MoO1 challenge: Another Meklar Corner


Apr 14, 2008
Hey guys, while playing some Impossible games, luck of the draw gave me this really difficult (but not unbeatable) map. I had a lot of fun trying to break out of the corner, and I decided I wanted to share the save game for those of you who are interested.

Race: Meklars
Difficulty: Impossible
Galaxy Size: Medium
Opponents: 5
Color: Red
Savegame slot: 3


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Looks like a corner start in or around a coreward nebula, with highly competitive opponents. Should be interesting!

I'm not sure when/if I'll have time to play Orion before Sullla revives the Imperia, but I'll definitely try to fit this one in!
Medium maps always look so big to me and I am playing one now. Once I get 12-15 planets and see so many still out there, I know it will take a lot of time. It is like the games posted in Civ3 on huge maps, just hate to load them up as you know how much work it takes to finish.

I downloaded it as at some point I will be looking to start a new game and here is one already to go.
I downloaded it and will check it out, though I might move slowly through the game. Thank you Megafrost.
IMO, the competive opponents and the nebula aren't even close to being the most interesting parts of this map. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil anything just yet. I'm currently writing up a report on how my own game went.

Good luck and have fun! ;)
I got a reminder the other day about Nebula's. when a stack of 1200 or so tiny laser ships busted through my class XV shields. I could no figure out why they attacked and how come they did damage.

Then I remember something about the shields being reduced in a Nebula, still not sure if that should happen. I have not gotten around to see if the guide says anything about it.

It seems like a bug to me, but no more relying on bases in a Nebula.
I got a reminder the other day about Nebula's. when a stack of 1200 or so tiny laser ships busted through my class XV shields. I could no figure out why they attacked and how come they did damage.

Then I remember something about the shields being reduced in a Nebula, still not sure if that should happen. I have not gotten around to see if the guide says anything about it.
No shields in a nebula, period. Not a bug.

It seems like a bug to me, but no more relying on bases in a Nebula.
At least not without scatter packs!
I had scatter packs, but they had 5 fleets and I got them all, but those. I may have been able to go for them first and been already, but I figured they could do no damage. I had totally forgotten about the shields.

It will probably be another 6 to 8 years before I forget again.
IMO, the competive opponents and the nebula aren't even close to being the most interesting parts of this map.
Indeed; those are just the things I was able to see from turn zero. I've found time to play the first fifty turns now, a few at a time, and it's looking more and more like it has the makings of a very exciting game!
I hope to get to it this week. I have a civ game going and 3 SG's, but this will be my next Moo1.
I finally got started and got to around 2465 or so and started to think this may have been a game I already played.

It is the same from here, but seemed very familiar, maybe it was the Meklar challenge game that I was thinking about, not sure.
I found time to finish this one, and will put up a report when I have time to make it look pretty (which might take way longer than it should, I admit). It didn't feel like any other game I'd played before to me, for what that's worth, but of course this might have been an anomaly. I'm actually interested in playing again in the same galaxy to see how anomalous the experience was (and to run another test of my "Meklon Gambit" from the Meklar Challenge I posted; I didn't try it this time through).
I finally got in enough time last night to go on the offense and be up for election. So if I can stay on it, I should finish today.
As I pull up th elog I see it is missing something, but nothing that matters. The first line makes no sense:
EDIT I found the missing line.

First I set all research to Planet. Then scrap all the default ship design, except
the scout and colony. Then send out the starting ships.

See Barren is my tech, so I switch over to Prop to try to reach some of these
range 4 planets.

Range 5, rather than 4 so more time to learn it.

Klac show up at Argus

Was at 31% and did not come in, yuck.

send out colony to Seidon.

colony to Kulthos.

colony to Talas.

Arrived for the second time at Mobas in time to run off a Human colony ship. Not that it matters as it is not habitable anyway. I just wanted to run off any
scouts that may sit around till they get more range and find me sooner.

Have found two Coid planets so far.

First vote, I absatin.
Medium gunship runs me off of Mobas.
Some techs have come in during the last few turns.
Deep Scan, Hand Lasers, Tech 9, not sure if I missed any.

Cygni is Coid.
Coid home world has 25 bases already.
Scrap all scouts, not going to run anyone off now.

I see Humans and Coids are holding the planets near Seidon. I also see the Coids have a huge ship going someplace. It looks like I will be getting a few calling cards. At least I just got Hyper V.

Wrong they seem to be interested in Humans and may be at war with them. Either that or they are allied. Ships from one have been over the others planet.

All races, save Alkari are buzzing around Argus and Dunatis.

Psilons took over Argus, with Klacs having about 100 ships in orbit. I am guessing it will be a spud next turn.

Nope they had incoming troops. I only need them to fight for about 100 turns.

Well Klac troops failed and Human troops failed as well. Guess the brains have
some good tech.

Well now Mekon is now rich. The benefits of not being top dog.
Funny Meks (me) and Klacs are the bottom in Production, even with our traits. Lack of planets and hence techs. Klacs are first in fleets, I have no ships. Wait a colony just popped out thanks to the boost from rich.

If I had the chance, I would have switched, but it was on min slider.

Finally got +20, Inferno next.

Argus goes back to the Klacs. I see Coids are relaxed with me, I guess I am too insignficant. Klacs are neutral. Lost contact again with the brains.

Raydon is coming along. Got three tech, but still no RC.

Klac colny ship attacked with two bays of guns, but 3 bases were enough to stop it half way?

Lost contact with brains as Endoria dusted by Klacs.

Coids get 22 and Apes get 8 of 35. Good thing the Coids did not try to get my
vote. I would have had them unhappy and that can surely wait. After vote the Birds signed in with me.

I decide to see if I can steal from them as they are the farthest and the weaker of the three I have contact with right now

So much for neutral, DOW they say. I have shields up on all, but Rayden. Switch steals to Klacs.

Steal RC3 and kill many ships at Seidon, before they leave. Class V is enough.
smaller fleet coming to Romulas in 4, so no problem.

Klacs must not be trying to stop spies as I got my third steal and this one is
Soil. Repel them at Romluas with no survivors. Small fleet coming to Meklon.

I got Hyper X from the birds, but Mercs are next up in weapons. Klacs have
Pulsons, hope they don't bring any with them.

many battles and two steals, I am expecting a peace parley soon. I got range 4 and toxic, so not bad.

I see astro terraforming is in the tree, but I will not leap for it as I only have 1
hostile planet right now and not going to get any real soon.

steal antidote, just in case. Start on mercs. Votes are going about even still and I am happy to not be up for election as that would likely be the end. The Coids would vote for the Apes and end it.

two techs come in, only recall the Fusion Drive.
steal and go for Construction in an attempt for armor, but get waste reduction 60%.

The Brains get the comet news. I know someone got cash, but I failed to log it. I think it was Humans.

First move 4 ships show up. They are large with puslon missiles. Meklon and Romulas kill all or nearly all, but lost a ship or two. These are just mediums I have to entice the AI to not leave until I get in a few licks.

They cannot kill anything, just run around or stay back till I retreat or they die or the AI retreats.

The non pulson fleet was able to bust off a few bases on Romulas. Meklon had more bases, so it did better.

Klacs are busy with wars on Coids and Birds, so hope they do not mount a bigger attack. This is probably why I am stealing so much. They still have 5 techs in weapons and 4 in Constrution and 3 in Force that I can see. They have another drive, but I do not want it.

repeat, loss a ship, kill many, a few decide to stop beaming the planet and get out alive. Klacs want peace, but I say no.

Another battle that last the 50 round limit. The new Ranger is hard to take out with Hyper X, so I lose any ships and some bases. I have taken to sending the ship away before the incoming gets there, no reason to let them get smashed.

I have not made any new designs as some of the fleets they can be useful, others not. I do not have any armor, so no gains to be made. No attacks can be seen for now.

Got advance Scanner, so I can see many more planets. I see the Comet is for Selia. They kill it on IBT.

More attacks, lucky the Pulsons are 2 shot. They are not doing damage to planet with the attacks.

Mercs are here, oh happy day. Now we can slow them down.

they still killed my ships and some bases, but I got all the Rangers and only 2
mediums escaped. I need armor, but no steal in some time. I guess the Bugs are putting up a spy defense.

I keep losing contact with the Brains and the Birds and Humans, depending on what planet who owns. I decide to speed things up by making a few trades with the Brains. I rarely make deals, but I got Planet shield XV for Bio Anti and Dur armor for Ecm IV.

Time for a new ship to see if I can get them to last more than one round. I just put up 1 of a given design at each planet and I only have two designs, so no big loss as they are mediums. Oh and I stole Battle Suits.

New ship takes a missile and lives. Old ships take it tough.

Rad terra comes in and start Atmos,

Much larger numbers now, and they retreat without ships as they do not want to face off with class XV shields right now. I have more bases, so I kill more now, but the larger numbers means the retreating fleet will still be large.

steal adv eco.

Coids get the Nova alert.

steal BCVI
Vote is 17 to 16 I abstain.
Endoria changes hands yet again.
A bit a mean, I trade Soil to Coids for Zort.

2 attacks got destroyed, but they only had two stacks, none larger than seventy some odd ships. The bad news is Seidon is within a one turn attack now. No warning.

Another attack unannounced at Seidon, bit more work as 118 ships, but Zort pays off.

Human planet Helos get the mineral thing.

Bugs want peace, rejected and still no counter offer. I guess it is not hurting
them enough yet.

A much large fleet arrives in Meklon and kills off most of my designs and gets away with several large stacks, but did loss two stacks and few from other stacks. I can afford to make these deals. I guess the bugs can as well.

Oh oh, Coids now have Endoria. It is poor, but I do not want either them or the Apes to gain it.

steal the dreaded Gatling Laser, that will save the day.

Cyngi goes nova, sorry rocks.

steal grav beam.

some attacks after 2483 not logged. Steal Mass Driver, boring. Ask for peace, I say no, so offer 1475bc and I agree. I know it cannot be long before the bugs come again.

learn another comp tech, but still no RC in my tree.

three more techs come in. I steal something, maybe hard beams.
another tech

get tech 5

steal repulse beam.

Bugs DOW for expanding or something.

finally got back to this. Skipped some turns as it was just more attack, votes and events. I listed this as the Bugs paid again for peace, we will see how long that last. It was around 2750BC. Oh and more steals and now I am in second on tech to the Brains.

Ok one more event as it is funny, Bigs lose 220 factories and millions of ants in quake.

steal RC5.

steal Pulson

Rocks got all the votes, except mine, glad I was not up.

Bugs DOW, what took them so long?

Finished pop +50, not sure if that is going to get up for election or not.

steal adv soil

It was me and the Apes, but the Coids still like me or hate the Apes.

I had stop stealing a while back as they only had a few things left and it was too expensive. I have what I wanted. Will wait for another to DOW.

Birds find the ancient relic.

Humans get more abstains, so cool.

Actually it was couple of turns back, but I sent 28 HEF autoblaster to see what Argus had. I killed some ships and my bombs took out a few bases, but not enough. Lost 3 ships to bases. So just going to keep at them as I now build a fleet.

I need a better bomb, but not enough room yet for the Omega.

Captured Argus, killing nearly all ships present. Got about 6 techs.

New design with 2 Omega bombs.

Fleet sits over Endoria waiting for troops.

Capture Endoria. After the vote I will need to look to hurt the Apes, but they
are not close. Endoria is Poor, but I have lots of cash.

Bugs DoW.

Capture Kholden for some techs.

Birds, Brains and Coids vote for me and I am Emperor. I had just took orbit over the artifact worlds and waiting for troops to grab it.
Here's the story of my first game in this galaxy. I've been studiously avoiding reading vmxa's report in hopes of leaving as much as possible unspoiled so I can make a second attempt, but we'll see if I have time in the end. If I do end up making that second try, I'll post the results of that one too.
Spoiler :
2300-2320: I make a series of small to significant mistakes in the early going, and will have to spend the next 50+ years recovering. The biggest error is probably taking RW80 instead of IIT9, to which I respond by putting off further Construction spending for ~20 years (the response was probably the right one, but the mistake had still been made). I also waited to create scouts for my backlines until I found out Mobas was an asteroid field, and then didn't start propulsion until I got the reports for the range 4 worlds. I also think I opened research a few turns too early altogether, when I should have been building early factories, and made a number of other little errors (in my real-time game log, the word "belatedly" keeps jumping out at me). I start my comeback in 2320, making (what I consider to be) better decisions from that point onward. I achieve unofficial first contact in 2333 as my Newscout chases a Silicoid Scout from Talas, and discover that the Humans are the first to six systems the following year. This is just the first benchmark, but the Humans don't need to be an actual runaway to steal the election, so this is regarded as a bad sign. . Soon thereafter, I discover Cryslon's location and therefore that the Silicoids will be in position to steal the key worlds of Argus and Dunatis as soon as they get Range 6 (which I'm pretty sure they don't have yet at least). Little do I realize!

This was taken in 2341, one year after our first unofficial contact with the Psilons, also at Talas, obviously because of a cheese alliance with the 'Coids. The green arrow indicating their retreating scout's direction is approximate at best. You can also see that I've just colonized Kulthos, my third extra-Meklon colony; another colony ship is bound there to bounce off of it and colonize Talas (following the red arrows), and a bunch of transports (circled in red) are "already" en route to stand up Seidon in the south. Cryslon is circled heavily in white, with my Newscout retreating, and two other presumed Rock colonies (based on the encounters at Talas and assumptions about their range) are circled in grey. Given the date, you can see the kind of setbacks my poor decisions and our difficult start (lacking Range 4 really hurts) have created. Believe it or not though, this isn't the worst of it. Fortunately, I also observe over the next several turns that the Silicoids are behaving very oddly, and are way behind on the growth curve themselves. We help this trend along by chasing a (Human scout and) Silicoid colship from the northeasternmost green star we can reach. And then ... well, here are a couple direct quotes from my real-time turnlog, partly just to give you a sense of how ridiculously long these things would be if I just cut-n-pasted them in, but partly for the information they contain:
2351: [snippage - over 100 words] ... GNN reports the leaders of advanced technology. We are leading from behind. Unsurprisingly, the 'Coids are next ungoodest, but the Klackons are also somehow ahead of the Psilons, who are followed by the Apes. [snippage - 75 more words, still just on 2351.]
2352: The Klackons join the cheese alliance touring circuit at Mobas with ... a Dagger fighter? Okey-Dokey; I guess all they need is range 4 for that, with the presumed Alliance, and after all, they do have the lead in tech somehow. Fortunately, all they get for their trouble is a scouting report of the asteroids ... for now, at least. I'm worried. [yet more snippage - over 100 words again.]
Please refer to my comment above: "Little do I realize!" This is the beginning of what it's pointing at. Also, when I say I'm behind in the growth curve? This screen shot's from 2354:

Though Meklon is working on maxing its pop and factories again now that Terra +20 came in (in '52), the other four colonies are ... um ... not doing quite so well yet. The worst is yet to come.
In 2361, I achieve the technology necessary to make (slow) Long-Range colonies. In 2363, the first pair (I started prebuilding once the last needed tech hit percentages) hit Romulas and are forwarded to Centauri and Pollus. Three years later, the Klackons appear at Centauri in force, and colonize the planet, triggering the first galactic council. Guess who's nominated! Me and Durash IV, also known as The Monkey! Oh, joy! A couple of abstentions mean I have at least 14 years of life remaining, but with the Apes leading the voting with 5 votes of 21 by themselves ... and no contact with anyone for me, this is very, very, very not good.
It immediately gets not better. The following year, the Klackons take Pollus and Argus with armed colony ships and escorts (the Silicoids, in similar fashion, took that distant green star the same year, but I didn't actually care), giving me my first official diplomatic contact of the game. So, who are my nearest neighbors? Why, Erratic Technologists, of course! I say hi to the nice psychotic bugs, but in the end decide not to bother to make any deals. I do take a snapshot of the power graphs though. These sure look promising!

Observe the difference between the technology leader (as of ~15 turns ago) and caboose in the galaxy. We're equal in planets, but three of those Klackon worlds are at pop 2, just colonized in the past two turns, which explains my massive lead in population. By this time, I had even been doing actual factory building, so "three of their colonies hardly count yet" isn't quite a pot:kettle statement, though by Meklar standards, we are in truly pitiful shape (only Meklon is in triple digits, and only Seidon is close).
Over the next several turns, we learn that the 'Coids have hit 12 systems (glad it's them if there's going to be an AI runaway, but the Humans are still out there, and we still have to deal with the bugs) and we discover Inferno technology. I decide to wait before sending transports down to Argus and kicking off a bug war (I want NPGs for space superiority, spy reports to be sure I'm not crazy to even think of attacking, and ideally some insect factories up to give me some hope of stealing technology - and of turning the place around quickly). Besides, there's a vote coming up next turn.

...yeah. So there is. No amount of diplo cleverness with the Klackons (the only race I knew) would have helped; they abstained with their pointless 2 votes anyway. The Monkeys had more than enough of a power bloc for the victory. Final war would just be a disaster at this point, so....

Game over. Still, it was a fun ride for a while. If I find the time, I may try this one again!
That is not a problem for as I am not able to remember my own report after a couple of days. All the games run together. Anyway for sure a vote loss hangs over the game like a sword.
Ouch, that sounds like a bummer game. I really hate playing against apes as my election opponents. Here's hoping your next game goes better.

I've got my own report to put up. Sorry I didn't finish it sooner, been busy with school-related stuff IRL.

Short version:
Spoiler :
In my initial land-grab, I only managed to grab the 4 habitables near Meklon plus the inferno in the corner. Psilons declared war after spies stole some (very good) technology and they unleashed biological weapons on Romulas and planted their own flag, but didn't have the discipline to keep their fleet over it. I invaded several times, stealing several technologies in the process. The technology gave me what I needed to take a couple of Psilon worlds, glass the rest and plant my own flags on them, and then take two Klackon worlds before winning the election.

Long version part 1:
Spoiler :
The first thing I noted was that Meklon was dangerously close to a nebula, if not in it. I hoped I wouldn't have to worry about defending a nebula homeworld from my neighbors.

Speaking of neighbors...

Psilons, Klackons, Humans AND Silicoids? And while Sakkra are ranked higher on the Sirian ladder, I consider the Alkari a bigger threat because I can't drive off their colony ships and brush war fleets as easily. So I have drawn what I consider to be the absolute worst set of neighbors.

Only one star in range, so I send my colony ship there. Thankfully, it is habitable. Scouts fan out and I get a picture of my surrounding neighborhood:

A few arid planets within range, but otherwise this is a pretty hostile neighborhood. Getting an empty star system next to the nebula means that I will need range 4 to spread further.A short while later, I open my planetology and propulsion trees. Planetology gives me a choice between Controlled Barren and Improved Eco. Since there are no barren planets around and my numerous factories will generate a lot of waste, I choose Improved Eco. Propulsion offers only range 5.

Range 5 takes painfully long to research alongside factory construction, but in 2330 Meklon hits 209 factories and range 5 pops. Between nuclear engines and inertial stablizer, I choose engines. Meklon switches over to colony ship construction while my second colony takes over research.

I grab the 5 arid worlds. Scouts explored habitable systems further south, but in order to grab them I'll need to either grab a tundra world, or to put extended fuel tanks on a colony ship. Unfortunately, when Improved Eco pops, my only new option is Terraforming +20. So I instead shift research towards Construction, where I choose IIT9 over RW80.

In 2358 contact is established with the Psilons. I take another look at the galaxy map, and ask my foreign ambassadors what my neighbors are like.

This has the potential for an early diplomatic defeat, but hopefully it won't come to that. I set up minimal trade treaties.

After nuclear engines pop, I design a laser fighter so I can defend the colonies I haven't planted a flag on yet. Medium, warp 2, manueverability 2, computer 1 and 2 lasers, with extended tanks. My southern colonies begin churning these out in hopes of defending the southern habitables.

Plague hits a Psilon colony. Thank god it wasn't me. A few short turns later, we're holding the first elections. The vote is evenly split between the birds and the brains.

Unfortunately, my laser ships are too late to get to the southern systems, and the Klackons, bringing overwhelming force, take them both. I redirect my laser ships to the tundra and radiated planets near the Klackon border in hopes of staking my own claims there. In the meantime, I'm in contact with the bugs now, who are erratic technologists and are actually keeping up with the Psilons on the tech graphs. Minimal trade treaties to keep them off my back for a while.

Terraforming +20 pops. Between Inferno, Enhanced Eco and Toxic, the obvious choice is Inferno. As 2374 rolls around, the Psilons are allied with the Klackons and Humans, and they have 8 systems. Scared of a diplomatic defeat, I tried to commit "spectator wars" by asking the Klackons to declare. They didn't go for it. I take another look at the galaxy.

The votes are split between the birds and the brains.

All five of my planets have had time to max their economies. I put 1 missile base on each, then begin spying on both my neighbors. The Klackons were gonna turn on me anyways, and the Psilons had the most population and would be my election opponents if I ever got up there, so I figured there was no reason to be friendly. Probably a dumb move on my part. I managed to steal Improved Robotics Control 3 (it had been missing from my tree), Fusion Drive and Duralloy Armor before the brains declared war on me. Since relations had gotten better with the bugs and this wouldn't be a "spectator war" anymore, I dialed them up for help.

I also trade them ECM jammer 2 for ECM jammer 1, to bump up my computer tech level and pick apart the Psilon tree. Because I now have reason to keep them friendly, I shift all my spying over to the brains. I begin building missile bases on the planets I believe to be in danger. Their ships will come in *fast*, and I won't have much time to build defenses.

The tundra world I just grabbed is in danger, and there's a (slow) fleet coming in. I throw together this design:

Despite my excellent computer capabilities, I haven't seen any robotics controls or battle computers available. I'm hoping this design will be able to take out a Psilon large, as 7 of their mediums ran from 10 of my laser ships (with extended fuel tanks).

I manage to scan some of their fleets, and I find out why:

They're carrying Death Spores and Neutron Blasters on those mediums?!? And with those shields and high speed, combined with my lack of computers and decent missile technology, my missile bases are pitiful against them. Romulas bites it:

My missile bases are dealing so little damage to their ships, they're walking all over me. And this situation is quickly going from bad to worse:

Then my spies manage to grab Battle Computer 4 from the Psilons. Maybe that will give my bases a little more punch, but I'm not very hopeful at this point. They finish off Romulas with the death spores and plant their own flag there, but then, because they have multiple wars going on, they leave it unguarded:

Death spores leave the factories intact, which means that there are about 320 factories there. And only 5 population guarding it. That incoming stack of Psilon ships has a slow ship dragging them down. The opportunity was too good to miss. I send 20 troops to take it, and I succeed with 4 survivors, looting the following techs:

Decent breaks with the shields, factories and bombs. Not so good getting the Terraforming and only 4 out of 6 techs. I clearly can't hold the planet, so I try and evacute my citizens, while keeping some missile boats there in hopes that they'll shoot down any invading forces (and prevent the Psilons from stealing my technologies as well). They have other plans and instead use more biological weapons against the colony.

Content with what they have taken from me, they decide it is time to end the war.

I accidently click reject, and they offer 1800 bc for peace. I take it. I've lost this round. They leave the planet unguarded again, and with the sorry state it is in thanks to the death spores, I can't resist another invasion. I pull in the following techs:

The only useless tech there is the shields. Freaking sweet deal! The weapons tree opens up, and the only missile tech available is the merc missiles. I'm making a beeline for those. To make things better, spies penetrate the Klackon empire and I grab Improved Space Scanner, revealing that I still can't research any battle computers or robotics controls for the life of me.

The fuel cells bring the Silicoids into contact. I sign up trade treaties and a non-aggression pact with them. With the ground combat that I've been doing, some tech in that area would be helpful, so I trade them IIT6 for Battle Suit technology.

War with the Psilons will be difficult, but I'm hoping to do fine. However, rather than try and take their planet back, they're going straight for the head of the beast.

My missile bases are still running Hyper-Vs and will be almost useless in this battle, but with Neutron Blasters, some defending ships would stand a very good chance at driving them off. I start building some.

Here they come!

I dislike breaking RBO rules, but I need all the help I can get. I keep my HyperV boats in the back firing at their death spore ships (making them fall back) while I rush my other ships forward to attack. The huge doesn't pack a lot of fire power, but with Automated Repair it is nearly impossible to destroy. I tear through their death spore ships and their colony ship (which was carrying two anti-matter bombs) without any casualties before I turn on their stack of 82 which is carrying Neutron Blasters. They take out some of my own neutron blaster ships before they retreat, and they're forced to retreat as their own ships just cannot damage my bases or huge.

Meklon is saved! The Psilons are repelled! This may very well be the turning point.

To be continued...
Long version part 2:
Spoiler :
I'd managed to save Meklon from the Psilons (though I used the yo-yo exploit to do so), but I still wasn't safe. Nothing stops the elections, and this one was pretty close:

The Psilons are pissing everyone off, and that's not good. I need to start taking and holding some worlds. Hopefully I'll be able to start with this one:

Unfortunately, I send my ships south to attack a Klackon world, and the brains return and kill everyone again. My attack on the Klackons reveals that I'll need way more bombers before I can safely take out their missile bases.

I go ahead and glass a Psilon world that I'm sure they can't hold anyways. They come calling and ask for peace, which I accept for now. The Klackons try their hand at owning my hot commodity real estate planet with 300 factories, and I again invade it coming away with some computer tech and exoskeletons. Unfortunately, the Klackon transports come in and grab it again, stealing most notably IIT4, Ion Drives and Advanced Eco, but on the bright side I get to invade again and steal the last techs from the Klackon tree.

One year before the next election, the Klackons come calling for peace. I take it, in case it turns out that grabbing and holding Romulas and the tundra world on my south border are enough to get me into the elections. Not only is it enough to get me into the elections, it almost wins me the game.

Psilons voted for themselves, Klackons abstained. Everyone else voted for me. If I get more voting power, I could win this game. I look for a good place to strike the Psilons, and I find it.

However, they're packing large ships with 17 antimatter bombs each, and my missile bases still aren't quite cutting it, as Romulas gets destroyed again. I throw together two medium ship designs with repulsors so that they can keep enemy ships away from the bases.

I wrest a few worlds away from the Psilons, stealing the last of their techs, but they are now returning with heavy ion cannons and taking out my planets. At this point I start glassing their planets




The Psilons, recognizing utter defeat, call me up and ask for a cease fire. Since I still have a little bit of difficulty with their stacks of doom, I accept it so that I can grab their worlds and stand them up.

The 2475 elections come around, and with the Psilons utterly broken, the Klackons replace them as my opponents.

Close, but no cigar. After I grab as many worlds as I can, here's a picture of the galaxy:

My efforts have broken me out of my corner, tripling the amount of planets that my once small empire had, and bringing me a tech advantage over all the other races:

The next couple of decades are spent building up my economy on my new planets, and then on all my planets when I steal Improved Robotics Control 5 and Terraforming +50 from the Klackons.

Inevitably, the Psilons declare war on me again, but they are so close to extinction that they aren't even close to being a threat to me. I glass one of their two planets as a warning.

Shortly before the next election, my planets are finally maxed out on factories and population. I need a little more power in the elections, so I'll attack the Klackons at their best planet: Kholdan.

Think they stand a chance? Nope. Their bases and larges are running nukes, and their smalls only have neutron pellet guns. My ships approach, unleash their loads, and...

My bombers have taken out 37 bases in just one round! And my neutron blaster ships have taken down 100 of their smalls in just one volley. The Klackons can't do anything as my ships tear them apart, and then my troops tear them apart.

Their 120 troops cannot take on my 200 or so troops when I have the tech advantage. I take their planet and their warp dissipator, class 7 shield and megabolt cannon technologies. I praise the Meklar and the lack of increased factory costs with robot controls as I pump reserve into Kholdan and build factories at a monstrous rate.

It isn't long before I flip it around and turn it into a Meklar fortress, allowing me to move on and take their next best planet.

This explains why they were able to keep up with the Psilons earlier in the game, but that doesn't matter anymore. I have clearly reached a winning position, and this reflects itself in the election.

Easily my most difficult game yet. Provoking the Psilons was probably a bad idea, but by using death spores on me, they gave me an easy opportunity to catch up in technology by invading that world no fewer than five times.

My only disappointment is that I broke two of the Realms Beyond rules, yo-yoing with the missiles and attempting spectator wars. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes so that I won't have to resort to that again.
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