TJ02: Double Your Pleasure


Cunning old Celt
Jan 8, 2003
Doc Tsiolkovski
a space oddity

I've had a hankering to try out DyP for a long time. As most of my Civ time is committed to Succession Games I thought it might be cool to combine the two. What better way to explore this complex and intriguing mod than as an SG?

DyP newbies and veterans alike are welcome to join and, if there is enough interest, I'll set up more than one team and co-ordinate a competition.

If you are interested in joining then please indicate whether or not you've played DyP before and your level of DyP expertise. This will help me organise the roster to alternate between more and less experienced players.

Proposed start date 15th December

Preliminary settings
PTW: 1.27
DyP: 2.01
Difficulty: Emperor
Map: Random, Large, Continents
Conditions: Warm, Wet, Hilly
Opponents: Random
Victory Target: Spaceship or Diplomacy to ensure we explore most of the expanded tech tree
Civ: Mali - UU Mali Heavy Horseman (5.3.2) replaces Knight

Indicate your interest in the usual manner :)

I've downloaded Dyp 1.5, a mere 65Mb :p and I might have a little tinker b4 we start. I've not seen a DyP SG before, so this will be great!

Can I be on the roster to play after christmas please? 5th would be good for me.
Originally posted by mad-bax
I've downloaded Dyp 1.5, a mere 65Mb :p and I might have a little tinker b4 we start. I've not seen a DyP SG before, so this will be great!
Have a look at SirJethro's DyP II - "The Emperor's New Mod" from earlier this year or KL1 - DyP on Earth from last year.

Sadly, neither made it to the end. But we know that's not an option for us, don't we? :)

Originally posted by mad-bax
Can I be on the roster to play after christmas please? 5th would be good for me.
Consider it done. I'll put you in last :)

Welcome aboard Space :love:

We can use the 2.0 Beta by becoming testers. All you have to do is go >>here<< and join the group. Then you can download the beta software. You need to create an account on the home page first same as here.

It's only an idea.
Been there, done it, got it :)

I'm inclined to go with 1.50 (the devil we know) unless there is a public release of 2.x before we start playing.


I bow to the voice of the people :)

2+ it is.

p.s. Welcome aboard Doc Tsiolkovski
Originally posted by mad-bax
I've downloaded Dyp 1.5, a mere 65Mb :p and I might have a little tinker b4 we start.

This is why I'll have to pass :( --the "tinkering" in particular is not to my taste. But good luck, and I'll be lurking. :scan:

Edit: Hmm, I seem to have misinterpreted "have a little tinker" as the more ominous "have to tinker a little". Still, on technical grounds this one probably isn't a good choice for me.
That's kinda the point of this game NP,

DyP is a big mod and I thought a group of us playing might actually manage to figure out the changes and see whether or not it's worth the effort :)

I look forward to you putting us back on the straight & narrow when we're up to our arses in alligators and have forgotten what we're supposed to be doing in the first place :D

Lots of familiar faces around here. May I join?

I've started one DyP and got halfway through the Middle Ages about 8 months ago. Never continued since.

The problem would be those 65 megs. I'll ask a friend though and I'll get it in a couple of days or so.
Sure thing Yndy,

I'll add you to the roster.

Welcome Deatvert,

have you played DyP before?


we have enough players for one game but I'll leave this open to see if there's enough interest to get a second team started.

Remember we won't be starting until the middle of December.

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