The Epic of Man - A Collaborative Diplogame Story


Dec 16, 2000
Washington, DC USA
For those of you who like a good Civ4 based story, I strongly encourage you to check out the Epic of Man being told over at Apolyton. It is a Diplogame, which is our special style of play that is a multiplayer role-playing Civ game. Everyone involved (5-7 players usually) conducts themselves as real leaders, and the part that may interest everyone here, all the players are expected to tell the story of their experience in the game in the forum. So if done right, there are 5-7 intertwining storylines. It can be extremely facinating if done right. Lots of illustrations and drama.

The thread for our current game, Epic of Man, is here:

To wet your appetite, here is the first post by Capo:

Sometime before 4000 b.c. ...

The tunnel was dark and cold, not nearly as dark and cold as the thoughts running through Aeneas' head. He held his torch far in front, it was the last glimmer of hope he and his people had. His bruised and bloodied hand clutched the handle of of a sword so tightly the sweat produced dripped onto the cobbled patch built years before by his ancestors, the only sounds that echoed through the dark corridor were that of the women, children and the few men that survived the attack - nay - the destruction of his home; Troy.

When he reached the door he turned "This is it" he said, "we've made it..."

Two years later...

"I think he's dead" said the boy as he poked the man's body.

"He's breathing Sextus, stop it." he friend said "Let's help him up."

"No" Sextus said, holding his friend Tiberius back "He's a soldier, look at his sword, he may kill us."

"He's near death, take his sword, we can make him our slave." Tiberius replied.

"Come on! We haven't got all day" his father yelled from the hill "what are you doing down there?" He walked towards the boys, and noticed the man "Get away from him, now!" he said rushing up to the body.

"Father he's alive, I think he's an Etruscan, he has a sword." Tiberius told his father.

"Go back to the camp, get the Auger, you shouldn't be playing with this body, it will anger Pluto." said the man as he surveyed the body; he was alive, but wasn't well, without care death would soon befall him...

The Auger looked over the body "he's a strange looking man, he's not of Italy."

"Well, look at his sword, its well crafted. It looks more ceremonial than useful, look how blunt it is" said Turnus as he ran his finger accross the sword's edge, "such craftsmanship."

"He's still alive in any event, he's breathing." the Auger said as he sprinkled water on the man's brow.

"Leave him to the dogs for all I care" said Turnus "or make him a slave, who found him?"

"We can't just make him a slave! You said it yourself, the sword he bears is ceremonial, he's obviously important, perhaps a great warrior. We could incur the wrath of the gods and anyone else that would wish to claim him if we made him a slave." the Auger argued, Turnus was not listening; he was an arrogant man who was only two days from marrying Chief Latinus' daughter Lavinia. Despite his disposition he was the greatest warrior and hunter the Latins had.

Just then the man coughed - "He moves!" the Auger said.

The man's eyes opened, he looked around the tent and quickly rose from his bed "What place is this?" he asked, hysterically.

Turnus quickly rose and readied his flint club "Name yourself!" he yelled, threatening the man.

"I am Aeneas of Troy, son of Anchises and Venus, commander of the Dardanians. Where is my sword?" he said, looking around frantically.

"Calm yourself good man" said the Auger calmly, "We have your sword."

"Give it to me, I musn't let-" Aeneas tried to explain but he was quickly interrupted.

"SILENCE!" Turnus yelled at the man, pushing him back down onto the bed with his club "What are you doing here? I hardly believe you are of Troy, it is a myth!"

"Where are the others?" Aeneas asked, looking Turnus dead in the eyes. Turnus felt a strange heat come over him, for whatever reason he was enraged.

"The man is raving!" Turnus laughed "There are no others, only you, we found you half dead near the beaches. You'd be wise to tell us what your business is here!"

"I told you, I am Aeneas of Troy. My city was destroyed by a coalition of barbarians, we left on a ship. There was a storm, I don't remember much after that, I was pretty sure I was going to drown..." he trailed off "Where am I?"

"That is of no concern to you, you will see the Chief." Turnus replied "Auger, help him up..."

Turnus bowed before Chief Latinus and kissed his feet, it was customary in the Latin tribe to do such a thing, Turnus couldn't wait until the marriage so he could one day become Chief himself; "Dominus, there is a stranger who appeared near the beach, he claims to be from Troy, he says he and a shipload of people left the city because of an attack. He's raving sir, clearly insane from near death, but I have this to offer." Turnus reported, he kneeled and held up the sword, the Chief took it.

"This is quite beautiful" the Chief said, looking over the craftsmanship "Its hardly sharp enough for fighting though. Where is this stranger?"

"AUGER!" Turnus barked from the tent, within seconds the Auger walked in, with Aeneas beside him. "Here he is Dominus." Turnus said to the Chief.

"State your name." the Chief said bluntly.

"I am Aeneas of Troy sir, son of-" Aeneas explained, the Chief raised his hand to silence him.

"Aeneas, Turnus tells me you claim to be of Trojan descent. I find this odd, we here in Italy fancy this as mere myth. Troy does not exist, it is a tale." the Chief explained.

"No sir, it can be no myth, I was born there. The city is destroyed." Aeneas explained.

"Of course it is destroyed" said Turnus sarcastically "Chief, he lies! He can't produce a city that has been destroyed-"

"TURNUS!" the Chief yelled "Leave at once!"

Turnus turned and glared at Aeneas, he then bowed to the Chief and left the tent.

"Now, Aeneas, tell me what happened to Troy..." the Chief asked.
Looks like this is gunno be a good one.
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