I can moderate a NES 5 weeks from now

silver 2039

Jul 26, 2003
5 weeks from now my next semester begins. Its a hard longn haul till then but once my next semester starts its pretty cushy. I have easy courses like History, Civics, Careers, and Spanish along with a free period.

So I would like to moderate some Industrial/Modern NES (altHistory also works) preferably.

So any suggestions? (No I will not restart my old NES.)
Also I would like somehting that already has stats, map, storyline and such so I can do as little work as possible.
Restart your old NES,failing that....
A modern NES would be nice....for my own NES is not really on the run.....still waiting for orders:mischief: :rolleyes:
So I would like to moderate some Industrial/Modern NES (altHistory also works) preferably.

Gelion had an idea for 1911 NES, but he started the WWII one. Whereas I still have a nice idea for such a NES - several, in fact, depending on whom I get.
you usually kill off your nes's
An alt-historical of anything pre-industrial is good with me. Maybe something along the lines of Rome lasted longer, Mohammed was never born, really anything around that tiem period would be interesting.
das said:
Gelion had an idea for 1911 NES, but he started the WWII one. Whereas I still have a nice idea for such a NES - several, in fact, depending on whom I get.

If you have any industrial or modern althistories or something prefeably with built in map and stats I'd be happy to moderate it.....

@ Emu I also usually kill my minorities and neihbors.
If you have any industrial or modern althistories or something prefeably with built in map and stats I'd be happy to moderate it.....

I have two old "guess-the-pod" scenarios, that naturally come with maps, that I would like to see done. Could make stats and help out further.

Year 1900 in a world with no Bismarck. The world is slowly, but surely moving towards WWII...

Year 1932 in a world where Germany, as it initially intended, acquired Port Arthur in the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion. After the fall of the British Empire in a recent war with just about everybody who wanted a piece of Britain, the Franco-Russian Entante is likely to get a rude awakening soon...

Need more details?
[mock]You're slow to reply, silver2039.[/mock]
I notice you seem to always like to screw over Turkey and the British. Make Russia uber huge, India indepednent and give Germany the British colonial Empire, and make China weakish....and Netehrlands always reatins SOMETHING.....

Personally this is a bit too similar to SINES. And too similar to the other NEs onging. Do you have anything a bit diffrent?
das said:
Year 1900 in a world with no Bismarck

This one looks quite interesting, I think.
I notice you seem to always like to screw over Turkey and the British.

Not always (see CapNES), but often. ;)

Make Russia uber huge, India indepednent and give Germany the British colonial Empire, and make China weakish...

Again, not always.

And you forgot about Mexico retaking Central America!

Netehrlands always reatins SOMETHING.....

Its called a "recurring theme". ;)

Personally this is a bit too similar to SINES. And too similar to the other NEs onging.

For instance? And SINES was very different, firstly it wasn't as polarized as the German Port Arthur World, secondly it wasn't set as early as the Bismarckless World.

Do you have anything a bit diffrent?

I do, I do... But that will take more searching in my program files.

Okay, found something. Not sure what PoD could create something like THIS (as in, don't really remember... I think I killed off Alexander Nevsky), but its original I believe (1880 AD):
Looks cool that map!! :)
silver 2039 said:
I notice you seem to always like to screw over Turkey and the British. Make Russia uber huge, India indepednent and give Germany the British colonial Empire, and make China weakish....and Netehrlands always reatins SOMETHING.....

Personally this is a bit too similar to SINES. And too similar to the other NEs onging. Do you have anything a bit diffrent?

Im glad im not the only one who noticed Das screwing over Britain and making uberRussia (it always seems to take over Iran)
(it always seems to take over Iran)

Not really, only most of the times. Then again, the chances of Iran being either partitioned between Russia and Britain, either falling to either of them are fairly high.
That's another first! The number of maps where the United States is either severely handicapped or did not exist is only 1/3! ;)
Actually, I have one problem withthe last map that is far more important than Ethiopia, there is no Chicago! You should be given the Vlad treatment for such a horrible grievance. you are now oficially on my list of evil people and fools.
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