The Pangean Wars

Chapter 21, Civil War

Napoleon waited a few minutes, until Washington could get into hearing range. "George XIII Washington, of America, what is your intension?" He shouted out. Washington was caught off gaurd by seeing Napoleon with an army on the hill above them. "Come here, and you'll decide yourself." And with that, Napoleon marched with 1,000 soliders down the hill. "What am I to decide now, Washington?" "Either you lessen the cost per turn of the coal, or my armies will conquer your puny country." "I see... Let's come to an agreement. How about we keep the same cost, and I don't surroud and kill your army. Of course, I'd save you, and kill you later... Deal?"

Washington pondered this for a moment. "Deal." Washington and his small army turned around and started to walk off. A thought flashed through Napoleon's mind. Realizing his oppertunity, he withdrew the famous vest pistol, took careful aim, and killed Washington. Right through the back of thee skull. The rest of his troops scattered and made for the border.

"What were you thinking!" shouted General Axule "Now were at war with his country!" "There's where you're wrong, Axule. Washington had no direct heir. He has, however, four male cousins, over the age of fifteen. They all hate each other, and will all be fighting for the throne. Thus, we lose our agreement, and gain coal. While the factions are fighting, we can go in and pick up valuable cities. We can also play faction aginst faction if peace seemes inevitable."

The plan, pure genious, worked immediatly. Within days, the four claimants to the throne were at war with each other. By August 10, there was complete and total war. Napoleon readied about 30,000 troops in Paris, and they set off to pick America clean. Before they left Napoleon put his sons, Louis (16) and Jean-Paul (14), in charge of one regiment, called the Prince's Own. He left Elizabeth in charge. By now, the people had grown to love Elizabeth, and it was all but forgottten of the War of English Anhiliation, as it was now called. So off goes the soliders, marching to their first target, New York City...

(Will post soon!)
Chapter 22, No Mercy

He passed through the American countryside with relative ease. New York was the largest scientific city of America. It was also the closest to French territory. As Napoleon looked across the flood plain, in the distance he could pick out the spires of the mosque in down town New York. The claimant holding the city, John Adams, had left only a few thousand troops to gaurd it, while he set off for Washington to fight for the city, and the crown.

On the 28th of August, Napoleon set up cannons and began to bombard the city. Cannon ball after cannon ball flew over the walls and into the decimated city. After only a week, it was ready to fall. On September 4, his troops rushed the city, but were stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw.

Nobody. All of New York was a smoldering ruin, but no people. A perplexed Napoleon ordered a search of the entire city. In the barracks, he found only about 100 troops. For hours, he tortortured their leader until he sang. The French had been tricked. A week before the siege, Adams had the entire city evacuated. The 100 left had been ordered to make it look like a larger army was occupying New York.

The big problem hadn't even been hit. Napoleon made one huge mistake that day. He left all of his cannon outside with no one to protect them. Now, Adams' army had taken over their cannon and were using it to blowe the French to bits. "Cursed American ingenuity!" Napoleon was heard to have screamed at all hours of the ceaseless bombardment.

By the 20th, the walls were reduced, along with the attackers. Napoleon had to fight his way out, now or never. He ordered that his troops pour out and attack the loosly gaurded left wing. He rarly fought along side his troops, but he did this time. The gate flung open, and the French poured out. They ran headlong into the flank, and smashed a hole in it. About 23,000 made it out alive. By the time they re-grouped, Napoleon was nervously surveying the chaos for his sons. He ran and picked up a lightly wounded Jean-Paul. He had a small scratch from a bullet across his left cheek.

Together, they looked for Louis. Nothing. After hours, the exhausted duo were about to stop when they saw him. He was lying on a cot, near the outskirts of camp. When Napoleon leaned over his oldest son, he moved the bandage covering his gut. Horrified, he placed it back. A canister shot had torn through his intestines and came out via his spinal chord. "It's alright, dad... I'm OK." "Yes, son, I think you'll be just fine." Just then, Louis' eyes rolled up backwards in his head, and his head shifted to the left. Dead, at 16, was Louis Maximillian Constantine Daniele Ricard Bonaparte. "Now," growled Napoleon, " I will show Adams no mercy!"
WOO! Napoleon killed Washington! Now kill Adams and I'll be REALLY happy.
To e350tb: With Napoleon in the mood he's in, Adams will probably die a slow, painful, death... Owwwwwch...
Chapter 23, Adams' End, France's New Begining

The next week went very quickly. Napoleon and his troops buried Louis in Le France de Militarie la Cemeteriae, and marched on New York. They took the city quickly and waited for the retailiation. On September 30, Adams showed up with his modest army. Before much could happen, Napoleon ordered that all troops, except Adams, be slaughtered. Within minutes, the American army was anhiliated. Two rifleman brought Adams to Napoleon, and left them in alone in his office.Napoleon had his spectacles on, and was going over casualty reports when Adams spoke.

"Do you like my office, Napoleon?" "Yes, it's roomy. Now, I'm sure you know why your here. You have killed my son, Louis, no?" Napoleon was still reading when Adams begain, "My soliders did, not I." "I care not who, but if they did the duty. That duty was to kill French. Your soliders followed orders, and killed my son. Excuses? None. Reasons? Luck, maybe..." "So, is this the part where you shoot me?" "No, I am bound by law. You will be publicly executed in Paris. We will be going there along with my son tomorrow, at 5 AM. For every minute you are late, I kill 500 citizens of New York." "I'll see you then, Napoleon." "Likewise..."

Adams turned and proceded to walk away. Napoleon finally looked up from his papers and looked at Adams. He was surprised to see a sickly old man in his late sixties. He also noticed that he was limping. "What ails you, Adams?" "What ails me, my dear Napoleon, is the state of my fallen country." Napoleons warm blue eyes met the lifeless grey eyes of Adams. "5 it is." Mumbled Adams, as he departed.

The next morning, they left at 5, and the trio, Adams (in shackles), Napoleon, and Jean-Paul, set off on the long journey to Paris. On the 2nd of December, 1729, they reached the gates of Paris. Adams, the once dignified man, was being assaulted with vegetables and insults. "What have I done wrong?" Adams thought. No matter, for he was duly executed by hanging on the 10th. Napoleon was reluctant to do so, buthe knew good could come from this whole situation. The day after, he walked over to the Adressing Window, and begain to speak. At first, there were only a few people, but by the end, thousands had listened in.

"Friends! Today is a sad day in French hisory. The death of Louis and Adams made me think, however. What reasons do we have, to invade other countries, when they are in civil war? From now on, peace be to all! No more shall France dabble in other's misfortune, and I would hope that others would not dabble in ours. For too long, we have ruled with an iron fist! As of today, all religions in the empire are free to be practiced, without fear of governmental influence. All of you, now have the right of free speech! Go on! Be happy! Live so that others may live! Peace to you all, and peace to the United States!"

With this, a cheer roared through the audience. "Now," thought Napoleon, "how best to preserve it?"
Chapter 24, Diplomacy?

Napoleon set about moving towards his goal immediatly. He invited the Aztec leader, Moctezuma V (In actual history, 'Moctezuma' is closer to his name that 'Montezuma'...), to visit Trefoneive Palace. Fortunately for Napoleon, they both had a common language in English. Otherwise, no one would have gottten anything done. He arrived on December 25, his Holy Day, as he was Christian. They spoke at legnth about trade and peace and the American situation. Finally, they agreed to a trade. Napoleon gives gems and ivory in exchange for dyes and 4 gold per turn. "Finally," Napoleon thought, "a step towards world peace."

The months went by, and trade was strong between the Aztecs and French. Eventually, a victor arose in the American civil war. He was the skinny and bookish Thomas VIII Jefferson. A new American dynasty of kings, and Napoleon had to meet them. Napoleon issued a welcome to which Jefferson readily agreed. On July 15, 1730, they met in the Trefoneive Palace.

Napoleon issued his greeting in a stumbling English, "Welcome to my humble palace, Jefferson of America!" Jefferson replied in immaculate French, "It is an honor to make your aquatainceship, my dear Napoleon." "Where did you learn to speak French?" "I learned from my mother, she was from Rheims, but moved to America and married my father. I also know Latin, Nahuatl, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. As we all know, All but French, English, and Nahuatl are dead. That, we owe to your Empire and my Empire..." "Ah, I see. I have a proposel for you.." And the day went much like this. At the end, food in America was traded for luxuries in France. Also, Jefferson left the meeting rather friendly in attitude.

Before long, Jefferson and Napoleon had signed a defensive pact. They had devoted all resources to inventing technologies. They codinated their efforts, so as not to create the technology tice. After one discovered something, the other would ask for it, and the discoveror would oblige.

Unfortunately for the other two, Moctezuma was wary of this close alliance between them. He had been waiting for a long time to pounce. The oppertunity came when Napoleon had disbanded about 15,000 troops to save more money for scientific reasearch. By this time, Moctezuma was reasearching Natonalism while the other two where on Ecology! On January 1, 1745, Moctezuma could take it no more and declared war on Napoleon. On the 2nd, Jefferson declared war on Moctezuma. The very first World War was on. Moctezuma marched about 70,000 troops in four stacks towards the French border. At the same time, he launched about 50,000 troops in two stacks aginst Jefferson.

What will the allies do against Moctezuma? Find out in the next post!
Chapter 25, We shall overcome!

The small Fremch army mobilized all the troops they could muster. 13,000 modern armor were assembled, and were marched into Aztec land. Napoleon, although almost 55, led the troops as commander. His son, Jean-Paul, now 31, was second in command. Elizabeth kept Jean-Paul's children at home, while acting as regent once again.

In the north, Jefferson mobilized 12,000 troops and marched them into Aztec territory. Being 72, Jefferson left the army to be commanded by his son William. Moctezuma was a crafty fellow. He knew right where Napolon would make his move, so he positioned his troops on either side. At dawn on January 10, 1745, Moctezuma made his move.

Napoleon was eating breakfast inside his tent with Jean-Paul when a messenger ran in. "Moctezuma will be here within minutes!" Immediatly, the King and Prince jumped to their feet, and ran to their armors. The army of the Aztecs rushed at them.

First, wave after wave of rifleman were destroyed by the defenders with little difficulty. After the rifleman slumped back to the main body of men, thousands of cavalrymen rushed at the armors. These were cut down with minimal casualties as well. Then came the kicker. Moctezuma had a small core of elite tanks, which then made their move. At decent cost, they were pushed back. At the end of the day, 60,000 out of 75,000 of the Aztecs lay dead on the field. With the French, they lost 9,000 out of 13,000.

The Aztec dead were buried in small, shallow pits containing about 7-10 men each. The French recieved a more honorable burial On the 12th, Napoleon finally got wind of what had happen to the north. Jefferson's men had won a devastating victory over the Aztec forces, while only loosing 2,000 men. Napoleon was reenforced to 15,000 troops, and marched to the nearist city of Teotihuacan. The French moved into sight range and were horrified at what they saw. 30,000 tanks and 25,000 rifleman were gaurding the city.

"Well, this should get interesting..." Napoleon thought.

(That all for now, will post in about 9 days. Feel free to speculate about what Napoleon does now...! :)
Chapter 26, Amnesty International

Napoleon set his sights on the weak left flank immediatly. He did some minor damage, but not substantial. He immediatly ordered that artillery should be brought to the field. Within days, it was there, and it was blowing the city into bits. By February 2, the defences had weakened enough and the French rushed the city. Teotihuacan fell the next day, and was immediatly renamed Victorieville.

In the north, Jefferson had taken the city of Calixtahula and was moving on Texcoco. Napoleon next set his sights on the Aztec capitol. When he arrived, he saw it was defended by 90,000 tanks. He set up artilery and begain to bombard the city.

Napoleon had a secret weapon up his sleeve. He immediatly started to bombard the city from the air with his new bomber. While he was bombing the city, Jefferson's men had arrrived, and helped attack the city. Eventually, the city fell, along with its empire. Jefferson had personally arrived to congratulate his troops and to help Napoleon to take care of Montezuma.

When the two most powerful men on the plant reached his large office, they were shocked by what they saw. Monctezuma had fifty rifleman waiting to kill both the leaders. Napoleon quickly knocked over a table and pulled Jefferson behind it. "Stay here!" Napoleon said as gunfire erupted. After the shots were unloaded, Napoleon stod up immediatly. He pulled out a machine gun and proceded to blow the rifleman away. When only Moctezuma was left, he pulled out that famous pistol. The one that had shot so many, hit its target once again. It hit Moctezuma right in the forehead.

"You know what's funny, "said Napoleon, "I was going to pardon him." "Me as well" said Jefferson a little shakily as he pulled his 72 year-old frame from behind the table. Later in Napoleo's victory speech, he said that, "April 5, A day which shall live in infamy..." and for the French, how true was that...

(Update soon!)
I just started reading, fantastic stories, are only France and America left? Or are there others?
yeah it's good, in a weird way.
30 000 tanks, come on:crazyeye:
To Dnomal: France and America are left, and Jefferson is old and aout to die. What will his son do...?

To Izipio: I ad three zeroes onto the end of the actual numbers, to make it seem 'realistic'...:crazyeye:

I'll post soon...
Chapter 27, Two deaths and an accident

The two armies settled in once again into a king of lul. Soon thereafter, Jefferson died on July 4, 1745, at age 73. His son's name was William VII Jefferson. With great pomp, he was crowned at age 39 on the 10th. Napoleon and his French court attended the ceremony.Madison was about 5' 8" with sandy blond hair with flecks of grey. A fiery aura shrouded this man, which earned the respect of both civilian and solider alike. Napoleon was happy that such a man was going to lead such a nation.

The French went home with a feeling of peace. The technology trade went along unscathed and unabated. February 25, 1747 was a sad day indeed for the nation. The Queen Elizabeth died in the palace of pneumonia at age 63. A national day of mourning was declared, and America followd suit. A sullen Napoleon lived in sorrow in the palace for many months before re-appearing in December of that year.In the time alone, he had been drawing thousands of genetic maps, and had single handedly unlocked the genetic code of humankind.

He re-emerged to attend a banquet held by William VII in Philadelphia. On the activity list was hunting. On a suprisingly warm December 20, the party of the two leaders set off into the forest. After a few hours, Napoleon was convinced that all game pursuance was fruitless when he saw a deer in the bush. He raised his gun and fired. A huge scream eminated from the wounded monarch, William VIII.

(What'll happen next time? Find out next post!)
to e350tb: Nuh-uh!!! Jefferson died of natural causes, and Lizzy went into the snow for too long on a day trip to Mt. Olympis. Not my fault! But, will William VII die? Find out soon!
Chapter 28, Death knocks twice before entering

Napoleon ran over to the bush, and pulled the wounded monarch out of it. Napoleon used all of his might and slung William over his shoulders. At age 57, that's quite a difficult thing to do. Napoleon staggered back to the main camp, and collapsed under his heavy burden. As the day flashed and grew dark in Napoleon's head, the last thing he saw were people rushing towards him. Then, darkness...

Napoleon awoke with a start a few hours later. He was in a chamber in the palace, and no one was around. He stood up and put on his overcoat while trying to rember what had happened. Suddenly, it all came rushing back. The shot, Williams wound, he carrying William. Napoleon strode out of the chambber and into the hallway. He had spent many months here, so he knew all about the building.

Napoleon went into a storage closet and pushed in a certain brick. The brick swiveled and a key board appeared. 'M-O-C-T-E-Z-U-M-A' he typed into the keyboard, which instantly retreated. The brick made a low hissing sound and opened wide. Napoleon lept up the stairs three at a time until he reached the King's bed chambers. He burst through the boookcase so suddenly, it made the women scream and the men jump sky high.

"That's not the normal reaction whan I walk into a room..." mused Napoleon. He strolled over to the bed, and looked upon William. The bullet had hit him right in the buttox. "Napoleon," whisped William, "You've never been a pain before, but I guess I can justifiably say your the pain in my ass..." "I guess I am." playfully smiled Napoleon. The doctor came over and led Napoleon away to a corner of the room.

"He lost a lot of blood , but the wound is sealed. I tried to convince him of the need to take the bullet out, but he wouldn't hear it. He said that he wanted to think of France every time he sat down." "Is he going to be all right?" "As far as I know, he'll be around for at least twenty-five years longer."

Napoleon walked over to his friend again when he noticed something. "Doctor, whats that?" The doctor strode over and looked to where Napoleon was pointing, as did William. On William's right side, there was a lump. The doctor ran some tests on the spot and said, "I'm afraid to inform you, sir, but you have cancer of the large intestine.

(Uh-oh. So, he's got cancer... What's next? Find out soon in the next post!)
I've never asked you to do something in my reviews, but can you include something about railways?

Great work!
Chapter 29, Ride to Philadelphia

William was devastated to learn that he had cancer. He lived like a recluse for several months until Napoleon convinced him to go to the Rockwood Cancer Clinic in Philadelphia. Eventually, William conceded and decided to go on March 15. William, Napoleon, and their assistants boarded the 9am train to Philadelphia, and got on their way.

To get to Philadelphia from Washington, one had to go over the Saltoon Mountain range. From there, over many hundreds of miles of prairie. Once you hit the coast, its a short ten miles to Philadelphia. The train was going over the last of the Saltoons when the boiler started to heat up rapidly. Perplexed, the engineer studied the gauges, only to discover that the boiler had a small crack in it. Within seconds, the boiler exploded and sent the train in a violent downward spiral.

The monarchs were sitting in their private car when the explosion was felt. They braced themselves as the engine careened violently down the last slope. Topping speeds at over 210 mph, the train whizzed across the first 120 miles of the great prairie before stopping. The frightened passengers hopped out of the cars and onto the stiff earth. The engine was totally destroyed, save the frame and the wheels. The first passenger car had its front section blown away. In all 31 people had been killed.

The monarchs charitably went around and comforted the people. "Now, William, how do you suppose we get to Philly?" "Well, this new thing called a 'cell phone' was just invented. It works like a telephone, but it is totally portable. Only my offices in Washington have them. I'll see if I can reach them." William pulled out a briefcase and turned a switch. He let it charge for a minute before pulling a phone of its top, and dialing the number.

"Your Majesty?" answered the advisor back in Washington. "Yes, Phil, It's me. I need a clean up crew on the rail line between Carrollton and Hundred City, on the W&P railroad. Got it?" "Yes, is everything all right?" "No, a devastating train wreck just happened. Both Napoleon and I are fine. Tell all that I have told you to the media, but emphasize that Napoleon and I are fine, and leave out every reference to cancer. As far as the public is concerned, I am vacationing in Philly. Got it? Good. Good-Bye." "Good-Bye, your majesty."

"Well, when are you going to get me one of those 'cell phones'?" asked Napoleon playfully. "Whenever we reach Philly!" answered William. By noon, a clean-up crew had arrived, along with the vulture-like reporters. By 3 pm, the wreck was cleaned up, and all those who wished it, were on their way to Philadelphia again.

(Next Post Soon!)
No, Thank YOU e350tb for that marvellous suggestion! Now, why did you want me to include something about railroads?

P.S. Let me know if you or any others have any more suggestions! :)
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