

Jan 18, 2006
I present you the tank that won WW2 together with his older brother 85. ;)


Thanks for the model Paasky.

:nuke: Note for the modders: It does make a difference when you export model with or without Scene Lights.


Any chance you could put up polycounts with your new units as well as simply screenshots. With a 3D engine the polycount is needed to know exactly how much of an effect the new unit is going to have on the graphics card.
The Graet Apple said:
Any chance you could put up polycounts with your new units

No problem.

I guess it's a little bit too much but I'll have to wait for some mod field testing. The civ4 models are much simpler.
Very nice looking model. Real dumb question.....can these be "skinned" like Vanilla models?
I don't really know what Vanilla models are :blush: but the textures are separate from model and you can change if you want.
Great looking model. :thumbsup: Now we just need someone to start taking all these new units and putting them into the game with balanced costs, attacks, etc. :)
Does anyone know a reasonable limit for polygons? If I make a new unit, I want most everyone to be able to enjoy it that wants it, reguardless of computer.

snafusmith said:
Does anyone know a reasonable limit for polygons? If I make a new unit, I want most everyone to be able to enjoy it that wants it, reguardless of computer.
About 800-1000 triangles for multi-model units, and 1600-2000 for single-model units. This is very flexible though, cavalry for example is more than 1000 triangles, while jet plane is I think around 700, but these are good starting points. If you find yourself making models that are too detailed just keep in mind their scael in game and how far the camera usually is, many surface details can done using textures.

Also, I know that leaderheads use normal maps, if there is a way, and we can figure it out, how to use normal maps for units then we'll be able to produce extremely detailed looking models without adding a single extra polygon.
sharick said:
I don't really know what Vanilla models are :blush: but the textures are separate from model and you can change if you want.

Sorry, I meant the ones that came with the game. I use GIMP to skin them and then convert them back.
Rabbit said:
About 800-1000 triangles for multi-model units, and 1600-2000 for single-model units. This is very flexible though, cavalry for example is more than 1000 triangles, while jet plane is I think around 700, but these are good starting points.
How do you know this? Is there a way to export them, or simply guesswork?
The Great Apple said:
How do you know this?

You can preview any civ unit with SceneViewer.exe and see polycount in Performance Statistics.
Great work ! Amazing model and textures !
It's great to see this famous and really important during WWII tank in the game. In my native town ( that is in russia) was a monument with this tank , so almost every day i saw it while going to school.

Can u say please how you manage to export texture as a separate DDS's ? They i try to export my model to Civ4 format all i get is a couple of nif files.

And last thing, maybe u can make a low-poly version of this unit ? Since, i think, it's gonna be quite a load for some machines then u create an army of this hi-poly units.
nautil said:
Can u say please how you manage to export texture as a separate DDS's ?

In civ export window choose Textures - Original images. This way it exports only the model with references to original textures.
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