Don't mine me! - The hammerless challenge
Can commerce
beat production
The idea for this game started in another SG (Independence day) starting soon, where I had the idea to have a commerce only strategy. In Independence day we play on a Terra map, but once we have discovered Astronomy we pack up our units and move to the other side of the world, gifting our cities to others and starting over in the new world. So any improvements built in the old world would be lost anyway. We plan to build a small settlement with cities focused on food and commerce to optimize science and be given away later. I have the feeling commerce focus can be very powerful.
The power of commerce over production
The basic rule is we will not build mines and you should not work any tiles with two or more hammers. Commerce and Food should always have priority over production. Production deficits can be made up through whipping, drafting or buying.
Many higher level games can be won by outproducing the AI. We will show the power of commerce and that games can be won with loads of commerce instead of hammers.
1. Commerce and Food are always priority.
This game will be won by science and cash, so commerce and food always have priority over hammers. If the choice is between a coastal tile with 2F&3C and hill forest with 3H, for your first Workboat, go for coast. Forests should be chopped to boost production and should not be worked if there are commerce tiles available. Exception is that resource tiles which can always be worked.
2. No mines, workshop, lumbermills or watermills.
Exception is that we are allowed to mine resources. Captured cities should have these improvements replaced.
3. No production improvement buildings
That means no factories, no power plants, no iron works, etc. Exception to this rule is forges as it provides happiness and is needed to build the colossus and other wonders. Colossus is commerce focused and a likely objective. Note that forges have a low priority.
4. No production focused Civics
No Police State or Organized Religion. Slavery and Universal suffrage are allowed and logical goals. The pyramids could help a lot in enabling Universal Suffrage early.
5. Leader choice
For Warlords we'll play with Hannibal - Carthage
Financial & Charismatic - Fishing & Mining - Numidian Cavalry - Cothon (replaces Harbor)
6. Victory conditions
All conditions allowed.
7. World Setup
Epic Speed, Monarch. Continents world, standard settings.
1. Remconius
2. efendi (WL)
3. karr1255 (WL)
4. Asperger (WL)
5. Chrono285 (WL)
6. negyvenketto (Vanilla)
Please signup if you are interested.

Thanks to Cabert, Methos and Caesius for the comments.
Can commerce

The idea for this game started in another SG (Independence day) starting soon, where I had the idea to have a commerce only strategy. In Independence day we play on a Terra map, but once we have discovered Astronomy we pack up our units and move to the other side of the world, gifting our cities to others and starting over in the new world. So any improvements built in the old world would be lost anyway. We plan to build a small settlement with cities focused on food and commerce to optimize science and be given away later. I have the feeling commerce focus can be very powerful.
The power of commerce over production
The basic rule is we will not build mines and you should not work any tiles with two or more hammers. Commerce and Food should always have priority over production. Production deficits can be made up through whipping, drafting or buying.
Many higher level games can be won by outproducing the AI. We will show the power of commerce and that games can be won with loads of commerce instead of hammers.
1. Commerce and Food are always priority.
This game will be won by science and cash, so commerce and food always have priority over hammers. If the choice is between a coastal tile with 2F&3C and hill forest with 3H, for your first Workboat, go for coast. Forests should be chopped to boost production and should not be worked if there are commerce tiles available. Exception is that resource tiles which can always be worked.
2. No mines, workshop, lumbermills or watermills.
Exception is that we are allowed to mine resources. Captured cities should have these improvements replaced.
3. No production improvement buildings
That means no factories, no power plants, no iron works, etc. Exception to this rule is forges as it provides happiness and is needed to build the colossus and other wonders. Colossus is commerce focused and a likely objective. Note that forges have a low priority.
4. No production focused Civics
No Police State or Organized Religion. Slavery and Universal suffrage are allowed and logical goals. The pyramids could help a lot in enabling Universal Suffrage early.
5. Leader choice
For Warlords we'll play with Hannibal - Carthage
Financial & Charismatic - Fishing & Mining - Numidian Cavalry - Cothon (replaces Harbor)
6. Victory conditions
All conditions allowed.
7. World Setup
Epic Speed, Monarch. Continents world, standard settings.
1. Remconius
2. efendi (WL)
3. karr1255 (WL)
4. Asperger (WL)
5. Chrono285 (WL)
6. negyvenketto (Vanilla)
Please signup if you are interested.

Thanks to Cabert, Methos and Caesius for the comments.