[BTS Module] Hungary


Oct 23, 2006
Salgótarján, Hungary
Civilization: Hungarian Empire

1. Mátyás Hunyadi (Philosophical, Creative)
2. Szent István (Spiritual, Organized)

1. Unique: Huszár Cavalry (Cavalry)
2. Flavor: Tegetthoff Class (Battleship)

Academy Of Science (University)

Hungarian Parliament

Unique sounds and music

Anima Croatorum for the original Magyar Empire for Civ4
cool3a2 for the bts version
Tomalak, Bernie14, charly1977 and asioasioasio for graphic sources
Terror666 for the unit sounds

thanks for this, wanted this ever since when playing with Revolutions and an austrian civ budapest declared its independance but hadnt got round to making it yet.
Good job, my ex's grandmother and g/father are from Budapest, infact he was a COL in the Hungarian Army back in WWII, they owned a small type store that was right around the corner from the Gabor sisters (if you know who they are, that is, LOL)
:goodjob: Nice work! Please tell me when you have finished your work on the animated leaderheads and the new unit graphics. If you will allow I will add them to the magyar mod, too. Maybe I could also add Hunyadi Mátyás as fifth leader. Since you have finished a modular version of Hungary, the BtS version of magyar mod is not that important, but maybe there are players that still play warlords or vanilla.

De én azt mondanám inkább, hogy I. István, mert a "Szent"-nek csak magyarul van értelme, így meg minden nyelven értelmes.
Még azt hihetnék, hogy az a neve, hogy "szent"... :)
Erm... how do you install this?

I have yet to discover what to do with these modular civs.
i try to improve some things: animated leaderheads, ... and i'm working with a team to create flavor units for hungary
Zerver made some graphical stuff that looks promising.
Saint Stephen
magyar units (I guess you thought of unique artstyle for magyar units, not more unique units with own characteristics? Anyway, that's your mod.)

Do you have your own projects for creating this? If so: any progress? I couldn't find anything about this at www.civ4.hu, but I didn't searched very intensive. If there is a thread about this, could you give me the link?
Excuse me (and I ask this as a naive "newbie" to downloading), but how do I download this into BTS? When I extract the file, I have no idea where to put it or how to access it later in the game.

Thank you!
1. Mátyás Hunyadi
2. Szent István

Will you be adding full Diplomacy Sounds and text for your Leaders. Please this will help make your mod more complete.
meg tudnád mondani, hogy mit hova kell tenni?
bocsi, hogy ezzel zavarlak, csak még elég kezdő vagyok :rolleyes:
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