Good vs Evil – My first scenario.


Apr 6, 2002
O.C. California
I was board at work today, so I created this little scenario,
It’s for .30k - Standard map size, using creation script, with 13 players

They good guys are together, Evil together, with neutral, kinda in between.
The good are on good terms with each other, so are the bad, and Neutral, well, they are neutral.

Good is going to have to stand together to weather the storm from Evil.
Neutral can mostly stay out of choosing sides, all except for Rhoanna. They will have to brace themselves for attacks from Evil till Good can show up, or possibly decide to join the dark side.

There are two paths that link Good and Evil, but they are both heavily guarded and an army will be needed to breach these barriers.

Ljosalfar - Arendel Phaedra
Elohim - Ethne the White
Bannor - Sabathiel
Malakim - Varn Gosam

Lanun - Falamar
Khazad - Kandros Fir
Hippus - Rhoanna
Sidar - Sandalphon

Svartalfar - Faeryl Viconia
Calabim - Flauros
Balseraphs - Keelyn
Doviello - Mahala
Sheaim - Tebryn Arbandi

Please give it a try and let me know how it plays, and what changes should be included in future scenarios.

v1.2: Minor balance changes (2/28)
v1: First release. (2/27)

Known issues:
I know some civs have contact with civs they have not yet met. Not sure how to fix that. It happens when you place a unit in their territory, once done, it can’t be removed, that I know of.


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