civics will modify the new axis
  • Added Jean Elcard's Climate System
    • Adds temperature/humidity to plots, and uses that to calculate the plot's climate. Each climate has a base TerrainClass, which has a normal terrain and a hellish variant defined.
    • Some civilizations/religions are able to modify this climate. If so, any tile within it's borders will slowly transition to the new climate, with Religious climate taking precedence over Civilization climate. In all cases, if control over the plot is lost it will revert to it's original climate over time.
    • Civs with a Climateform set:
      • Malakim - Desert.
        • Forests/Jungles will become scrub unless on a river, rivers gain floodplains.When transitioning away from desert, scrubs become new forest and floodplains are lost.
      • D'tesh - Wasteland.
        • On the climate chart, it is well past desert... Can take 80-100 turns for it to appear. When it does, however, all scrub/forests/jungle will become Haunted Lands. Well worth the wait. When transitioning away, Haunted Lands become New Forest.
      • Cualli/Mazatl - Wetlands.
        • Features become Jungle. Again, features will convert when the terrain converts back.
      • Illian/Frozen - Snow.
        • As a result of this system, Illians do not spawn Blizzards anymore. Frozen still do, but the blizzards have an extra chance to decay when outside of their borders.
    • Religions:
      • White Hand - Glacier.
        • New terrain type. Same art as Snow, 1 :food:, 75% build penalty. Gains Crystal Plains along rivers, new Feature type. 1:food:, 1:commerce:.
        • Illians/Doviello/Jotnar gain bonus yields for Glacial terrain, equal to their snow bonus.
        • This is another SLOW conversion. Meaning around 10-20 turns after adoption, your empire will be Snow... And won't be Glacier for another 60-80.
  • Added the White Hand religion.
  • Several new features merged in from Orbis.
    • Mountaineer Mod
      • Essentially, peaks are no longer grouped with all other impassable objects. They are instead completely seperate, and the <bMountaineer> tag enables access to mountains. This will be added to most <MoveImpassable> units. Flying also naturally allows access. To go with this, peaks can now be assigned yields. In and of themselves, they grant nothing more than a high movement penalty and a high defensive boost... However, we can assign civ-specific yields for Mountains. ;)
      • Civ Yields: +2:hammers: for Khazad, +1:hammers: for Luchuirp and Jotnar.
      • Dwarven and Giant/Trollkin inherently allow access to mountains. For others, there is the Mountaineer promotion, with two paths to get it.
        1. The promotion can be taken after Guerrilla 2, which requires RoK.
        2. The promotion can be taken after Guerrilla 1 and Drill 3.
    • RoutePillage
      • New mission available for units. Can pillage any route on the tile. Made separate as you may not want to remove the improvement... Just removing the route can help with raiders like the Hippus.
    • Aqueducts now spread fresh water... This can be used to irrigate plots with the appropriate technology.
    • Units may now only withdraw once per turn; The Winded promotion is automatically applied, removing all withdrawal rate for the remainder of the turn. Withdrawal now also gives xp to both units involved.
    • Several other new features which are not used as yet; Mostly new trait capabilities.
  • Added a new player option to block automated construction of forts.
    • PLAYER option. Works just like 'Leave old improvements'. Please, no bug reports about it not being available in the Custom Games screen. :p
  • Several civs have been tweaked... Here's a (basic) list, leaving out the Illians/Frozen (Addressed in the White Hand changelog)
    • D'tesh:
      • D'tesh (the Hero) is more expensive. In return, he gains the Opalus Mortis equipment.
        • +4 Death Combat
        • +1 Death Affinity
        • Grants Death Affinity to summoned units.
        • Grants access to the Command Undead spell, a Dominate variant. Scions gain extra protection, but are not immune.
      • Thanatos gains the Fallen Angel racial, a variant of the Angel bonuses.
        • Immune to Death, Poison, Fear.
        • 50% immunity to Unholy, Holy.
        • Not alive.
      • New Commander UU, Dullahan.
        • Fallen Angel of Death. Can command more units than the standard commander, and gains the Recon invisibility. In return, it is unable to cast Recruit or construct an Outpost.
        • Starts with the Fallen Angel racial.
      • New Salthouse UB, Morgue
        • Grants Melee and Archer units extra defense.
    • Scions
      • Small flavour bonus for Desert. We decided to create some rivals for the Malakim. ;)
      • This includes a flavorstart bonus, and the addition of a civ-yield: Scions gain 1:hammers: from desert.
    • Khazad
      • Peaks are now workable, 2 :hammers:.
      • The Dwarven Mine line will be allowed on peaks, some art issues to resolve first, however... Currently improvements sit on top of the mountain. :lol:
    • Clan (Quite a few changes here by Vermicious, I apologize if I miss some.)
      • Goblins removed entirely.
      • New Scout UU, the Boss. Depending on how he works out, the concept may be expanded to the entire Recon line, removing the Lizards.
        • Commander unitcombat.
        • 2 :strength:
        • Able to hire various units each turn
      • New mounted line
        • Horseman - Orcish Wolf rider
        • Horse Archer - Orcish Warg rider
        • Knight - Ogre Boar rider (Tum Tum art)
      • New Fort Commander, the Overlord.
        • Able to hire an unlimited amount of various units each turn, if you can afford it.
      • The standard Hire spells have been removed; Only the Boss and the Overlord can use them.
        • This does not nerf non-Clan Barbarian leaders: There AREN'T ANY. Archos and Doviello are Feral, Hyborem is at peace with Demons. Haven't been any but the Clan for quite a while. ;)
      • Clan gains easy access to the Blaze spell, simply requiring the Orc racial.
      • Clan gains the Waagh! spell. Adds first strikes, reduces defense.
    • Lanun
  • Most bugs in the bugthread have been fixed; Some (those requiring DLL work) have not.
  • Lair spawns have been redone... Thank Vermicious when you see them. ;)
    • No more Bears spawning from random dungeons, for one. :p

Rise from Erebus 1.12

  • Fixed Salt graphic
  • Fixed an issue with the Master of Ice passive effect.

Rise from Erebus 1.00
This is NOT a complete changelog by any means, but rather the parts I caught as I compiled the installer. :lol: Will be keeping a closer eye on changes from here on in, in order to provide a more complete changelog.

  • Base Code Added
    1. JRouteNative - UnitInfos - Originally by Jeckel
      • RouteNative - Limits a unit to moving on just those routes listed. (See Mobile Fortress for an example)
      • RouteImpassable - Prevents a unit from moving onto a tile containing one of the listed routes.
      • RouteIgnore - Ignores all benefits from those listed routes.
      • RouteSubstitute - Substitutes the movement bonuses of one route for those of another.
    2. SpreadRand - ImprovementInfos - Originally by Opera
      • SpreadRand - Works like DiscoverRand, but will only function if you already have at least one of the resource.
    3. ImprovementsMods - ImprovementInfos - Originally by Jeckel, adapted by Ahwaric
      • MinimumDistance - Prevents the improvement from being built within this distance from improvements of the same type. Look at Forts/Bedouin Sits for an example.
      • CultureRange - The range of culture an improvement can control. Setting this to -1 with a positive ControlStrength will result in the improvement being named, but not producing culture. (See Cottages)
      • CultureControlStrength - The strength with which an improvement projects it's culture. This is always overwritten by city culture, unless the improvement has the bOutsideBorders tag, in which case it will remain in control of it's own tile.
      • CultureCenterBonus - Additional strength bonus for the tile the improvement is on.
    4. CityPopCap - TraitInfos, TechInfos, BuildingInfos - Originally by Opera - Not currently used
      • Sets a population cap for a city. Can be affected by technologies and buildings.
    5. UniqueLeader - LeaderInfos - Originally by Opera
      • Allows you to set leaders as unique, allowing only one to spawn in a game. See the two Ophelias.
    6. LeaderRelations - LeaderInfos - Merged by Opera
      • Unique relations between different leaders
    7. BonusAttitudes - LeaderInfos - Originally by Opera
      • Allows you to set diplobonuses/penalties for any resource
    8. AlignmentStructs - LeaderInfos - Originally by Opera
      1. Allows you to set diplobonuses/penalties for leaders of different alignments individually, and can be changed based on the alignment of the original leader.
    9. HatedCivic - LeaderInfos - Originally by Opera
      • Allows you to set a leaders Hated Civic, in parallel to the Favourite Civic.
    10. UniqueCult - TraitInfos - Originally by Opera
      • Allows you to set a leader as following a unique cult, granting the same diplopenalties/bonuses as if you were following a religion.
    11. LeaderStatus - LeaderInfos - Originally by Valkrionn :)lol:)
      • Sets a leader as Major, Emergent, or Minor. Displayed in the pedia under alignment, displayed next to alignment in the scoreboard. Minor becomes Major upon settling/conquering a fourth city, Emergent becomes Major after gaining a trait.
  • Units
    1. Orthus gains Raider and Berserker promotions
    2. New Barb hero, Zarcaz the Long-Sighted, of the Muris clan goblins.
      • Ranged hero, drops a bow item.
    3. Commanders gain 1 movement
    4. Animals Overhauled
      • All animals gain expanded territories to spawn in, extra movement, new abilities.
      • Many new animals added.
      • Wild Pegasi added - Can only defend, 100% withdrawal. If you can manage to capture one, you can mount it, as the Austrin can.
      • In compensation, Austrin can summon Pegasi earlier, and more often.
    5. Mazatl Workers lose Sun 1, gain a spell that can remove Marsh.
    6. Mazatl Workers can gain the Deep Worker promotion, allowing them to actively spread Jungle.
    7. All workers gain Tool promotions, equivalent to weapons. Stone -> Obsidian -> Masterwork
    8. Mechanos gain a new Affinity System
      • All units with the 'Mechanos Affinity' promotion gain 1 Ranged Attack and 10% Ranged Combat Limit for each Refined Mana you posses.
    9. Amurites gain new UUs, from RLD
      • Bladedancer - Axeman
      • Spellsword - Champion
      • Apprentice - Adept
    10. Sidar gain the Trackless scout, from RLD
    11. Many new Fort Commanders added. All civs listed below have either a UU, or gain a unique ability.
      • Khazad
      • Jotnar
      • D'teshi
      • Amurites
      • Austrin
      • Archos
      • Ljosalfar
      • Chislev
      • Kuriotates
      • Sheaim
      • Bannor
      • Calabim
      • Dural
      • Grigori
      • Hippus
      • Mechanos
  • Promotions
    1. Zarcaz's Bow
      • +1 Air Combat/Range, +1 Poison Damage
    2. Guardians of Pristin Pass
      • Each Guardian will now drop a unique piece of equipment. While very nice individually, if you place all the artifacts on one unit and take him back to the Guardian something nice may happen...
    3. Dragon Slaying
      • Grants a +85% vs Monstrous Creatures rather than 40% vs Dragons
  • Jotnar Changes
    1. Egrass gains all Kindred Promotions, moved to KotE. Can use all Weapons and Tools.
    2. Trolls are now freely buildable.
    3. Cyklop removed, replaced by Gothi. More in line with it's upgrades.
    4. Most units gain extra support cost.
    5. Jotnar can no longer build or upgrade Workers, instead rely on Adults for the main workforce. All units Adults upgrade to are able to serve as workers if needed.
    6. New Warrior UU, Thrall Militia. Captured Goblins, uses Gretchin artwork.
    7. Packmaster system added
    8. A new promotion can be purchased for each animal pen in a city.
      • Jotnar spells fixed; No longer block normal spells. (Maelstrom, etc)
    9. Moved from 1-tier cities to 3, ala Kurios. Higher food/pop requirement will combine with this to limit city spam.
    10. Palace manas are now Body, Chaos, Enchantment
  • Features
    1. Kelp and Kelp Forest added. Require FlavourMod to be enabled in order to spawn.
  • Improvements
    1. Bair of Lacuna, Tower of Eyes, and Rinwell Isle UFs added
    2. Guardian changed, see Shards promotions.
    3. Bedouin Improvements now require one tile between all other Bedouin Improvements to be built.
    4. Forts now require one tile between all other forts to be built.
    5. Pirate Coves moved to a standard build order, requires same spacing it always has.
  • Buildings
    1. Khazad gain the Slave Market building. Requires Evil, allows you to sell slaves without requiring the Undercouncil resolution.
    2. Tower of Eyes is now Cathedral of Tali, grants free lighthouses.
    3. School of Govannon merged from RLD
  • Leaders
    1. Naxus - Amurites - Emergent
    2. Xivan - Amurites, Calabim, Scions, Sidar - Minor
    3. Corane - Archos - Emergent
    4. Angaad - Bannor - Emergent
    5. Ophelia - Bannor, Dural, Sheaim
    6. Ophelia2 - Scions - Emergent
    7. Cuai Ixl - Cualli - Emergent
    8. Mihuatl - Cualli - Emergent
    9. Jivorn - Svartalfar - Emergent
    10. Emma - Removed
    11. Sauros - Removed
    12. All Minor Sheaim but Malchavic - Removed
    13. All Minor Illians - Removed
    14. All Minor Infernals - Removed
    15. All Minor Mercurians - Removed
    16. Malchavic - Gains Nightmarish trait, becomes Emergent
  • Traits
    1. Merchant now grants +30% Food from trade routes
    2. Mechanic now grants Mechanos Affinity to all siege units, rather than Mechanical.
    3. Pretender grants Weak, rather than Estranged
    4. Emperor's Cult - Granted to Agnostic Scion leaders, sets the leader as following a cult.
    5. Necromancer - From Iceciro's MoarLeaders
    6. Death Touched - From Iceciro's MoarLeaders
    7. Controlling - From Iceciro's FlatLead
    8. Usurper - From Iceciro's FlatLead
    9. Strategist - Grants Tactics1 to all units
    10. Nightmarish - Grants Fear/Vile Touch to Arcane/Discipe units, all cities gain 1 Unhappiness and 1 Science
    11. Spiderkin - +20% upkeep costs, 10% less xp needed to level up, -10% GP birth, increases spider spawn rate. At nestsize 10, spiders spawn with the Spiderkin promo. At nest size 15, all units are created with the Spiderkin promo.
      • Spiderkin - +1 Poison Damage, passes on Poisoned to units in combat
  • GameOptions
    1. Well-Known Faces - Limits random leaders to Major Status
    2. The Acknowledgement - Limits random leaders to Minor/Emergent status
  • Routes
    1. Railroad added - Requires Iron, Refined Mana, Engineering. Movement uses 1/6 movement point. Available to all civs, if you can get the requirements.
  • Techs
    1. Masonry/Calendar have a new PrereqOR tech, Traditions. This means the Jotnar can now research them without needing the normal prereqs... Tech moved to reflect it's status.
    2. Traditions now allows you to work water tiles.
    3. Frozen technology added, from the Frozen mod.
  • Resources - All from RLD
    1. Marble now requires Masonry to reveal, is a luxury.
    2. Stone added, replaces Marble as a standard production resource. Increases build speed on many buildings, allows Stone Tools.
    3. Obsidian added, only spawned via Volcano Eruption. Luxury, allows Obsidian Tools.
  • Interface
    1. Many sorts/filters added to the pedia
    2. Civilization screen massively reworked, courtesy Grey Fox. Added Blocked Units/Buildings sections myself, by Opera's request.
    3. Production Popup MASSIVELY improved, courtesy Grey Fox.
      • This can be turned off by opening GlobalDefinesAlt, and setting USE_BETTER_POPUPS to 0.
    4. LeaderStatus displayed below alignment in the Leader Screen, the Dawn of Man popup, and in the scoreboard.
  • Merged Mods
    1. All RifE modules merged in.
    2. Improved FFPlus AI
    3. Spiders
      • Changes unitart for spiders who take the specialty promotions
    4. Frozen
      • Adds the Frozen civilization, a summonable civ. In game documentation provided.
    5. Blizzards
      • Allows Blizards to be created/move/die randomly. Can create temporary/permanent ice on land or water, and can make resources temporarily dissapear.
Perhaps you should put a link to FfH's Patch A somewhere up there, just in case someone needs it?
Perhaps you should put a link to FfH's Patch A somewhere up there, just in case someone needs it?

I'll grab the links I had already posted, but patch A isn't strictly neccessary. Hell, B would work, so long as you just copy the artpak over into the FFPlus Assets directory... Can't patch to 3.19 though.

The download link leads to regular Fall Further, not Fall Further Plus.

Woops. My bad, stole the layout from the FF threads for now... Using a phone, so it's rather hard to edit. :lol: Fixed.
I couldn't download patch D. FileFront said the page was removed?

Apparently the link got corrupted during the move... It's fixed.

where is the art pack?

If you mean for FfH, the artpak is pak0.fpk in the FfH/Assets directory. Move it over to the FFPlus/assets directory and you should have what you need. If you mean the FFPlus artpak, there isn't one, unless you count the MinorLeaders pak but it's just a few leaderheads. :lol:
Okay, forgive me for being stupid if that's how I come off...But... Does one need patches A through D, or is D a summary of all the patches?
It's not a stupid question. :\

Patch D includes all previous patches. (Patch C, Patch B, Patch A).

This is true for all patches in FFH, FF, and FF+ unless otherwise specified (such as a version change, i.e. from FFH 0.40 to 0.41; in that case, 0.41 includes all of 0.40's patches. 0.41 will have its own line of patches which function how I described above).

At least, that's how I've observed things.
Somehow, the file hosted at filefront is not what they say it is. When i redownloaded the file, it is still only downloading a 10mg file.

Edit: doh, wrong thread. Shifting to the other thread
I'm going to have to upgrade to 3.19 to work with FF's internal verson, so i won't be able to play FFPlus anymore until we release. :/
I like the Kindred promotions-their so overpowered that I guess they make up for the small exonomic weakness, however I don't like the names Mulcarn's chosen and Efreet. For one thing, efreet are Arab Djinn. How about Hrimbursar (Frost giant) for Mulcarn's Chosen and Eldjotnar (fire giant) for Efreet? Juggernaut could possible be replaced with Bergrisar (mountain Giant), but that dosn't fit quite as well.
Also, if cities can grow above size 8, that help balance the exonomy, since they can get plenty of specialis.
Keep in mind with the reduced Water/Wind mills and increased food useage it won't be real easy to get that big. But I like that it is possible.

I love the Jontar changes for Mounted/Archery those make good sense.
Well, the thing is that they can try to get more great merchants, and between a few more merchants and the food guilds they should reach size 15 or so without to much difficulty.
I like the Kindred promotions-their so overpowered that I guess they make up for the small exonomic weakness, however I don't like the names Mulcarn's chosen and Efreet. For one thing, efreet are Arab Djinn. How about Hrimbursar (Frost giant) for Mulcarn's Chosen and Eldjotnar (fire giant) for Efreet? Juggernaut could possible be replaced with Bergrisar (mountain Giant), but that dosn't fit quite as well.
Also, if cities can grow above size 8, that help balance the exonomy, since they can get plenty of specialis.

I agree with all of these, except Juggernaut. I think that's a fine name,

Also for Stormkin, how about Stormlord instead of Thunder for a promotion name. Thunder really sounds more like a spell in any case.

But some of these do look overpowered. Just like everything you make at first. :lol:
Valkrionn has no sense of balance.

I still remember running around with str7 hunters.
Oh, and str16 airships as the mechanos.
And a magic-immune, heals-while-moving War Machine as the doviello.

I'd advise thinking over that Tryggvi a bit. Speaking from experience, 6 first strikes with Gilden Silveric makes you almost invincible. 9 is only going to be moreso, and with ranged str12, that seems to take a lot of focus off the melee line, which doesn't seem to suit jotnar.

Why restrict Troll hunters to Tracking? Animal handling is only 1 tech beyond that, so you wouldn't get to play with them very long, most likely.

Some of the naval things you're doing also seem to encroash on the lanun quite a bit. Why give them seafaring? And better ocean tile yields in general?

In general, a lot of these changes sound fun, most of them sound varying degrees of overpowered, and a few are a bit too much change for my liking.
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