I didn't see this information anywhere else, so I'm starting a new thread for it.
The amount of hammers you earn from chopping a forest decrease the further the forest square is from your city. Cultural borders have no effect, its based on the city square. The following grid shows the number of hammers for each forest square positioned around your capitol. 8 squares out is the maximum distance you can still get hammers from a forest chop.
Production modifiers apply to forest chop values. For instance a city with a Heroic Epic will earn twice as many hammers from a forest chop when building a unit then otherwise. Leader trait bonuses modify the values as well. Whether you are playing epic, normal, or quick affects the values, and charts for each speed are posted below.
Base terrain does not change the forest value. Thus forest on a grassland, hill, plain, etc all gives the same number of hammers depending on distance.
The amount of hammers you earn from chopping a forest decrease the further the forest square is from your city. Cultural borders have no effect, its based on the city square. The following grid shows the number of hammers for each forest square positioned around your capitol. 8 squares out is the maximum distance you can still get hammers from a forest chop.
Production modifiers apply to forest chop values. For instance a city with a Heroic Epic will earn twice as many hammers from a forest chop when building a unit then otherwise. Leader trait bonuses modify the values as well. Whether you are playing epic, normal, or quick affects the values, and charts for each speed are posted below.
Base terrain does not change the forest value. Thus forest on a grassland, hill, plain, etc all gives the same number of hammers depending on distance.