[Religion and Revolution]: DLL-Diplo-Events


Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hi guys,

if you have suggestions, wishes for further DLL-Diplo-Events, please post them here. :)

Potentially, these DLL-Diplo-Events are a lot more versatile and can be a lot more complex
than the ones that are possible with Python/XML, since they can use full DLL-functionality.

But the more complex they get, the longer I need to implement ...

Usually these DLL-Diplo-Events introduce a completely new small feature (like Smuggling) or a
completely new unit (like Native Mercenaries or Revolutionary Nobles or Rangers).

Also, ususally they are rare, but they are supposed to appear randomly (still under certain conditions) several times in game.

DLL-Diplo-Events could happen with:

  • Natives
  • Other Europeans
  • Own King
  • Other Kings
  • Religious Parent (once we have it)

(already implemented)

Native Mercenaries (already in TAC)
European Wars (already in TAC)
Support from other Europeans at Revolution (already in TAC)
European Peace
European Prisons Crowded
Revolutionary Noble
Will smuggling increase trade-founding-father-points?

Yes it does. :)

The difference when selling from these smuggling ships in Europe is really only:

1) Bribe rate instead of tax rate
2) Boycotted goods can be sold
I can see these pop-up events becoming quite common - so that although each event is relatively limited, there are so many events looping around that you get some event every few turns.

I think it would be good if these events had a separate background screen, rather than just overlayed on the map screen, as long as there was no loading delay. And this would be an opportunity to introduce a lot of atmospheric background graphics relevant to each event - such as Ray's ship battle image could be the background to the European War event box. Although some events would use the same image and we would also need a generic image such as a messenger coming to the governor where we didn't have a better image.

I think this would be atmospheric, and useful as it would separate the mod created events from the vanilla events such as offer of a new FF. Since our events are going to be such a feature why not make them stand out even more with their own backgrounds as a branding exercise?

I think this would be atmospheric, and useful as it would separate the mod created events from the vanilla events such as offer of a new FF. Since our events are going to be such a feature why not make them stand out even more with their own backgrounds as a branding exercise?

I don't think it would be atmosperhic. :dunno:
It would totally rip out these DLL-Diplo-Events from game flow.

I even believe such huge backgrounds would become annoying really fast.

The DLL-Diplo-Events already are well separated from others. :)
You have a conversation partner and need to make a choice for something to happen.

No, I really don't like the idea of having background images for DLL-Diplo-Events.
For Python/XML events, we already have the possibility to add small images.

Anything else would really only get annoying ...
I also really like these pictures
Nevertheless I agree with ray, not a good idea to make such huge backgrounds appear while you are playing
Would be annoying after the first 2-3 occasions, and won't fit into the atmosphere of the game
I think it would be good if these events had a separate background screen, rather than just overlayed on the map screen, as long as there was no loading delay. And this would be an opportunity to introduce a lot of atmospheric background graphics relevant to each event - such as Ray's ship battle image could be the background to the European War event box. Although some events would use the same image and we would also need a generic image such as a messenger coming to the governor where we didn't have a better image.

I think this would be atmospheric, and useful as it would separate the mod created events from the vanilla events such as offer of a new FF. Since our events are going to be such a feature why not make them stand out even more with their own backgrounds as a branding exercise?

Actually I also agree it would be really cool to have a background image able to sometimes appear during a few of the rare events. (actually just posted that here
though not many liked it lol :sad:;)) I think maybe if that happened relatively rarely during a few of the more significant events that don't repeat, it could really add to the atmosphere without being annoying. It would also be a cool addition to bring back displaying a historic image during an Era change, like in Civ4.
I didn't know that there are different era's in the game until I modded the city styles... lol

Maybe we could programm some little events with regard to the change of the era's?
It would be nice, if we could implement some further diplo-events regarding the interaction with other European nations...

This is planned. :)
(I just need to find the time ...)
I have one suggestion for one new Diplo-Event:

"The Hudson's Bay Company has vigorously protested against your behaviour regarding fur trading at your king. They opine that the Hudson's Bay Company is the only company which is privileged to rule the fur trading in the New World by our own king!

The Hudson's Bay Company demands compensation for their losses due to the engagement in fur trading of your colonies. Your king requests you to stop all fur trading in the New World!

Answer a: The Hudson's Bay Company shall go to hell! We will not retreat from fur trading in our colonies (relationship with the king -1, coat price + 2, fur price + 3 due to diversification of fur market)

Answer b: Of course your majesty! We will promptly stop all fur trading (relationship with the king +1, if possible: All expert trapper will be removed from your colonies)

Answer c: Far from it! Your majesty will loose a lot of taxes due to our cessation in fur trading. We should expand fur trading in our colonies (relationship with the king +1, the player gets one experienced fur trader)

Answer d: Just imagine! The Hudson's Bay company restrains our own fur trading. Majesty, are you afraid of the Company? We will curb the Company for you if we get some troops for this operation (the player gets 1 Ranger).



The event will trigger, if the player has more than 3 expert trapper in his colonies and 3 expert fur trader (and maybe more than 500 coats and furs in his storehouses).

What di you think? Is this possible?
What do you think? Is this possible?

Generally everything the game knows is possible in DLL-Diplo-Events, since they can make use of full DLL-funtionality.

But I do not want to use them for creating small unique events.
The Python/XML-Events can be used for those.

I want to use DLL-Diplo-Events for things that are more like small features.
(Something like a new unit or a new feature.)

Events, that are rare and random, but can appear several times in game.
(Chances and conditions for DLL-Diplo-Events are checked every round.)

Usually these DLL-Diplo-Events introduce a completely new small feature (like Smuggling) or a
completely new unit (like Native Mercenaries or Revolutionary Nobles or Rangers).

Also, ususally they are rare, but they are supposed to appear randomly (still under certain conditions) several times in game.

By the way, the event options are not very balanced.
(Who would ever choose b) and loose all his Trappers if he could choose c) instead. :dunno:)

Also, I don't want to have options, where units are killed.
(This is potentially very dangerous.)

Sorry, but I don't think this is a good candidate for a DLL-Diplo-Event. :(
But I could imagine a light version of this as a unique Python/XML-Event. :thumbsup:
Hm, I think it is a very good diplo event! :D

The answers and options are only examples and of course can be changed and balanced if necessary...
Hm, I think it is a very good diplo event! :D

As I said, please let us not use DLL-Diplo-Events for unique events, that do not introduce something new
and can be done almost the same in Python. :)

A Python-Event like that, would be nice, though. :thumbsup:
...so maybe you can put this suggestion into the event thread.

Simply post your idea in the thread for our Python-Events. :thumbsup:
(I don't have admin / moderator rights to move posts either.)
I thought about the title of our mod. Maybe we could focus a (little) little bit on the religious part (just a brainstorming)?

Have we already a plan how to introduce the bishop?

What's about an event which introduces the bishop?

Maybe (and this is just an idea) we could have an event which triggers, if the player has 5 (more or less) cathedrals and/or a number of produced crosses.

This event could be an interaction with the church the New World.

The influence of the church could impact the relationship with the king. The player maybe could decide if he wants a bishop (maybe for higher rates of crosses and/or converts) or better relationship with the king?
Have we already a plan how to introduce the bishop?

Yes, but first I would like to introduce the "Second Religious Parent". :)
Probably Release 3.

Religion will be a massive set of many features. ;)
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