Field of Strategy 2 Game


Oct 7, 2007
This game is freeware. It operates at four levels - tactical and divisional battles and operational and strategic campaigns. Right now(new things are always in the works)the following historical periods are represented: Napoleonic(all four levels), World War II(all four levels), medieval(tactical battles), 18th century(tactical battles)and modern(divisional battles and a strategic campaign). The download package also includes map and army/scenario editors. One small caveat: the FOS2 graphics won't win any awards, but IMO they do the job well enough. At any rate, to find this little gem go to Yahoo! Search and in the dialog box type in "field of strategy game"(uppercase not needed). The first search results page should show a link to FOS2 and the TPGames start page. Clicking on that link and going to that page will get you to the download link that you need. Another link on the TPGames start page is the one leading to the FOS2 forums in English and French(the FOS2 creator and forums moderator is French). After you try out the game you can sign up for the English forums and maybe keep me company. It appears that a lot of people have signed up for the FOS2 forums over the course of the past several weeks but they likewise appear to all be going to the French forums, which is logical considering that this game has previously been given precious little publicity outside France. In any case, good luck and enjoy!!
I define spamming as flooding an online location with many identical or nearly identical posts. You can't honestly say that about my recent endeavors. I was trying to do something good in letting people know about a game that probably not too many people in the English-language wargaming community previously knew about. If the situation had been reversed and someone else had done this for my benefit I would be quite pleased. If it means anything to anybody I have no direct association with anybody involved in the creation of FOS2 or any of its parts. I'm just someone who was lucky enough to stumble into the download link for this game and I wanted to share my good fortune. I should also add that I haven't had any computer problems as a result of downloading this freeware. Your mileage may of course vary(but I hope it doesn't). I tried to stick to the posting guidelines when I first submitted the previous message and I think I succeeded. What anyone else here or elsewhere online chooses to do with this info is entirely up to them. Don't kill the messenger if you don't happen to like the message, that's all.
I was just messing with you, hence the winky smile. If I really felt you were spamming I wouldn't have followed up with the direct link, which BTW, are allowed on these forums.

Just to be pedantic, I was referring to spamming the Internet since I found 3 other posts by you with some of them being identical. But, as I said before, I was just joking around. Welcome to CFC. :D
I saw the link so I figured it was all good. I tried pretty hard, I think, to post about FOS2 within the forum guidelines. Some people online apparently have issues with my first post above, but then I suspect such people would have issues with a lot of things that aren't really harmful. A few ruffled feathers here and there is no cause IMO to declare a national emergency. Your last post together with your welcome is appreciated. I hope this will all settle down and life for all of us can get back to normal very soon.
Welcome to the forums.
Come and stay a little longer, we have some fun discussions.
Welcome to the forums.
Come and stay a little longer, we have some fun discussions.

Saying that makes us seen so innocent and tame.
I plan on sticking around for a while. However, I wish I could solve the Conquests editor problem I've been having. There are some things I'd like to do with some scenarios before I consider them ready to play, but I'm presently being stymied by all of my units being given artillery characteristics(by the editor),which means they can't occupy captured cities to fulfill the scenario victory conditions. Has anyone else gone through this?
I'm sure you can find a better place to ask this question, like the C3C forum for instance. It's been a while since I played Civ...

@ Harbringer : Well, we are tame and innocent, are we not ? :mischief:
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