Flack Halftrack


UMM nothing
Apr 28, 2002
K i made a mobile AA air unit:

here is the file to download it...

now what i did was i made it have attack and defense values higher than my regular fighters, and bombers but lower than the jet fighters and the stealth, because this was a WWI unit. Then make it a land unit and tag the air *suppority* so that when a plane trys to invade the city its in it can shoot it down. If you play the game where the planes have no immobile tag i'm not sure if this applies to being able to shoot planes when you are attacking them i haven't really tested the game on that. Those are the basics the rest can be filled in) I will make a modern aa or i've seen other people working on more advance AA guns and this will be upgradeable to them.

hope you enjoy this is my first motorized unit
here is the default image
Cool looking unit! Does it really work, setting a land unit with air superiority?

That would be perfect. You can send one of these babies along with your invading troops to protect against aircraft. Awesome.
I'm working on an Imobile Flak gun, that will work for Air sureriority, but I don't know about mobile flak weapons yet, I was going to doa a mech infantry truck with a flack varriant and the only way I can think if to make it work is if it is a zero attack/deffence unit, like artillery; in which case you need to make the attack flick some think like this;

(with the explosion moving across the scenery like a plane in flight, otherwise you get the effect of a flying flakgun. these are two different guns, large and small calliber, the red is alpha blending shadow).
Great unit...but did you get this from EMPIRE EARTH(a very good game) because it looks alot like the one one EMPIRE EARTH?

P.S. the Skywatch AA is in EMPIRE EARTH to
How does attack strength factor into air superiority? I thought if the fighter/aa gun has a 0 attack strength, it will be shot down by the bomber's defensive power.

I could be wrong, but nonetheless I think you're attack rippling over the screen like the fighter sounds like a very good idea.
I made my Radar station unit be immobile and have the paradrop function so you can just plop it out somewhere in the field. I gave air superiority so it could act like a SAM site, but outside a city, but im not sure if it works. Would this work, giving a ground unit air superiority? Smoking Mirror (whose units are bad ass by the way) and TVA22 kinda gave conflicting statements:( .

It would be a big help if I knew before I started my mod, this is one of the last things i need done. If it doesn't work than I'll just scrap the radar station because its pretty much useless(I tried to make it act like a civ ii airstrip, giving it the ability to hold two air units in an attempt to increase my bombers' ranges, but this idea failed).
Originally posted by Kramerman
(I tried to make it act like a civ ii airstrip, giving it the ability to hold two air units in an attempt to increase my bombers' ranges, but this idea failed).

Someone made an airbase unit using CTP2 graphics. I gave it airdrop 8, immobile, transport 4, transport only aircraft. It works fine.
How do you get the aircraft to go into it, mine can never enter when i try to rebase them. Is there some other way to load them into it. However, I do think I can load them into it before I airdrop it.
I give my AA Missle Trooper an attack rating. Just incase any foolish Rival Civ comes attacking me :groucho: :flamedevi: Although I have never herd a Military unit in real life fireing a Anti-Aircraft Missle on a Tank on self defense. I am still testing my unit. Here are the stats: its a land unit. with 8 Attack Strength, 4 Deffense Strength, Opreratonal Range of 2, and has Air Superiority missions enabled. Any suggestions Incubus0223?
@ CivGeneral : If I am not mistaken, the 88mm gun is used by Germany in WWII both as a normal artillery and A-A artillery. So instead of giving it an attack value maybe you should give it a bombardment value. ;)
Originally posted by Kramerman
How do you get the aircraft to go into it, mine can never enter when i try to rebase them. Is there some other way to load them into it. However, I do think I can load them into it before I airdrop it.

You mean the planes won't even rebase to the airbase unit? Should do, although they won't 'load' like into a transport.
correct, I cant get them to rebase. What things should I have flaged? I think that is probably the problem.
ok, this is most helpful. Thanks zulu. It appears i had those flags marked but i also gave it interception abailities. this might of mest it up or something. Thanks again.

Can anyone tell me how to make this unit work in my game because i tried and as soon as i try to build it the game shuts off
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