Hungarian Hussar


Filter Manipulator
Feb 2, 2007
coastal flood plain
Fat! That's cool. Thank you very much.
nice work :goodjob:
Will be in the next version of the magyar mod.
Hey Bernie, I have some trouble with your unit... After you posted it here I tried it immediatly on my desktop pc and it worked fine. Now I tried it on my laptop and it shows up as the russian cossack (at least in the civiopedia, but I am sure it will be the same during a game). What I did to include it into my mod is: creating a folder for the unit graphics files and copied your files in it. Then I added the following entriy to civ4artdefines_unit.xml:

<ShadowAttachNode>HorseBip Spine1</ShadowAttachNode>

Since there was no kfm file (for the animation I guess) and no one for the shadow I included these from the russian cossack. As I said: it worked on my desktop pc, but on my laptop the russian cossack shows up. I also tried to copy the two files (.kfm and *_fx.nif) to my units folder. Then the unit is nearby like it should, only the head is the one of the cossack and it is green. Looks like an alien... What is my mistake??? And why the hell does it run on my desktop pc??
Change the SHADERNIF to point to the same location as the original nif, so it ends up as:


The reason it works on the Desktop PC is because it has a more powerful graphics card and doesn't need to use the shader file.

The reason the cossack is green when you copy the files is because bernie has used a new head in his NIF file, which covers the Cossack's head (which he has made green for some reason).
hi cool, sorry bout that :blush: niknak is right..... i don't recall what the name of my nif file was for the unit (wont be home for another 10 days) but as ling as u point the NIF and SHADERNIF to the same nif file, it should work ok.....w/ the cossaK KFM. i dont usually do the SHADERNIF (FX) because most of my units don't deal with team color and the sort, but there is an excellent TUT by rabbit,white on how to make the FX files out of the regular nifs (in one of his nif tools TUTS) if u want team colors etc......

btw, the reason the cossak's head is green is that when i colorized the layer for the coat/tunic, he had turned green,and since I was not planning on using that head, well iut nstayed green:crazyeye:
Yeah... works fine now. Thank you very much!
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