

May 6, 2010
Anyone miss some of the old spy abilities from Beyond the Sword? Ones like poisoning the water well, or pillaging an improvement? I miss them too, and I've been wondering, how would you implement such a feature into [civ5]?

Well, in Brave New World, you get the ability to convert spies into diplomats, which can be used to buy votes for the world congress as well as spread ideological propaganda.

What I would like to see is to allow players to convert spies into a third position: the Saboteur.

I already have imagined how such a new feature might work.

A saboteur is a type of spy who specializes in causing havoc for other players. They are the most dangerous type of spy to use; indeed, a saboteur getting caught attempting to do something can be seen as an act of war, and is thus not something you can use lightly.

Saboteurs are planted in cities the same way spies are. Once they have moved and established surveillance, they are seen "plotting." Unlike spies, there is no countdown for saboteurs--they will simply plot indefinitely. As long as your saboteur is plotting, he will occasionally "hatch" plots.

These plots would be schemes that would allow you hurt a rival civ in some fashion. They are chosen at random from any of these:
  • Killing off some civilians
  • Destroying a building
  • Stealing gold
  • Stealing a great work
  • Hindering production
  • Hindering growth
  • Pillaging an improvement
..and possibly more.

When a saboteur hatches plot, it is NOT performed immediately. Instead, the plot is added to a list of plots on a new subwindow in the Espionage manager. Each plot has a set time window in which the plot can be performed, a percent chance of success, and a percent chance of detection. From this window, the player can "sign off" on the plot and allow the saboteur to go through with it. Higher level saboteurs are able to perform larger plots. A saboteur getting caught will have SEVERE diplomatic consequences--even war. Saboteurs can be countered the same way spies are countered--counter-spies, constabularies, police stations, Great Firewall, etc.

Oh, and if a saboteur is present in a city you are trying to attack, you will get a small attacking bonus for having the saboteur present. You know, to represent the saboteur sabotaging the defenses of the city.

I miss this from BtS. I'm not sold on all the concepts proposed. However, I do find the current "spy" abilities to be...a bit lackluster.
My concern is that spies and saboteurs work differently. One operates under some official cover and smuggles out documents. The other is more of an infiltrator that only attacks targets of opportunity. Rarely in history, do I recall, have saboteurs blown up whole production centers (unlike in Civ 4). So I think breaking trade routes by damaging roads, or slowing down production in a city, would be sufficient enough. And it would have to be done by a scouting unit that you'd have to navigate to the precise spot.
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