Events for 1939 BTS Mod


Oct 25, 2001
This mod could benefit from historically related events. Lets discuss them here and talk about developing the events files.
Historic events worth considering:

1. Forced declarations of war.
Italy vs Britain.
Finland vs USSR.
Germany vs USSR.
US vs Germany/Italy (unable to declare before then).

2. Vichy France split off; if Germany conquers Paris, France becomes a vassal to Germany (and maybe some Free French partisans pop up?).
If Paris is liberated by UK or US, the vassalisation is ended and France declares war on Germany.

3. Partisan spawn.
Events spawning partisans in conquered territories, particularly for France/Poland. Make them trigger off cities with foreign culture?

4. Hypothetical surrenders.
USSR becomes vassal to Germany if Leningrad and Moscow (and Stalingrad?) are conquered.
Italy becomes vassal to Germany if Rome conquered by US or UK?
UK becomes vassal to Germany if London conquered, or London and Edinburgh?

5. Forced civic changes. Eg US forced into isolationism/non-militaristic until Dec 41, and give non-militaristic a large military production penalty (like -80%).

6. Something to weaken the Soviets after German DOW.
All Soviet units get a "Disorganized" promotion that gives -1 movement and -25% strength, and lasts for 5 turns. Soviets also get plunged into anarchy for 5 turns, with no research or production.

7. Maybe forced permanent alliances, which will overlap with the declarations of war?
In June 1940 Italy and eastern balkans enter permanent alliance with Germany.
In Dec 1941 US enters permanent alliance with UK.
Those are all great events, it would certainly make the Mod more like the "The Road to War" Mod. I was thinking more about the random events that occur due to the CIV4EventTriggerInfos.xml file, something like adapting some of the current events to have more of a 1930's and 1940's flavor.

I don't want to see historical events occurring unconditionally, as was done in "The Road to War". I enjoyed that mod thoroughly but it would be nice if some middle ground existed between no event and scripted, unavoidable events.

Much of the alliances/diplomacy and capitulation action can be controlled with the xml files. Hopefully I will find the courage to attack those issues and send in the needed changes so they can be integrated into the Mod.
I think there needs to be a clear statement by the mod creator(s?) of how the mod is intended to be different from Road to War.
Those are all great events, it would certainly make the Mod more like the "The Road to War" Mod. I was thinking more about the random events that occur due to the CIV4EventTriggerInfos.xml file, something like adapting some of the current events to have more of a 1930's and 1940's flavor.

I don't want to see historical events occurring unconditionally, as was done in "The Road to War". I enjoyed that mod thoroughly but it would be nice if some middle ground existed between no event and scripted, unavoidable events.

Actually RtW allows a choice between fixed, unfixed and random/no historical events.
OK i see it like this (just propositions - if it could be done it would be awsome):

1. Two types - historical and flavour.

2. Most of the events should be triggered by something (the situtaion on the map, civics, technologies).

3. Flavour could appear in all the scenarios. Historical should appear in selected scenarios - so when scenario name is WW2 Europe - June 1943.CivBeyondSwordWBSave and WW2 Europe - September 1939.CivBeyondSwordWBSave use this events. To make life easier it could create additional tag in EventsInfos where the scenarios could be specified.
Something like this
<Scenario>WW2 Europe - June 1943.CivBeyondSwordWBSave</Scenario>
<Scenario>WW2 Europe - September 1939.CivBeyondSwordWBSave</Scenario>

Not sure if this is doable since I'm programming dummy.

4.It would be also good if player could choose in the begining
-game without all events
-game without only historical events
-game with all events.

5. As many as possible events should at least have two options to choose (like it is in Hearts of Iron II).
So for example Player playing Germany could decide if:
- it wants start the war with Poland, (Triggers war with Poland, France, Great Britain, Canada, and if available on the map Australia and Canada)
- demand once again "Gdansk or war" (15% chance for success - Gdansk go to Germany, -5 to diplomacy with Poland and -2 to all the other countries mentioned above, Germany cannot declare war for 10 turns)(85% chance for failure - start the war with all above),
- don't start war yet. (it would be rather option for player, AI would start war, unless the situation on the map is very critical - for example it won't start war with Soviet Union if it can't beat France on the west).

6. It could use the graphics for the events
I would love to make the .dds work :)
1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing).
March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies.
March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich.
Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October.
March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany.
April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May.
1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany.
27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41.
October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands.
9 April – German forces occupied Denmark
9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic.
10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack.
German Army Group A (containing the majority of the Panzer Units) attacks through the Ardennes Forrest and cuts off two French Armies and the BEF from the rest of the French Forces. These troops either surrendered or were evacuated at Dunkirk.
22 June – The Battle of France ends. After the disaster in the Low Countries, the French Army becomes almost totally ineffective, and the Germans easily attack through northern and eastern France. France surrenders and Vichy France was established, which is Southern France, Corsica and the French Colonies that now became essentially allied with Germany.
July – October 1940. Battle of Britain. An attempt by Germany to gain air superiority, in order to invade Britain (Operation Sea Lion). The Germans failed and eventually called off the Operation.
NOT SHOWN: Sept 1940-Nov 1942: North Africa Campaign. A series of see-saw battles between German/Italian Forces (Libya) and the British (Egypt).
October 1940. Italy attempted to invade Greece, but failed miserably. They actually lose half of Albania, and the British sent forces to defend Greece.
April 1941. Germany goes to the aid of Italy by invading Greece, and consequently Yugoslavia when the Yugoslav government was overthrown, cancelling her previous agreement to allow the Germans to pass through their county.
20-31 May 1941. Germany seized Crete with an almost purely Airborne Assault. They suffered such great losses, they never again conducted a major airborne assault.
22 June – December 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Three German Army Groups attacked into the Soviet Union, but were finally stopped just short of Moscow by stiff Soviet resistance, strategic overreach and the winter.
8 November 1942: Operation Torch. Knowing that they are not yet strong enough for a direct assault into Europe, but realizing they must attack somewhere, the Allied Combined Chiefs of Staff decided to attack North Africa to assist the British 8th Army destroy the German/Italian Forces that were fighting in the vicinity of Egypt. At three landing sights, the Allies landed in Morocco and Algeria and quickly defeat the Vichy forces there.
10 November 1942: Germans occupied Southern France and Corsica as the Vichy government began to topple (due to defections in N. Africa).
November 1942 – The allies advanced toward Tunisia to seize critical supply ports. However, the Germans rushed troops into Tunisia from Italy/Sicily and form the 5th Panzer Army. The Germans successfully halted the Allied advance just short of their goal. The British 1st Army was now forced to go on the defense and wait for supplies and reinforcements to arrive from their very long supply lines, as well as wait for better weather. A French and American Corps occupied positions to the south of the main British Corps. In early February, Panzer Army Afrika (Rommel) arrived in Tunisia after being driven from Egypt by the 8th Army.
Rommel proposed that the combined German Armies attack the weak allied right flank to attempt to cut the 1st Br Army from its supply lines prior to the 8th Army’s arrival in force.
Feb 1943. Battle of Kasserine Pass: This battle was a tactical defeat for the Americans, but an operational failure for the Germans who are unable to follow up on their initial success. The 8th Army finally arrived in force and the two German Armies surrendered in May 1943.
With the Allies still unprepared to invade Europe, a decision was made at the Casablanca Conference to attack into Sicily (the decision to invade Italy was made with the success of the Sicilian operation)
10 July 43: 15th Army Group (AG) with the US 7th Army (Patton) and the British 8th Army (Montgomery) invade Sicily (Operation Husky). 505th Parachute Regt (82nd Airborne Division) and 1st British Airborne Division assist.
10 July – 17 August 43: Sicily was conquered. The US 7th Army attacked up the western side of the island, protecting the flank of the British 8th Army that attacked up the eastern side. The Germans were able to evacuate much of their men and equipment.
3 Sept 43: British 8th Army invaded the ‘toe’ of Italy as a diversion (Operation Baytown). The US 5th Army (Clark) then made the Allied main amphibious assault (Operation Avalanche) at Salerno on 9 September, while the 1st British Airborne Division conducted a supporting amphibious assault (Operation Slapstick) at the ‘heel’ of Italy. Salerno was a very difficult operation for the allies, but poor German coordination resulted in a successful invasion.
Just prior to the Salerno invasion, Italy surrendered to the Allies. This was announced during the invasion to create havoc for the Germans. The Germans, however, had anticipated this capitulation and rapidly disarmed the Italian forces.
16 Sept – 8 Oct 43: Movement to the Gustav Line. The British 8th Army linked up with the US 5th Army by 16 Sept and the Germans (under Luftwaffe Field Marshall Kesselring) withdrew to and held the Gustav line by 8 October.
July-Nov 43: After two failed German offensives (Stalingrad in 1942 and Kursk in July 1943), the Soviet Union begin the 1st of their major offensives to push the Germans back to Germany. This offensive occurred along the majority of the eastern front and reached the Dnieper River.
24 December 1943: Montgomery is named the 21st AG commander (the US 1st Army and the British 2nd Army) and the final preparations for the invasion of Europe (Operation Overlord) began.
Fall 1943: With the capture of Foggia in Italy, the US Army Air Force now had two locations to conduct the Strategic Bombing of the German industry and resources. The 8th Air Force had begun limited operations from England in the summer of 1942, and now with the 15th Air Force in Italy (and with the British Bomber command conducting night raids against German moral) the US Strategic bombers conducted large, 1000 bomber raids (with emphasis on transportation and oil production) deep into enemy territory. These initial raids proved to be very costly, but continued through the rest of the war.
22 Jan 1944: After continuously unsuccessful attacks on the Monte Casino and the rest of the Gustav Line, the 15th AG attempted to break the stalemate by conducting another major amphibious landing with the US VI Corps at Anzio (Operation Shingle). While the landing was virtually unopposed, the US Corps Commander, General Lucas, failed to advance. Simultaneously, the drive by the US 5th Army (to link up with VI Corps) failed again to break the Gustav line.
16-19 Feb 44: The Germans counter-attacked the US beachhead, and almost pushed them back to the sea, but ultimately failed. Anzio now turned into a siege until May.
19-25 Feb 44: Bomber Offensive. The US orient on the destruction of the German aircraft industry. The scale and success of the attacks resulted in it being called ‘Big Week’ after the fact.
US Fighter Planes were now able to escort the bombers all the way to their targets and back (due to drop tanks). They (and the heavily defended bombers) destroyed so many German fighter planes, that air superiority was assured for the coming Overlord invasion. The Germans can now only defend their most critical industrial locations.
Jan-Apr 44: Soviet Spring Offensive frees Leningrad from it’s two year siege and pushes into the Ukraine.
11 May – 4 June 44: In attempt to draw German units into the Italian Theater (and thus away from the Overlord Invasion) the 15th AG conducted Operation Diadem and finally broke the Gustav Line. The 5th Army linked up with the VI Corps at Anzio and entered Rome on 4 June (two days prior to Overlord).
6 June 44: Operation Overlord – 3 Airborne Divisions (82nd, 101st and 6th British) landed in Normandy in the early hours, to protect the flanks of the amphibious landing sites.
6 June 44: Operation Overlord – 21st AG landed in Normandy on 5 beachheads: Utah (4th ID), Omaha (1st and 29th ID), Gold (50th British ID), Juno, (3rd Canadian ID) and Sword (3rd British ID).
Allied air forces successfully conducted strikes which slowed and even prevented German reinforcements from arriving at the Normandy beachheads.
June-Oct 44: After the fall of Rome, the 15th AG was able to push the Germans north on the Italian Peninsula. They quickly break the German Gothic line but cannot push much further and the opposing forces settled into a static line for the winter/spring of 44/45.
25 July 1944. Operation Cobra. After an immense buildup of forces and the slow expansion of the allied beachhead, the US 8th and 9th Air forces (strategic and tactical) conduct a concentrated ‘carpet bombing’ mission which assisted in the breakout attack of the US 1st Army through the very difficult bocage countryside.
1 August 44: With this breakout, the US 12th Army Group (Bradley) was formed – US 1st Army (Hodges) and US 3rd Army (Patton).
1-25 August 44: Patton’s 3rd Army poured through and exploits the breakout created by Operation Cobra and attacked in two directions – Brittany and the Seine River. With this rapid movement, the German 7th and 5th Panzer Armies are almost cut off, but escape with a large portion of their men (but not equipment) at the Falaise Gap when the Canadian 1st Army failed to rapidly link up with the US 3rd Army. Paris was liberated on 25 August.
15 August 44: Operation Anvil (Dragoon) – US 7th Army landed in Southern France in support of the attack in Normandy.
June-August 44: The Soviets crush the German Army Group Center and reach the outskirts of Warsaw.
25 August – 15 September 44: Eisenhower takes over direct control of the ground battle from Montgomery (1 September) and the 21st and 12th Army Groups attacked along a ‘Broad Front’ toward the Rhine River. The 12th Army Group linked up the newly formed 6th AG (Devers) which contained the US 7th and French 1st Armies. Also, the 9th Army (Simpson) is formed in 5 September and clears the rest of Brittany (The port of Brest). General Clark became the 15th AG commander in October.
Operation Market-Garden: 21st AG’s attempt to rapidly cross many rivers/canals in the Netherlands (2 part operation)
17 Sept 44: Operation Market - 101st, 82nd, and 1st British Airborne divisions are dropped to capture a series of bridges located between Arnhem and the British front lines.
17-20 September 44: Operation Garden - British XXX Corps attacks to link up with the Airborne (ABN) units and cross the captured bridges. The XXX Corps is finally stopped after it links up with the US 82nd ABN just short of the British 1st ABN at Arnhem. Only 2,200 of that surrounded division escaped back to British lines.
August – December 44: Soviet offensive to clear the Balkans. Romania and Bulgaria surrender and join the Allies.
Nov 8 – 15 Dec 44: Eisenhower shifted the Main Effort to the 12 AG. Both the 3rd and 7th Armies attacked to the German “West Wall”. This was also the time that 1st Army fights the costly battle of the Hurtgen Forrest. The 9th Army, initially paced between 1st and 3rd Armies, was moved to the 12 AG’s northern boundary. Bradley, anticipating a future transfer of forces to Montgomery, made the shift as he did not want to lose his veteran Army.
Ardennes Offensive (Operation Watch on the Rhine) The Germans massed the 6th SS Panzer, 5th Panzer and 7th Armies for a final counter-attack against the Western Allies. Hitler planned to split the US from the British at the lightest defended portion of the American line – the Ardennes (the same location that they concentrated their panzer forces to defeat the French in 1940). This attack would then continue to the coast and capture the critical supply port of Antwerp. This would become known as the Battle of the Bulge.
15-24 Dec 44: Battle of the Bulge (1) - Germany attacked and created a ‘bulge’ in the allied line.
As the 1st and 9th Armies are cut off from the 12th AG (due to the ‘bulge’), command of these two armies shift to the 21st AG.
20-21 Dec 44: 3rd Army displaced from its front lines and reoriented to attack into the southern portion of the ‘bulge’. Patton began his attack on 22 December.
26 Dec – 7 Feb 45: Battle of the Bulge (2) - the 12th and 21st AGs pushed the Germans back to their start line.
Jan – Apr 45: The Soviets pushed to the Oder river in the north, followed by attacks in Hungry and Austria in the south.
22 Feb – 21 March: Rhineland Campaign. All Army Groups pushed forward to the Rhine River. By chance, the US 1st Army was able to capture a bridge still intact on 7 March at Remagen and created an unexpected bridgehead on the east side of the Rhine River. (The 1st Army was returned to 12 AG after the Battle of the Bulge)
22 & 23 March: The US 3rd and British 2nd Armies conducted river crossings of the Rhine.
28 March – 7 May: Attack and occupation of Germany. The German Army Group B (Model) is captured in the Rhur Pocket. The 15th AG made a final push to capture the rest of Italy and the US 5th and 7th Armies linked up on 4 May.
15 Apr – 6 May: Soviets attacked into Eastern Germany and captured Berlin. Hitler committed suicide on 30 April and the Germans surrendered on 7 May.
I'm all in favor of events that deal with things that are out of control for the player, but I was never a fan of RtW's historical events that restricted a player's actions for the sake of historical realism. If that's to be included, I would say that it should be able to be turned on or off like RtW.

But I think one of the big problems with RtW is that when you turn off historical events, then it's completely open. I mean, you get the Low Countries declaring war on France. Poland is giving Open Borders to the Soviets... all sorts of madness. All the old hatreds and mistrusts, the long-standing friendships and common ground, that should still be in there. Players should be able to have the predictable dynamics of 1930s Europe with the ability to make their own decisions when they want to make them.
Players should be able to have the predictable dynamics of 1930s Europe with the ability to make their own decisions when they want to make them.
One of the things I would like to experiment with is "Attitude" to another player option in the World Builder. That may fix it. I have this on my develoment path for my modification to RTW.
Attitude fixes it partially, but didn't prevent from starting wars. For example Canada slightly dislikes Spain, and bang there's war :).

In my games (Soviet Union) I was attacked by USA (tough the attitude was slightly minus, but it's hard to like bolshevizm).


In normal game Montezuma or Chyngis Khan could love you and start war next turn.

But maybe making leaders less likely to start war with attitude annoyed, and impossible for cautious, pleased friendly it could do the trick LH.xml is one of the most important things to check before relasing new patch.

BTW I managed to update Events with Images to 3.19 (and even adjusted to own needs so the image size is 360x240 - my first working SDK change :) )

It's how I would like it to look:
Modern photo
turned with vintage action to the old photography with borders (maybe i should make the borders a little bit darker)
Wouldn't Always War/Peace resolve the issue?

Excellent observation JEELEN. The scenario/WBS file can restrict who cannot go to war with each other. Its fairly realistic to see Canada/UK/USA/France/Poland as having mutual "AlwaysPeace" between them.
I have made a partial list of events/quests that could be implemented in this mod :

Quests :

- Germany :

Spoiler :
- Invade Poland and France
- Conquer Moscow, Stalingrad, Caucusus Oil fields
- Conquer Engeland :) or make peace with British empire and it's vassals (Canada, Australia, New Zeland, etc)
- Nuke (New York if at war with)

Reward : Being allowed to build the Volkshalle in Berlin

PS : The "Facist Shrine" building would be "Nuremberg Rallies"

- England :

Spoiler :
- Conquer Germany
- Reduce Italian african colonies to zero
- Own 50% of world land mass

Reward : ?

- Soviet Union :

Spoiler :
- Let Germany conquer europe and come in as a liberator afterwards.
- Conquer Japanese controled Manchuria
- Spread and Support Communism Worldwide (Ex: through activist, donating military units to friendly civs like Mao's Communist China, etc)

Reward : Being allowed to build the "Palace of the Soviet" in Moscow

- Japan :

Spoiler :
- Conquer all Dutch, British and Australian colonies in the Pacific Theater of Operations (Asia for Asiatics !!)
- Conquer all US possessions in the Pacific (including Midway, Hawaii, Alaska, etc)
- Sink a certain amount of US Naval ships by a certain date

Reward : ?

- United States :

Spoiler :
- Neutralize Japanese Aggression in the Far East
- Prevent South America rubber farms from being infiltrated or occupied by Axis powers
- Spread Corporations who have HQ in mainland US on a world wide scale

Reward : ?


Events :

- Damaged american bomber land in russia :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : Soviet Union

Requirements :

- US at war with Japan
- US occupy Saipan
- US possess Adv. bomber tech

Situation : Soviets leaders faced with a decision :

- Return the airplanes and their crews (+3 Diplomatic points)
- Keep the airplanes but return their crews (give 75% of tech points required for adv.bomber tech)
- Keep the airplanes and their crews (give 75% of tech points required for adv.bomber tech, can backfire diplomaticly if the US learns of the inprisionment of their crews)

Source : Time index : 4:45 at

- British try to score points with the Soviets :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : British Empire

Requirements :

- Germany fully occupied
- British discovered the jet turbine tech
- Soviet Union has not discovered the jet turbine tech
- British and Soviet Union at peace

Situation : British are trying to have good relations with the Soviets by either :

- Giving the turbine engine for the future MiG 15 (Source : time index 8:05
- Amount of money to rebuilding war ravaged eastern europe

- Allies find a German U-boat filled with goodies :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : British Empire / USA

Requirements :

- Germany fully occupied
- Germany discovered Adv. Submarines, Atomic Bomb and Jet Engine
- The civilization concerned has not discovered Adv. Submarines, Atomic Bomb and Jet Engine
- Japan were allies with Germany and Japan is not conquered yet

Situation : On the last days of the war in Europe, Brits/USA capture an U-boat

- Sink those damn Nazis without mercy !!
- Capture and investigate the boat (the boat is packed with equipment, raw materials, documents and specialists on their way to Japan in hope of helping them win the war)

Source :

- German rocket scientists being picky about their next employers :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : USA

Requirements :

- Germany fully occupied
- Germany discovered "Missiles" tech
- USA has not discovered "Missiles" tech

Situation : At the end of the war in Europe German rocket scientists remain hidden until their prefered nation shows up to surrender to them. (Their rocket program objectives being the most ambitious)

- Those SS bastards ! Make them pay for the jewish slave labor they used in building their weapons and research. (+1 happiness in doing the right thing)
- Sweep the crimes under the rug, bring the scientist to the US and make them continue their work there. (Give free "Missile" tech + 30-50% or "Nuclear Warhead" tech)

Source :

- Leading German official lands in enemy territory :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : British Empire

Requirements :

- Germany occupies northen France and attack Britain
- Most of British's ground army is destroyed

Situation : While things look dire for the British on the eve of the battle for Britain, a high ranking nazi official lands in northern england

- Have him interrogated ! (Find nothing usefull cause he's a nut)

Source : 6 part documentary at

- Aircraft carring secret battle plans crashes in enemy territory :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : British Empire/France

Requirements :

- France and Britain at war with Germany

Situation : German airplane with the battle plans for the campaign in France crashed during a courrier mission in enemy territory

- Gives a 3 turn view (like when having a spy in it while everything else around is in foggy black) of the 4 German cities that closest to France

Source : Lost Victories, Mannstein, E. Zenith Press, 2004 softcover, chap. 5

- Germany has been completly conquered :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : Which ever power who controls Nuremberg city

Requirements :

- All German cities are occupied by non-german Civs

Situation : nazi Germany is destroyed and the Allies feel that their leadership should be punished for the war crimes

- Trial all the leadership (+1 happiness in a certain radius from Nuremberg, reduction of population)
- In war the law falls silent (+1 Unhappiness in a certain radius from Nuremberg)

- Moscow as fallen :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : Germany

Requirements :

- Germany conquers Moscow

Situation : Moscow has fallen and German leadership is face with a decision :

- Turn the city into a huge water basin (Source : discovery channel's "Battlefield : Russia" episode, time index : 1h42 and 50 seconds)
- Get rid of the remaining Communists and redecorate German style (Keep the city as it is)

- England has fallen to Germany :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : Germany

Requirements :

- Germany at war with England
- All cities in England are occupied by Axis powers

Situation : British Empire's mainland has fallen and Germany is faced with a decision :

- Send all men between 17 and 45 to european mainland to make them work in German industries (+5 hammer to all German city and reduce the population by 50% on the island; Source : If Britain had fallen, Longmate, N.; Greenhill Books, 2004, chapter 14 : Deported, p.186)
- Hand out the british cottages to the high leadership of the Germans (+1 happiness)

PS : At this point, India should have a few cities in revolt, Canada should be close to becoming an US vassal, etc

- The enemy as massacred some of our civilians ! :

Spoiler :
Civilization concerned : Any civ

Requirements :

- Being at war against either Germany, Soviet Union, Japan or Italy mostly

Situation : The enemy as massacred our civilians !

- We will avenge our brothers !! (All unit receive 10% strength increase)


More to come later when my memory will recollect something usefull.
BTW I managed to update Events with Images to 3.19 (and even adjusted to own needs so the image size is 360x240 - my first working SDK change :) )

It's a shameless plug, I know, but my Mod Helper modcomp expands upon the Events w/ Images to let modders have an unlimited number of random images AND sounds appear for different events. I think the original Events w/ Images only allows one image.

Excellent observation JEELEN. The scenario/WBS file can restrict who cannot go to war with each other. Its fairly realistic to see Canada/UK/USA/France/Poland as having mutual "AlwaysPeace" between them.

Or, alternatively, with a bit of python work, you can determine if a player can declare war on another player in the "canDeclareWar" python method. This would be better I think because it could restrict the AI's from declaring war on the wrong people, but allow the human players to make their own decisions. Always War/Peace applies to everyone.

Also, it could be interesting because it could allow the AI to declare war under particular circumstances. Let's say the UK adopts Fascism. Maybe the USA should be able to declare war then? Just saying, I think using the python method to set different conditions would be better than a blanket restriction.
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