Bug (and workaround) with PBEM/hotseat scenarios


GOTM Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 19, 2003
Trondheim, Norway
There seems to be a bug with the new hotseat/pbem scenarios.

It doesnt seem to load the required mod files for the scenarios automatically, so to play scenarios like 'Desert War', 'American Revolution', 'Greek World' and prolly most user created scenarios in hotseat or pbem, you have to manually load the mod files first.

For example to play American Revolution as a pbem, you first have to select:
'Load a mod'
select american revolution
(this will restart the game to load the mod)
then select 'multiplayer'
'play by email'
'play scenario'
'american revolution'

You should only need to do this manual load when you set up the game the first time.
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